Syrian Army Eliminates Several ISIS Fighters During Combing Operation In Al-Safa

On December 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) eliminated three ISIS fighters during an ongoing combing operation in the area of al-Safa, which is located in the area between the northern al-Suwayda countryside and the Damascus desert.

Syrian Army Eliminates Several ISIS Fighters During Combing Operation In Al-Safa

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A source in the SAA’s 1st Division, which is currently deployed in al-Safa, told SouthFront that a few number of ISIS fighters are still hiding in al-Safa to this day. According to the source, most of these fighters are out of ammo and have lost contact with their leadership.

The SAA liberated al-Safa on November 17 after more than two months of fierce clashes with ISIS cells. Then, the army launched a combing operation to neutralize all the remaining assets of the terrorist group.

Two weeks ago, the Russian media outlet, Rusvesna, released a video showing SAA soldiers uncovering several U.S. supplied weapons, including a TOW anti-tank guided missile (ATGM), in the course of the combing operation.

The SAA will likely launch a large-scale military operation against ISIS cells in the Damascus desert once al-Safa is fully secured.

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R Trojson

This Russian propaganda just keeps getting better and better. Now after declaring victory on November 17, almost one month later they are still stumbling over ISIS fighters that are out of ammo. They had al Safa ISIS completely surrounded on a little spit of land for almost a year. Those pictures of dead fighters are obviously staged in response to questions asked right here on SF… show us the bodies, wounded, captured after your great victory before you run back to Damascus with your tail between your legs. Now they need to cover for the fact that ISIS has returned to al Safa, that is if they ever left in the first place.

There are only 2 possibilities here either they are lying or they are completely incompetent.

Hasbara Hunter

You are talking bullshit boy….you are a Liar….just like the ones that have sent you here….go get your $hekels…tell Hell Aviv & Washington to stop sending New ISIS-Al-Qaeda Mercenaries….and let them stop bombing the SAA who are busy Exterminating those AngloZioNazi-Headchoppers

R Trojson

So if I am a liar please tell me which one of my facts is wrong:
1. They declared victory over al Safa ISIS on November 17th.
2. Almost one month later they are still finding ISIS fighters who are out of ammo in al Safa. Which by the way is a little spit of land.
3. ISIS is back in al Safa or they never left.
4. There were not bodies, wounded and captives after their great victory over ISIS in al Safa.

Hasbara Hunter

This story goes for USrael….they are the Terrorist-Breeders….no Worries the SAA, Russia, Iran & Hezbollah (even China has sent some special forces)….Together they will Exterminate every single AngloZioNazi-Headchopping ISIS-Al-Qaeda-Rat hidin’ in the Desert….USrael is Finished…the Game already played…so I do not understand why you are still desperately trying to sell your Bullshit….USrael & their NATO-Lapdogs should get the fuck out of Syria…..& the rest of the Middle East…


Why don’t you go show them how to do it? It’s nice you run your mouth from your warm, safe kitchen table but the Syrians could really use your expertise in direct and practical way.

R Trojson

They had al Safa ISIS surrounded for almost a year. Then they resupplied ISIS with at least 4 truckloads of food, ammo, drugs, arms, … Then they stopped fighting al Safa ISIS claiming bad weather. Then they let al Safa ISIS go.. just let them leave.

They do not need my expertise since their actions show they are one with ISIS… ISIS works for them.

Hasbara Hunter

You always tell the same old bullshit-story what do you think you are going to accomplish?


I’m not clear whom you are referring to when you say “they.” The Syrians have wisely followed a strategy of dealing with the greatest threats first and bypassing or containing smaller enemy forces is sensible. Now the US threatens to bomb them if they clean out Idlib. Not giving the US an excuse to intervene (more) is also wise.

The US most definitely talks about opposing ISIS and, in my view, occasionally goes through the motions of attacking the occasional ISIS position but the reality is that of cooperation. ISIS areas mysteriously survive untouched. The US is hyper about protecting Idlib which has plenty of ISIS scum in it but the ISIS areas near the Iraqi border in the east just live on and on and on. Our satellites just can NOT find them.

Hasbara Hunter

The United States & IsraHell need Idlib as a Buffer & Excuse to stay in Eastern Syria….once Idlib Falls the U.S. has to leave…

You can call me Al

“The SAA will likely launch a large-scale military operation against ISIS cells in the Damascus desert once al-Safa is fully secured.”…………….. hey I said that, now it is 3 rights, 123 wrongs, but I am closing the gap.