Syrian Army Conducts Live-Fire Drills Near U.S Millitary Base In Al-Tanaf (Photos, Video)

Several units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has conducted live-fire drills near a key U.S. military base in southeastern Syria, the RT TV reported on March 14.

According to the Russian channel, the drills took place 20km northwest of the US-occupied 55km zone around the town of al-Tanaf. The US-led coalition and its proxies maintains a large base in the town, blocking Baghdad-Damascus highway.

Several photos released by the Ministry of Defense of Russia show infantry units, main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and self-propelled artillery participating in the drills. Several warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) also took part.

RT said that the drills were designed to maintain the SAA’s combat capability. However, the drills can be also considered a warning to U.S. forces occupying al-Tanaf.

U.S. troops were supposed to withdraw from al-Tanaf as a part of the pullout from Syria. However, President Donald Trump’s u-turn allowed the Pentagon to keep 200 personnel there. This led to much anger from Damascus, especially that the al-Tanaf base is besieging more than 40,000 civilians in the nearby al-Rukban camp.


Syrian Army Conducts Live-Fire Drills Near U.S Millitary Base In Al-Tanaf (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Conducts Live-Fire Drills Near U.S Millitary Base In Al-Tanaf (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Conducts Live-Fire Drills Near U.S Millitary Base In Al-Tanaf (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Conducts Live-Fire Drills Near U.S Millitary Base In Al-Tanaf (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Conducts Live-Fire Drills Near U.S Millitary Base In Al-Tanaf (Photos, Video)

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I don’t wanna be delisional but in my opinion mr. Assad is too confident in SAA strength, must be the same reason the “civil war” was successful at the start. A russian person i talked with that served as air bombardment signaler in Syria told me that many SAA troops demobilized and the remaining ones are special forces, i am scared this with the fact they are not too professional could let to escalations from SDF(ISISv2) and HTS/FSA that are being armed both by muricans and turks. Assad has to remember not to turn the guard off when dealing with professional killers such as zionists.


There is a problem: the most people here don’t really understand how incompetent the Syrian army can be. We have seen in ghouta and southern Syria.


I think you underestimate the difficulty of ghouta and southern syria. The later especially, I remember many people here were complaining how “incompetent” they are. But just look at the videos. It was a volcanic hell scape. No armor can operate there. Literally everywhere you look was a potential sniper nest.

I think for the relatively low experience and budget, and mostly conscripts, the SAA managed a heroic feat.


Remember how good their offensive in jobar and Daraa was in the summer of 2017? They didn’t do very well and the 4th armored division spearheaded the offensive in jobar and didn’t gain much ground and took a high number of dead and wounded in the process. They Syrian army relies big time on it’s special forces because regular army units are simply not up to the task of offensive operations, not that the militants are anything better.

Hasbara Hunter

I have Great respect for the SAA…the Russians & Iranians….they had to Fight the U.S….the U.K….ISISraHell…the Frogs…Wahhabistan… ZIONATO…the entire Friggin’ West…and all sorts of Western Takfiri Headchoppers… Their Country Bombed to Smithereens…But they Kept Fighting….And Won…Go Syria…Reclaim every inch of your Territory you deserve it! The West are the Incompetent Cockroaches….they haven’t won a Single War for ages…just Killed Millions of Civilians…Worldwide..

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes and Yankees shiting themselves. fucking tiger force whatever you call yourself just go and get rid of the fucking Yankees and there ass liker kurdi bastard .there is no but but anymore go on


With Russian air cover , US forces have no chance at all .. in the area.

Talk about a few puny forces controlling Iranian influence. What a bull.

Joe Kerr

S-300/400 would come in handy.

Hasbara Hunter

Keep the Pressure on it….Slowly but Surely working towards One United Syria under One Flag….Idlib….Golan….a Smaller ISISraHell….

Bill Wilson

Yep! They’re in training to keep the pressure on ISIS. The terrain in that section of desert where ISIS is hiding is much different than what they were used to in eastern Suwayda. There it was hilly with rocky terrain with dry wadis and ravines where ISIS could move unseen. Out there by al Tanf it’s flat featureless ground for miles around with a surface that wheeled vehicles can drive across with ease. That also means that those can be seen from a good distance away so can be hit by cannon and heavy machine gun fire.

Hasbara Hunter

Resistance in the U.S. is growing too…the Traitors in Washington are in a sticky Wicket at the Moment…they need a War somewhere…in a Desperate attempt to safe their Petro-Dollar & the Fed…

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

SAA attacking US or other NATO would be a massive mistake; giving NATO every excuse they need to start massive bombardments with an Israeli push through the Golans and SDF from the east and boom, Iraq v2.

Assad should focus on finishing the Idlib pocket with a focused and overwhelming force with decisive Russian airpower supporting him.

I think that right before Assad is ready to squeeze out the Idlib pocket, Israel, the west and SDF will step up their attempt to lure Assad into attacking them, lets just hope that Assad have the disciplin and military knowledge to “ignore ” them.


Send farmers and farm equipment with construction workers and well drillers right up to the US lines encroaching into their territory. Use peaceful pressure to push the US out.

Xoli Xoli

USA is undermining Syrian sovereignty under UN watchful eyes.