On October 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies stormed the western entrance of al-Qaryatayn town in the eastern Homs countryside, according to Syrian opposition sources. The sources added that the SAA shelled ISIS positions inside the town with mortars before launching its attack.
Earlier Syrian pro-government sources said that the SAA encircled al-Qaryatayn town. Moreover, Syrian warplanes conducted dozens of reconnaissance sorties over it, according to the sources.
Locals who were able to escape from al-Qaryatayn town said that the Syrian government cut and jammed all sorts of communications inside the town. This explains why the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq didn’t publish any updates from the town so far.
Locals also revealed that ISIS fighters and supporters in al-Qaryatayn arrested 6 pro-SAA civilians after capturing the town on September 29. The 6 civilians were likely executed later by ISIS fighters.
Meanwhile, SAA soldiers who withdrew from the town told South Front that a majority of civilians in the town welcomed ISIS cells, and even joined ISIS fighters in the street to support them. The SAA decided to withdraw from the town to avoid harming civilians.
The SAA will likely recapture the al-Qaryatayn in the nearest future. SAA soldiers said that there are only few dozens of poorly armed ISIS fighters inside the town. According to the soldiers, ISIS was able to capture the town only because the SAA had withdrawn from it.
The SAA decided to withdraw from the town to avoid harming civilians. – this statement clearly shows how superheroes work .. kudos to them for putting civilians first …. unlike the war criminal yankees
They see the hostile civilians still as civilians. It’s their own country and they care about it, unlike foreign mercenaries and specially US-NATO who “are willing to accept the price” of murdering civilians, children and elderly as “collateral damage” and later say “it’s worth it”.
When ISIS/ISIS Sympathizer’s attempt to shoot down a NATO helicopter, carrying the Defense Secretary on September 26, 2017, that is a direct act of terror. As far a Senior’s, some senior do not have the capability to be rehabilitated, here in the United Stated, and in accordance to our Judicial System, and the Military (Tribunals) such offenders are known as Habitual Offenders, even drug offenders previously changed legislation to the three strikes law.
There is a song your comment reminds me of :
Always look on the bright side…..
You have just thought up, compliments, the only way this clusterf**k can be presented in a positive way. Congrats.
Kill all those terrorist supporters or arrest them
Kill them.
Yep, not sure how else your going to sift them out if its true basically the whole town joined Isis.
I would like to see this infamous “Father of all bombs tested” – maybe that is why the SAA withdrew; well I hope so anyway.
This is miserable. SAA can’t hold town so deep in it’s controlled teritorries.
i have lost all trusts in saa after lose of palmyra.
you never had any. you just pander to yank asses.
whitecock, the allknower…
Solomon the all swallower of Zionist baby gravy
And you base this on ………???????
Stupid BS imo.
Another swallower
Solomon ….where is your temple ? Oh I forgot it …. it was burned down to ashes by Romans !!!! lol
i am atheist
Hasbara is what you are doing here.
i am discussing
and you, little hater are attacking
You are all Hebrew atheists in USA.
today i was alredy rumanian, ukrainina. now america. nice :))
You are just a faggot
yup yup
Finally you start shutting up…
yup yup
the right word is “know-it-all” : )
there is a big freedom for creaing of new words. each language is living
Tough situation… How are you supposed to counter Wahabi brainwashing?
This is also the reason why russians don’t want too many of their troops in there, people tend to protect what is closer to them by blood, even if russians would engage with many troops and free Syria, years later they could turn the story around and tell that they were the aggressors that killed muslims.
exactly so
and yanks have no fear. this is the difference between russian sleeping brown bear and american active grizzly.
Solomon. you are right.
Oh, but they are, you don’t see them massively sending in troops like back in 2001 and 2003, american people are tired of wars, that’s why they have chosen Trump with his bs promisses, they won’t risk starting a big invasion, that could backfire back at home, that’s why they use proxies instead.
The “peaceful” grizzly, who only dares to attack weak countries. They never dared show their face in Libya when Qaddafi had weapons. Now the active grizzly is active lying to Kim. The grizzly is a coward back-stabber. No respect for the grizzly.
thes destroyes gaddafis weapons.
Yanks are the real cowards … They are using YPG to fight their proxy war for them .. before that it was the FSA or better described as the MOderate head chopper … you know what I mean … American Soldiers never engage with their enemy on the grounds … They instead use air strikes on enemy and the civilians together to fight …look at the civilian casualties in Mosul or Raqqah .. In Mosul HUMAN RIGHTS have estimated that US air strikes have killed abt. 30 000 civilian casualties …
You are a Hasbara Troll !!!!You better start posting somewhere else, here in South front we all know you.
i dont know, what does mean hasbara, little moslem animal
I am Christian Orthodox.Bullshit on your atheist grave.
thus you believe in fairy figures :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
And you believe in dollars ,you filthy faggot.
i believe i myself, little child
lol.You are a child.You have minecraft for your avatar pic. And you still learning how to write «i believe i myself, little child»lol.
I am sure you haven’t even gone to the army to serve your country yet .
yup yup yup
Meanwhile, SAA soldiers who withdrew from the town told South
Front that a majority of civilians in the town welcomed ISIS cells, and
even joined ISIS fighters in the street to support them.
this can be also lie to mask the cowardful retreat od saa junks.
Sounds like something you would do ?
i would say: retreat hell!
he says he was an officer in warsaw pact while speaks like a fat israeli 8 years old getting excited at other peoples suffering
Solomon, So how can you explain why there is no fierce ISIS resistance against SDF in deir ez Zour meanwhile ISIS are doing everything to stop the SAA? Fair enough the SAA are bunch of amateurs but so are SDF.
Black Raleigh, so, how can you explain thet there was no fierce resistance against SAA in aleppo countryside (Deir Hafer ISIS gave up without 1 shoot), raqqa countryside?
The answer is simply. ISI has not enough manpower. on east bank of euphrates they fought in raqqa against kurds and in west bank will fight against SAA in deir ez zor countryside.
You keep on eating all the bullshit west media feeds you.
i see only shit in your mouth
Shit on your atheist Hebrew grave
you are typical russian. primitiv, wodkadrunker. fucked by misha bear. :DD
When you come to Greece for holidays,come visit me.I would really like to give you a lesson the Greek way….you little atheist faggot!!!
kalimera! when the bear misha fucks you, you shout: put in, put in, putiiiiin! vladimir putiiiiin! :DDDD
Up your ass.
no no, misha likes your type :) he likes also blowjob and knows, you will swallow :DDDD
For putting civilans lives first wow so should the SAA do the Saudi’s in Yemen and just kill and bomb them all like wtf :/
anti isis civilians left the city. the rest is pro isis.
The bravest soldiers in the world. .congratulations in your desire to kill western backed terrorist’s
Shitty soldiers gotten taken with their pants down.
It was an attack by sleeper cells.
Wth were those soldiers doing?
Sleeping too?
And why would a number of sleeping cells, normally poorly armed, be able to take a city with a garrison?
They are almost as bad as the Iraqis that gave over Mosul to IS in 2014, when they had 80.000 soldiers including two armoured divisions and IS had 1.500 men on trucks.
ya ya, cheer while you still can.
According to Peshmerga, ISIS soldiers were up to 200.000.
So my earlier and denied reports of IS storming and taking Qaratayn are correct after all and SAA has been lying in stating the attack was repelled.
SAA is a completely lying fake military that have some crack troops but are, for the rest, second grade or below.
They can only survive thanks to RuAf intervention and the 70k+ foreign mercenaries they imported while Assad has been busy giving his country, illegally, away to Turkey, Russia and soon Iran.
Really pityful.
Stupid commenters here faking about “the superheroes” etc. All fake nonsense.
Sure, other islamist rebels and isis are local Syrians, none of them are from north Afrika, Turkey, gulf states, Pakistan, chechnia, Turkistan etc. And the islamist rebels never got ATGMs or any other advance weaponry from Saudi, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, the USA and SDF have no advance weapons from Germany and the USA and no air support from the coalition. If you deny these with evidence then we can say that Assad got support from the Russians and Iran unfairly. The only thing that I agree with you is the SAA is bunch of amateurs who cannot fight with these Islamic barbarians.
They are gentle soldiers and are careful not to be seen as being heavy handed right now, these were known local ISIS who had been in the region and the citizens were duped by all those fake ISIS claims of victory. The agreement they signed now makes them enemy combatants and they can be arrested and charged with sedition and treason.
Just a matter of time before all of Syria is reunited and free from western dirt. A new beautiful summer is coming for Syria and a very bad winter for Israel ( Stolen land of Palestine) and the US. The filth of humanity (western funded terrorists and their backers) are being driven back into the cess pit they came from. A new and beautiful day is dawning for Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Gaza . . . for Israel and US, just like Vietnam . . . a bloody sunset, something they deserve for their cruelty and torture towards their fellow man. I wish no harm to the innocent people of any land, only to the pigs of greed and war–Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Thacher, Netanyahu, Blair . . . those kind of mass murderers. God bless all peace loving people . . . and be damned with the bloodsuckers.
That is indicative of the grass roots support for the Caliphate, the reason it won’t depart the scene is because of our modern priorities concerning freedom of choices that is not supported by my Salafist Brothers or other such groups as the CIA Mossad israel and the Trump Democrat Cartel, fighting for Allah gets lumped into these categories, by people who have no understanding of what they are doing, but that is understandable since freedom of choices is largely a mythical or anecdotal story invented to keep the plebs in boxes of opiate nonsense I’m referring to the high mindedness that makes up a mortal injunction for a very complex social order to observe and they the architects themselves to ignore which is in fact a normal Civil Society put into place by the force of arms, and modified or genocided by the same jurisdiction.
Why the people love the Caliphate is because they think the Mahdi is about to return, but how can I when Assad is blocking my passage, also I am buying another car next week for my family in W.A it’s a really good buy and a 7 seater for all the little kids they got, so if Assad wants me over there after next week he’ll likely have to pay my fare.
Very good to know that Russia provided SAA with EW capability.
altogether with this EW capability SAA lost the city :(
While the article says SAA will likely retake the village.city soon, fact of the matter is that IS won today, SAA retreated and IS is now taking the surrounding hills, gaining better positions.
People of the town are reported to have, at least partly, supported IS.
This is bad, very bad. Awful.
How is this possible from the inside in a city taken a year ago?
No intel, no vigilance, fourth rate holding forces, plane stupidness?
What is more worrysome, or should be to both SAA and Assad, is how many more towns are vulcanoes waiting to erupt?
Yes, this is a complicated situation. However, if civilian support ISIS, these civilians must be arrested and must be judged, and ISIS must be send with Alah for the,m to ejoy their 75 virgins.
Every time the Saa gains huge momentum with sky high morale, a big loss like this happens. How is Isis getting such good intelligence?
capture alived all terrorist isis and jail them in septic tank with full of human shit…
let them dead because poisond by carbon monoxide and amoniac..
civilians against saa ,sided with isis?never heard of such thing until now