Syrian Army Clashes With US-Backed Forces Around Al-Tanaf Base

Syrian Army Clashes With US-Backed Forces Around Al-Tanaf Base

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At the late hours of December 13, heavy clashes broke out between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the US-backed Revolutionary Commando Army near the US-led coalition base in the border area of al-Tanaf.

A military source told the pro-government al-Masdar News blog that the SAA killed at least three fighters of the US-backed group and suffered no casualties. However, the source didn’t clarify the reason behind the clashes.

From its side, the Revolutionary Commando Army claimed in an official statement that its fighters repelled an attack by the SAA on the al-Tanaf base without providing any further details.

“The Maghaweir Thowra [Arabic name of the Revolutionary Commando Army] is backed by the full force of the coalition and is ready to protect itself with the 55K against any and all perceived threats,” the group’s statement reads.

Many local observers doubted the Revolutionary Commando Army’s claims, because the US-led coalition usually carries out airstrikes on SAA troops if they approach the 55km de-escalation zone around the base. This time no airstrikes were reported.

A day earlier, Syrian pro-government activists revealed that Russian forces had established a base right on the 55km de-escalation zone line around the al-Tanaf base. The US-backed group may have been attacked when it attempted to approach the new Russian base.

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Kick the US fuckers out off Al Tanf, they’ve got it coming.

Jens Holm

I see nothing comming. It tryed once or twice but so far are stopped


It looks like the next phase of the war, to get the US out of Syria, and shut down the Jew partition project has begun. With the reports of S-300s being installed at the Dier Ezzor base. Which almost certainly includes additional systems like Buk and Pantsir. And the report of a Russian base with air defense systems being set up on the perimeter of the Al-Tanf zone. And the reports of the SAA escalating operations against terrorists from the Al-Tanf area. It all adds up to the push has begun to get the US out. And that’s a good thing.

Tudor Miron

Add Erdogan’s pressure on SDF.

Jens Holm

Its heard SDFs will give Erdogan ISIS hair as Christmas present.

Ricky Miller

Who heard? And Erdogan will get ISIS hair, or vice versa? And neither ISIS or President Erdogan are likely to be celebrating Christmas as they are Muslim. I know what you, as a NATO- Danish troll, need for Christmas; the ability to make some sense.


nah -not danish but more likely out of tel aviv or haifa or some other ass-end of the world. the stupidity of his gibberish isn’t even close to anything danish so just a pretend illitterate israeli from haifa or some such place.


It’s a hasbara harassment operation to denigrate the threads and drive readers and commentators away. They can’t debate the expose’ and criticism of Jew filth, crime and evil in a rational manner because it’s all true. So they try to degenerate the forum with stupidity and insanity to destroy it.

Jens Holm

Thats no debate RichardD comming with non sense of the worst kind.

Thats systematic timewasting for Yourself as well as readers and writers in debates.

If thats a Statement of Yours You ceratianly confirm, why there after that much war are people here, which love more of it and not only in Idlib.

More like You are raised to shoot Yourself in the foot as well as provoking other to do damme thing inclding You. And when they do, You even get offended.


More gibberish from a nutter.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, and there we go again. Because I write something You dont understand or dont like, then I change passport too. Thats low crap.

It seemes You dont know Denmark as well too. Thebad thing is not so many comes here. The bad things are, that so many muslims prefare to stay here among christians and sekulars.

Not a word about 12 mio being not at home in Syria as well as why 500.000 so far are dead added for billions of destruction as well as so many 100.000 having lost one leg or bormal thinking.

Well it seemes so many hare are raised to no thingking, and I shall respect any comment saying nothing. Thets the difference from You as well as Denmark and probatly Tell Aviv too.

Jens Holm

Thats he difference betwen many in the world and You. You can some with the worst crap and when any come write same crap, we should respect You because anything crap is in the high level of respect and honeur.

No differende is food and whats comming out from the behind and blocking that. We allhas to respect nonsense crap.

I am even named a lot of things in stead of being showed non crap – if exist.

Bigaess Wangmane

I enjoy skipping over your useless rants, you never have anything factual to say anyway.

Ricky Miller

Again. Nonsensical and non-contributing. Which is your goal, I suspect. Note to onlookers, Jens is a neo-con NATO troll who does not support this crowd funded site or in any way is he or his comments representative of the quality of coverage or conversations you would encounter during regular visits here. Just for clarification.


Change the tin foil on the helmet baby!! :)


I tin foil Kippah perhaps :)

Jens Holm

A kippah is not so bad.

Jews still can see, listen, talk, have eye contact and are protected against sun and coldness.

Jens Holm

Its made, so it protect aginst somebody like You kind of S300 or 400 in Syria and unfortunatly in the same low level

Valerianus Maximus

It’s definite that Russian natural gas will be flowing past Denmark through NordStream 2, thus eroding the domestic value of Danish farts.

Jens Holm

Fine with me. Others neeed it.

Wind and solar cells are cheeper then oil and gas as well as cleaner. Its a matter of level and for the near future. We do need fossiles for many years but all have to lower it for many reasons.

And when people see fuel and cars, I and wee see so many things made into needed plastic products.

Danes in periods are 100% having all electricity and some parts of the heat for building and raising. We are fine and exsport for billions in the wind and heating sectors.


I understand that you will be given two Kippah’s for Christmas Jens.

Jens Holm

We will ask UN to send all muslims one each for next eid and virgin operations for the females. You know — equal rights.

Maybee some men for prostitutes for them too, so they at least know how it co u l d have been.

Muhammad Abbass

Muslims don’t celebrate Christmas, we don’t give each other gifts at this time.

Jens Holm

Well, most people know what Eid is here too.


And the SAA pressure on Erdogan in Afrin…

Jens Holm

And when I come out my hands out of the window and its wet comming in, it raining or someone has urinated on it and probatly a man.

Ricky Miller

More Danish stupidity gibberish.


He’s as mad as a cut snake, but I find his gibberish entertaining at times.

Jens Holm

Very easy. When You send from Your behind, You cant expect golfd for that. You get lira og syrian poinds worth 10 grammes.


“a man” urinated on your hand… ok.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, You are so sober Yourself. If You were a teacher Allah would send all the pupils to heaven right away :)


You’re a moron and a head case. Why don’t you go visit your buddy and fellow head case Solomon Veloraptor permanently?

Valerianus Maximus

He’s just preparing himself for Denmark’s future as a Moslem country.

Jens Holm

We have 7.000 jews here and about 300.000 muslims.

John Wallace

A man urinated on your hand ?? . What ?. No it is the woman you paid for a golden shower .. Course you paid as a woman wouldn’t piss on you for free. A man might on your head for free but no woman would give you a golden shower without a few guilder changing hands .

You can call me Al

For God’s sake John, block the fool.

John Wallace

No it’s alright , everyone is allowed their opinion, even Jens , if whatever he says is an opinion. I haven’t got a clue what the f.. k he is about most of the time . His ramblings are a little too esoteric but we have to have one clown on the thread to keep us amused that such people actually exist.

Jens Holm

Very low windows, where You are…

John Wallace

I am living in the basement Jens which might explain it. The windows are pretty high to me but I guess if you are standing on a ladder .. well they may look low to you.

Jens Holm

Too much crap here.

John Wallace

Jens I think half the problem is as English is not your first language what you are saying is not what you think you are saying. A lot of it doesn’t make much sense and can be interpreted the wrong way. Then people get a bit rude in reply which of course upsets you.. So just take it with a grain of salt ( do not get upset by it )

Jens Holm

Well, the socalled wrong way is a matter of which culture You are from and arabic and turkish is far away from that i many things.

Mine is forst class according to europe as well as USA and danosh also is very close to english.

By that I use a common mix of talking, reading and writing english which is normal here apart from spellings.

You use very limited highschool english meant for Lawyers, doctors and like that. Thats You level.

I never will go back to when I was 14-18 years old and build up, so things in my head should be thinking in arabic or turkish and then translate it into socalled perfect english.

That simply dont cover my world as well as great parts of the western world.

You too often not even have a languge for, what we do and often thongs are totally upside down. We fx have no misted rooms here, girls and vomen can go to school alone, meducate as boys and men, dont have to be covered like most muslims.

They can go home with a boy or man only. They work close together helping each other and all can shake hands saluting each others. Thats normal here and its very strange here, that we sometimes are told, we are the unclean ones feeding muslims, giving them food, giving them roof as well as free school and free medication. We hardly ever has asked so many to come here at all.

Boys and men are not above vomen. Men dont get respect and honeur by being born with a carrot below. We all get that by what we actually do.

Thats what I try to explain.

You also dont understand our economics even we are not collapsed starving in the streets by it. You dont understand only 20% of our companies are family owned and we are paid for, what we do and not by family realtions and gender.

And You are not even allowed to understand, how we are. I see it every day. We have bad sides as well, and You are only shown then. You are not allowed to know our economic as well as military capasity.

And You even blaming eaxh other all the times by new constructed hostory based on nationalistic fanatism. And when some like me try to tell things are and were never like that – then I and a few others here are

USA, Westerns, Trolls, Zionists, gays, Nothing strange in, You cant understand, if You are a robot being a kind of selfdetonator knowing more, then You are told.

You even has that knowledge for free by Internet now. You hardly has to buy books, use a library or buy foreign newspapers.


Are you going think it’s funny when the US base folds in Al-Tanf?

Jens Holm

No. I many times has told what its goodm bad and in the middle for.

My comments are military and political and not hooligan infected.


Little Danish bob with your non-existed armed forces, go play with some legos better because you know nothing of world politics.

Jens Holm

I am not proud of it, but danish F16s actually killed 80 SAAs at DEZ.

At the dirty places of ME, we for the moment only have 220 soldiers in different jobs.

And yes, we are small, but we are not alone. Thise are in Iraq working well for Bagdads.

Concrete Mike

Nice of you to take blame but it was A10’s that most of the bombing that day, the danes are just covering the the amerinazi.

I beleive russia data before nato data. In regards to syria everything nato says is a lie, from day 1!


Its OK Jens . Its just your new boyfriend practising his Golden Rain technique for when he pisses all over you later :)

Jens Holm

You dont get the point.When people send crap, I allow me to do the same.


Just the beginning around there, if the news about the Russian base is true. They could have established it a while ago. Putting it there now, when the US efforts are foundering, is perfect timing for maximum effect. Russia came into Syria with a very good game plan and they don’t sit still. They absolutely rope a doped the US in Al-Tanf, letting them think that they really had hold over that area. First they isolated it, now they are applying direct pressure. It has been amazing to witness the process unfold. My take, I wish well to all.

Tudor Miron

You nailed it – watching process rather than “current states” is much more productive.

Jim Prendergast

They could call the U.S. base Camp George Foreman.

Valerianus Maximus

Yes, because the 55-kilometer “de-escalation zone” up til now has actually been a playground for the Yankistanis. Now they will be forced to sit in their base and jack off to porn.


I agree, the coalition base there is pretty much out of the hunt. I was thinking yesterday, about how many ways the base is hemmed in now. It really can’t function. Movement, communications, origin of fire and how much toilet paper they do or do not have there, is no going into full view. If Russia really wants to put the clamps on Al-Tanf, they have been complaining more intensely about it recently, then that place it going to a mess for the US to utilize. I really do think they are going after it now. It’s in the strangulation phase of removal. My take Maximus. I wish well to you.

Ricky Miller

Wow. Somebody in the SAA took their vitamins this morning. Or, Russia gave them the green light to interdict vehicular traffic inside the 55 but out in front of their positions. It’s risky on their own but with Russian air defenses and Iskanders at their back a far more confident action. Looking forward to seeing tomorrow’s news regarding this.

You can call me Al

The thing was, it was not inside the 55 Km zone, but outside.

Ricky Miller

I thought that too but Liveuamap had someone nearby who mapped it on their tweeter as a junction some 10k inside the zone. But inside, or on the perimeter, or even outside suits me fine, just as long as the USA pet insurgents pay a price for moving around and using up perfectly good oxygen.

You can call me Al

Yeah, ditto.

PS Just looked at Liveuamap, I see what you mean, but the text seems to differ; but who cares.

Jens Holm

Many lines for 3 dead ones.

Ricky Miller

Well you know Jens, you’re either part of the problem or part of the solution. Those three are part of the solution. And you, you’re still part of the problem.

Tudor Miron

Very interesting development even earlier than anticipated.


There were syrian soldiers with the spetsnaz in the recent ambush on the Homs desert, maybe the syrians are creating, with the help of the spetsnaz, their own desert comandos.

Jens Holm

Why not “The new Beduins” and written on their flags “we dont need oil”.

R Trojson

Guess the 300 Russians killed last February is a distant memory in Moscow. Time for Putin to send in more body bags for the next wave.


That number is pure BS put out by MSM trolls like yourself.
Lies created because the Russian election was approaching at the time.
But of course you believe, because you are just an idiot. :)

R Trojson

Reuters does not consult me for their Syrian stories.


Retard Whorson – better find one for yourself soon, your rotten brain is already dead…

R Trojson

Talk to Reuters, I am not in Syria to observe first hand.


Reuters/Goebbels – professional british liars, propagandists and shiteaters….. just like you.

Bigaess Wangmane

Yep, 300 russians killed, not a single photo as proof, no convoy of caskets being brought back in to the Russian Federation for burial, no “families of the deceased” coming out to say anything… you know, it’s almost as if it didn’t happen at all.

But that’s just crazy talk :)

Concrete Mike

Lol reuters as a source?
The same guys that said 200times : russia bmbed last hospital in aleppo??

Nah….thats whack!!!

Ricky Miller

One, the reuters report is old and discredited. A DW report after concluded that the Russian security contractors were late to the fight and killed as they arrived. As in twelve KIA, not 300. Two) These contractors were being paid by the local DEZ tribe to help reclaim tribal lands and were not in any way employed by the Russian government and Three) The U.S. used the deconflict line and asked Russia. The Russian MOD had withdrawn all protection from Wagner in Syria and declined to claim them. That is a far cry from attacking Russian servicemen, protected by flag and air defense. Which is what would happen if the U.S. actually tries to take on somebody capable of fighting back and operating with the protection of air defense. The U.S. is the one who really came up smelling bad out of it; seriously using F22 and Ac130 to attack tribal fighters with no air defenses? I guess that is a step up in military risk from the USA’s usual brave attacks on wedding parties. But please, my little superpower worshipping groupie, do cheer on.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

God I love artillery and their extreme range. The SAA are probably setting up observation points all around the perimeter of the exclusion zone and calling in artillery strikes everytime they spot anything moving and within range. Nearly half that whole exclusion zone will now be in the Russian artillery gunners sights [GPS coordinates], and if anythings spotted I’m sure it won’t last long.
I said 3 days ago they should put a ring of steel around this base even if it did consume a lot of manpower and equipment, but this artillery and AA base, and another 2 soley artillery bases, one to the south and one to the north of Al Tanf would do the trick much better, no need for costly airstrikes unless necessary, they’d also offer support for any troops within range at no extra risk and less cost. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Russians did set up another 2 bases exactly where I just said they should. The more I think about it the better it gets, I wish they had of done this sooner. The problem of Al Tanf is halfway solved, the next part is freeing the refugees, when they’re gone they should just bomb the place with some CW and blame Isis for it.


A good plan after Al Safa area was cleared of ISIS rats, to stop their movements. From maps, looks like SAA and Russia have the height advantage for OPs and fire bases in the area. :)


some part of the planet wouldn’t be safe if you get your hands on nukes! ???

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes I’m afraid you’re right, there are at least 2 spots on this earth I could possibly nuke, maybe 3, but only with small tactical nukes, not with big strategic payloads, and this place would be one of them. If you were there and I was in command, you’d die for sure, and I wouldn’t even feel the least bit sorry for you either, or any guilt, just be happy you were gone and none of your friends could ever return to this spot for another hundred years or more.
Wiping out this US base and all it’s terrorists with CW or nukes would be easier than swatting a fly for me, I don’t think I’d even lose one nights sleep over killing all the US soldiers and their terrorist buddies stationed here, sorry you find that offensive.
I myself find it offensive to see INNOCENT people dying for whatever reason the US thinks they need to, I get angry when I see that happen and want to stop it, give me the button please.


you are a great general, why don’t you move to Syria to advise them?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You sound like a RicharD clone, are you one of his chimp buddies that also likes being rude, I do too, I don’t mind being rude to rude chimps who enjoy trying to be cruel to others for no reason.
Why don’t you move to Al Tanf in Syria so I can dose you up with some CW or a nice little nuke, as a matter of fact I could probably pour some of that CW straight down your throat personally, who knows it might even taste good, and I’d be sure to ask you if it did or not, straight after after I poured it down your throat.
If I was a general in the Syrian army there’d be a lot of dead US servicemen coming home from Syria in bodybags, and I’d be doing it so that no one ever knew it was me or my soldiers, it would always look like the Turks rebel NFL did it, and when I couldn’t pin it on them easily, I’d be pinning it on Isis instead, but the Turk proxies would be the ones I’d be trying to blame the most. And if Putin had of put Russian boots on the ground at the very beginning of his involvement, a lot of the US airstrikes and cruise missile attacks by the Us and Israel would never have happened.
Yes I do think I’m just as smart as any of the commanders running the war in Syria, from either and all of the sides of the conflict, I’m assuming you don’t think you’re as smart as them and think I’m not either, or is it you think you’re really smart and I just said something really dumb in my post, if that’s the case I’d like you to point out the dumb thing I said and explain why it’s dumb. Or are you really just another chimp that can only call people names because you don’t have the ability to reason for yourself, and hate to see others trying to.
Go have banana chimp, they’re good for you and your brain.


do you like me to go walking or jumping like a chimp? lol

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Any way you like, and take as long as you like too, it’ll give you time to think before you get there.

Concrete Mike

Oufff rage much??

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes I do, and I’m afraid to say I have a lot more pent up inside too. If someone spits in your face, the politically correct thing to do is complain, but I’m not politically correct, that’s for the LGBTQI generation, when someone spits in my face, I knock all their teeth out, that’s if I can. I’d like to meet RichardD in person, one of us would have no teeth left after we’d met, and I’d do my very best to make sure it was him.
But at least I only do it to the chimps that spit in my face, not people like you Concrete Mike, you’re ok, you don’t spit in anybody’s face for no reason as far as I’ve noticed.
I have to admit I do sort of pick on the guy called Patriotic white american though, not rude to him [as much as I want to be], just pick his posts to pieces. Cheers.


Artillery is said to be the God of War and Russia has always been expert with artillery.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m looking forward to the fireworks and have my marshmallows ready.


I find it interesting that the Turks are raiding the northeast and this base being established at the limits of the American base.

I think it’s good that the Senate voted to end the support for Saudi’s war in Yemen.

Now if Trump can “wake up” and get our troops out of there this would be a good thing.

Zo Fu

It was about time start to kill american scum. But 3 ragheads is too small number.
There are 3000 american whores and countless ragheads payed by Suadi-Israhell to deal with in Syria.

You can call me Al

It is still 0.1%… good start.


You can call me Al

“Revolutionary Commando Army”…. I am trying to rack my brains,in who could have given this bunch of twats that name !!!!….. it will come to me.


Instead of Thanksgiving Day Parade, think Parade of the Surreal. :)


It certainly has an Anglo Saxon ring to it Al.


Liberation Front of Judea

You can call me Al

LFJ …….. sounds good to me.

Bigaess Wangmane

Golems “R” US!

You can call me Al

whahahaha, that cracked me up for some demented reason. Nice one.