The Tiger Forces and their allies are attempting to establish control over the nearby production facility and the Siasco Chemical Plant

© Sputnik/ Michael Alaeddin
Today, January 29, it is reported that the Syrian Army’s Tiger Forces , in close coordination with the Russia Aerospace Forces, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra, launched a wide-scale offensive along the strategic Aleppo-Raqqa Highway to liberate the Aleppo Thermal Power Plant which is now controlled by ISIS.
The report says, Tiger Forces launched assaults from two different axes: one attack from the village of ‘Ayn Al-Jamjamiyah and other from the liberated village of Wadi’yah.
A military source from the Kuweires Military Airport told to the reporter that the Tiger Forces and their allies are attempting to establish control over the nearby production facility and the Siasco Chemical Plant that is located along the Aleppo-Raqqa Highway in the Deir Hafer Plains.
The source also said that the Aleppo Thermal Power Plant was the primary target after the liberation of the Kuweires Military Airport. Retaking the the Aleppo Thermal Power Plant can ultimately fix the electricity issues plaguing the provincial capital.
There are several media reports that the Syrian Armed and allied militia forces have been making steady gains for last few weeks in the northwestern parts of the country, driving the militant groups back from more territories in the region. With the help of Russian Aerospace Forces Syrian fighter jets also have been targeting the militant groups’ positions in Aleppo province in recent days.
However, Coordinating with the Russian Aerospace Force, the Syrian Arab Army have made significant gains in southern Syria, Latakia province, Deir Ezzor which is a Syrian government held enclave surrounded by ISIS, and advancing towards eastern Homs province and Damascus province.