Syrian Air Force Starts Intense Bombing Campaign Against Radical Groups In Eastern Ghouta (Videos)

On February 8, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) began an intense bombing campaign against Jaysh al-Islam, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Ahrar al-Sham Movement and Faylaq al-Rahman in the Eastern Ghouta region, near Damascus.

Syrian opposition sources reported that several Su-24MK, Su-22M4 and MiG-23BN warplanes of the SyAAF had destroyed dozens of headquarters, ammo depots and positions of the armed groups in the districts of Irbin, Duma, Harasta, Madira, Mesraba, Zamalka and Saqba during the last 12 hours.

According to pro-government sources, dozens of opposition fighters, including a general commander of Jaysh al-Islam “Nour Abd al-Jalil”, were killed in the SyAAF airstrikes. Meanwhile, local also said confirmed that the bombing campaign had resulted in a high count of civilian casualties.

As a response to the SyAAF bombing campaign, the armed groups in the Eastern Ghouta region shelled several districts in the eastern part of the Syrian capital with dozens of mortar rounds. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said that one civilian was killed and several others were injured in the shelling on Damascus.

The SyAAF bombing camping is likely aimed at pressuring Jaysh al-Islam, HTS, the Ahrar al-Sham Movement and Faylaq al-Rahman after they refused to accept a ceasefire agreement that was reached during the Vienna talks.

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You can call me Al

I always find it amazing that these tribal, illiterate, inbred terrorists always know the exact model of the RUSSIAN PLANES – “Syrian opposition sources reported that several Su-24MK, Su-22M4 and MiG-23BN” ……. gee anyone would think they were in the US military !!

Promitheas Apollonious

it is amazing isn’t it?


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John Mason

Interesting also that civilians were killed must have been living in arms depots and rebel headquarters.


They don’t have that, only hospitals, schools and white helmets


The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said that one civilian was killed and several others were injured in the shelling on Damascus.


Though the besieged pockets are heavily depopulated, they do have remaining civilians, those trapped (think elderly) and the militants own extended support networks. But militants will locate their weapons depots among remaining civilian residences to give them civilian shield – as readily seen when al-Nusra abandoned east Aleppo. If a militant storage depot gets hit then of course militant public relations media (White Helmets) sell a tale of an active civilian bombing – sans the weapons depot part. In that sense the militants exploit the trapped civilians twofold.


Haha yeah those retard cavebaboons cant see the diff between an orange and a car but know that! ?

You can call me Al

Whahahaha – I had to read that twice and then cracked up. Very good.


Lmaoooooo!! u started it! ??

You can call me Al

Do you see how us polite people uptick or downtick you, please take that extra second to press a button, otherwise I am not playing anymore. So rude.


huh what u mean bro


It is also another question that rise and is the fact that Syrians never use their anti aircraft to support their troops from such attacks, or the russians for this matter. So who is responsible sending troops in an area waranty to be hit by americans and allies, with out air support and with out antiair defenses and to what purpose.

Honst questions.

You can call me Al

Nobody is covering the East of the Euphrates YET, ie. Russia and Syria, just bide your time.

If the SAA + allies did attack, I personally think it was body stupid.


yes but from the maps they publish themselves show the range and what S300 are covering and they cover much more than Syria air space as well we have hear not once the Russians saying that they passed the control of S300s to the Syrian government.

I am a military person and cant help it thinking the inconsistensies i been reading about the isis attacks against Syria and the ways they could have been not only eliminated but prevented as well. If I can think of the solutions I dont believe the people who beat the isis with their strategies failed to think of them as well.

You can call me Al

I am sorry but I didn’t hear that the Russians saying that they passed the control of S300s to the Syrian government, if so, OK, I am on your side now.

Floyd Hazzard

Really? Russian and Syrian Generals were killed there but nobody was/is covering it. More than likely the soldiers are braver than their commanders and are chomping at the bits with their arms tied behind their backs by lack of support from the upper echelons.

You can call me Al

Limited resources – something that makes me mad as well.

You can call me Al

I honestly don’t know. For me, I would clear the West of the Euphrates, get a little R&R, clean up the stragglers, more R&R, then Russia tell the Yanks to FO, if they don’t, in conjunction with the PMU in Ira, take the East by force in a few weeks.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There was a deal in return for medical support and allowing convoys through, between the SDF/YPG and Syrian Gov, but the ISIS led Deir ez zoir Mil. Council objected and called in Multiple strikes from US another unhappy camper.


Well, I reckon, just like information of British nuclear sites, the internet is the most likely source of information? You check the wikipedia site of the SyAF and you probably find an inventory list of aircraft. And I reckon that after several years of being bombed they’ve become quite familiar with recognizing SyAF aircraft.

The bigger mystery is why, if the SyAF has “destroyed dozens of headquarters, ammo depots and positions of the armed groups”, why are they still capable of A: putting up a fight, and B: still managing to launch offensives that have the SAA hanging on by the skin of their teeth? Which leads me to suspect that ‘dozens of headquarters, ammo depots and positions of the armed group’ might be as ludicrous a claim as the Turks saying they ‘neutralized’ more then a thousand Kurdish terrorists in Afrin. Which in the case of East Ghouta saddens me, because I like nothing more then to see this Jihadi enclave eliminated.


what part that isis is the child of Balckwater did not understand and nato/israel is the ones arm them and keep arming them? I will not say usa only, because are not the only ones involved in creating them and keep them going.

You can call me Al

Maybe – but I live under a flight path and I couldn’t tell you a mirage from a Typhoon from any of that Yank crap.

Regards the arms depots – I would guess that they had spotters that turned on their green button that brought in the missiles. As for the rest I never have and never ill trust a Turk, they have probably just killed an old Gran.

We = a huge proportion of us Brits + Russia / Syria / Iran / Hezbollah + allies.


There was a time that I could tell the difference, as I used to be a aircraft spotter in my youth. Especially Mirages make a shitload of noise. Nowadays not so much but when I hear an aircraft coming over I still can hear if it will be an F-16 or something else.

Of course I reckon that with those Jihadis, if your life depends on it, you quickly learn to spot the difference. Otherwise you’d be a dead Jihadi.


Jeez, average joe in the US are jealous. Illiterate folks know more than they do :)

You can call me Al

I’ll give you an uptick, even though I am unsure what you meant …. I think.

John Whitehot

there’s no need of recognizing any plane. Once you know which planes are in service with the Syrian Airforce you can state that those models are employed in bombing you.

Wolfgang Wolf

take the big bombs… 1000kg aerosol-mix… blow the fuckers out of their holes… day and night.. no mercy


What kind of ceasefire can one expect with those four groups, and should one even seek it. They are PAID to fight–no jihad no money, invariably that turns out to be the bottom line. You want them to cease firing on you, get them six feet under and be done with it. It’s not good for the Assad govt’s claim to legitimacy if in 2018 even the freaking capital STILL isn’t secure.

Promitheas Apollonious



Waste of money and killing innocent civilians that is all. The Rebels in this area have evovled through time.

They dwell under the ground. So it’s kind sweet but pointless air-strikes against your main rival in the region

Promitheas Apollonious

is it?

Rüdiger Preiss

Not pointless since the terrorists have increased shelling civilian targets in SAA controlled areas – they can’t move their equipment under ground fast enough – so maybe the SAAF might not catch as many terrorists as they could in open terrain, but they certainly destroy a good number of their mortars and other heavy equipment, also, they reduce the amount of shelling that comes out of the terrorist held pocket. Unfortunately civilians suffer. But if they do nothing, civilians on the other side suffer. If you see terrorists deliberately targeting groups of school children on their way to school, you’ll understand.

Manuel Flores Escobar

terrorist living there refused to leave with their families because they have to obey the orders of their sponsors( USA and Arabia saudi) and remain there to prolong the Syrian war!

leon mc pilibin

The Gloves are off,Get ready to go to HELL,all you zionist head chopping puppets.May you suffer a thousand times more than your victims did.GO SAA;RUSSIA;HEZBOLLAH;IRAN AND OTHER ALLIES.


East Ghouta MUST be liberated.


Syria must be liberated!!! From ALL warlords, including the MAFIA clan around Assad


No Sir you are wrong…. From Western back Wahhabi terror thugs..

Jonathan Cohen

both. from all ABORTION banners! which is everyone except YPG and perhaps Turkey and Israel, but not their proxies.

Rüdiger Preiss

Ah your terrorist friends in Ghouta will be dust soon :).


my terrorist friends……humm, fortunatly i do not have friends in that pocket.
Are you aware that those bombings are killing a mayority of civilians??
You really think only fighters are hit?? You are such a loser!!

Rüdiger Preiss

Spare us your fake sentimentality please. If you were concerned about the civilians you’d understand that your jihadi friends are the very reason for literally every Syrian having lost friends and family since 2011. The Syrian Government offered a ceasefire to your Ghouta jihadi friends during the last Vienna talks yet they couldn’t care less. Instead, they sent mortars into civilian areas in Damascus killing children on their way to school! So what would you like the Syrian Government to do? Let the jihadis send more mortars and rockets???

Death in the Afternoon
We were leaving Bab Touma this afternoon just as the schools finished for the afternoon, around 1.30pm. The streets were teeming with children of all ages, laughing and talking excitedly as they headed for the many school buses waiting for them. The car horns echoed around the streets from the impatient drivers packed into the narrow, cobbled streets.
It was wonderful to see all the colours of their coats and school bags. It was a warm day, the sun was bright and heightened the colour & clamour from these children. One little girl walked past the car giggling with her friend, her smile broke her face in two, it was so broad and expressive.
As we turned left towards Bab Sharki gate to leave the Old City..the children were still pouring onto the streets, walking hand in hand in front of the car, taking their time, gossiping & laughing in the sunshine.
About 10 minutes after we left the Old City gates, death struck these children in Bab Touma and Qasaa. Terrorists from East Ghouta fired mortars into these areas murdering 9 innocent children & adults. One young girl who survived the blast has had her leg amputated below the knee. She was a “lucky one”.
Another young girl, Rita Eid (in the photo) was murdered…her father Nidal owns Ghassani supermarket where friends of mine buy their groceries.
Death stalks everyone in these streets every day. The smiles I saw just before the mortars rained down may have been crushed beneath the rubble. A child who left for school this morning, full of excitement, may never come back.
What did these children do? How can it ever be called a “revolution” when these monsters in East Ghouta deliberately fire mortars into an area brimming with schoolchildren. It is a systematic massacre of Syrian civilians being carried out by the terrorists the US Coalition-of-terror finance, arm & paint as “freedom fighters”.
Where are these missiles coming from? How are these terrorists receiving supplies to manufacture bombs, yet claim they are starving?
As a dear friend said to me, “from the names of the dead and injured, over 80% are Christian, this is such a small community, everyone knows each other… ”
How much longer will we passively support what our governments are inflicting upon the Syrian people?
Rest In Peace all these souls…


stop your crap accusations, i am an atheist and despice ALL religions. So i don’t have any jihadi friends.
You just deny that assad is killing civilians as well, wich is pretty sick!

souls don’t exist in my opinion, you are a simple christian, that is why you need to simplify the war and divide it in good and bad. The truth is that its bad against bad

Rüdiger Preiss

That’s where your logic doesn’t make any sense “Assad is killing civilians as well”. Do you think that he (btw it wouldn’t be Assad himself but the SAA if any) deliberately bombs – gasses civilian targets? Or do you refer to the AI report that “thousands” of political Syrian detainees are being killed in Syria’s prisons? Let me guess, you believe both?

So, do you then also believe that those civilians who streamed out of Eastern Aleppo in December 2016, when the government cleared the last few “rebels” were all stage actors and pretended that they were relieved? And that the “rebels” shooting / shelling those who were trying to escape is just Syrian propaganda? People dancing in the streets, celebrating their first free Christmas after years of occupation – all propaganda?
Someone like Pierre Le Corf would make this all up and he is being paid by Assad to stay in Syria for 2+ years and risk his life to spread Syrian propaganda?

How comes every time a chemical attack is reported, almost instantly the MSM are claiming it was Assad?

Ever since the Sykes Picot agreement, who do you think has an interest in keeping the Middle Eastern countries small and meaningless?

Armed groups from Eastern Ghouta have not been shelling Bab Touma on the 22nd of January, killing 9 civilians, mostly children waiting at a bus station?
What would you tell the parents of this girl, Rita Eid, who was one of the 9 killed?

Astar Roth

Argh, shut the fuckk up! Your mouth is stinking Zionistic way.


I won’t shut up dickhead!

Astar Roth

You’re fuckkhead, you crackbrain idiot.


bla bla bla……….blablablabla


peace WITH Assad in power will NOT happen!!!

Did any of you EVER wondered how these rebel pockets still survive after several years??


Yes it soon as terrorists become charred corpses..

Rüdiger Preiss

Did you ever wonder how comes Assad is extremely popular in Syria and whenever some terrorist held pocket is liberated, people who have been oppressed by your head choppers chant and cheer ;)?? Don’t worry, your Ghouta pocket will be cleared of terrorists as well, it simply wasn’t that important (as you’d like to think)


Have you ever been there? Or are you just copy paste opinions from alt media??

Rüdiger Preiss

I’ve been there for 6 years. What about you? Assad wasn’t that popular before, but when Bashar took office after his father died, people had lots of hope and things quickly improved incl. the Siemens mobile phone network was opened to public, internet came and it became easier to run private businesses. It was well known Bashar Al Assad didn’t have an easy job changing the country due to a league of old conservative people still in power but nevertheless a lot has changed. I was there when this all happened. Some youngsters still wanted more “democracy”, however, nobody wanted war, that’s for sure. I know people who have been interrogated by the Mukhabarat, but Syria always was under the threat of Wahhabi Salafism & a colour revolution. Many Syrians, especially the young, didn’t understand that the Secret Police was for their own protection. When it became clear that Syria had been infiltrated by mercenary jihadists, Bashar Al Assad became a lot more popular, even amongst young people – so in a way, whilst the Rothschild Imperialists had hoped to topple Assad by calling their colour revolution a civil uprising, it did the exact opposite – Syrians became more united and Assad became more popular than ever. He will be remembered as the most heroic statesman in Syrias history – if not the entire Middle East.


I have not ben there but i am a volunteer to help syrian refugees, you learn much better about the war talking with real people that have been tortured and have lost family members!


lol that’s like when the jews said we will be friends with iran as soon as the government is overthrown

John Whitehot

because pockets were lower priority than some fronts where the US backed scum was creating more problems.

the SAA may not have the resources to fight offensively in the whole country, but is doing a good job in taking things one at a time in a priority order.


Oh yeah really smart thinking here!! What about food, energy, medicines, clothes, etc. etc.????

Rüdiger Preiss

Yeah what about? How about lifting the sanctions on Syria then maybe this wouldn’t be such a problem?? We all know where the UNHCR, UNICEF etc aid ends up: In the warehouses of jihadi terrorists!


A us state department official says 400,000 civilians live in east ghouta. What a big lie. Most syrian civilians do not want to live under terrorists rule. Many of these buildings are abandoned.

Remember when the SAA liberated east Aleppo? The media claimed Syria was attacking 300,000 civilians living in east Aleppo. They even made a Hollywood movie glorifying the terrorists there. When it is over, it discovered there were only 80,000 , and half of them were terrorist fighters. They Also discovered over 100 foreign military advisors in their command center.

Israel probably bombed Damascus to help the Israeli advisors in ghouta.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

SAAF seems to be in quite good shape and order.

Very experienced veterans now.

MiG-29 order with Yak-130’s (fantastic advanced trainer/light strike) should enhance capabilities further.

Rüdiger Preiss

Spare us your fake sentimentality please. If you were concerned about the civilians you’d understand that your jihadi friends are the very reason for literally every Syrian having lost friends and family since 2011. The Syrian Government offered a ceasefire to your Ghouta jihadi friends during the last Vienna talks yet they couldn’t care less. Instead, they sent mortars into civilian areas in Damascus killing children on their way to school! So what would you like the Syrian Government to do? Let the jihadis send more mortars and rockets???

Death in the Afternoon.

We were leaving Bab Touma this afternoon just as the schools finished for the afternoon, around 1.30pm. The streets were teeming with children of all ages, laughing and talking excitedly as they headed for the many school buses waiting for them. The car horns echoed around the streets from the impatient drivers packed into the narrow, cobbled streets.

It was wonderful to see all the colours of their coats and school bags. It was a warm day, the sun was bright and heightened the colour & clamour from these children. One little girl walked past the car giggling with her friend, her smile broke her face in two, it was so broad and expressive.

As we turned left towards Bab Sharki gate to leave the Old City..the children were still pouring onto the streets, walking hand in hand in front of the car, taking their time, gossiping & laughing in the sunshine.

About 10 minutes after we left the Old City gates, death struck these children in Bab Touma and Qasaa. Terrorists from East Ghouta fired mortars into these areas murdering 9 innocent children & adults. One young girl who survived the blast has had her leg amputated below the knee. She was a “lucky one”.

Another young girl, Rita Eid (in the photo) was murdered…her father Nidal owns Ghassani supermarket where friends of mine buy their groceries.

Death stalks everyone in these streets every day. The smiles I saw just before the mortars rained down may have been crushed beneath the rubble. A child who left for school this morning, full of excitement, may never come back.

What did these children do? How can it ever be called a “revolution” when these monsters in East Ghouta deliberately fire mortars into an area brimming with schoolchildren. It is a systematic massacre of Syrian civilians being carried out by the terrorists the US Coalition-of-terror finance, arm & paint as “freedom fighters”.

Where are these missiles coming from? How are these terrorists receiving supplies to manufacture bombs, yet claim they are starving?

As a dear friend said to me, “from the names of the dead and injured, over 80% are Christian, this is such a small community, everyone knows each other… ”

How much longer will we passively support what our governments are inflicting upon the Syrian people?

Rest In Peace all these souls…