Syria’s Air Defense Forces are ready to react to any Turkish hostile action in Afrin and the Damascus government will consider the Turkish military opeartion there as an act of agression, deputy foreign minister Faisal Meqdad told reporters on January 18, according to the state-run news agency SANA.
“We warn the Turkish leadership that if they initiate combat operations in the Afrin area, that will be considered an act of aggression by the Turkish army,” the deputy foreign minister said adding that if a Turkish warplane attacks Syria it will become a legitimate target.
Meqdad continued emphasizing that Afrin and other northern areas of the country, currently not under control of Damascus, are still the territory of Syria.
The statement comes after Turkish top officials have once again announced that Turkish forces are ready to launch a military opeartion against Kurdish militias in northern Syria, particularly in the area of Afrin.
Just some pr talk only.
Turkey is illegally on Syrian soil so, SAA and Syrian government have every right to send a clear message to the “Assad must go plan” Turkey leg.
I think Syria should let Turks bomb the U$-allied SDF into smithereens,
thereby thwarting U$ policies of creating another anti-Syrian, terrorist
force there or even cause the Turks and its U$ allies to exchange blows in Syria!
Let the allies of evil (Turkey, the U$ and its terrorist allies) fight it off among themselves!
Syria know if they let turkey to make solid emplacement they would be hard to be kicked out not to mention the craziest it can support after. I think that’s the good idea since there’s no guarantee that turkey action aren’t coordinated with Washington in the bigger game.
Thats quite possible I agree.
I didn’t get your point!
Use your brain.
I tried to. My English skills are very basic!
My point is once turkey occupying Syrian territory and station the bulk of their forces there’s no telling when it will leave by own decision. Add to that how it arms and direct Syrian opposition forces in political terms they would be hard to be forced to leave through diplomatic agreement. What are the chances Russia would support a forced expulsion of Turkish forces? Iranians may more than willing though taking turkey NATO membership it would create a pretext of NATO invasion of Iran.
Think of the Afghanistan standing government relationship with the US. While the government hopelessly corrupt and unpopular by the population it covers the US politically from ever leaving despite majority of the population against the US coalition to be there.
There would be no clear pretext of US to keep protection against Syrian forces to SDF after ISIS destroyed but to protect Turkish from Syrian forces they can pull the NATO card(even they were there illegally.)
in my view, it would be great for Syria and Russia if the Turks, the U$ and their SDF and other jihadist proxies blow each other up in that part of Syria and if that starts a process that pushes the Turks to eventually leave the U$-led Nato.
US is opportunist scavengers. They’ll jump into Turkey trains the moment it is clearly deem profitable. If you believe they go home after their SDF pets slaughtered then you were wrong. They’ll latch into turkey trains that’s have possibilities to use Syrian opposition as their political cover.
If they really want turkey to join the alliance Syrian should give them invitation within a written agreement that Turkey did not partake into civil unrest not politically not militarily and their stay is within duration they allowed them. I doubt Erdogan would want such level binding agreement.
I think you should be crucified just like that damn terrorist god-son of yours
I think you should JOIN isis!
Hey, mayebe i did allready ;)
Good for you! You may get your 72 virgins after you blow up some Christian infidels and die in the process! Hahaha! Sarc off!
you really think that a castro fan would join isis? typical christian stupidity
Castro was good man and I am fan too! Look, ISIS and islamist jihadists hate Christians
and since you share that hatred of Christians, you may join ISIS. The enemy of your enemy is your friend. Remember!
No. You are wrong my friend! Don’t be deceived by the limited five physical senses. There is an invisible world, far, far bigger than the visible one and religions are attempts to contact that invisible world! In fact, modern scientists who are mostly atheists just found out recently that the visible universe that we can see and sense is only about 4 percent of the universe, the rest they say is “dark matter and dark energy” which make up 96 percent of the universe and we don’t even know what they are!!! Please the video below as scientists explain the mysteriousness of the hidden universe:
Religions WERE attempts to understand things and soon turned into a tool to control and opress people. Fortunatly now we have science!
So, religions can move to the history books now
Please watch the scientific documentary that i sent you. Science only understands less than four percent of the universe and over 96 percent of the universe is completely hidden and undetectable by human senses or human instruments.
So, how did they know the percentage then?
They calculated the gravitational forces of different galaxies including the “Milky Way” and they found out that there is huge and gigantic amount of force that is at work in the universe than meets the eye! They found out that the stars and the galaxies, planets and the black-holes that are visible or can be visible cannot produce this unimaginably gigantic force that is at work in the universe.
Watch the documentary in its entirety and you will learn a lot. The scientists tell us today that universe is sooooo finely tuned by a creator that to say it otherwise, is like winning the lottery on every single day for Ten Thousand Years! Check out “Cosmological Constant” phenomenon.
I don’t see any link between this interesting science and your infantile religion and the bible stories….
In my opinion it shows why we should NOT follow religions!
There is a link in that if over 96 percent of the universe is hidden from our physical senses who are we to deny the existence of a creator God? This universe not being created by a creator God, is like winning the lottery on every single day for ten thousand years! Is that possible? You are imprisoned by your very limited five physical senses and you can’t see beyond them, that is indeed ignorant and childish! That is why the Bible calls atheists “Fools”. It says: (…The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They (the atheists) are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.( Psalm 14:1).
Get out of the box!
The bible is a very outdated book. Just because we have limited senses, who are we to believe that crap that man invented and wrote down in the bible? Crap like the paradise story, eve made from a rib of adam, the 7 sins, the flood and the arc, the whole person of god in the old testament, who is a narcist, sadist, egoist, woman hater, mass murderer, a nasty god. Then they invented jezus, according to archeological findings his life story was changed by paul, his most important disciple and friend mary magdalena was changed into a sinfull prostitute.
It is an awfull book!
I especialy dislike the 3 desert religions that killed soo many people over the centuries.
The concept that man is the ultimate lifeform that God chose to rule over all other life is disqusting and utter nonesence!
This is the biggest proof for me that it is in fact a fabrication of man. Another big issue is the position of women, i think the paternalisic concept created a lot of evil for homo sapiens.
Another big issue is evolution. Today we found so much evidence around evolution, denial is plain STUPID!
Another issue is the set of rules in the bible, completely unneccessary and outdated as well. Only two out of the 10 commandments make sense, don’t murder( then again even I have to kill plants to eat) and don’t steal. The rest is bullshit.
Sounds good at first,im all for smashing anything wit “made in u.s.a.” stamped on its arse,but the turkish are slippery bastards and id rather have the kurds mind the area for a while atleast than turkey turn it into an f.s.a. staging area to attack syria at will from another direction and this time with turkish air defenses and artillery stopping the syrians from retaliating,after all it would be horrible to have to fight over aleppo again after all the good work since it was liberated.
cant understand that.,….they stand by the Kurds that have tried to split Syria in 2 parts….why didnt they oppose to Turkish occupation in the first place?
This is just a formality, Syria as an independent country has to make this statement. We should interpret this as “Come, and take my consent, acknowledge my sovereignty” I believe they are already agreeing on terms of the operation. Assad does not want any tail of US backed terrorist group in his territory.
Turkey is militarily strong. The Afrin Kurds are militarily weak. I suspect that Syria feels it will, in time, be able to deal with the Afrin Kurds either by negotiation or by military action. However re-taking a Turkish occupied Afrin would be a much harder task.
But Turkey stated they would also get the SDF traitors in the East – I hope that the Turks can keep there promises and fook off afterwards.
is not going to happen, assad is cooperating with the kurds for years, are you blind? just see the allepo map, that is one proof, there are many more….
I do hope and I have actually stated that on numerous times, until recently. They are a funny lot and switch allegiance at will, taking the best offer.
It’s true there is an understanding so far that both fight ISIS .
The problem arises when these Kurds start to dream that they can have their own independent state under US protection.
Notice even now Syrian minister stated to protect Kurds from Turkey which is logical assuming the Kurds have not got bad ideas to split Syria under US which is an enemy of Syria.
The big problem is the Kurds have their fateful ideas and then all bets would be off. Expect to see big battle after what Turkey has done to the Kurds and after Sochi.
No country can ever allow this kind of separation
.. no one and Assad has more than enough cards in his hand to see it off .
Getting SDF traitors in the east means risking confronting the US.. so this may be just talk… if it isn’t just talk and the US keeps its public commitment to back the SDF then Turkey’s invasion forces surely will get hammered by US air power. Turkey surely realises this which is why I think it is just talk. If the US fails to back the SDF and Turkey seizes Kurdish areas in northern Syria will Turkey ever relinquish them? Again I think they will keep these areas as part of a greater Turkey to ensure “border security”. A lot of ifs, buts and maybes…..
I maintain the Syria government has a lot more to fear from the Turks than it does from the Kurds.
Regards the confrontation with the US, it is going to happen one way or the other, unless a miracle happens.
Regards the US airpower taking out the Turks, now that would be funny as many of the flights will be taking off from Turkey; that will make me laugh, but the US has already stated that they are not backing and even not in contact with the Kurds in the North West (if we can believe that !!).
“I maintain the Syria government has a lot more to fear from the Turks than it does from the Kurds.” …. yes, my apologies, I keep on forgetting that bit.
Whichever way it goes, it is dreadful for the Syrian people and a disgrace to humanity.
I differ in your opinion Syria fears Turkey more . It is US not Turkey.
US has more bad reasons to be in Syria for obvious reasons that would greatly disrupt Russia, Iranian and even Turkey .
Turkey has been reported to be consulting there partners as well as Syria…
And Turkey under the three powers have pledged the integrity of Syria which is the last thing in the minds of US
So Syria fears US more than Turkey actually
Nice comment ..but a big but…. Can anyone trust Turkey ?
If I could, I would be as optimistic as you.
(I mean that in a nice way and no offence intended)
Kurds are weak against an army with tanks etc…..but it has the suppeort of US….so i think Tyrkey is just giving a media fiesta….it shows everyone the strength it has….and tries to state the obvious…Kurds are doomed there! So a deal as you suggest is the goal….by military pressure….
The Afrin Kurds don’t have US support… the US says so… and I believe them!
really?didnt they stood by them when Tyrkey attacked then…airstrikes i think some time ago?i will try to find the incident
I see myself more as Dr Watson! :-)
we’ll see……
chriostos, if thessaloniky would try to separate from ellada and turkish army want deter them. what would do athens? welcomne turks or expell them frorm ellada? (instead of thessaloniky you can input samor, shodos, lasbos, creta ..)
well things in Syria are very complicated….Turkey posed as an ally against ISIS….Russia gave them a role in SYria….i bet Assad didnt like that, but considered it to be the better of 2 evils….so my opinion is that SYria tolerated Turkey only because of the deal with Russia…now that they see that Turkey uses FSA as a private army that will give her a role in the after-war Syria they dont like it….so they threaten Turkey to send a message. Kurds are of no importance….the fact that Turkey moves outside the ‘deal’ made is the problem….
important is, that washington today told to ankara, they should leave afrin. inbetween russia removed its soldiers from afrin. it could happen, that yanks move also in this part of syria :(
thanks putin, you animal!
well Putin is using Turkey as a puppet to annoy NATO….he’s palying his cards right…..US already has troops in Afrin embedded in SDF forces……were sdf is….US has advisors as well…..remember when Turkey striked Kurds…next day a Us comander was in the area…..cant remember were exactly
today he operations started …lets see how this will go……maybe you are right….this will give US a foothold in the Afrin Region…..
I doubt anyone believes in this statement rofl.
Well, Syria does not have any air-defense system ranging to Turkish border, rather rely on Russia. But I rather understand that Syria wants respect from Turkey. Latest news state that Turkish intelligence service director went to Syria for discussions.
I expect that Syria and Russia will come to an agreement with Turkey. As the YPG led SDF is the sole US ally in the region, it will not be a problem for Syria and Russia. In the next months, we can expect an operation to Idlib by Russia&Syria while Turkey sweeping YPG from the North.
Assad also doesnt want the Kurds who back-stabbed him with US, things are getting worse for YPG/SDF. Turkey most probably will wipe-out them, as there is no ISIS threat left in the region, YPG is useless.
Syria has plenty of air defenses, no s300 but they have s200, buks and pantsir which could take down an f 16. The recent intercepts if Israeli missles show Russia may have helped them update unmaintained equipment and trained new air crews.
Well I mostly agree, maybe I should state more clearly, Syria has air-defense system especially targeted to Israel threat. On the north, the system is administered by Russian forces. So in practice, it is Russia’s call. Assad just wants respect from Turkey.
Why do you think Syrians were unable to use the old S200 and need Russia’s help?
You have links to say so that Russia must help or they ate useless?
Stop insulting Syrians
The fact is that Russia did upgrade the S200 systems and that started in 2016 I think.Complex Russian systems are best upgraded by the manufacturers. It is just common sense.
They arent up to date on current countermeasures like russia is,thats what the russians have been assisting with and to update the software etc also retrain and refresh the syrians to use the systems more effectively,thats not an insult to say the syrians are backwards,its just that systems evolve at a rediculous rate and to keep things effective takes time and in syrias current state it also takes a leg up from the russians and their technician’s,after israels last attack that was repeled except one missile hit,then i think the israelis will be a bit more wary of what they do for a little while at least!?.
Thats exactly what russia has been doing,just the incident a week or so ago when the syrians took down the israeli missiles and damaged a jet would of been incredible a year or two ago, now the syrians are getting up to date and pretty soon will be VERY proficient at taking out air threats. Still find it hard to decipher an idea of exactly what is going on with the Turkish though? I personaly think they are snakes and would be better off out of the whole picture but i also want to see them crush these kurdish forces to stick it to the Americans a little as if they do attack and the u.s. doesnt allow the kurds it is in control of to stand by their “countrymen” then surely the kurds will see the Americans are worse than even the Turks!! Plus if they do stand aside whilst there own people are hammered then what does it say about a united kurdish nation? All seems to complicated to even consider.
This statement is just another way of saying “Ankara should cooperate with Damascus”. Just like President Bashar al Assad’s recent declaration of the terrorist PYD/PKK as ‘traitors’ which was another message to AKP government.
There is no power on the battlefield that can encounter Turkey-Syria cooperation. Such cooperation will also strengthen Turkey’s allience with Iran, Russia, Iraq and will boost the level of trust towards Ankara in the region. At this point, Syria’s unity and security also mean the unity and security of Turkey as well.
agreed with you
Well said. If Erdogan had illusions than that coup cleared them a bit. He’s still has terrible self control issues and is hard to predict :)
I think this stinks of Washington. Once turkey say it want to buy s400 NATO waste no time to comment that it was wrong. But this here i wonder why they were silent? This Kurds were those of they make good investment to training them and all.
kurds made a lethal mistake – to bet on the israeli horse. Something that will bring only destruction and misery to those people who aren’t jews.
Add also turkey and gulf country in the list. This is like rich boys overconfident that so long they pay up the bully the bully would be all friendly and helpful. While in reality the bully could beat the crap out of them just because they’re in the mood to do so.
But Erdogan has stated and I think met with Russia and Iran to discuss this. I don’t know why the Syrians are up in arms; as I agree with you.
They are up in arms as this would really cause a humanitarian crisis with refugees pouring into Turkey and this is what the Turks cry about. Most contrary and untrustworthy people on the face of the planet very much like the US.
What a dumbass. Exactly zero knowledge of Syria or Turkey, nor the complexities and historical anxieties that would NEVER permit this. Assad will never allow Erdogan a foot hold in Syria. It’s his primary enemy and aggressor. Your short sighted analysis proves much about you. For one thing, you’re definitely American.
Which is more difficult to dislodge Turkey that is working with Iran and Russia to ensure integrity of Syria or US working with Kurds to create a sour thumb state ?
Forget about the past .
Look at the present.
Turkey is doing Assad a great favour by taking on the Kurds making his job easier in Sochi or the battlefields
So you are wrong.
UN is right
The most people in this discussion are not capable of thinking in terms how present relates to the past because they have never been thought history in their life time. For them only the present exists which is completely detached from the past. That’s why they have very little understanding of what’s going on in ME.
Well Erdogan has a mind of his own. He is having a pipe dream of restored former glory of Ottoman Empire. There is no place for Syria in it. However he will eventually manage to destroy even that little what has been left of it.
LOL. Your thoughts are as twisted as your screen name! SAA announcing that TuAF invaders will be shot down means TAF and SAA are co-operating! :D
This is just a message to Ankara: “Hey guys don’t keep us out of the Syrian concern”
and to moscow rats!
Seems someone would’ve supported the ISIS black flag over Syria…….
fir jihadists.
kremlin sold out syria.
Explain because Im pretty sure if Russia never intervened then the Syrian government wouldve been done for
Are Turkish jet fighters slower than Israeli ones? A genuine question please :-)
Nope. Both Israel and Turkey use F-16s.
Yes but maybe the israel planes dont enter in Syria airspace. They deliver the missiles from Lebanon
There’s the likelihood then missiles can be fired from Turkish airspace based on what you’re saying…?
I read many times that Israel use this sytem to avoid Syria air defenses
No they wouldn’t be able to that is an act of war violating someone’s airspace with missiles, Syria launched in self defense.
Assad is smart to support SDF in Afrin against a Turkish invasion.
Through compromises at both sides, he can come to a deal with SDF. With Turkey and Erdogan there can be no compromises.
In case of Syrian aircover and SDF manpads, I do not foresee much future for massive TuAF airattacks.
As reinforcements from Kobane and Manbij are flooding into Manbij and (SAA alowed) Afrin and possibly even RuAF not ok with Turkey, the window of opportunity for Turkey is closing rapidly.
Looks like you do not actually know what is playing politics.
Syria is definitely not going to shoot down any plane .
ASSAD loves it as even now the Americans are very confused now. Everyday trying to bluff themselves as though their words can be trusted.
When Turkey go in full force , doubt the Kurds have much chance
Note Turkey consulting with ASSAD’s allies
Begging is the better word.
I am very interested where you get your wisdom on what Assad is going to do. Not from this report anyway, nor from SF in general
Logical assumptions
They actually doing stuff for Syrians.
Russia is sending a clear signal here by withdrawing Russian ground forces from the areas in questions and Assad has to at least publicly condemn invasion by Turkey (wink wink) for the elimination of declared Kurdistan terrorist who have crossed clan lines and those clans supporting them. Iraq’s actions along with the Syrian coalition in the Kurdish areas of Iraq which is still developing is a clear indication of what is in store.
No country can allow a neighbor to violate its sovereignty. It is an inviolable principle.
Syria wil not and won’t attack USA back terrorist wither Russia is there or not.So allow Erdogan to bullshit USA hidden agendas.
“Syria will not and won’t attack USA back terrorist”, Exactly which terrorist despite constant name changes are not US/Israel? Syria has been attacking them all with the exception of the Kurdish factions to include PKK, PYG and various clan formed off shoots. That time will come after the current operations to push across the Euphrates River East to the Turkey border as well as clearing East to the Iraq border, US or not.
Syria army does not have the military capability which USA has.Russia which help SAA does not help when USA attack Syrian army apparently just to avoid nuclear confrontation. Just on this point only Erdogan can help not even UNSC show room of Halley Niki.Unless USA attack Russian bases directly then the table’s will turn.