On August 16th, the main opposition “leader” in Belarus (fled to Lithuania recently) – Svetlana Tikhanovskaya said that she was ready to lead the nation in a video published no YouTube.
This is a very obvious forming of a government-in-exile, which has been seen in more than one situation when regime change was the policy of outside players in a country.
“I did not want to be a politician. But fate decreed that I’d find myself on the frontline of a confrontation against arbitrary rule and injustice,” Svetlana Tikhanovskaya said in a new video from exile in Lithuania.
“I am ready to take responsibility and act as a national leader during this period.”
“We all want to get out of this endless circle we found ourselves in 26 years ago,” Tikhanovskaya said.
The 37-year-old former English teacher said she would release the remaining 2,000 people arrested during the protests and hold “real, honest, and transparent elections that will be unconditionally accepted by the international community”.
As mentioned, before quickly rebranding herself as a politician, Tikhanovskaya was an English teacher, she decided to pursue a “political career” after her husband, a Presidential candidate in opposition of Lukashenko was sent to prison.
Tikhanovskaya called on Belarus’s security apparatus to abandon President Alexander Lukashenko and help smooth the grounds for a transition of power.
“Belarusians are fair and generous people who don’t accept violence,” she said. “If you decide not to obey criminal orders and take the side of the people, they will forgive you, support you, and won’t say a word against you in the future.”
In presumed response, and in evidence that he has very apparently lost the “propaganda war”, Alexander Lukashenko said that he was ready to share power.
Amid increasing demands to quit after the biggest protest against him yet, Lukashenko faced heckling from workers at a factory he visited in Minsk in front of people chanting “Step Down” as he tried to answer their questions.
He said that this sharing of power would happen through constitutional process and not through street actions.
“Are you talking about unfair elections and want to hold fair ones? <…> I am answering this question for you. We held elections. Until you kill me, there will be no other elections,” Lukashenko told the workers.
“You are working people, you know me. You have always supported the president, I also know that,” he added, to which people shouted: “No! ”. To this Lukashenka answered them: “Thank you.”
The strike at MZKT, which is a state-run company is a strong signal, since the plant is the most significant economic establishment in the country, and a symbol of Lukashenko’s economic and social policy. It operates almost entirely thanks to Russian contracts, since it produces chassis for military vehicles.
The strikes, massive protests and the activity of the opposition’s propaganda network have made it impossible for Lukashenko to remain in power effectively.
His government’s ability is de fact undermined since any attempts to enforce any laws would be met with accusations of repression and accusations of aggression against the citizens.
The failure of the propaganda war is reinforced by the fact that at least a part of workers of the Belarusian state television said that it supported the protests. At some moment, the BT TV station broadcasted an empty studio.
Рабочие БТ(основного гос канала) вышли на страйк. В итоге в эфире просто играла музыка, а в последствии и вообще был выключен свет. Нереальный респект рабочим БТ за их гражданскую позицию. pic.twitter.com/DHENRw1Gpf
— РБ головного мозга (@belamova) August 17, 2020
The walkout comes after thousands of people rallied outside BT, holding banners with slogans such as “Show people the truth.” State television news initially ignored the demonstrations and gave Lukashenko’s supporters preference in its reporting of the elections, sparking complaints of skewed coverage. As a result, several prominent state television journalists resigned in protest.
“Like everyone we are demanding free elections and the release of those detained at mass protests,” one employee, Andrei Yaroshevich said.
At the same time, President Alexander Lukashenko remains decisive in his efforts to oppose the foreign-funded regime change attempt.
“Some people have the opinion that the Belarusian power has fallen, but the power will never fall, you just have to be patient,” he said.
The Lukashenko government has already successfully countered the street riots and is now working to overcome the political crisis erupted in the country. If it achieves a success in it by finding understanding with the general mass of protestors (not motivated by foreign funding or strong ideological motivation), Lukashenko will be able to stabilize the situation. The recent promises of reforms and power sharing by the Belarusian leader is an apparent signal of the plan to move in this direction.
Ronald McDonald is throwing in his hat to become the new leader of Belarus!
Seriously, where did the CIA dumbasses find this ugly stupid bitch?
Same place as they found Gaydude.
The sewers.
she is prio russian politician, you animal!
She’s just a dumb puppet.
… and represents 10.1% of the population.
I see that your’re using that CIA math again.
i counted the demontabt and streikes
also lukashenka shits every hour. he began promise interesting things. new election, his remove prom politics, etc.
so, you are that one, who knows nothing about Belarus.
I know a shill when I see one. I guess you want to end up like Ukraine? Unlike Poland you won’t be the United States favorite little bitch. I guarantee it.
they don’t teach arithmetic in your trailer park—post more lies the CIA will give u some marijuana….LOL
recent pro govt demo–Minsk 120,000
anti govt demo 10,000
Damn, it’s even less than 10.1%.
She is not! You lie.
Otherwise she would be in Russia and not Lithuania.
Yes, she is. She was with her husband in Crimea and applauded to russian annexion. they both are on the ukrainian blacklist for this step.
all three opposition leaders are pro russian, one of them emigrated to moscow. this is the reason, why does nothing putin.
Human rights activist, English teacher and interpreter, spent many summers in Ireland.
Tsikhanouskaya vowed to move away from the union treaty with Russia.
Her husbond activist, labeled Lukashenko as a “cockroach”main theme in election campaign, arrested for violence against a police officer, possession of $900.000 in cash, accused of being a foreign agent.
purin already obeyed lukashenka. he is waiting for new government, he knows, that will be also pro-russian. the belarus people like russia. therefore is your scenario false.
Lukashenko already made nice with Putin and sent back the 33 Wagner mercs that got caught up in the SBU trap and made the announcement about collective security with mother Russia: The “Union State” is re-animated and this kills the color revolution the US and NATO so badly wanted.
I hope you’re getting well paid for positing this garbage since the money is going to be gone once all those NGOs and Polish backed NEXTA gets kicked out.
just one thing: kremlin told something else.
another barbaric fake buddhist w no God
It’s the female meat puppet version of Juan Guaidó.
Now the West is dissatisfied with the Belarus presidential elections. The Belarusians stubbornly reconfirmed their president Mr Alexander G Lukashenko (AGL) into his position, and he is himself a stubborn guy who refuses to sell his country’s assets and invite in the NATO tanks. My advice to US leaders is to re-use Mr Guaido; recognise him as the new President of Belarus, and have it done with. Why pretend that sellouts are different because they sell different countries? Guaido has proven his devotion to Uncle Sam; he already has experience at being a “recognised” un-elected president. Long live President Guaido of Belarus!
Things don’t look good for Lukashenko. And he might even become a domino effect for the rest of ex-soviet countries with similar governance systems. Can’t wait to see who wins. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba0a089c4197aacf08bdc57514a619669c25a9e9e37a4132a6fab2aa9a3ab9de.jpg
The only so called domino effect would be by external forces along with a few paid local collaborators,Putin just won’t tolerate that shit,as shown by his quick action crushing those forces in Crimea,there is nothing more the Empire would like than to break up the Russian federation like the Soviet Union,trust me Putin won’t allow that to happen and will crush anyone who tries it.
No brainer,nazi/feminists are not in control,never were,nor ever will be (period)
just another non-talented sell out. bought and paid by the disunited states of A and prepared to deliver blowjobs to scum like fatso, slime kushner ad infinito for a short time in the limelight. another ukraine in the making. europe doesn’t need another ukraine.
From what i have seen Lukashenka is an idiot,he has tried to play the West off between them and Russia,i also think the dynamic is different from Ukraine,in Ukraine there was always a Nazi/Nationalist population in the West of the Country,in Belarus i believe they are all Russian speakers,they really are Russians,now we know there will be sinister forces in the background who have their own agenda of drawing the Country into the US Empire,not sure most of the population support that,best thing Russia can do at the moment is let events unfold,but the red line would be the Country becoming another Puppet state of the Empire with everything that entails,i believe the biggest Company is the state owned tractor engine company,if they went the way of Ukraine Western Corporate jackals would privatise it and maybe close it,so the people should be very careful what they wish for,i don’t know very much about the Woman who ran to Lihuania so far,what we should look for like we saw in Ukraine are foreign flags flying at those demos,in ukraine we saw the US,EU,Polish,and Israeli flags and Canadian,that tells us a lot,and i have been expecting those mysterious snipers turning up in Minsk.
Another MKultra victim…
The western vampires are ready to take over and suck Belarus dry.
I would send my secret services in to take her out. send a message to any other wanna be Bootlicker, usurper.
I’m ready when you are,enough of these medusa problematic hellary wannabes,take it out!
you are sure ruskie.
mitchti amerikanski—-u durak
russian spy in michigan, ty chuy durak ruski!
Michigan? LOL. pizdet amerikanski
Someone remind me why Byelorussia should be a different country from Russia, and not an oblast.
Because the belarus people wish this.
If Russia remains passive in Belarus like it has done in Syria and Ukraine, then it is all over for Russia as US and its NATO vassals will be emboldened.
They could do as china/hong kong is the best option,belarus must side with russia or fail too!
i blocked you, so do not waste time for your stupid answers to me.
cannot tolerate the truth…”the least reproach offends amerikans–the slightest sharp sting of truth turns them fierce”. Tocqueville
go home to your mommy drink some fluoridated water and vaccinate yourself to address your fear, anxiteies, sexual repression, puritanism
yes, he can not tolerate the truth. moreover, he does not discuss, he is vulgar.
your insecure feminine projections r tiresome
you all must finally understand: russia is no magnet for other countries, nations, the EU is.
russia is poor country, no freedom for people.
Keep taking the meds. How many EU members are nuclear triad super powers with over $600 billion currency reserves?
Oklahoma where I live is close.
Lol, using Monopoly money.
and still gas station with zero power :DDD
How little you know.
Remind me, whose space rocket engines does the US use to make it into space?
Eu is just like an insect killing lamp, it shines bright and attaractive, the stupid people flock to it and get hurt. Guess how EU can maintain it’s AAA status, at least the western part of it, i am not talking about europeans wannabees like Latvia and the others, they exploit other gullible idiots like YOU. They destroy their economy like they did with ukraine and many others and let the people work in their factories for a few dollars so that they can sell it for much more later. You are nothing more than just cheap labour to them. Look at Romani for example, westen firms have bought their lands and grow nothing there in order to have a bigger marketshare for their own firms. LOL.
in comparison to russia we really shine and bright. we are 25 levels over russia.
so incompetent u produce nothing, unable to compete, u require sanctions and tariffs—everybody despises the self uglified amerikan
more swoboda in Russia than in the US police state oligarchy…..smoke some marijuana and have a burger to address your feline insecurity and your fear of dearth
1 year ago happened. in 90ties ruskie boy left russia and went to german. later got family and when his children were in the coming age, he decided, turns bacj to russia, because west ws for him too liberal. he was able to live threeeeeeeeeeee loooooong months in russia and went back inti germany. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD in russia is no freedom.
poor little amerikan child–for u freedom is the choice between coke and Pepsi—a military dictatorship, police state oligarchy…nice try…”only in amerika is the father vestigial; the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. G Gorer
She has a point. Some Sovjet areas are not especially funny.
But your point is soul. Fighting for what you have and are. Acceptable but difficult with poverty. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/adc874a157d80ec7acb04faf65967aceb30267d4ca9b9dabc7cf67f5a6aef376.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/003be95f12babd7f0e33120ed5d04e3adbc97f82f7956a28061a9abc0bda0c23.jpg
Just ask the people of Ukraine, the poorest country in Europe, about EU nations.
Fkoff vile dumb slut,if you got no skills then you are too dumb to even fleece the legit government!
Fk for the ciggy or two,low life fascist whore,begone satanic slut: Get Thee Behind Me Sepulcher:
Lukashenko is just waiting that Nazis armed gangs take the arms…then people flee from the streets and Lukachenko win!..anyway large rallys and march dont change nothing and people end up getting bored!
Proclaimed (by Western propaganda) main opposition “leader”…the housewife is “ready” to be President of the country.
Western soap opera propaganda… and everybody else in Belarus is illiterate and retarded (of course) to represent opposition.
Another Guaido in the making. Expect the UK to freeze Belarus’ bank accounts and seize any gold it has in Britain. Remember, it’s the west who votes for your president. Anything else results in sanctions. It’s all in the outdated color revolution manual.
navalny, guaido, timobitchko put them all in same jail cell together hehe
putin and his 12 oligarchs, too.
Little pro – western traitor.
pro govt demo Minsk=120,000
anti-govt demo 10,000
cry to mommy
Soros’s slut.
You little blind child.
and you, the big dick are blocked
Who would want to put his dick in the lesbo squad imho.
But how did she become leader of the opposition without somebody noticed her preferences?
Lame joke, lol. She got her 15 minutes of fame and the outcasts flock to her in order to stay in the spotlight.
I read her “human rights activist” husbond was on stage to be elected but was arrested for having $900000 in a suitcase sent from Biden, why she took over his campaign of “democracy” and “Lukashenko is a cockroach”, and she escaped to Western backed Lithuania before she too was kicked in jail.
She is still crying about womens equality and green clima change in Lithuania…lol.
the voice of the god blessed people: clear off!
“The strike at MZKT, which is a state-run company is a strong signal, since the plant is the most significant economic establishment in the country, and a symbol of Lukashenko’s economic and social policy. It operates almost entirely thanks to Russian contracts, since it produces chassis for military vehicles.”
State-run company, Russian contracts… Guess there will be nothing left for these workers once the US puppet regime takes over.
not your problem
but it is a problem for barbaric imperialist amerikans…now return to your meth, and trailer park….”amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell
To be fair, the elections in Belarus are a total sham. But at the same time the worst thing that could happen would be to allow a pro-Washington/EU puppet with neo-liberal views to take over.
Lukashenko needs to prepare to hand over power on his terms, by appointing a more popular replacement with a more modern management style. If not, then sooner or later he’ll be forced to leave anyway.
People don’t like rulers-for-life, but Lukashenko is very much an old-school, power-hungry Soviet tyrant who’ll probably never give up power willingly. Indeed he basically thinks he has the right to rule until death.
L may be eccentric, but he is the only respectable leader in Belarus…amerikans prefer nazis like Azov, praviya cektor in Ukraine..as do their colonies, demark, Dominican Republic, UK, etc
recent pro govt demo+ 120,000
anti-govt demo 10,000
more lies from the CIA
Sf has become common msm.
she is the next president of belarus
Just like Juan Guaidó? Color revolution is over. The people of Belarus are not going to let themselves end up like Ukraine, the poorest nation in Europe.
thios is WHITE revolution :D
we are in white russland :P
haha in fiction
confused again–u meant to claim she will be the president of the parents teacher association in Topeka….I agree