UPDATE: According to media reports, the number of injured people grew to 26.

Charlottesville, Virginia, US, August 12, 2017 © Justin Ide / Reuters
Written by Claire Bernish; Originally appeared at The Daily Sheeple
A car plowed into protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, today, injuring multiple people severely — killing one — and, as first responders rushed to perform CPR and tend to the injured, law enforcement hunted down the badly damaged vehicle — and reportedly arrested the driver.
— Kno (@Kno) 12 August 2017
#BREAKING: I just watched a car plow through dozens of protesters. Extremely heavy injuries #Charlottesville pic.twitter.com/rE8DWUmrfD
— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) 12 August 2017
Nazis mowing down anti-Nazis #Charlottesville pic.twitter.com/cJmF562ASS
— Steven C (@bleacherbum87) 12 August 2017
We’re closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia,” President Trump said Saturday from New Jersey, quoted by CBS News, which pointed out the commander-in-chief did not address brazen Nazi symbolism and regalia worn by the self-identified alt-right attendees. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides.”
“It’s been going on for a long time in our country,” Trump said of racism and bigotry at the chaotic event.“Not Donald Trump. Not Barack Obama. It’s been going on for a long, long time.”
“We have to heal the wounds of our country,” the president concluded.
“I am heartbroken that a life has been lost here. I urge all people of good will,” tweeted Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer, “go home.”
I am heartbroken that a life has been lost here. I urge all people of good will–go home.
— Mike Signer (@MikeSigner) 12 August 2017
“BREAKING: Hospital official says one dead, 19 injured after car plows into a group of protesters in downtown Charlottesville, Va.,” the Associated Press reported via Twitter late Saturday afternoon.
BREAKING: Hospital official says one dead, 19 injured after car plows into a group of protesters in downtown Charlottesville, Va.
— The Associated Press (@AP) 12 August 2017
Just prior to the incident, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency over ongoing bloody clashes taking place at planned protests over the removal of a Civil War-era statue, and, more broadly, disputes over the perceived rise of white nationalism, fascism, and other hot-button social issues.
Governor McAuliffe has declared a state of emergency to aid state response to violence at Alt-Right rally in Charlottesville
— Terry McAuliffe (@GovernorVA) 12 August 2017
Witnesses variously told a smattering of reporters on scene a gray muscle car drove toward marchers at a high rate of speed, slammed into several people, possibly smashing them between the attacking and another vehicle, shifted the car quickly into reverse and drove rapidly backwards away from the scene.
Billing the demonstration as an attempt to “unify the right-wing against a totalitarian Communist crackdown,” participants calling themselves Unite the Right held a march last night in Charlottesville, home of the University of Virginia, carrying tiki torches in a procession — which, ultimately, kettled a smaller group of counter-protesters, sparking brutal skirmishes.
Altercations began again early on Saturday in advance of a planned rally already assumed to turn violent, including the deadly incident involving the vehicle.
Clashes have started. Keep in mind, the rally doesn’t start officially until noon. #charlottesville #rally pic.twitter.com/DswIVyE6RB
— Craig Stanley (@_CraigStanley) 12 August 2017
Following the deadly incident, police cordoned off at least one block, and a reporter claimed to have seen a helicopter overhead, though it was unclear whether those details were related.
According to Taylor Lorenz, a reporter for Mic and The Hill, “Anyway several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn’t malicious. They said the driver was scared.”
Anyway several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn’t malicious. They said the driver was scared
— Taylor Lorenz (@TaylorLorenz) 12 August 2017
Whether or not there was a motive, what that might have been, and additional pertinent information has yet to be reported; but, as the volatile situation continues to unfold, details will be updated as necessary.
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides.” dixit the warmonger Trump. XD.
Thta’s the f…. way of life that USA want to spread to the world ??? XD. A fake country for a fake and fanatcic people. That’s why are USA. The better we finished with this fake and terrorist country, the better for the world.
What you are missing is that this is also a Soros/globalist funded exercise to destabilize the US.
Because USA is the home of globalists. And nobody cares what happen to them. They have killed so many people that nobody cares about them. If USA collapses, the world will enjoy.
Just listen to USA and you will be just like that : civil war. Just follow american ideology and you will have civil war in your country within 50 years. XD.
American ideology need blood, violence, theft, …. to continue to exist. If you isolate USA from the rest of the world, USA will collapse from inside. That’s why they are making so many wars. Without wars, US regime can’t survive.
Damn, the Trumpists has me almost convinced that the alt-right are just law-abiding, ordinary, patriotic Americans under vicious assault from leftist thugs. But these folks looked like wannabe Klansmen and worse, with one of them carrying out a terror attack on the counter-demonstrators, murdering one. The likely military background just goes with the total package.
Just the street-level version of what goes on in Washington, where liberals want to go to war with Russia, while conservatives prefer to mix it up with Iran instead. All in all, not much of worth left in that country.
“the Trumpists has me almost convinced that the alt-right are just law-abiding, ordinary, patriotic Americans under vicious assault from leftist thugs. ”
Still true
Antifa and BLM are known for attacking cars so the tragic accident may be their fault.
Wait a moment, if it was a “tragic accident” then it wasn’t anybody’s fault really? I never said anything about Antifa being the good guys; we have them in Europe as well, where they seem to enjoy some protection as Merkel’s goon squad. Anyway, I *greatly* prefer that Americans have a go at each other instead of exporting their passions to other people’s countries.
I assure you that German Antifa is more dangerous than US Antifa or BLM, and also was for the Nazi or Commies etc, Europe in general is more ‘passional’ than US.
…and another clue the driver may be ‘ANTIFA’ or BLM is the authorities have NOT shown the perps face.
It was known from the first it was a right winger but what is not known yet if he did that on purpose or because he was scared when his car got attacked by antifa because of a bumper sticker, we don’t have the images of what happened before the car rampage.
Car plows into mob of Communists. Who cares?
It was the Communists who started the violence. As always.
Just a small issue of murder. But to military types, that must indeed seem all in a day’s work.
So why were Americans fighting Germans with communists in the 40s ? XD.
I don’t know what XD means. Explain it, then I’ll answer.
XD means lol.
lol means laughing out loud. What does XD mean?
Just google it. Like I have said, XD means lol. XD is a laughing emoticon
Thank you. I didn’t know that.
The reason Americans were fighting with the Communists against the Germans is because by the late-1930s the US was already a proto-Communist Country — of the Gramscian, not Marxist/Leninist school of Communism. In other words, in the US the Communists got it right. Because Communism is not a political system, nor is it an economic system, it is in truth a social system. One need only re-read Marx and Engels and it becomes clear that Gramsci understood them correctly but corrected their errors. It took some time, but today the US is the perfect Communist country.
Man. You can’t be serious. USA fight with USSR just to destroy Germany because without USSR, impossible for USA to destroy Germany.
USA uses wohever they want when they fight countries that they want to invade. Just like, they used Nazis in Ukraine, islamists in Syria, separatists, …..
There is no hope for you.
Just keep pumping the truth SFC, it takes as long as it takes, like a snake shedding its skin.
Yeah, over spending on a corrupt military and government. What is spent on the military could probably fund SSA eternally…especially if we’re talking about ALL the money spent by the military…not just what we get shown. Take a look at a budget chart. Maintaining a world wide terrorist force with 1,000+ facilities is very expensive.
Thanks serious , I didn’t know.
Just as a point of information it was the Germans who declared was on the
usa, not the other way round. So in a sense they had no choice but to
fight the Germans.
Nope. USA entered war after “Pearlk Harbor”. USA let Japanese enter Pearl Harbor to declare war. But, they were preparing wars way way before. That’s why USA had all military stuffs ready to go.
Most of the Military equipment was being made through the lend lease program of which the US made some felonious accounting to boost the numbers, they diverted shipments meant for the British after US ships were sunk going to supply the US bases. Many claims of US shipments being sunk back then, Canada Dispatched Korvettes to deal with the Uboat attacks. Canada went as far to offer escort protection and training of their merchant navy.
Man. That’s bullshit. USA made the weapons way way before. You don’t create this amount of weapons so quickly. It was planned.
The US was very slow and waffling on delivery of equipment and diverted it to mostly to their own military in the beginning. Shame really to be that dirty and underhanded with allies.
Well that’s not what Wikipedia says. America declared war on Japan and in
response Germany declared war on America. They had a pact. Now may by
Wikipedia is wrong. Or may be I am misreading it. However, this is
not my only source of information. Anyway look at Wikipedia and see
if you agree that what I think they say they are saying.
What’s the point ? USA let Japenese attack Pearl Harbor to enter the war.
Now USA has military bases in Japan and a 10s bases in Germany.
If you need the link to Wikipedia try this:-
As for any further conspiracy theories that that is beyond my original
Conspiracy theory is the expression made by the globalists to stop the discussion. Just like when you say “9/11 has been made by the US gouvernment” it’s called a conspiracy theory. XD.
Man, your propagenda tool doesn’t work.
Not really bother by any of this. My point was only to make the correct
point about the chronology concerning the declarations of war and
America’s involvement. You seem to have gone well beyond this. I
think I have made all the points I wisht to concerning this topic.
It doesn’t matter if USA made war against Japan or Germany because USA goal was to enter the war by any way. USA did the same during WWI. Do you believe on coincidences ? XD.
Incorrect paul, Roosevelt declared war on Germany the day after Pearl Harbor.
Have a look at Wikipedia says. Their version is that America declared war on Japan and in response Germany declared war on America. They had a pact. Now may by Wikipedia is wrong. Or may be I am misreading it. However, this is
not my only source of information. Anyway look at Wikipedia and see
if you agree that what I think they say they are saying.
Correct, both Germany and Italy declared war on the US four days after Pearl Harbor attack:
“According to the terms of their agreements, Germany was obliged to come to the aid of Japan if a third country attacked Japan, but not if Japan attacked a third country. Ribbentrop reminded Hitler of this”
Thanks for this response. I got into a lengthy thread on this point which
was more tiresome than I would have wished. I think the deeper point
is how so much error and misconception there is. I am equally sure
that many will think that Germany attacked England when in fact the
UK declared war on Germany ostensibly because of Germany’s invasion
of Poland. Now all I am interested in is the chronology. The murky
world of underhand political dealing is for me just the subject of
I will have a look, soon as I sober up.
Just to make my point clear here is the link to the Wikipedia page. You
will see it is quite clear.
They were fighting the same enemy. That doesn’t mean the americans were fighting “with” the soviets.
Yes. But, now, americans defended what happened in Charlottesville by calling the left the “communists”. Isn’t that strange ? XD. They are defending the american Nazis agaisnt tjhe communists they helped to fight the Nazis. XD.
They aren’t communists, they are Antifa, a terrorist organization.
Looks like communists’ violence was made against your brain.
“Walking while communist”
You may be on to something Sergeant Slaughter. Just label one’s opponents/enemies as dirty rotten commie pinko socialist stooges. Then plow into them with one’s Chevy Camaro. The crime of first/second degree murder becomes an act of civic/social responsibility/duty/virtue/honor.
I am sure antifa will make all the propaganda they can. However, I know
who my enemies are and feel no pity for people I wish did not exist.
Save your venom for others. You will be wasting your breath on me.
I notice the ‘authorities ‘ are reluctant to show us the driver. To anyone NOT familiar with the state of politics in America, let me tell You us conservative types have a tough time getting our points of view, public. The progressives, who own the media, grab the headlines and set the narrative, “White Supremacist riot” etc etc and like that mantra, “hands up don’t shoot’, the narrative framing a half-lie, is powerful.
If I owned the media, setting the narrative with a half-lie, is a tactic I would use, because it works so well.
Note how the lie “hands up don’t shoot” went all the way up and was chanted on our Senate floor.
Are you suggesting the driver might not be a person of non colour?
I have heard that USA will remove the statues of Confederate personnalities. XD.
After that, they will erase them from history.
Old tactic. USA has been doing this since long long time. Now, that they are doing it in the USA, I laugh. It’s just the backfire.
James Alex Fields, it seems some Klansman wannabe; looks like all American knuckleheads do if you ask me. So he was a conservative type, and he got his point of view public just fine.
Thanks for alerting us that if you’d ever control a media outlet, you’d use it dishonestly.
The fascism, will come in the disguise of anti-fascism.
Did you know, that, before the NSDAP came to power, it was regularly called a political party of the left spectrum? There are more than enough newspapers from that time, easy to get (well, mostly German newspapers of course). When the NSDAP took power, quite suddenly the left spectrum was gone …
With other words, the Antifa today, is nothing else than a grandson. The heritage of the Antifa is the SA, and the different “troops” the SPD and KPD were fielding in the political battles, in which Germany was embroiled in.
Have fun thinking about that bit of information and what conclusion this can lead to. =)
It’s totally false. NSDAP came in power because Germany was totally bukrupted by globalists. When people can’t afford a bread, what do you expect ?
Germans were buying a bread 1 million marks. XD.
It’s the US globalism that lead to NSDAP. Just like in Iran, it’s because iof USA that there are shias in power. Because CIA made a coup on Mossadegh. Just like in North Korea, you have troubles because USA cut Korea in two parts.
Indeed, the economical collapse was a huge contributing factor for the SA. With the veterans not knowing what to do, the army limited to 100.000 men, the SA offered the only alternative to join and have at least something to do. The majority of the veterans joined the SA, but many joined KPD or SPD counterparts too.
But that doesn’t contradict anything I wrote before.
Actually, it only shows how important the role of these formations was. Without the SA, Hitler wouldn’t have been able to gain power in the first place. Not only was it that they gained so much power that they could rival the army and the SS at the same time, with more than 4 million SA men, but everyone of them was voting for the NSDAP anyway.
Germany was bankrupted by globalists just like nowadays, USA will be bankruped soon. A big spanish bank just collpased some weeks ago. In Italia, more and more banks are collapsing.
We will see for what parties people vote when most countries in Europe and USA will be bankrupted. XD.
Also, during WW1, the globalists gave german territory to Poland. Now, Poland is a globalist country used to threaten Russia afeter have been used to destroy Germany.
There is a big propaganda about this war. You can’t talk about it because it was planned by USA and UK just like USA nowaydays plan invasion of others countries. And, Germany never made war against France and UK. It’s just the opposite.
History reapeats itself.
Actually, while everyone within the IMF system is screwed beyond recognition, Germany became very powerful again.
That banks are failing left and right since 2007 is nothing new, it actually never stopped. The billions thrown at the banks only bought time, it is still the same collapse than what started 2007. We will just see the next round of concentrating power within the banking sector, which the citizens are as stupid as to pay with their work for, i.e. their taxes.
To big to fail, is to big to exist.
In every war, it was normal that the loser would have to give away part of the country, not any different in WW I. Besides, that some wars completely removed countries from the map, like Poland before WW I, as it wasn’t existing for a long time.
That the money system was the driving factor behind the WW I is an open secret, but not being touched due to “political correctness”. Errhh, when actually was the IMF installed? =)
Money wasn’t the driver of the wars in the end, it was power. My statement wouldn’t be much different actually, not that I would like money in the first place:
The northern part of the country? I can only guess that you are referring to “Volkswagen”, one of the biggest car manufactures in the world. While it is a multinational company, the state of “Niedersachsen”, meaning Lower Saxony, owns a big chunk of the shares. I guess that you mean the Dieselgate scandal which they are heavily affected by, like most of the car industry already.
The German core of industry are still small to middle sized companies, usually owned by the CEO himself or his family (usually after some generations). These smaller companies are actually those which are holding the majority of patents. Which is very different from the US economy concept, creating a Silicon valley instead. Different economies, different solutions.
Yep, that is the small to middle sized companies. =)
Actually, the exports from Germany create a huge problem nowadays, but well, that’s what the new powers wanted. They weren’t foreseeing that the financial system would have a difficult time to renew itself, at least justifying it.
One of the reasons why the USA today is running around and begging for war.
The Germans for decades got told that huge exports are good for the economy. Nowadays they get told that these exports create huge problems …. surprise! =)
WW1 was just the beginning of what we have seen in WW2 and what we are seeing now. The globalists made WW1 to destroy German empire and Ottoman empire. Then, they have cut, these empires in little pieces and occupy them.
The WW2 is the exact aftermath of WW2. Germany wanted their lands back.
Even Syria, Lebanon, .. have been created by the globalists to occupy these countries. Even, Lebanon and Syria were a same country but cut in two parts by the globalists.
That’s it.
Well, WW I actually wasn’t the beginning, there is much more to it.
Bismarck commented on the US civil war, for that reason. Remember, the USA weren’t an empire in the beginning, but cutting of their ties to one.
Serious is the ONE who understand.
You are fully right. And remember: The “winner” writes the history.
Just tell me in Europe which countries were against NSDAP ? Just globalist countries. Even USSR didn’t give a f… about NSDAP (UK, France, Neterhlands). USSR did war against Germany because Germany stupidly made war agianst USSR.
Actually, money funding the campaigns didn’t come from German industry only (the (in-)famous image with the industry putting money into Hitlers hand), but there was a chunk of money coming via the Netherlands too, which no one knows where this actually came from.
If we check the relations between Germany and the USA, they were in fact quite close to each other, which later on was played down all the time. Henry Ford only being one of the more famous examples, getting a medal from the Germans. Not to mention that the “science hype” of the 1920 from the USA only reached Germany in the 1930s, the euthanasia. What this culminated in, well, I hopefully do not have to explain that.
USSR played its own game of expanding its sphere of influence. There are still heated debates, if Stalin wanted to attack Germany and England, while both of them would have been embroiled in a war already, taking advantage of such a situation. This is the common claim that Germany attacked preemptively. One indicator, that it might be true is the huge gains Germans made during the beginning. A defensive Russian force would have been difficult to attack, but they slit in like a hot knife in butter. This would rather indicate a offensive formation, for which roadblocks and defenses would only slow them down themselves.
There is another indicator that the USSR thought about taking Europe by force, which is the development of the BT series, especially the BT-7. These tanks had the ability to remove the tracks and drive even faster on the street. If we think about the infrastructure of the USSR back then, on which streets within the USSR did they want to use this feat? The short parts which actually had a road didn’t justify changing time of 30 min for the tracks.
Check the images for WW II for the eastern front, in which the infrastructure is shown blatantly, with tanks, trucks, motorbikes and everything else being stuck in the mud. It went that far, that the Germans called it general Winter and General Mud. I do not see any tactical employment possibility within Russia for this. In fact, everywhere you can read about it, it usually too states that it wasn’t really used in Russia anyway, not very surprising.
So, why did they develop it in the first place?
As usual, there are is no black and white in any conflict, but lots of grey shades.
My reply here got flagged as spam, well, let the moderator decide. I requested to un-flag it again. Might take some time to show up, or it might not show up at all, we will see.
Why does the ‘MEDIA’ refuse to show the drivers face ??
To prevent a witch hunt.
We are only going back to the middle ages, but we are not quite there yet, so please be patient. =)
Wearing a mask to a demonstration should be against the law AND the police should arrest those that wear masks.
Just Communists ranting about the connection which is pretty weak and would require the destruction of all their laws , rights and Constitution if they want to divest themselves of all things connected one way or another to slavery , but the Carolinas have always been screwed up people in that regard.
please please please let there be a civil war, Israel will finally fall
Has anyone seen this Documentary?
Its interesting!
The discussion here is for nothing. Communists of the former times were mixed up with stupid Antifa trash of nowadays. And: what has a monument of General Lee to do with Germany in the 30s and 40s? Nothing. Fact is, stupid white people (Antifa and leftists) make a rally against the interests of the whites. And they started agression against the patriots and nationalists demonstrating to keep Lee’ s monument. The white leftists (they are no classical communists) distroy the white manhood in Western Europe and Northern America. And one more fact: Germany in the 30s and 40s were the best Germany Germans ever had, but it was a thorn in the eye of the jewish powered financial system in these times.