Dear friends!
SouthFront Team is working hard to provide accurate and valuable coverage of the ongoing crises and the biggest stories from around the world. We seek to improve our content on a constant basis, developing video products, text analyses, design and the website.
Despite the constant pressure on the project and a narrow flow of donations, the SouthFront Team avoided the decrease of production and is continuing and further provide high quality analytical content, videos, graphics. Once again, thank you all!
Unfortunately, the situation is still complicated. SouthFront needs about 5000 USD per month to keep the full-scale content production. By today, July 11, SouthFront has collected only 7% of the needed monthly amount. SouthFront won’t be able to provide daily coverage of the ongoing developments around the world without your support.
We kindly ask you to support SouthFront in July. Without your support we won’t be able to keep the project alive:
Tinypass (Piano)
This systems accepts all types of cards, PayPal, Amazon Payments, bitcoin (FAQ is under the main text, in P.S.)
You can subscribe for a monthly donation of $15 (or any another amount) OR make one time donation by clicking buttons below
Donate via SouthFront’s Patreon account (click here)
Adress for BTC: 1PvKhgVDoXp96Yyp7Pgs5uMPkChSMA2G5n
Sincerely yours,
SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team
P.S. How to donate via Tinypass (Piano):
1) One time donation
2) Monthly subscription
Answering the title: yes! We need independent voice. Unfortunately South Front is pro-Russian so it is not independent.
If you are going to delete my on-topic comments as “Spam” and yet always publish the most disgusting and aggressive racist comments, why exactly do you expect me to support you?
1) If you make such statements, please, provide prooof of “racist comments” by SF.
2) Your comments could be marked as spam if you post links in them
I wish you would call it what it really is : “Zionist controled media” vs Independent media.