Suicide Attack at Atmeh Bordercrossing Kills Killing Over 30 Militants Heading to Syria from Turkey

Suicide Attack at Atmeh Bordercrossing Kills Killing Over 30 Militants Heading to Syria from Turkey

A suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus in Syria near the Atmeh border crossing into Turkey on August 14. The bus was carrying pro-Turkish militants forthe Syrian war.

The explosion took place at the entrance of Atmeh refugee camp in Syria’s Idlib province, near the border crossing. This area is a major bastion of the Western-backed jihadists.

Local sources say the explosnion killed over 30 militants and injured many others while the UK-based “Syrian Observatory for Humant Rights,” which is a voice of Western-backed jihadists, says that 15 “people” were killed and 25 others injured.

Various report said that the exposive targeted the US-backed “moderates” from Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki, Faylaq al-Sham and some others.

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Jacek Wolski

So much for Erdogan ‘the rat’ shutting the border crossings.


ISIS is going to shut the border instead apparently.