
Sergei Bobylev/TASS
Two Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter jets have successfully finished a two-day program of tests, including combat ones, in Syria, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced on March 1.
“Indeed, they were there for a while. Two days. During that time, they completed a program of trials, including combat ones,” the minister said. “I can say that the trials were success and the planes returned home a week ago.”
According to photos and videos appearing online, Russia deployed at least two Su-57 stealth fighter jets in Syria on February 23. The jets arrived Hmeimim airbase, near the Syrian coastal city of Jableh. Since then, numerous speculations had been circulating on the purpose and details of the deployment.
In 2016, SF released an analysis providing a look at the Su-57 fighter jet program:
Put it against the F-22 and we will see who the real combat ready one is LOL!
Rather like your feeble attempts here to promote the US Coalition of Chaos, your F22’s would crash an burn.
Few in the US military are willing to die for their infantile regime and I do not blame them.
Murder innocents they will do but that is about their limit.
Kinzhal (a mach ten missile) just tested may help”
Yes and it seems that the US State Dept spoke woman, Heather Nauert was frothing at the mouth today. How dare Russia threaten America :)
Three F-22’s destroyed. So combat test is over. :D
Plus a 6 man US/Israeli terror training team ( TTT pronounced ‘tits’) in Idlib I read on a Russian news site. This was in reply to the US attacks on the Russian PMC’s.
re: “Plus a 6 man US/Israeli terror training team ( TTT pronounced ‘tits’) in Idlib I read on a Russian news site. This was in reply to the US attacks on the Russian PMC’s.”
I did not know about this? Link please (or quotes).
re: “three F-22’s destroyed.”
Is this ‘armchair academic’ gossip or did this really happen? I do not know about this either. Does’ anyone have any information on this? Three F-22’s destroyed is a serious loss. These planes are worth 80 million each (which is why the U.$. ZioArmy doesn’t have more of them.) When did these F22’s go down? Where did these F22’s go down? When did these F22’s get shot down? Links please.
florian is an old fashion commie. he prays to putin and ussr.
That’s curious – a few weeks ago you calling the FlorianGeyer avatar a ‘fascist’ – this week it is a ‘commie’ – make up your mind.
This is not curious. Lot of commies have big affinity to fascism. lso stalin supported nazi germany in 30ties, allowed them to train wehrmacht in ussr. Now putn supports russian neonazi riders, neonazi parties in west europe. e.g., supported with money le pen.
so, that would be no problem if FG would love both totalitary systems.
but it is not so.
we discussed this issue.
florian geyer was the name of famous SS unit, extremly brutal. but he told, he took the name from middle age rebel, florian geyer.
thus he remains only a hardliner commie. :) and i will never talk with him about nazi issues.
The 5th Generation Russian aircraft are said to have been involved with the 6 man team being eliminated. I will look for the link tomorrow.It was a Russian site. They have returned to Russia now and the Russian MOD stated they were tested in combat .
Where it says 3 F22 downed ? They explicitly says a combat test too were conducted so it’s a wonder what kind of it’s test target was.
I would like see 10×10 F-22 with american pilots against 10×10 PAK
plus 10×10 F-35 with islaeli pilots against 10×10 PAK
then we woukd know the reality.
until such combat test all sentences about PAK are bullshits.
And when does that situation happens other than in video games. And i suppose we’ll have both sides turn off the rest of their assets like land base radars, drones, AWACS, tanker planes etc. Not to mention both sides using ballistic missiles in order to destroy planes and infrastructure in the first hours of war. No we’ll have them jousting like in the middle ages and then I suppose the fair maiden will blow the survivors…
Only the Russians and Iranians have the magrav weapons which turn the U.S. massive aircraft advantage into a duck shoot.
You just stated that you want to see WWIII. Go straight to hell without dragging us along with you.
Oh, I nearly forgot to say LOL Vidura.
So just for you, LOL.
He wos the first wise commenter.
‘Wos’ he really ?
These stories are so stupid. USA will never fight alone and will always wait to have 90% chance of wining before attacking.
you are a software program.
time you move slowly -slowly not to hurt your single cell towards 21st century kid. Don`t rush. Just do it at your pace. You know one step forward, 1 step back and then two side ways just like the crab.
My words!
You have lot of your ego riding on the F-22 – put it against the S-400’s.
Ah, but of course, you are not an actual trained USAF pilot – who do not want to be anywhere near those missile sysytems.
F-22 can’t fly above 20,000 feet because the air mask disintegrates above that.
The F-22 had trouble keeping up with the Eurofighter Typhoon, and the Eurofighter Typhoon has been found inadequate against the Su-30 Mk 2, never mind the Su-35 and now the Su-57.
The F22 relies on its stealth, at close range it isn’t much of a plane, no maneuverability, you can watch a French Rafale take out an F22 on Youtube.
If USA attacks Russia, it will not attack alone. USA, UK, Europe will atack also. And if the “smart” Putin let the middle east in USA hands, the middle east will also attack.
That’s why if the “smart” Putin continues to be fooled by israelis, he will loose Syria, the middle east, Ukraine and after Belarus. And then, Russia will remain alone for the big fight, where Russia will have little chance to win.
You are wrong. Listen to what President Putin said Today.
What did he say ?
‘Listen to us now’: Putin unveils new Russian nuclear arsenal ‘
This in English Serious.
Putin agrees with me.
He said “In the end, if we did nothing, this would render the Russian nuclear potential worthless. They could simply intercept all of it.”
So, USA is building an anti-missile system around Russia and deploying nuclear warheads around Russia. Like I said, USA will not attack directly but force their slave states to attack. So, Russia will be attacked from the USA vassal states with US nuclear warheads.
The russian launchers can be neutralized by nuclear warheard in vassal states. Once done, USA will attack Russia and finish off.
That’s why Putin better have overarmed Syria and should overarmed Iran instead of pleasing his israelis mentors and wanting to collaborate with the west.
“He said “In the end, if we did nothing, this would render the Russian nuclear potential worthless.”
I listened to the whole speech today and in the context of what he said ‘doing nothing ‘ means that if Russia had not completely modernised their Nuclear capability since 2004 , the US could have overwhelmed the old Russian missile defences due to the ring of ACBM’s currently around Russia.
President Putin then went on to describe the latest Russian Nuclear capability’s that are now able to totally destroy the US and Europe IF the US is foolish enough to attack Russia.
USA will not give up and is now, encircling Russia in South. So, if Russia do nothing, USA will deploy nuclear warheads in the south. that’s why USA has invading Iraq, Syria and want to destroy Iran.
There are US nuclear warhead in Europe, especially in Germany.
It’s a long run race.
The US is a failed state now.
Can the US afford to make more nukes?
In South Korea, the US is now trying to force SK into paying for Americas THAAD missiles. Australia has to pay the US over $1 billion a year, for some marines that were forced on Australia. Same applies to Japan and Germany, other countries have to pay for the US military.
The US is broke, it only survives by extorting money from others.
you never can awaken one who pretend he is asleep and play stupid.
russian speeches = shits
importatnt things:
a) how many pieces will be produce the russian economy? (the supercheap PK instead of 150 – which is extremely low number!!! – only 12, that means if indians will not order, the firm dies.
these nuclear toys are much, much, much more expensive. and much, much, muchmuch, much, muchmuch, much, muchmuch, much, muchmuch, much, much more expensive is the maintenance. these costs destroyed ussr, which was several times stronger then RuSSr.
b) americabs now will develope hyoersonic missiles, put on russian border. americans will reopen the star wars projets. russia has no kopeyka for space weapons.
in your place i would not be so hapyy.
And less allies means less economy which means “revolution”.
USSR was destroy by USA ally Saudi Arabia.
So, when I talk about having allies is very important, I’m right. USA can not survive alone. That’s why when you have an ally like Syria, you must protect it at all cost.
Wrong, Russia was destroyed by Chernobyl (more than a trillion dollars were spent to protect this reactor, and at that time the oil prices were low). USA did not destroyed USSR.
That is interesting, I had never heard that before nor considered it. Thank you
he is wrong
no. the all cost paid UNO.
It is good for you cowboy dogs. If US is scared it might tame their appetite for adventures that would for sure destroy your joke of a country.
The funny thing is, he’s a Croat, and the US destroyed the economy of his country, spread racist and religious hatred, and then finally bombed the place back to the stone age?
I understand that English is a second language for you, but that post is unintelligible.
yes but who ever attack russia UK/US/France will be the first ones to go. And will be hit not only from russia.
Of course, USA will gladly sacrify his vassal states. That’s their purpose. The slaves will be annihilated just like Russia and USA will be saved just like in WW1 and WW2.
i see new trailers of russian pc games.
btw., in the second video the incoming rocket was not shot down by s-400 :P
They were just graphics you idiot .
If USA attacks Russia, it’s WW3 immediately, and the end of Humanity. Russia and America have advanced plague weapons waiting for deployment if either think they are ‘losing’ the nuclear war.
The escalation will be immediate. The Deep State has placed essential military targets everywhere- Alaska, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and all across South America. India and Pakistan are loaded with nukes. Only Africa remians largely a pointless direct target.
USA will not attack directly. USA will send their slaves. That’s why USA is deploying nuclear warheads and anti-missile defense system all across Russia borders.
The slave states will trigger and these warhead will reach Russia very early because short distance between Russia and these states. If USA takes Belarus, just hundred kilometers from Moscow.
So, USA can neutralized Russia warheads before they can be send to USA.
Of course, the slave states and Russia will be annihilated. USA has most chance to survive because USA is not alone and will carefully analized when to attack.
you are a 1st class looney!
I give advices. And sadly, most of what I say happen. So, you do like you want. If you prefer to believe in fairytales and think that USA is doing all that for nothing, it’s your problems.
But, at the end, don’t come and cry if it happened that I was right.
i apologize. you are correct i am the looney .
so to speak.
Sarmat says the pain will come to North America, no rest for the wicked.
What about the Russian subs – lingering off the US coast I doubt the US would manage to destroy them all before they launched a few nukes
Good point. I hope Russia have good subs. But, the commanding part will surely be destroyed before and I don’t think they have enough nukes to bypass the anti-missile system.
You seem to place a lot of faith in this anti ballistic missile system – its not 100% even if you assume a 50% success then the other half still get through – besides I read the Russians have developed nuclear torpedos which can be detonated off the coast
Let it be known that Russia pull out a nuke against us and he will get nuked by us, France,U.K. And the rest of nato including Israel
Yes but the reverse is also true, the US has a lot of submarine based nukes, they are the only mobile nukes the US has ever been able to build.
One can only hope that Russia will destroy the GPS system they require to hit a target.
All us have to do is put 14 tridentII nuclear subs in Russia backyard who by the way they probably already have. We all know Russia have zero,0 chance of beating us 1 on 1 in conventional war and in a nuclear war nobody will win. Putin just resulting to scare tactics with those mock videos. He knows he is surrounded from Asia to Europe
Yes that is the usual American tactic, but what if Russia doesn’t follow the American plan, and nukes the USA in response.
The US military believes that nobody would dare to attack the USA, a silly belief.
The reason Russian nukes are mobile, is so the US cannot stage a sneak attack, and survive.
the warheads are not all coming from russia. come on dude! get real.
No nukes in NZ, that’s why all the rich Israelis are buying land in NZ.
Although the US has nukes in Australia, they are only in a few places, and the ADF, like many of the countries in Europe, might just shoot the Americans, before they can use them.
Ruling via fear always brings the risk of a knife in the back.
Russia will not be alone are you forgetting China? she will not just sit by & do nothing. Also bear in mind any nuclear exchange could potentially create a nuclear winter so the US would not escape the consequences of worldwide famine when crops fail. Similary the Russians wont need to saturate the US mainland with nukes just a few pinpoint EMP blasts will neutralise the grid & 90% of the population will be dead in the first year. No one would win
I don’t believe there would be a nuclear winter, but the destruction of New York Washington and Houston would destroy Americas ability to wage war.
Especially New York, although it appears that Washington is the heart of the American war machine, it’s actually New York, Hollywood and Florida are also part of the death cult.
According to you, USA will sit idle till Putin wipe out America lol. Putin knows he will get his 10 full. Reason why Putin put out that cheesy video is cause he knows he surrounded and scared. Elections coming plus us drills in Ukraine, plus the load up of USA equipments in the region is cause for concern.Shit I would do the same thing so I can’t blame him. Also don’t expect China to butt in with Russia. They not allies and China want both us and Russia destroyed to clearly be the no 1
So you think that Russia will just allow the US to exterminate the Russian people, and not nuke the US?
The idea that they wouldn’t dare fight back, because the US would kill them twice, is uniquely American.
I think the US will start WWIII, because the US is bankrupt, and the thought of not ruling the world is worse than death to Americans.
Hasta la vista, baby.
Never said that or u can’t read. I said conventionally Putin knows he has zero chance of beating USA then it’s onto Putin pulling nukes so will USA unless there is a cease fire or some type otherwise nukes will be a lose lose
It’s the US that is massing troops armour and missiles on the Russian border, as well as a sustained propaganda campaign to get the American people on-board. it’s pretty obvious the US is planning to attack.
It might even start by mistake, the US military is trigger happy, like when the US shot down the Iranian passenger plane. With Russia expecting a US attack at any moment, they might respond to a US attack by going full bore nuclear on the USA.
It is the logical thing to do, the US is a war junky, and exterminating the USA would be the only logical way to deal with the USA.
Of course, Russia too weak to face USA in a conventional war. This proves all that crappy propaganda they talk about in the Internet. USA will mop the floor with Russia. Noted how Russia has to bring their new nuclear toy to be able to impress while USA remain classified. USA has nothing to prove
“USA will mop the floor with Russia.”
Yes Napoleon and Hitler said exactly the same thing.
Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, PC, DL (Monty),
said that the first rule of war, is don’t march on Moscow.
If one good sized missile, it doesn’t have to be nuclear, lands in the Yellowstone caldera, it is game over for the US. Yes there will be several years without Summer in the western hemisphere but the upside is no radioactivity. I assume such a significant vulnerability is well known and the site well protected; but it still is a considerable concern, to me anyway.
The UK would join the US in a sneak attack on Russia, but not Germany or France. Some insignificant countries like Poland and Latvia might join in, but they would all be dead in a day.
Europe is not a country, it’s a continent.
Remeber that during WW1 and WW2, USA never fought in their lands even during the Pearl Harbor false flag where USA hit herself.
So, it will be the same during WW3.
except this time Russia is sure to bring the pain home to Americans, they will not escape unscathed.
You can’t be sure. You don’t know in what form USA will want to destroy Russia. If Russia keeps loosing allies, an economic crash will be desastrous. USA will have plenty allies to trade with. Remember that when USA made sanctions against Russia, Europe did it also.
Just like USA force Europe to stop trading with Iran and even Europe corporations and banks that continue trading with Iran get punished by USA.
Also, notice the olympic commitee that ban russian athletes.
It’s a full and massive multilateral attack against Russia. Russia must adapt very quickly and modify a lot of things.
Also, technologies change. Soon, you will have quantum computer. USA is developing robot soldiers.
Russia is not sleeping. USA-Russia military capabilities have been equivalents ALWAYS. MAD program assures that in case of WWIII both nation would be totally destroyed (and the World, of course). Remember that Russia is the only country in the World having 100 Mt nuclear bombs (not tested was required).
never were
Only God will deal with demonic power of USA. RU is a false hope.
There is no god. Only in Hollywood the good one wins. In reality, most of the time, the bad wins.
You have a rude awakening ahead of you.
He who dares wins.
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Ps 14:1
do you usually had bad day everyday. if not then good prevails. be thankful
The USA has destroyed itself, through greed and stupidity.
They have to resort to more violence every day, to keep their allies? in fear, and under control.
But the cost of terrorizing the world is very high, they are running out of bombs, cannot afford more, and so are shipping them from their Asian and European stockpiles to bomb the ME.
Russia is bleeding the USA of weapons, whilst China bleeds the USA of money.
Looks like Russia if not wise enough can loose all allies.Because Russia never stand up for them.
So Kaiser Wilhelm hat Samrat in the Great War and didn’t use it???
9/11 comes closer to your description than Pearl. Pearl was done by Japanese forced into it by FDR’s boycott of their oil at the behest of British agents while 9/11 was a cooperation with U.S. military, Mossad and Israeli military explosives and communications sectors.
Is the SU-57 a F22/F35 killer. Its all about stealth, without it the F22/F35 are sitting ducks.
Whitehot John did you read Russians have successfully tested their war planes.Please be informed.
yes, i read it before it was published on sf.
Now my fellow human being why don’t you admit as I said before that those secrets jets are there in Syria for testing purposes.My Dear respectful man learn from us as military officer’s. RUSSIA is there in SYRIA but RUSSIAN ADMINISTRATION lies.USA IS THERE in SYRIA without invitation but USA LIES for own interest.Since Syria government take its own cause Israeli jets are falling.Whitehoy or Coolwhite you are nothing but a lair and a propagandist.
Thank you Mr. Whitehit for being while inform to spread lies before South Front and RT detects .