The sinking of the missile cruiser Moskva was a serious defeat for the Russian Navy. The attack on the flagship by the Ukrainian Navy could now provide an additional boost to both the morale of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the rise of Ukrainian sentiment in the country. This event revealed significant miscalculations in the tactics of the Russian Armed Forces, as well as revealing the actually corrupt nature of the Russian army.
The Russian Black Sea Fleet will become a priority target in the new phase of the military operations in Ukraine. This was clear from the military point of view. The fact of active operations of the Black Sea Fleet west of the Crimea is a constant threat of sea landing, more effective fire support of ground forces by reducing the flight time of subsonic cruise missiles, as well as the factor of threat to sea communications near Odessa, which is disastrous for both the Ukrainian and Western economy. For example, the lack of shipment through the port of neon needed by the global microelectronics industry. This is even more clear in terms of media coverage – the deaths of ships are always perceived more tangibly by the public than the deaths of units of soldiers; this fact is perfectly illustrated by the current shock state of the Russian media sphere.
The attack on the Moskva was not an accident. The cruiser was targeted both for tactical and propaganda reasons.
On the one hand, it is the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, but on the other, it is a deeply outdated ship, worn out by its long service and chronic underfunding.
The Moskva strike was well planned and considered: it was launched in stormy conditions, in order to complicate the ship’s damage control and crew evacuation, and it was located far away from other ships of the Black Sea Fleet.
The operation was conducted in full cooperation between the Navy and NATO forces. According to air monitoring data of April 12, a British reconnaissance aircraft RC-135 was actively working in the Black Sea area and UAV RQ-4 Global Hawk flights were recorded at different times. On that day, Alliance reconnaissance confirmed the presence of the Moskva, checked signatures and received comprehensive data on the location of other Russian Black Sea Fleet ships.

Movement of a British reconnaissance plane through Romanian territory. It is likely that the transponders were turned off before flying into the Black Sea.
The flight data of the U.S. RC-135 and RQ-4 planes became unavailable. The reason was that the aerial reconnaissance aircraft flew with their transponders turned off, and civilian airspace monitoring equipment could not detect them, which is more than a clear sign of a military reconnaissance mission.
The missile strike on the cruiser was carried out using the Neptun missile system, a modern missile system made with military microelectronics manufactured in Western Europe. Thus, it was able to receive external target designation from NATO reconnaissance aircraft. According to a number of reports, the attack on the cruiser also involved Bayraktar UAVs, which served for distraction of the Russian Navy.
The cruiser itself was in poor technical condition. Previously, the cruiser had been unable to undergo repairs and maintenance for several years, and the Defense Ministry had refused to upgrade it. That’s why, even the Moscow’s ability to repel missile attacks is questioned.
Russia has got another painful lesson in Ukraine. Competent and clear planning of the operation and unified and effective management of forces and means, which is critically lacking in the Russian Armed Forces, are crucial.
The Russian media try to explain Ukraine’s success with some kind of NATO miracle weapon, missiles that were able to magically hit a ship. This only distracts society from the harsh reality that Russia suffered a serious symbolic and military defeat.
If the loss of the first major ship, the Orsk in Berdyansk, could be explained as an accident, the loss of the second is a pattern, indicating a dangerous underestimation of the enemy.
What conclusions and predictions can be made at this time:
1. The naval blockade of Ukrainian ports is threatened. The Black Sea Fleet, due to its small number, cannot continue to lose surface ships. Russia has to look for other means to keep the coast and Ukrainian ports under control.
2. The attacks on the Russian Black Sea Fleet will continue, including with the NSM SCARs, the range of which is up to 300 km and allows the UAF to destroy Russian warships almost in the whole water area of the Black Sea, including the coast of Crimea. The Black Sea Fleet will be gradually pushed out of the waters of the Black Sea to the coast of the peninsula.
3. The main direction of the AFU offensive becomes the South of Ukraine, the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. Britain has repeatedly made it clear that Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, primarily Odessa, are of strategic importance. The Donbass is also being reinforced in order to exhaust Russian and allied forces. The AFU grouping, which has been strengthening for seven years, is far from being depleted.
4. The Dnepropetrovsk region, as the political center in Southern Ukraine, which links all the surrounding regions, turns into another military coordination center.
5. Crimea becomes a priority target for the AFU and NATO operations. This confirms the Pentagon’s statement that the U.S. will provide Kiev with intelligence information on targets in Crimea and Donbass.
Not only the Black Sea Fleet, but also facilities and forces of the Crimean ground grouping will come under attack. It is critical for the AFU to paralyze the logistics and resupply of the “southern” grouping of the Russian Armed Forces operating from Kherson.
The degree of shortsightedness and corruption of the Russian elite, which spends millions of dollars received from the sale of Russian natural resources not to modernize the armed forces, but to satisfy its own desires is also necessary to be mentioned.
Over the 20 years of development of the Russian armed forces, Russia has built the following combat surface ships of I and II ranks:
– 2 frigates of 22350 (2x $450 million)
– 3 frigates, Pr. 11356 (3x $430 million)
– 7 corvettes Pr. 20380/85 (7x $250 million)
– 2 CDCs pr. 11711 (2x $160 mln).
During the same period the following yachts were built:
- Usmanov’s Dilbar ($550 million)
- Abramovich’s Eclipse ($460 million)
- Melnichenko’s Sailing Yacht A ($425 million)
- Rashnikov’s Ocean Victory ($310 million)
- Melnichenko’s Motor Yacht A ($255 million)
- Luna” Akhmedov ($230 mln)
- Galitsky’s Quantum Blue ($225 mln)
- Burlakov’s Black Pearl ($220 million)
- Usmanov’s Ona ($210 million)
- etc
Most of them have already been withdrawn due to personal sanctions against Russian oligarchs. This means that the money will never be returned to Russia.
- UPDATE. Russian Ministry Of Defence: The Cruiser Moskva Sunk
- BREAKING. Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Flagship Moskva Experienced Explosion Of Ammunition. Damages Sustained. Crew Evacuated
- Russian Defence Ministry Transfers Sapphire Rescue Ship To Ukraine Gratuitously
- Russian Warship Targets Ukrainian Forces In Mariupol City With Unique Rocket System (Video)
- Russian Army Destroyed Ukrainian Navy Command Ship In Mariupol Port (Photos)
- BREAKING: Russian Large Landing Ship Exploded In Ukrainian Port Of Berdyansk (Videos)
The great Russian bear is now going to eat the NATO pansies, dumb move by Eurofags to launch missiles at Moskva. SLAVA ROSSIYA!
Russian bear = Kremlin is corrupt.
Show me one government on earth that is not corrupt to one degree or another.
Good point indeed. But for some it’s vital.
Lucky bastard! I am making 0.00002$ to 0.00004$ / hr. online from my basement by spamming Ukro-crap here all day long.
The superimbeciles do it for free.
You’re overpaid.
This is corrupt to the point the army is not even functioning that speaks volumes no country has sunk to this level of corruption. The West is not any lower when it comes to corruption but at leaat things still work. In russia the peoples poor and the army is incompetent. This article is good those numbers tells you everything you need to know about their leadership. Tell me would india ever let a non military guy become the defence minister. Jus look at russia and shoigu completelt utter joke.
Many EU countries have a civilian as defense minister. Mine also. But all are under the NATO criminal umbrella, so this is more or less relevant. But for Russia should not be the case.
Indian ministers just bend over and allow the zio terrorist Jews to fork them with small soft wrinkled and dead pricks…Hindu coolies are the worst
The problem with Corruption under a dictatorship vs a democracy is that the corrupt elements can keep a position of power for decades. Becoming more corrupt and corrupting everything around them.
Eventually the government become a system to solely enrich the political elites.
In a democracy many heads are changed out regularity and there are checks and balances specifically deigned to find and prosecute corruption.
This corruption extends to the highest office in Russia to Putin.
Look at the house keeper he impregnated.
Yelizaveta Vladimirovna Went from a cleaner to billionaire just by taking a load from Putin.
Alina Kabaeva
Putins mistress and mother of 4 more Of Putins children was given Position as a member of the board of directors at National Media Group, a pro-Kremlin newspaper and TV giant, she earns around $10.5 million a year, according to leaked tax records, Apple for reference pays is directors 300 to $500,000.
Alexey Navalny: We knew more or less how Putin’s corruption works: He has friends who win billions by obtaining public tenderings. These billions are put in a common pot. What we know now is that, on top of that, Putin has some of his own accounts as well — and we see how they are filled. There is no doubt, for instance, that everything that belongs to the cellist Sergei Roldugin, is just another one of Putin’s accounts.
But Putin’s name didn’t appear in any of the documents.
The evidence is strong. First of all, Roldugin is one of Putin’s closest friends. Secondly, there is no explanation as to why he would possess that amount of money. He would be the richest musician on the planet. Thirdly, the way those accounts have been filled — state companies committing crimes through insider trading, why would they do that?
Putin’s spokesmen claim that the publications are an attack on the president, meticulously planned by Western intelligence services.
The Kremlin’s nervous reaction is just another indicator. Taken together, it shows clearly that the publications are direct proofs of Putin’s corruption.
How could the leader of Russia not be completely corrupt? The country was handed by the US to the seven oligarchs and bled dry after 1991. The country has been under a hybrid assault by the US in order to prevent Russia from commanding the territory around the Eurasia “Heartland”, and the results have been disastrous for Russia. But they still represent resistance to the global “counter-insurgency” of the US bankers that has been operating since 1947.
Out of the 6 oligarchs that control all Russia assets, 5 are Jews. Every conflict, war and crisis has a kosher hand behind is not out of coincidence.
Hundred of countries banished Jews for predatory usury and unbearable hegemony are also no coincidence.
Fake ‘gius’ are not kosher jews.
putin should have them all killed and take the assets.
>>The problem with Corruption under a dictatorship vs a democracy is that the corrupt elements can keep a position of power for decades.
You speak as if corruption in a so called democratic country does not exist long, think about US deep state. Those unelected government officials stay in power for decades regardless which side controls the white house and congress. Personally, I doubt US have real democracy, or other west countries, because we do not have freedom of speech, and we also have censored media. When media does not act as the fourth pillar of a democratic country, the democracy is just controlled voting exercise to fool citizens into thinking all miserable can be temp because we can vote those corrupt politicians out. For heaven’s sake, we have Biden(an old man who obviously are not mentally fit) as president. This itself should prove that democracy is a joke when citizens are not well educated, media is propaganda for the government and freedom of speech is curtailed.
Democracy is a well known tool just to give appearance of the people had control over the Goverment. USA has a hidden goverment ruling on the Pentagon, the Federal Reserve, the bureocrats, they compite internally over power in US Goverment. They arent dictators allowed but all are just small Napoleons ruling hidden the US Goverments Policys no matter who is the POTUS on USA, also they dont care about Democrats or Republicans, parties are just tools to them to help advance their deeds. Every country in the West are some kind of USA Goverment but with structurals failures inside. The HEGEMON never like competence from anyone to dispute their power.
Piss of nigger. Heres white pople talking.
Indeed, many corrupt Russian infiltrated by Jew oligarchs sold out Russia. President Putin will have a free hand to do some house cleaning as the short sighted and home goal NATO attacks on Russia have galvanized Russian populace around him. If the US and UK keep attacking Russian soil, Russia will literally have to go ballistic due to public pressure. If you can understand Russian language, try watching the public ire on their TV shows, the Russians want revenge and a destroyed Ukraine and I have a felling President Putin or any Russian leader will no choice but to oblige. The US idiots are digging Ukraine’s grave by using the Jew midget Zelensky and his big Khazar mouth. Russia will strike hard.
Deep state tricked you into war. Now to whole world dislike you, because of you brutal aggression. Just like deep state planned. From the Caribbean no to Russia and US imperialism.
Peace from the Caribbean
carribbean is still a shithole. Will always be. You people are not even humans.
Russians are corrupt and short sighted and they are paying for it
You have clearly never been to the Caribbean……….
(Un)fortunately I have. Unlike you.
I remember when the Alexandrov Ensemble musicians
Choir were all killed in their way to syria in 2016 flying and old dilapidated soviet plane. Sound to me like an inside job to rid russia of the soviet past.
And Glen Miller in the DC3?
I live in the carribean and they are some sort of primitive humans, but still some kind of humans:P
Apparently you have not watched coverage from Telesur, which is Latin American/S American TV. The impression from them is not the same as you portray. Neither is the coverage from Asia/China/India. They are not portraying the Russians as brutal. What are you watching? Western ‘press’?
Exactly, hombre ! Deep states in us and russia as well. NWO war, as always. Anyway, humanity is waking up, covid1984 wasn’t that succesful as “delites” thought.
And war is heavy karma for everyone involved.
” Peace sells, but who’s buying” ???
Better days will come despite all this craziness. Keep faith, people.
The whole world being Wall Street and Pissrael?
Peoples here knows that from the very beginning I do not show any sympathy for Putin. Nor for the Navalnyi idiot which may be a patriot but also a stupid one, playing the US/UE card. I do not like him and never did, because I know ALL it’s (very)gray biography. Hope Moskva sunk will potent ALL the russian peoples around one goal: destroy the US fake ‘gius’ ashkenazi NWO by utterly subdue Ukraine under an iron boot. Hope, those banderist terrorist horseshit and theirs NATO puppeteer from Kiev Reich were done something which was completely impossible: uniting the whole Russian Federation masses under the same banner. The only escape for Putin is China involving.
P.S. Again the proof it’s very BAD LUCK to change a ship name. Moskva was rebaptized in 1995 from Slava.
Navalny is a CIA asset. The US goal is to break up Russia, and maintain their hegemony on the Eurasian landmass in the face of the rise of China. Russia and Iran are secondary targets, but vital nonetheless to the US strategy for global dominance.
Correct. Controlling Russia means controlling China. And controlling China means controlling the entire world.
The major power wielded is by far the control of the media. The same as in the west. This includes Trojan-horse style media/articles/trolls who pose as pro-Russian, but whose mission is to induce doubt and question the mission. The Atlanticists control the majority of Russian media and are the major domestic threat.
6 Jews control global 90% MSM and social media are not out of coincidence. Tik Tok been not Jews control is under US state attacked under national threat.
Right. It is. But the Ukrop Reich is 1 MILLION times more.
1/100th compared to the crumbling americant empire.
Fine, but……the Kiev Chicken Coop is corrupt X 10. Kolomoisky was even just caught running a boiler room scam operation. That country is PATHETIC. If it disappeared tomorrow, everyone but American neocons would breath a sigh of relief.
How did the Russians get hold of my laptop?
Purtroppo è così. Il governo Russo è corrotto e l’esercito è mal addestrato. Non capisco come abbiano pensato di invadere l’Ucraina che ha dietro la NATO e gli USA. Prevedo tempi oscuri per la Federazione Russa. Esiste un rischio che la Russia possa essere frazionata come la ex-Jugoslavia. Così gli USA potranno meglio controllarla e governarla. Che tristezza
SF analysis is always so truth and hard hitting in its objective analysis. As I have been updating objectively as well, the Russian military has been corrupted and eroded since the last days of Afghanistan conflict, where the Soviets also tried failed tactics and half hearted attempts to subdue the CIA sponsored terrorists from the Pakistani military dictatorship of Wahhabi scum Zia ul Haq. Much like today’s Jew puppet Zelensky and Poland are doing.
The attack on Moskva as SF has accurately described was organized by US live time reconnaissance aircraft as I wrote yesterday, even the Neptune missile has UK, US and German components. Now US supplied artillery is attacking and shelling Russian towns on the border. The Russian public is now fuming and wants harsh action against Ukrainian Nazi regime and even Poland, which is the defacto launch pad for NATO warmongering cowards.
The Russian operation in Ukraine has proved to be prophetically righteous as the real NATO and EU lapdogs agenda as today confirmed by CIA chief Bill Burns, is the ultimate destruction of Russia and control over its vast resources. Their only fear of Russian nukes. I hope they are operational state and controlled by well trained professionals. The evil Zionist Jew Blinken who is really running the US policy proudly stated in October, before US and NATO started baiting Russia, that “Russia is too big and rich to be managed and needs to be carved up into manageable parts”.
President Putin is a good decent man, but badly misled by incompetent corrupt and most likely treacherous people in the intelligence services, GRU and even in the Kremlin, who provided fake reports and misled him about the disastrous state of Russian military. However, these blatant NATO attacks on Russia now, will be a silver lining as Putin will get total support from the Russian public that is very irate now and wants revenge. I have been monitoring Russian media and public opinion for better part of half a century and now their hatred for the west is at its peak and will not be able to contained. Russian mothers will gladly send their sons to fight for mother Russia, if history is to go by.
This Jew bastard coward Zelensky strutting around in a Walmart T-shirt provoking Russia for western TV camera is literally digging Ukraine’s grave. No Russian will stand for their homeland to be attacked from Ukraine and Poland, third rate vassal states. NATO warmongers are painting Russia in a corner and it will have no choice but to unleash hell, which it should have done on February 24th anyway. I see Ukraine burning for a very long time and Kiev will be a rubble again.
It was one ship. Ships are sunk during the war. I don’t think that Russia is going to change whole strategy because of one ship
(1 ship equals roughly 10-15 jets)
True, but the western idiots are gullible to propaganda. No competent navy should have brought their flagship so close to hostile waters when NATO surveilance planes were overhead providing live fire data to the Ukrainian Nazis in Odessa. I am totally baffled as Russian satellites are useless as they failed to pick up a large coastal battery like the Neptune. Russian military capability has been severely challenged. Let’s see how the Russians now respond as NATO is targeting the homeland now with 175mm artillery supplied via Poland.
We don’t even know where exactly she was and if it was indeed attacked by Neptunes or it’s all just ukro bullshit. If it was then why didn’t they attack it again and finish the job? Eventually it was a bad luck it sunk, but military logic demanded another attack.
The Admiral ship left alone. Stupidity at the max. I told million times before: Russia have an insufficient small army for such a vast and potent country. From my military academy they should have at least 2.5 manpower as now. Also the smallest military component of Russia is it’s navy where they should have 5x as now and submarines 3x. Best but also inadequate is the air force which should have 1.3x as now. In totally Russia should allocate 2x its budget for defense.
Putin and his entire crew are not decent or smart. They are traitors who are allowing russia to get destroyed. They had 20 years to prepare.
Can’t argue your logic. Putin was part of the oligarchy and Jew cabal and failed to understand NATO agenda, which is the destruction and Balkanization of Russia on the Yugoslav destruction template which most intelligent analysts knew since 1992. Now the Jews acting as 5th column have brought the war to Russia itself. Picking a Jew perverted clown Zelensky as their tool was no accident. Russia will now have to put its money where its mouth is or it will be over for Russia in a few months. I would not count Russia out yet!
I would but with great sacrifices, money and effort, which were not needed.
According to Vladimir Putin, Russia cannot be defeated by enemies from the outside, only by enemies from within. We therefore know that not even the combined forces of Nato can defeat Russia. It can only happen from within by some sort of Bolshevik coup, and that is why all these misguided Russian protesters always are swiftly dealt with straight away whenever they are gathering in large groups in the main squares of the major cities. Putin knows everything about how these so called revolutions are started and will never let these traitors, these fools, succeed in destroying his beloved homeland.
Correct. Peoples must replace him with Jirinovsky until it’s not too late. Oh, btw wonder if suddenly Jirinovsky go COVIDiot ill EXACTLY on the day prior to Ukraine war ?
What a coincidence. And as we know, the COVIDiot vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences!
Stick your antisemite provocations up your arse and fuck off while you’re doing it.
Stick your menorah shaped dildo along with your moronic “antisemitism” mantras into your asshole while I stick my dick into your mother throat you dumb zio cunt.
The Truth hurts you, does it not?
Well said Withnail, I fully concur!
You are not a semite but a khazar at best and an asshole most more likely
Your sooo brainwashed, please try to pay attention to your conscience, I hope the little voice of good in your head is not totally corrupted and extinct.
No, you are the brainwashed one, not him.
This was a Russian failure in war, every bit as much as when other Navies have been shocked by missile attacks e.g. British when Argentina sunk their ships with exocet missiles with French cheering. The ship was acting as a Radar station and it was not really protected properly. The Ukrainians have now demonstrated yet another reason why Russia had to act against them. Their defence industry was creating offerings that could seriously threaten Russia in either their, or other hands. Russia therefore had to decimate their industrial base, and has. The only way now to end this is by boots on the ground to provide denial of sea access, air supremacy to provide denial of airspace and a Ukraine wide operation to force submission. This has escalated beyond a special mission, and if Russia doesn’t realise it, it will lose or suffer immense ongoing damage!
Military Academy here US nazi whores:
You’re damn right, damn.
The sinking of the floating boat museum, otherwise known as Moskva, may actually, sad as it is, be a blessing in disguise. Many people (trolls excluded) here at the wonderful Southfront site have already pointed this out and that this could be the wake up call the Kremlin badly needs to fully realize the severity of the situation. And now with Nato beginning to brag about their involvement in the war, it is long overdue for the Noble Russian army to show them who they are really dealing with.
your Russian fanboyish only shows’ you are no better than the ukronazi faboys, russian elite and putin are traitor who took Russia to war in an unprepared and mediocre manner, all russian elite, and politicians from united Russia are worst enemies to Russia than NATO
Who are you kiddinghere? you lgbtq sodomised globohomos are the worse kind of wokey beings of the century,no make it history (period)
Nato is useless,how many factories and well run enterprises were destroyed since natos to east expansion,look at the cost of living in europe,no you belligerant homosexuals are the true enemys
I agree, the claws will now come out.
Is it true that the head of MI6 is gay?
When was the last modernization of the cruiser completed? 2018 actually.
What modernization? They didn’t see the NATO missiles are coming.
It was just poor tactics of bringing a large ship close to a hostile coast with NATO/US surveillance aircraft providing accurate live time targeting information to the UAF Neptune battery manned by UK and US. There is also an issue of incompetence and massive corruption in the Russian military. Shoigu and many top officers need to be tried for treachery and providing false intel reports. As most people now realize. Russia is fighting NATO, not the Kiev Nazi puppets.
1.This was done by NATO and not by Ukraine army, from some submarine /from Romania etc. 2 Russian army is not corrupt, Kremlin is corrupt.
All Governments are corrupt
That’s my opinion, a ‘frogmen underwater mining’ but with Turkey submarine instead. I do not exclude the Delfinul( The Dolphin) only romanian submarine for that though. If the Neptune variant will be proved wrong.
So Russia has now stated it was a missile attack? hmmm . To me it sounds almost as if NATO it’self sank the ship . Which in that case a tit for tat measure is in order. I would hope to see Russia sink a NATO ship very soon in retaliation
Russia is not saying it. SF is saying it. This is an act of war on NATO’s part. A British Tanker better hit the bottom soon.
Maybe Putin can send the moronic battle swimmers known to destroy warships singlehanded. They can dive down to the wreckage and salvage all the cruise missiles that just went to the bottom of the ocean.
Something this article is missing, who gave the order to the ship captain to sail just 60km off the coast ? the ship could have been hit even by low flying choppers and artillery systems, this was a big blunder also from the crew. An experienced crew should have done much better and if such order was given they should have refuted. A sabotage could have played a role.
now we know why us ships leaves the black sea for a couple of days, they now
what would happen if russia find out that nato helps to target and sunk the moskow.
NATO did definitely provides the coordinates via the Global Hawk drone that was just flying a few hundred km above the ship.
bullshit,id believe that more if you said elon musk fake x rockets made it a fraction on the height!
While there is some truth here most of this article is Navalny’s style rhetoric mixed with defeatism, along with fake picture probably from some Ukro site.
I wonder sometimes is this site is actually CIA?
That would explain why CIA/Mi6/SBU bots and their endless anti-Russian trolling is tolerated, even protected here, while some other comments are removed for no reason.
The article is all emotion, no substance
You make reasonable deductions and many are beginning to ask these questions as well. They are making statements with literally no vetting. Errors are not admitted, but ignored.
It is an important question you ask. But how do we get the answer? But that aside Southfront still has some of the best information of the goings on in Ukraine and Donbass on the internet. And from the comments we can learn even more. The main problem for me is that the trolls are allowed to run rampant, with all their juvenile antics. All trolls who post under more than one moniker should be banned for good. And those who post 10 or 20 or even more comments on every article with total nonsense should also be banned. They are taking away a lot of the credibility from this otherwise great site.
now this is some real COPIUM in action
russia must use his moab to give some heat for those retards sitting at the frontline and wait with anti ship missle from nato.
once the seaside in odessa is cleared russia should complete the job, now its time to work like the ukrops.
Russia there baiting you, you should of had a capable defensive system on the ship ,its a own goal on your part, stop pussy footing around and take out Ukrainian military and nazi politicians, its clear from the article nato played a role in this ,they won’t be able to, if you start by jamming, taking out communication systems , sharpen up boys!
“it was located far away from other ships of the Black Sea Fleet.” it was by far the biggest mistake, Slava-class has S-300 against aircrafts and some old Osa systems but no more modenn Pantsirs and tors. It makes no sense why this ship was isolated deep into hostile territory when all of this could be easily predicted.
Hard to believe a sub sonic missile (Harpoon) did this. Despite being an old ship it still should have been able to defend against such an attack. What should the response be? I would have a submarine sink a NATO ship in response.
Wtf SF. Ukraine sunk 1 ship = the fleet is doomed + Russian army is corrupted. Calm down ffs
If, IF Ukraine sunk it at all. Error or sabotage is also quite possible. 1967 USS Forrestal fire for example.
SouthFront is right on all counts in this read…
Not only is the Russian military deficient in it’s priorities… But also the comment section of this site refusing to allow alternative truths and viewpoints that inform it’s readers further how they got here!
Hint: Never use the number 9/11 on this site EVER!
The loss of that flagship was a heavy blow to the russian navy and morale. And I hope russia will retreat and stop this stupid war. Anyway there is no winning this war militarily for Russia.
Russia can win the war only if it is able to inflate on the morale of the enemy (NATO) populations. This can only be with offering the population in western countries opportunities which they don t have yet(or anymore). So if prices for food and gas (heat) are rising more and more in western countries people will start to hate their governments even more. But problem for Russia and China and the jewish communists behind them is, that the moment more and more western people realize their economically horrendous decline, these people might also realize that their politicians are not nationalists but ARE ALL LEFT WING COMMUNIST, and have been judeo-communist agents since day one. So it will be very hard for the judeo-globalist pro-putin propaganda to balance these two things. Resp. make the people realize that their governments are bad really bad, but suddenly label all the bad criminal western infiltrated left-wing governments as “Nazi” and “Nazi-supporters”. In Europe the medias are already trying to do this switching between two conflicting narratives, as everywhere the medias are promoting to “support Ukraine” and to send “weapons there to our glorious brothers” and so on. They do so why at the same time telling that Nazis are bad, nationalism is bad, and multi-culti and gender-mainstream is good, and this without telling in the medias that Ukrainian agenda is nationalist (maybe fake or true I cannot say), but at least to the outside it is fully nationalistic. What is a good thing if true, but, should by logic usually be a problem to left-wing communistic western governments like the ones of Germany, UK, Sweden, France and Netherland.
These countries are completely controlled by judeo-communist agenda resp. jews and their multi-kulti asylum seeker agenda, LGBTQ homosexual agenda, anti-national, anti-racist, pro-jewish, pro-idiocity, self-hating, anti-white, pro-globalist countries.
Making these folks now suddenly switch into war-modus and “support nationalist or even Nazis in Ukraine” without lots of the people waking up and asking questions like: “Why !??”
And “Now after year-long telling us: Nationalism is very bad, suddenly now it is good ?”, is complicated.
And that will break the camels back in the long run.
The economy in western states will go down, and the longer the war drags on, the harsher the economic cuts and pain will hit down on the western populations. This is the point where this are heading and this will likely also end with lots of fake-governments in these countries, maybe even the USA itself, being toppled. But problem is, if in Europe the fake-governments which are just agents of the globalist judeo-communist NWO/JWO centralbankers fall, there will be true nationlist come to power. What is very good for the people. but bad for the judeo-communists and global bankers elite. So at this point it is likely that Russia and maybe even China will invade all of Europe. The moments the governments in Europe fall, the Russians will attack in order to block the native people to take back the land and become truely souveran. It’s like the trojan horse. The jews brought in their judeo-communists agents inside USA and Europe into every government, and took these over long ago. Then they slowly drove everything more and more left, and into more and more decline and madness, and destroyed everything from within, while blaming all the decline and destruction on the so-called nationalists parties and peopleof the USA nad Europe.
When everything gets more expensive and finally breaks apart, they will again blame the USA, the NAZIs etc. for it, while in fact it is jewish-communists agents everywhere that were calling the shots. Look at the Biden administration, all jews. Look at the Bush administration, more jews than anything, same goes for the Obama administration. Look at Sweden, Germany, France etc.
Everywhere its the same. Judaism is Satanism. Communism bolshewism is an judaic ideology developed by jews. And the USA-style brutal fake capitalism is also a form of Satanism, only from the other side, making eternal greed to be “a good thing”, and putting money above god, while in communism/ bolshewism god is is a forbidden non-creature resp. the enemy from the very beginning. So it is both judaic-satanism, which pervets everything, and wants to replace natural things with artifical constructions in every aspect of life. True Nationalism instead is based on the regional people, on the culture of a country and is strictly following the rules of nature, and respects other cultures and people. But will, if it comes to help, of course first always help it own people, before helping foreign people. It tends to be a bit isolatory, but is self-sustaining and aims for autarc ecomony and independent regional trade etc.
It’s a bit like the life of the smurfs. A strong, stable and productive society, financial independent and boosted by self-esteem. Something that is a horror to globalists and especially international jewish bankers. What is why they want to destroy all souveranity and put it under their control (eighter USA,UK, russian or chinese NWO/JWO).
Russia missed it’s opportunity after Victoria Nuland wife of Bob “PNAC New Pearl Harbor” Kagan Fame came to Maidan with cookies 8 long years ago. As I’ve read some excellent comment(s) by the regulars here over the last 40 days. Many Russian military personnel could have been spared had the Kremlin not stayed out of it when the Eastern Ukrainian talent was forced to fend for itself without the full support of the Russian military. This thing has been allowed to fester for far too long. And it’s a clear indication that Russia “thought” it had good intel going into this 8 year late when in fact it did not. Or more to your point…. Perhaps the Russian Federation still has too many Yeltsin “mole$” among them at various levels that don’t have a problem betraying their own sovereignty for more w0rthle$$ paper!?…
I’m sorry to say as well…
That Putin had an obligation to make this speech 18 years ago in the well of the UN Security Council demanding an investigation by being a Leader in that effort to say -Never Again in Our Names!
Putin may not be perfect but he is a damn sight better than any of the metrosexual, senile, pedophile cult member psychopaths who ‘lead’ the Collective West. Russia will win this war and The Ukraine will be on the scrap heap of history after a mere, tortured 100 years.
Sound like another cia overkill post to hide the fact cia are to blame for every evil that is happening to this world (period),along with their globohomo neo liberal gods,yet one ship
does not win the war,but hardcore boots on the ground may,The ruble is stronger now,
have you not been following the whole picture instead of one defunked ex ukranian ship?
Yes, Russia should just lie as the US did when it lost aircraft over Europe in the 90’s, aircraft and tanks in 91 and 03 to raise morale. Your assumption that Russia will lose this confrontation has no logic.
censored by SouthFront AGAIN!
Man, you’re right on many things, but the obsession to control peoples everywhere don’t means communism. Under capitalism it’s way more easier and feasible. So, change your statement ‘left wing communists’. Also, those talmudian Satanic fake jews are enormous rich peoples which isn’t a sign of …socialism/communism. Better to call them MARXISTS, because Marx also a khazarian ‘gius’ was the morale author of state controlled peoples or marxism. Communism isn’t equal with marxism. All marxist are communists but not all communists are marxists. Point.
P.S. Do peoples here know what write in theirs Talmud about Lord Jesus Christ ? Even I’m not a religious people, but a very good connoisseur of spiritual matters as a whole and can’t write here the such abominations. Or, I place a challenge here: go search a Talmud somewhere. It’s the MOST inaccessible book on whole planet, even on entire WEB.
+1000. Thank you, Mr. Nugent!
Except you concept of fake communism clashes with the cold hard fact of neo liberasim being the culted homosexual (anti communist) opportunist scammers at the expense of the peoples,which is why just like china russia is safeguarded against the whole rotted to the core outdated neo-liberal-cia 4th reight sect of the hitlers hard reight sect greed,seens you demented cia spasos are not smart enough to any commy brothel let alone eugeddons without real world weighted evidence towards building nations,particularly this century where you globohomo fascist pigs with your phoney stocks are no match for the peoples power this century in other words you can develop as a person but you cant pretend your reight sect has moral values,because you failed on every from this century as it shows yet your freedoms are no better heck significantly more diseased let alone less than ever north korea you low iq woke degenerate!
No wonder china todays absolutely kicks all your homosexuals levys to dust,cia/ponzi is doomed!
Who is this we, kimosabe?
Are you really from Canada?
Imagine Canada passing a law that French could be not taught nor spoken and bombed Quebec for eight years, killing over 10K Quebecois including women and children, because Quebec voted for independence and uSA/Nato/EU provided weapons and military weapons/training/advice to Canada?
Are you Azov/Banderista supporter?
Really? Read the previous articles on this event and see the differences. Weather fine and excellent in first versions and in today’s article (it was a missile) it was stormy. This is the F’ing weather. easily vetted, yet this?
I haven’t had any problems posting here at SF. None.
Here we have an old word of wisdom, something like that: ”sinner mouth truth is speaking”.
Its call poking the Bear for to react…like did it on 1940 to Japan…But until Mr. Putin is doing something else to them…
More like poking the panda.
This ‘article’ should have the ‘opinion’ flag attached as it is full of speculation that is being presented as fact.
BS article.
Was South Front bought up by the SBU?
The Neptune missile plant was destroyed last night.
My reaction too.
Even SF is now admitting they are getting dicked. This is pure fucking gold.
If it is true that this was a missile strike and not a fire aboard ship, then there are several questions and conclusions arrived at. First, the US military said that this was caused by a fire on ship, not a missile strike. If it was a missile strike, then it means that the US lied to cover their ass for their collusion, which would come as no surprise. Second, where does this info come from? Is it from the same sources as yesterdays article? If so, there are more questions. In the SF article yesterday, when quoting RF military, they said they lost the ship in stormy weather, which SF questioned, showing a sort of weather condition map. Stated in the article was that the conditions as fair, not stormy and SF questioned the veracity of the statement. SF also iterated that the weather at the time of the attack was as well in the same conditions, fair. Now, in today’s article, it is stated that at the time of the attack, it was stormy conditions. So which is it and how is such mistake made, with no mention of error? This is poor reporting at best, as info should have easily been vetted. Which leads one to question whether info in this article was vetted, as well as further articles veracity. This leads to erroneous conclusions on the readers part, which also colors the state of affairs, also not good. This is expected of western media. Also stated in other sources is that the RF fleet has moved further south, which lends itself to the assumption that the ship was indeed hit by a missile, which is not reported here as well. There were also other analysis that the visible damage looked to have come from the inside, not outside, which is now questioned as well. All in all, a confused and unclear event and SF has contributed to this. Also to be considered is that in war, risks are taken. Sometimes as required by conditions, sometimes by strategy, sometimes by enemy decisions. Not all actions taken in war can be perfect or foreseen. Yes, there are obvious lessons to be learned from events, decisions that in hind-site were questionable at best and egregious errors at worst, but not firsts in war, by anyone. Neither does it mean that armchair admirals and generals know best. All military actions are risk vs benefit, sometimes in the extreme. Certainly one does not expect that the RF would have zero defeats or casualties. Such would be in the realm of fantasy. For such to be reality, the west and Ukraine would have to be complete idiots, which they are not.
There are some actions I would love to see take place myself. Such as a total no-fly actually declared and implemented. Nothing should enter Ukr by air. All countries be advised that any participation, regardless passive or not, be considered hostile and delivery of all commodities, including food and petro, be sanctioned (stopped) immediately. As well, all sales to the west, especially exotic metals/minerals be stopped immediately. Likely this would put a bind on Russian economy, but will they not arrive at this situation eventually anyway? This is, of course another risk/benefit decision and we are not privy to the decision process or considerations.
‘All countries be advised that any participation, regardless passive or not, be considered hostile and delivery of all commodities, including food and petro, be sanctioned (stopped) immediately.’
Absolutely right. Putin playing poker with US/EU with the lives of his soldiers and peoples as tokens. I can’t bear this image unless this is part of a much great game….
Pooter is not a chess player. He is a corrupt bullshit artist. Along with the rest of the kremlin crew. Total idiots. The war could not go worse. And its going to get worse.
This now clear that southfront outlet is a USA-NATO propaganda tool.
Almost looks that way. This opinion piece seems pro-Ukraine. I was surprised and disappointed.
Relax man, this is an emotional reaction to a tragedy during war. If we can take any positive from this, Putin’s miscalculation – which he is still not showing signs of changing and which has so far cost Russia – might be the ingredient needed for the gloves to come off. You cannot go soft on Ukraine claiming you wanna preserve it. NATO is in Ukraine to destroy Russia, why are they fighting soft?
NATO is a defence pact.
In your empty brain shell, yes it is.
The picture of the vessel on fire at top of page is obviously fake …. just look closer at it . Why ?
Bad article.
It looks like someone may have added more fire to the picture in order to make the damage look worse.
That’s what I noticed, Who’s trying to do this? Such a bad paste job. Why?
Russia has been failing. They can however turn this around if they choose. More Air Force, more pressure on Kiev (i.e. targeting), make it a priority to destroy all fuel supplied (which it seems they have not done). Make it a priority to destroy all western weapons coming into Ukraine even if it means a new small front.
I also was shocked to see 1 or 2 missiles fired to petrol refinery and after-strike photos showed 3-4 oil tankers out for about 30 in total. Huge mistakes. Those refineries must take 20 missiles not 2 !!!!!!!!!!!
No more Bojo & al landing in Kiev
The article above is not pleasant reading. Russian oligarchs spending ridiculous money on the damned yachts, most of which now have been impounded. Serves them right, these parasitic scoundrels. To also have it confirmed above that “The operation was conducted in full cooperation between the Navy and NATO forces.” makes this sorry tale even worse. I wonder when Russia, ultimately Putin, will accept the truth that Nato now is an active part in this war, for they are killing Russians and sinking their warships and they are getting away scot-free!