Stockholm Plans For Half A Million Swedes To Die In Coming War Against Russia

Stockholm Plans For Half A Million Swedes To Die In Coming War Against Russia

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NATO is preparing a war of aggression against Russia. Faced with a disastrous economic situation and shifting public opinion, the Euro-Atlantic elites simply have no choice. This has been signalled in many ways. Thousands of pieces of military equipment are now being loaded in US ports for shipment to Europe. Simultaneously, there are general and direct signals. One such signal came recently from the Swedish authorities who have begun to build new cemeteries for half a million people.

The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports on the Swedish authorities’ plans for a future major war with Russia. A huge problem is the number of people who will die, estimated to be at least half a million. The big cities are now securing tens of hectares of land for burial sites.

– ‘If Stockholm is exposed to the kind of attack we see in Ukraine, a lot of people will die,’ Svante Borg, head of cemetery management in the city of Stockholm, told the newspaper.

Five per cent of the population means about half a million Swedes. The calculation comes from the Swedish Civil Defence Agency (MSB) and the Swedish Armed Forces, who have now instructed Sweden’s cemetery managers to plan for the burial of all those who died in the war. The plan also includes preparations to bury them all in coffins.

– A crematorium is dependent on electricity, and is often fuelled by gas. In war, there can be a shortage and you need a plan B. Then it is coffin burial that applies, and it takes much more space than an urn burial does, says Jan-Olof Olsson, administrator at MSB, to Aftonbladet.

According to a revelation from P4 Göteborg, a directive has been issued by the City of Gothenburg stating that a full ten hectares of land must be found for the planned mass graves.

– The planning also takes into account visiting troops from our NATO allies, and also fallen enemy troops. ‘This means that people from other parts of the world can be brought home later, and coffin burial ensures dignified treatment based on the traditions of the fallen,’ says Olsson.

In Stockholm, however, they feel they already have plenty of space for dead bodies.

– ‘For obvious reasons, I don’t want to point out exactly what our war planning looks like, but we have plans for places where we can bury in the ground. These are mainly our large cemeteries with a lot of land, such as Strandkyrkogården, Järva Cemetery and Råcksta Cemetery,’ says Svante Borg.

Borg understands that the planning is perceived as ‘scary’. At the same time, he believes it is necessary to make appropriate preparations for mass death.

– ‘When you talk about death in situations like this, it becomes scary. At the same time, we cannot avoid this, we must dare to talk about how to strengthen our society and act if we get the war here,’ he says.


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sweden can’t mobilize 500 prepared soldiers. they wouldn’t last for much longer than a week against the russian federation


you tube–radio tapok/sabaton: attack of the dead men

captain hohol

all you swedish faggots, you need to refuse to fight russia and instead force all the brownies to fight for their right to stay in the country.


they don’t need to fight russia at all. it’s the us that blew up the pipeline.


those swedish hipsters are only good for frequenting cafes and shopping for vegan products. also raising “no gender” babies.

Tommy Lee

no sweat. they’ll be too busy having buttsex to fightl.

ramses saxon

my dream of 500000 gay bars in amerika realized


they get a to bad outcome on the fake pandemic, and suffocation with pillow in care homes was a to slow method for the death cult. but you must admit that they are early out with the goal of the action.
bigger cemetery are the latest demand from the democrats ! its of course on orders from “us” and who !
the economy will surge, when the banksters print all the zeros needed for to buy the cemetery’s.
even nils ferlin could not have guess that more graves are the recipe for wealth !


the same way i’m not covid vaccinated, i will not fight anyone in any war.

Boris Orlov

except your problem with a covid vaccination, you are a true hero. i’m in!


i respect the common law but i don’t follow what they want

Just me

governments are all working together in the background and we, the people, are their target…. governments are the enemy of humanity even if cheap propaganda tries to hide it. all regimes worldwide are preparing for war.


why not plan for 5 million, at least? who needs sweeeeeeeeeeeedish porn and volvohs?

Boris Orlov

i’d like to have a volvo. the other thing you mention, what is it anyway? even if swedish knew what porn was, they would do something disturbing for the normal soul. so no, thanks.


get grettta gabbler on the blower and she will surely muster up more cadavers!

Fools Paradise

swedes seem sold on a war for prosperity but most survivors will be killed by globalist bioweapons . swedes somehow trust the globalists who would kill 500,000 to be working for sweedish prosperity and not remaking their own vision of a less populated more manageable world.


sweden would cease to exist.


🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆


moron drunk amerikan should inject more fentanyl


interesting, the local authorities were also spreading fear in sweden some weeks ago. it almost feels like nato will stage a false flag somewhere in scandinavia🥶


my stockholm syndrome manifests all amerikunt gay bars


well, that’s one way for the swedes get rid of all those brown skinned non swede imports their gov let in.


fakenews and desinformation lol the same old song that nato will strike russia ,if you’re not drunk again your half a neuron is dead


the court jester jensy is back!


instead of ordinary burials, the forward looking authorities in stockholm should consider freeze dried victims of the future war they so stupidly managed to involve sweden in. the usual sized graveyard could be shrunk to a tenth of a traditional graveyard using freeze drying.

Niccolo Machiavelli

needs electricity which they won’t have.

Paul Citro

and for what cause will these swedes be dying? russia is not the soviet union. it is not a threat to anyone. are people willing to die rather than see through the propaganda are being fed?


you have no idea of the stupidity in the halls of authority, in the walls since at least the 19th century and as is well know you can’t cure stupidity! the poor f*ckers of citizens (of which 10 pct are born outside of sweden, in places like iraq turkey and so on.

Boris Orlov

we don’t need a cause to murder other races. to be arian is enough.


hehehe sweden seems to have gone crazy. 100 years living side by side with russia safely and now they talk like this, completely barmy the modern leadership.


madness. there will not be enough people in sweden to bury their dead

Epsteins helper

the only one who needs to die are the jews then this woooor is over. kill the jews and all woors


the only few hundret allmightys on earth have no nationality or religion, but are satanists, radical imperialistis, globalists, capitalists and internationalists.
only some are zionists or jewish in any genetic or national manner, so its false, a sin and a crime to blame jews in general or to call for theyr destruction, because 99,9% are not involved.
same in israel where a half is against the netanjahu regime and theyr wars in gaza, lebanon and now syria.


do the supposed sf journalists live in an alternative reality or are the russian people condemned to the same misery of the last 100 years, they continue to be a nation of servants whose specialty is eating ice cream with their foreheads, nato is not preparing an aggression, it was russia is the one who invades a country, the rest are lackeys and servants who beg on the internet

Niccolo Machiavelli

silly ukrops, nato is fighting the same war that pope alexander started almost a thousand years ago – and for the same reason. follow the money.


lol you moron.
so nato with usa didnt attack irak, somalia, afghanistan, libya, serbia and syria with killing and wounding there millions an much more millions refugees and hundrets of billions in damages?
and iran, venezuela, lebanon, belorus and north korea are still in theyr aim.
so stfu you total idiot.

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

your nations specially is raping and murdering children, so any criticisms you have against russia is typical of every paedophiles hatred of everything russian!!!

Niccolo Machiavelli

“thousands of pieces of military equipment are now being loaded in us ports for shipment to europe”. no, that equipment is being shipped to the middle east. “seven countries in five years”.
