The SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) party convention has punished Sigmar Gabriel: He received an even worse result than in 2013. This result will likely be the end for Sigmar Gabriel hopes on the candidacy for chancellor of the SPD.

Deep disappointment for Sigmar Gabriel after the announcement of the outcome. (Photo: AP)
Originally appeared at DWN, translated by Karin exclusively for SouthFront
SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel has suffered a setback in his re-election to the party leadership: Gabriel received 74.3 percent of the votes at the SPD federal party conference on Friday. This was his worst result so far. In his last election to be party chief in 2013, Gabriel had gotten 83.6 percent of the delegates’ votes.
His election result could be seen clearly as a punishment, Gabriel predicted. “And that’s what it is” he added. He understands the result like this:
“Everyone is aware of what I want. There are 25 percent in the party who do not want the same thing”. However, the vast majority stood behind his course: “Now it has been decided with a three-quarters majority within the party, which way we will go – and that’s what we will do”. He accepted the election.
Before the election, Gabriel had affirmed his claim for the move to become the chancellor in 2017. He appealed to the delegates not to let the weak poll numbers bother them.
Sharp criticism of Gabriel, however, came from the Young Socialists and Left.. The Young Socialists national chairman Johanna Uekermann accused the party and its chief to make no credible policy. The SPD must move from just words to actions. Gabriel dismissed this with some sharp words.
Gabriel is at the head of the party since of 2009. For months the SPD remains in the pollsaround 25 percent.