According to the Spanish authorities, among the 10,000-12,000 pieces of weapons, seized earlier this week, there are some, capable to shoot down aircraft.

Spanish police seized 10,000-12,000 pieces of weapons, intended for sale to terrorists and organized crime groups (Photo: RIA Novosti / Spanish Ministry of the Interior)
The weapon, seized by Spanish police earlier this week, is estimated at 10 million euro on the black market, the RIA Novosti news agency reported on Sunday, citing the Spanish National Police Corps. Reportedly, the police seized 10,000-12,000 pieces of weapons, including anti-aircraft guns, which can be used to shoot down aircraft. The weapons were destined for sale to terrorists and organized crime groups.
Las armas que encontró la @policia, entre 10.000 y 12.000, el pasado jueves, estarían valoradas en 10 millones de euros en el mercado negro
— Ministerio Interior (@interiorgob) January 15, 2017
Earlier this week, Spanish police arrested five people, who belonged to a criminal group, engaged in sale of weapons on the black market to criminal organizations, including terrorist groups. All the detainees (four men and one woman) are Spaniards. They bought old weapons, repaired and sold it on the black market. The arrests were carried out in the Spanish regions of Olot (Girona, Catalonia), Liendo (Cantabria), Galdakao and Getxo (Bizkaia, the Basque Country). In addition, police discovered workshops, where the criminals repaired old weapons and prepared it for sale.
Estas son las 12.000 armas, algunas capaces de derribar aeronaves, intervenidas al crimen organizado. Su precio: 10 mill € en mercado negro
— Policía Nacional (@policia) January 15, 2017
On Sunday, police announced that it managed to seize 10,000-12,000 pieces of various weapons, including the CETM battle rifles, the Beretta automatic weapons, the Astra and the Star pistols, heavy machine guns and other arms. Some part of the weapons is in working condition. In addition, police found repair parts for various types of weapons and confiscated 80,000 euro in cash.
Three of the five detainees were left in custody, while passports of the two others were confiscated, they are currently forbidden to leave the territory of Spain.
Police managed to come out on the trail of this criminal group during an investigation of the terrorist attack on the Jewish Museum in Brussels, committed on May 24, 2014, in which four people were killed. The attacker was a Frenchman of Algerian origin, Mehdi Nemmush.

Spanish police seized 10,000-12,000 pieces of weapons, intended for sale to terrorists and organized crime groups (Photo: RIA Novosti / Spanish Ministry of the Interior)

Spanish police seized 10,000-12,000 pieces of weapons, intended for sale to terrorists and organized crime groups (Photo: RIA Novosti / Spanish Ministry of the Interior)
Hm, seems like the imams in France and Germany are preparing the ground work for civil war…
WW2 vintage, what have you? well, better than rocks… hope those ppl sing on who bought it. btw. EUROPOL should take over this one.
Wait till you start seeing the TOW missiles your tax money paid for. They are coming to you , by courtesy of your own governments. They were supplied directly or indirectly to Isis and Al Nusrah in Syria and I suspect there are attempts to smuggle them into Europe via Turkey. Either Isis will smuggle these weapons into Europe or use cash to buy whatever it needs in the Balkans or other parts of Eastern Europe.When there’s money involved all notions of European unity and defending the greater cause go out of the window. Eastern and some Western European arms dealers took Saudi Money through the USA to arm Al Nusrah and Isis in Syria. Somewhere along the line the fruits of what they sewed must be reaped. It’s just the Law of the Universe.