Since December 1, we’ve collected 260 USD. This is about 5% of the monthly budget needed to continue SouthFront work and further.
In the conditions of the most severe opposition from our detractors, we can currently accept donat payments mainly via cryptocurrency.
Meanwhile, we DO NOT RECOMMEND you to use the following platforms: , , . The best way is to send crypto payments from ‘cold wallets’, i.e. Electrum for Bitcoin, Electron Cash for Bitcoin Cash and GUI Wallet for Monero.
You can easily enter funds into these wallets using any well-known crypto exchange and than transfer crypto from these wallets to ours.
We also have some other non-crypto channels that you can use to take part in our fight. Write us to and (please write to both addresses simultaneously) to get more details.
I read your story on supporting the peaceful BLM riots, now you want money, GFY!
Now there is no reason to trust anything SF posts.