SouthFront is Calling for Volunteers!

Our team is a living proof that ordinary people, volunteers equipped with the newest ideas and technologies, can do what only government- and corporate-linked organizations were able to do in the past.

Wikileaks showed that anyone concerned could make a great contribution to the triumph of the truth. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence has shown that anyone can create and disseminate accurate and timely world-changing content.


So, we are calling for people seeking to participate in the project. What we currently need:
1. Translators from Russian/German/Serbian and other languages to English
2. English writers, journalists
3. News scanners (Track websites and source articles to be posted on
4. Experts in geopolitics, economy, military etc
5. Researchers

If you are interested, please, write PM to or email to: (don’t forget check a spam box for the answer)

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