Six B-52H Strategic Bombers Of US Air Forces Already Deployed In Qatar

Six B-52H Strategic Bombers Of US Air Forces Already Deployed In Qatar

B-52 strategic bomber. Photo: U.S. Air Force/Tech. Sgt. Robert J. Horstman

The US continues to build up forces in the Middle East, increasing escalation in the region. 

According to Pentagon, the United States were going to send B-52H bombers, fighter jets, tanker aircraft and destroyers to the region after preparing for the withdrawal of an aircraft carrier strike group led by the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) from the region. The group has been in operation in the region since the beginning of August and will have to leave it by mid-November.

Six B-52H Strategic Bombers Of US Air Forces Already Deployed In Qatar

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At least four US B-52H strategic bombers came to the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar in early November.

On November 4th, two more B-52H strategic bombers of the 5th Bomb Wing were deployed to the strategically important air base in Qatar. This was confirmed by air monitoring sources. Thus, the total number of US bombers in Qatar reached six aircraft.

The B-52 is a long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber. It can carry up to 32 tons of weapons and has a typical combat range of around 14,200 kilometers without aerial refueling.

Six B-52H Strategic Bombers Of US Air Forces Already Deployed In Qatar

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Pentagon spokesman Air Force Major General Patrick Ryder said in a statement, “made it clear that should Iran, its partners, or its proxies use this moment to target American personnel or interests in the region, the United States will take every necessary measure to defend our people.”

The deployment came amid heightened tensions with Iran which is vowing to respond to the October 26 Israeli attack on its territory. The U.S. showed support to Israel ahead of the attack by reinforcing its air defenses with a THAAD ballistic missile defense system. The deployment of the B-52s appears to be a clear threat from the U.S. to Iran. Israel has for long been thought to need the heavy firepower of U.S. strategic bombers in any strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, which were not targeted during the last attack.


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s n o w d e n

similar operations are planned years in advance. when the false flag was going on on october 7th, they already had all the deals and plans ready to destroy gaza, lebanon and iran. i assure you that there were long talks between bibi and putin, albeit through “unofficial” channels. the problem is i can’t prove it, but the people who say it’s a “conspiracy” can’t prove it either.

Last edited 4 months ago by s n o w d e n
s n o w d e n 2

i guarantee you that none of this could have happened without a nod from putin. syrian airspace is open to u.s. and israeli aircrafts, why? i smell some dirty geopolitical deal, something about we don’t bomb russia with long range missiles and you let us destroy iran and bomb these stupid towel heads into the stone age, then bring them to europe and decimate the german/french/italian white population with the help of rapist muslim worms. and putin said – deal….

Last edited 4 months ago by s n o w d e n 2

i bet the martians are in league with israel … you can”t disprove it either. it’s the one that makes the claim that has to give the proof. as for you being an idiot, you have proved it again and again.

Last edited 4 months ago by MacZ
s n o w d e n 3

i don’t waste my time with stupid people like you. someone invented these false flags, someone perfected them, someone manipulates the elections and putin didn’t even bothered to open his dirty mouth and address them, why? because he is part of the theater. i really doubt the russian secret services are that bad. they can be pretty good when they want to. for example, they saved the life of that scumbag erdogan during the u.s. coup, only to be betrayed by the same erdogan later.

s n o w d e n 4

so putin seems to be a double agent and a cuckoo, placed in the russian nest, which casts a completely different light on his “holy fight” against russian opposition and on the meat grinder he unleashed in ukraine by neglecting “maidan”. officially, it’s a fight of “democracy” (zelensky) against “dictator” (putin), in reality it’s a meat grinder run by one rothschild whore against another rothschild whore, maybe zelensky/putin are getting orders from one and the same messenger


israel won’t risk its f35 over iran but somehow the us will send b52 on bombing mission over it ? yeah, sure.


…good for the houthis, so they don’t have to look for their goals for a long time 😆😆😆

s n o w d e n 5

if you didn’t noticed it, the last time israel sent f35 to iran, they were refueling in syrian airspace. they are using boeing kc-46 pegasus. for the stupid muslims, it is only slightly modified boeing 767, civilian airplane. how it is possible that russia – ally of iran – was not able to intercept these slow, unprotected and helpless refueling planes in syria during their refueling mission ? because russia sides with israel. because putin is a whore.

Last edited 4 months ago by s n o w d e n 5

international law. its a wonderful thing when its adhered to.


a military aircraft of country ‘a’ flying in the sovereign airspace of country ‘b’ without explicit permission breaches international law. flying or refuelling in ‘international air space’ (outside sovereign territorial airspace) is of course permitted.

the protection of sovereign air space generates countless incidents, including the sudden ‘veering off’ tactic to test defences. alas, syrn airspace is deliberately unprotected from regular illegal isr incursions.


in that case, it is not international law but common sense. ‘snowden’, using its usual cognitive capabilities, complains that the russians have not yet thrust the world in nuclear war by blowing up israeli and us airplanes. but what do we expect from him anyway ?

Last edited 4 months ago by MacZ

unauthorized jets in syrn airspace is both a ‘breach of int-law’ and ‘act of int-aggression’. syr has an ‘absolute legal right of self defence’ under un charter.

syr has agreed protectorate terms with a third country (r.f.), under which r.f. is legally entitled (+ morally obligated) to act in syr’s defence. all acts of aggression can be responded to under int-law but r.f. chooses not to. the ‘ww3 excuse’ indicatives only r.f’s. true priorities/allegiances.


yes, international law says you can trigger nuclear war, so why not just do it ? just like the us could send its brigades to ukraine to fight the russian : because the leaders of these countries are not as stupid as you.


ad hominem tells all.

most leaders are ‘placed there’ + do as they are told; allowing + encouraging isr’s actions as they ‘can never precipitate ww3’ whereas a counter action to zio aggression somehow would?

the ukr situation is exacerbated by usa/nato agendas – but crucially only continues because of r.f. timidity. such timidity in the face of aggression will trigger ww3, as if legally standing up to illegal aggression is ‘stupid’ then one has lost already.


yes i’m sure that after russia blows up several american planes, the president of the united states will tell its people that it’s ok because russia had the right to do it and everything is dandy. can’t do more stupid than believing something like that. or be a child. and russia is not attacked, btw.

Last edited 4 months ago by MacZ

(1) usa invaded syr to aid incursions by isr/trk + steal oil/grain. it is the aggressor. (2) whatever us-presd says will be a lie/boast – who cares? (3) until a country opposes organised us-zio-nato aggression then mob rule will spread + ww3 will happen by default (perhaps when isr+usa invade syr, jord + n.egypt thus forcing iran’s hand?). all because r.f forgot its agreement with syr + ignored zio-usa’s illegal actions (that always lead to bigger disasters).


putin is nit a whore.
your mother is a whore.


agreed. gunboat diplomacy doesn’t work when the natives can sink your gunboats. i think we in the west have to accept our hegemony is over. for israel i don’t know if that means assimilation with the other societies in the middle east or accepting that jewish culture, identity and dna is inextricably symbiotically gelled to europe from whence they came and they have to give up on the project like the other neo con adventures in the region.

Phantom of the Opera

iran’s october saturation hypersonic missile barrage took out most of israel’s f35s, that’s why f15s & f16s were mostly used. the pathetic old & slow b52s are sitting ducks, a sign of weakness. qataris hosting b52s must be even more stupid than the amateurish, treasonous, zionist-enslaved, israel-first, (fight to the last us soldier for israeli) aipac puppets in the us government & the us military


according to col mcg the israelis had a three wave attack prepared against iran but the first wave encountered something that interfered with their radar etc and abandoned the attack. thats why gallant’s prediction of the world will watch and see the power of israel was a damp squib. a bit like hitlers prediction that you just need to kick russia’s door in and the whole edifice would crumble but we keep trying.


which makes me think that many politicians in western europe must clearly see hitler not as a deranged racist madman but as a visionary.

Joseph Day

just dick waving. thats all the yanks have left. waving their limp dicks around

Tonya blinkeng

what they gonna do? preemptively nuke iran? that will give putin carte blanche to preemptively nuke ukraine. what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

s n o w d e n 6

because they will turn iran into gaza. as i told many, many, many, many times. and 50 millions of towel heads in iran will be very “surprised” with the fact, they have zero anti air protection against f35 and that russia will allow israel to use syrian airspace , in fact, russians will shot down any syrian missiles targeting american b52 bombers. as they protected american troops against “rebels” in raqqa. russia want b52 to reach iran safely and drop their bombs undisturbed.

Last edited 4 months ago by s n o w d e n 6
Rabbi 4 Skin

putin is a zionist… all you clueless clowns.

bolshevik jews created russia and comunism…. putin is what is left over.

he was told russia would be nuked unless he opened the country up to the world.

putin is a jew lover…. a fake jew and is controlled by lucifer and the devil himself like all jews are!


yes, we were missing the token antisemite to make sure that sf is very very bad.

Rabbi 4 Skin

jews arent semites.

25% of israelis are literally russians…. no semites moron.

palastinians… now they are the true semites and chosen ones.

jesus was literally born in palestine einstein!

Uncle Sam

loud noises from yemen soon to be heard.


a preemptive strike on those juicy targets would do wonders, but iran really doesn’t want to set it off like that just yet. they have every right to considering the us is actively helping israel attack iran.


and shame on pos qatar.


typical reasoning by the poofs in the white house/pentagon – if you cause damage to us stuff and/or personnel the devil will take you, even where we’ve put our stuff and/or personnel in harms way – we are inviolable!! you hurt us at your own risk. it has served a purpose for a long term but now the threat is stale when the opposition is technically better. the unfortunate thing is that the poofs from the disunited states of a include the jews as well.


the poofs haven’t giveun up on the greater israel dream where the jews are the hegemon of the me and the poofs control all oil in the me! dreams come crashing down. making the world miserable and its own population just as miserable since the poofs waste their capital on grave yard issues, ukraine, middle east, etc

Rabbi 4 Skin


putin is a zionist… all you clueless clowns.

bolshevik jews created russia and comunism…. putin is what is left over.

he was told russia would be nuked unless he opened the country up to the world.

putin is a jew lover…. a fake jew and is controlled by lucifer and the devil himself like all jews are!


great! now the bombers are only 4 minutes away from iran’s missiles…

tell me again how long the pre-flight checklist takes to complete…

in other words, they’ve been moved here to be used as targets by iran to instigate ww3.
