Should Russia Sign Any ‘Ceasefire Deals’ NATO Might Offer?

Should Russia Sign Any 'Ceasefire Deals' NATO Might Offer?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On July 2, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited Kiev for the first time since 2012 when he met the last legitimate (and sovereign) Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. A harsh critic of the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta, Orban isn’t exactly a favorite among his hosts. Thus, it may seem strange that he would ever visit the NATO-occupied country. However, as Hungary took over the EU’s rotating presidency for the rest of the year, it can only be expected that Brussels will put additional pressure on Budapest, which might be one of the main reasons Orban decided to do so. As previously mentioned, the hosts weren’t exactly thrilled and Orban himself certainly didn’t expect a warm welcome.

In line with his repeated calls for peace negotiations (the real ones, not the ludicrous kind that Switzerland apparently likes to host), Hungary’s PM reiterated it this time as well, urging Volodymyr Zelensky “to consider a quick ceasefire”. In a press briefing right after the private meeting during which he said it, Orban stated that “[he] asked the president to think about whether we could approach this a little differently, to take a break, to cease fire, and then proceed with negotiations”. The Kiev regime didn’t take this too kindly, as it still insists on the withdrawal of the Russian military, an extremely unlikely prospect. In contrast, Orban called for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between the two sides.

“A ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks. I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation,” he stated.

Orban argues that this could bring about the conditions for a real negotiated settlement that could result in a permanent peace deal. Even before the meeting, the Neo-Nazi junta frontman’s reaction was some sort of “I don’t really care”, just wrapped in a “diplomatic” form. Zelensky’s office officially said that “it will be a much-needed, important conversation about the future of Europe, security, international law, and the Formula of Peace”. The last part of the statement refers to the Kiev regime’s laughable “peace formula” that boils down to Russia’s capitulation. Knowing just how out of touch and ridiculous the very idea of it is, Orban didn’t really comment on this, focusing on other matters.

In his view, developing neighborly relations between the two countries is far more important, stressing the need to build a better partnership and highlighting that Hungary would want to have close ties to Ukraine just like with all of its other neighbors. However, the Neo-Nazi junta seems to be less excited about this, as its political leadership doesn’t really appreciate that Orban repeatedly tried blocking EU/NATO “military aid” and other initiatives that Hungary sees as escalatory and dangerous. This also includes Orban’s active opposition to the Kiev regime’s NATO membership, a stance that resulted in the mainstream propaganda machine’s regular smear campaigns targeting him and his associates.

Thus, Orban is usually referred to as a “pro-Putin” leader. The political West always uses such ad hominem attacks on “non-compliant” individuals (particularly leaders) to put additional pressure and force foreign policy changes. However, Budapest has repeatedly stated that it won’t budge, insisting on negotiations and diplomacy to end the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. Instead, we have the policy of perpetual escalation through the shipments of ever more advanced and longer-range weapons. And to say nothing of NATO’s increasingly possible direct military involvement that Hungary doesn’t want to take part in, as Orban himself has openly stated on several occasions. Thus, this peace deal offer sounds all the more peculiar.

The timing is particularly interesting, as Orban decided to pay Zelensky this surprise visit on the second day of Hungary’s EU presidency. Perhaps it was long in the making, but another possibility is that Brussels itself okayed the move as a way to prevent “unpleasant” changes on the battlefield. Namely, NATO has up to 500,000 battle-ready soldiers whose task is to directly occupy Ukraine and engage Russian troops. As this is a less-than-ideal (or, more precisely, a desperate) move, the political West might be looking for alternatives to prevent the Neo-Nazi junta’s total defeat. Russian strike capabilities are such that any large troop concentrations would be in grave danger, leading to massive casualties.

A ceasefire could give NATO a window of opportunity to deploy all the way to the contact line and take around 80% of Ukraine without firing a single shot. Obviously, this would be a strategic defeat for Russia, which is something that the Kremlin will want to avoid, particularly now that the Russian military’s already massive advantage keeps growing. In addition, Zelensky’s statements might suggest that he’s also onboard with the idea, saying that he and Orban discussed “how to bring about a just and lasting peace”. Hungary’s PM himself told the Kiev regime frontman that he wants to hear “[his] vision of the chances for peace”. Once again, this could be an indicator that such ceasefire plans might be in effect.

Obviously, this is not to say that Hungary is working toward such a settlement because of its apparent “loyalty to NATO”, but simply because it’s in its interest for the conflict to end. However, the real danger of such a ceasefire is that it wouldn’t provide long-lasting peace. On the contrary, it would further increase the chances of strategic conflict between NATO and Russia.

In addition, the Kremlin knows that the political West cannot give any legal guarantees, simply because its politicians cannot be trusted. Empirical evidence suggests that every word that comes from their mouth could easily be a blatant lie, meaning that Moscow can only rely on its armed forces as the one true guarantee of its strategic security.


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ceasefire for nato only means extra time to resupply and find more forced conscripts. this is a war until ‘the fuhrerbunker and the last resistance of the hj’.


why is russia all the sudden begging for a ceasefire deal????????

AM Hants

because she is not. urkaine and cnn wish it were true.

Marshall Dillon

it’s a bedtime story they tell biden around 6 pm when he dozes off.


they are not begging, they stated their requirements to even consider such a thing. western media likes to spin the narrative.

george soros-USA emperor

why amerikunts so stupid?


u amerikans=moron

Marshall Dillon

waiting for more washing machines from tianjin?


russia must not accept any cessation of hostilities, because it would be an advantage for the ukrainians because they would have time to prepare and consolidate. the only solution for russia is the unconditional surrender of ukraine. ukraine must unconditionally accept all the conditions imposed by the russians to liquidate this corrupt, nazi state and ukraine to return the territories taken by rapture from poland, romania and slovakia

Ivan Freely

nope. nato have long revealed their intentions. russia needs to finish the job. accept nothing offered by nato as their word, spoken or written, has no value.

Marshall Dillon

fool them once, fool them twice, fool them enough times and they’ll tool you to death.

AM Hants

nato and the west are not known to honour agreements. february 22 2014, witnessed by the foreign secretaries of germany, france and poland, yanukovic signed an agreement to stand down. within hours, russia were rescuing him and his family from an assassination attempt. minsk i and minsk ii, where merkel and hollande, were guarantors, stated that they only signed the agreements to bide time. why would russia trust the west or nato, who are losing?

Marshall Dillon

where’s merkel these days, anyway? i heard tell she joined a convent in hopes of regaining her soul.

AM Hants

good point. she is seriously quiet.


peace talks by rf would be an act of de-facto surrender to us-eu-nto long-term ambitions (under any us president). any ceasefire grants the west more time to achieve its anti-rf aims and build up its military presence. there are only two ways for this blood-fest to end:

(1) rf takes all ukr territory strategically necessary to prevent any further ukr-nto incursions.

(2) the only ‘discussions’ are the terms of ki*v’s unconditional surrender.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

russia has been embarrassed by the ukraine resistance and has already lost 1/4 million soldiers…they better accept any deal usa offers them…



a quarter million, get a load of this guy. any irrefutable evidence to support your claim?

Marshall Dillon

teresa999 filled him in, although i think she said it was around twice that. they have a club with secret hand signs and everything.


please give us reputable evidence for your claim. you british flatheads always come up with wrong numbers.

Marshall Dillon

congrats. you’ve managed to broaden the meaning of a delusional idiot to one tempered with psychopathic tendencies. you’re ripe for trench duty now.

Last edited 3 months ago by Marshall Dillon
Gary McKnight

as a scotsman. i think it would be very stupid of russia to listen to anything the british government comes up with.
so no is the answer to your question.

Marshall Dillon

if i were you, i’d sever myself from those barbarians at hadrian’s wall.

AM Hants

scotland have their own parliament. wales and northern ireland have their own assemblies. england has nought. westminster is the parliament of the united kingdom, but run by the city of london (who have their own laws and taxes and independent of the nation they squat in). remember, blair and brown were scottish labour mps, who went on to run the united kingdom. if england had a parliament, held a referendum then scotland would have easily got their independence.

Land of Quacks

in practice, it should be called the disunited kingdom, or duk for short, which would be doubly appropriate given its lame duck status in the world.

Massa John

russia should forget the nostalgia and flatten central kiev. a single kinshal could end this war.

Marshall Dillon

zelensky is like a cartel boss on the run and never spends two nights in a row in the same place.

Last edited 3 months ago by Marshall Dillon

fuck nato, russia has the upper hand. kiev had the chance to negotiate but though boris johnson would rescue them. tough luck

AM Hants

what i find ironic and tragically funny, is the fact that zelinsky and his mates say they want to return to 1991 borders. however, post the fall of the soviet union, ukraine never ratified their borders with russia and belarus, in accordance with international law.

AM Hants

so basically, the borders are where they were before the bolsheviks overthrew the russian empire, back in 1917. novorussia (eastern ukraine), just like crimea were part of russia. looks like the borders have returned to pre-lenin times. reason ukraine could not join nato in 1997.


anothe deceptive minsk? 3, 4, 5?

good luck with that ruse, if anyone in the world would buy that.

keep in mind: once one’s credit lost, it is gone forever.

george soros-USA emperor

we amerikunts are liars sleazy scum species—only fool trusts amerikunt


unlikely any nato proposal will be any more honest than any of the other ones they failed to implement

Massa John

talk to my hand…

Душан Мирић

no, russia should not sign any “cease fire deal” with nato.

Marshall Dillon

biden issued an order, no fireworks for today. nato said they might need them to make up their artillery stocks.


russia rejects ceasefire—-ukies must withdraw all troops accept neutrality to avoid more defeat


red faced liars they are and that macron has an old tranny husband. over in washington same thing barry and big mike always on the their knees.

Donald Moore

easy answer, no!!!


nah, never.

Marshall Dillon

an ode to the krakens:

humpty dumpty sat on a wall. humpty dumpty saw the fabs fall.

away he went, lickety-split to the rear. he ain’t gettin’ kracked, he got too much fear.

Land of Kracks and Quacks

are you suggesting the krakens ain’t all they’re cracked up to be?

captain hohol

the eu basically lied last time, so no, it’s on russia’s terms or not at all.

trump will play ball.

Land of Quacks

knowing trump, he’ll offer to buy siberia as part of the deal.