On September 7, the Russian Rybar channel on Telegram released never before seen footage of recent operations by the reconnaissance groups of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commonly known by its previous abbreviation GRU, behind Ukrainian front lines.
The operations include a series of deadly ambushes against Kiev forces in the northeastern Ukrainian regions of Chernihiv and Sumy.
Video footage shows Russian reconnaissance groups targeting several military vehicles with assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and explosive devices. The dead bodies of several Ukrainian troops who were killed in the ambushes can be seen in the footage.
According to Ryabr, the aim of these ambushes was to collect intelligence. Russian reconnaissance groups seized encoded communication devices, maps and other documents during each ambush.
In one operation, a reconnaissance group blew up a bridge regularly used by Kiev forces to move military equipment. The exact location of the bridge is not known yet.
Rybar’s video provides a rare look at Russian reconnaissance and intelligence operations behind Ukrainian lines. The Russian military keeps such operations under tight wraps. The strict Ukrainian military censorship also prevents the publication of any information about such operations.
While the Russian military has been conducting operations deep into Ukraine since the start of the special operation, the extent of these operations will not likely be known before the conflict is over.
this is the language nazis understand. keep it up lads.
good job russia. those orcs will never do harm again.
u r the next to be decapitated
shut ur mouth polish scum,anglo saxon di*k sucker,soon the nazi poland will be deleted from the face of earth you son of polish bit*h . amen
your dirty mother polish curvature should abort you long ago sack of shit
this dirty pol is funny, the whole world knows russia is destroying the nazi pigs and are rooting them on. i know we are from the us that is for sure. to all russians, do not listen to our mainstream media, they are total liars. we the people of the us wish you the best!!
pollacks are sick masochists. they’d probably sell their sister to galicians for a pitchfork party and then clink beer bottles with her killers.
lmao this polish/jewish orc has like 20 comments in this thread alone 🤣 🤣 🤣
poor guy’s having a nervous breakdown.
kiss my ass and pray to me, pollack
he has to kiss austin’s dick first. you’ll have to get in line.
did you enjoy seeing those dumbass polish mercs being blown away for a carton of cigarettes?
no honor in poles. they’d do their sisters for a carton of smokes, then pass her on to a drunken ukrop for a lighter..
fun seeing kikes die isn’t it
glory to russia
fuck off, asshole!!
fuck ur polish kurva u call mother ha ha
fuck the eu, especially you dumb pollacks.
fake news!! ruzzian bastards understand only the language of death!! kill em all!!!
it’s a tough job coping for a pole, isn’t it?
how many poles does it take to cope?
three. one to blubber, one to blow his nose and one to blow his other.
brutal. van full of pollacks added to the pile. live in a federation or die in a criminal fascist dictatorship. what would they have chosen i wonder, given the chance?
pollack, 3 oclock high
lessons to be learned by ukropiggies… polish plates will not save you, casual driving is not a good plan, wear your helmet since your skul won,t stop the bullets.
ukr troops should for sure better stop driving around in unarmoured cars in that area of ukraine too. that’s for sure.
another vatnik which must be neutralized!!
it screamed while crying…
the only thing getting neutralized is ukraine, boobsy.
next time, think what the consequences might be for shelling civilians for 8 years.
haven’t they been trying for ten years? time to learn their lesson. school ain’t free.
the trick when you bite off more than you can chew is not to choke to death on it.
i don’t know. those polish skulls are pretty dense.
amazing. just like action man used to be.
ahahaha…fake news
my whole life has been fake so i can spot fake stuff faster than a speeding bullet.
that’s terrible. that bus full of poles must have just gotten lost on their way to gdansk.
neuveriteľné, ale zrejme je to tak. ha, ha, ha … svetu mier!!!
speznats gru at it best
ahahahaha…those fuckheads don’t know anything
sad little whiner.
they know where you live, poopsy.
the gloves are off, looks like russia is keen to get rid of all the nazis.
yes, we must get rid of fucking nazi ruzzia once and for all!!
12 year old
talking about yourself
get to the front lines nazi pig, the slit between your legs won’t help you btw. you see the ukies are going to start kidnapping women to send to the front lines. you do know what is going to happen to weak women right.
the ukrops are sacrificing their women hoping the russkies will just give up out of disgust.
it’s an old nato trick i taught them.
oh look, poland’s little vassal jr. partner is chiming in.
when’s that polish lithuanian dogshow going to invade russia? i hear any day now.
btw: did you know i’m a distant ancestor of gediminas? he should have let the germans have you, like with prussia, and make the baltic languages extinct. that’s what you wish for, right?
ich liebe dieses video. bitte mehr davon.
was anderes erwartet man von euch afd-schwachköpfen auch nicht…alles russenhuren
the location of the bridge is in fact known, it is the one 52.339440, 33.304836
fake news…
twoja stara to fake news
nice well done russia 🇷🇺 👏
ahahahaha…fake news
ukraine splashes tic toc videos of its pathetic terrorist raids on civilians over the border in bryansk, while russian special operations solders are kicking the assholes out the hohols and their nato curators.
sounds like those barbarians that target civilians are getting what they deserve
8 years later but better late than never.
dream on, fuckhead
seeing that polack with the hole in his head made me kinda horny. i know it sounds pretty sick but i’m a polack that likes banderites after all, so i guess it makes sense somehow.
man that was brutal … but tough shit for the ukotards. they have been terrorizing russians since 2014.
keep up the good work professional russian soldiers.
hahahaha…pathetic ruzzian losers…must spread fake news to feel better
superb, just superb
yet another shithead that must be destroyed
they’ve been trying for ten years. you figure maybe it’s time they just gave up? god’s will and all that.
wow, no comment from wojciech, was he that polish car i wonder? 😂
where are all the ukrotards claiming it’s fake news? lolol
you pathetic loser believe in every stupid fake news from the kremlin
hahaha bvtt still hurts
must watch cnn. they know everything. fake hunter laptop stupid kremlin trick
ukrotards are too busy stealing as many dollars and euros as they can before they escape their wasteland.
the first car is from poland
staged by ruzzia as always
very thorough work… thumbs up!
the russian special forces are professional and lethal.
great work russia keep destroying those nazis, there is nowhere where it is safe for you nazi’s russia will get you all =z=
u will be the first to be destroyed, pathetic kremlin nazi!!
are you just upset that your boyfriends got killed in that first white van with polish license?
anyplace that’s stupid for poles to be, you know they’ll be there.
bravo, nicely done!
how to eliminate known nazis.
this was great, we love seeing nazi scum get liquidated here from the us.
outeffstanding russia recon. sneak and peak and kick ass. i raise my glass in a toast and salute you all. to your health and making it back to friendly lines. oorah!
nco force recon usmc