SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SouthFront is finalizing the almost hour-long documentary on the Houthis and the war in Yemen.

It will be finished and released in the first days of July.

The next big analytical video planned by the project is a detailed overview of the conflict in Syria from 2015 to 2018 and its preliminary results.


LAST DAY left to allocate SF’s monthly budget.

UPDATE [1.07.2018]: From June 1 to June 39, the project collected collected 3,910 USD.

Since June 1, the project has collected 3,610 USD. This is about 72% of the needed budget [5,000 USD].

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

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SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen


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SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

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SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen


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SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In YemenSF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

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SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

SF Is Finalizing Documentary On Houthis And War In Yemen

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Karim Al Ahamadi

The Western media be like: it is a civil war. PressTV.com = Real news.
Hope this Doc is good