SUE Sevastopol Airport should have hosted its first flight by the end of the year, the director of the Government of Sevastopol’s Municipal Service Department Oleg Kazurin reported.
It is planned that the airport will host regular flights all year round, taking into account peak seasonal loadings. Capital structures, corresponding engineering communications, introduction of all airport services and fitting them with special equipment are necessary for this purpose. The volume of investment will total more than 1.5 billion rubles.
The available landing strip is almost ready to accept planes. It is 3 thousand meters long. Over one thousand jobs would be created at the airport. The airport director Vadim Bazykin stated there is an opportunity to prepare the existing infrastructure for hosting business aircraft this year: about 3 flights of charters daily, the SRG-200 (50 passengers).
By April-March, 2016 it will be possible to provide hosting and servicing regular flights of Sukhoy Superjet-100 planes (108 passengers) and others.

Sukhoy Superjet-100