Serbia Dangerously Close To Capitulation

Serbia Dangerously Close To Capitulation

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Serbia is a perfect example that appeasement will not only fail to produce the desired results, but also backfire. Despite well over two decades of accepting virtually every political West’s “suggestion”, the blackmails continue.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For well over three decades, the political West has been exerting unprecedented pressure on Serbia. The incessantly belligerent and imperialist power pole invested decades and enormous resources to fragment and reduce Serbian ethnic space to only a fraction of what it was just 30 years ago. This was accomplished through the backing of various Neo-Nazi and terrorist groups and setting up their respective regimes in areas previously controlled by Serbia. These vassal entities would then conduct ethnic cleansing of native Serbs from the area, engineering their respective majorities in certain regions which would then be incorporated by the said NATO vassals or turned into new states and statelets by carving them up from Serbia.

A prominent example of this is the NATO-occupied Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia, which the belligerent alliance took by force in 1999, after the illegal bombing that was the focal point of almost ten years of continuous US/NATO aggression. Now, after over two decades of crawling US-backed separatist actions by the illegal narco-terrorist government in Pristina, the European Union is pushing the final solution that would be the last nail in the coffin of Serbia’s sovereignty. Months of tremendous pressure from the US, EU and NATO have pushed Belgrade to the brink. The previously veiled threats by Brussels and Washington DC have become as direct as they could possibly be, particularly since the start of Russia’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe.

Serbia’s continuous refusal to impose sanctions on Moscow is seen as nothing less than “heresy” in the political West. The small country is rather unique in this regard, as it’s still the only one in Europe that has not imposed them. The result is a constant exacerbation of the political West’s hostility towards Serbia, which is now being forced to finally renounce its well-over-a-millennium-old land occupied by NATO forces. The so-called Franco-German plan, in the works for several months now, means the de facto recognition of the illegal “State of Kosovo”. One of its points represents quite possibly the pinnacle of the utter hypocrisy and double standards the political West is well-known (or rather infamous) for.

Namely, Article 3 states that “the sides… …reaffirm the inviolability… …of the border existing between them and undertake fully to respect each other’s territorial integrity”. It’s rather laughable to suggest that Serbia’s territorial integrity will be “respected” by the very separatists aiming to take approximately 12% of its land (recognized by the UN). Worse yet, Serbia is now forced to “respect the territorial integrity” of the illegal US-backed narco-terrorist entity currently occupying its southern province. Unfortunately, the Serbian government has also been trying to circumvent Western pressure by voting for anti-Russian resolutions in the UN General Assembly, hoping to relieve at least some pressure from Washington DC and Brussels, but it’s now obvious all this was in vain.

In doing so, the Serbian government went against the vast majority of its own electorate, which is overwhelmingly pro-Russian (and has been for centuries). For years, Belgrade has been trying to maintain its (official) neutrality, but as the political West operates under the “you’re either with us or against us” foreign policy framework, this is effectively considered “hostile” and now, the Serbian government is forced to make choices which will effectively mean political suicide in a country whose populace is well aware of the malice and harm caused by Washington DC and Brussels. And yet, even the attempts to appease the political West have been completely in vain, as the pressure on Serbia and its sovereignty and territorial integrity continues unabated.

On the anniversary of Russia’s special military operation, the UN General Assembly passed a non-binding resolution condemning Russia and “supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine”. Serbia was forced to vote in favor, meaning that Belgrade officially supports the territorial integrity of the illegal Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, but it violates its own by “respecting” the “territorial integrity” of the NATO-backed narco-terrorist entity in Pristina. To make matters worse, it is doing so while siding with the political West, the greatest threat to its very existence, against Russia, its only true ally in the international arena. The cognitive dissonance in this case is hardly comparable to any other geopolitical situation anywhere in the world.

Serbia is a perfect example that appeasement will not only fail to produce the desired results, but also backfire. Despite well over two decades of accepting virtually every political West’s “suggestion”, the blackmails continue. The very next step is extremely likely to be the termination of Republika Srpska, forcefully integrated into “independent” Bosnia and Herzegovina nearly 30 years ago.

Soon after, the question of sanctions against Russia will surely be presented as “vital” to Belgrade’s “Euro-Atlantic future”. And yet, even if Serbia accepts this, Washington DC and Brussels will certainly demand further subservience, including possible sanctions against China, another global power Serbia has good relations with.

Unfortunately, Serbia is a perfect example of how any attempt to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity while trying to appease the political West is not only absurd, but also a dangerous fantasy that will always end in utter disaster for anyone attempting it. True sovereignty and independence can only be guaranteed with the complete dismantling of the political West and the emergence of the multipolar world order which would ensure that neocolonialism and imperialism are defeated once and for all. Sadly, there’s only one known way to achieve this.


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It doesn’t help that Serbia has a traitor at its helm.


devide and conquer. Serbians didn’t learn yet…


If Serbia hadn’t accepted ultimatum of the West, it would be: earthquaked – Turkey, Romania and Croatia got a message, colorrevolutionized, her lines of energy supplies would be sabotaged and NATO controlled terrorist underground supported by freemasonic lodges would start creating mayhem in Serbia. President Vucic already had received death threats to his life and life of his family from “opposition” which goes unpunishable. Serbia has very large gangster “community” tied up with intelligence service officias, former and current, covered by the agents of the West. This is how Western demoncracy works.


If they had allied 100% with Russia that wouldn’t happen,they were attacked by Nato in the past because Russia was a basket case under Yeltsin and the American Reich knew Russia was in no position to stop them,now they are,do you think Nato would have attacked the former Yugoslavia if Putin had been in charge of Russia instead of a drunken court jester?


Do you suggest that Serbia should go frontal against Empire at the same time surrounded by a NATO regimes with Russia having rather hard time breaking fronts in Ukraine and will soon have to handle situation in Transnistria? There is a wise saying in Serbia that goes like : >God is too high in the sky and Russia is too far awayThe rooster that announces dawn way to early ends up in a cooking pot<. There is proper time for everything. Be patient.


This is so one-sided story, exactly the level of western-owned media analysis just opposite side. Serbian government did not sign anything that would harm any critical national interest, not it intended to, as it was clearly stated by our president before so called negotiations started. Actually, government of Serbia is running policy of achieving maximum of sovereignty in given real geopolitical and historical environment. Building economy and building army strength beyond any expectation possible to imagine in, lets say year 2005, while Serbia still was fully colonized country. And buying time.


This is best and exactly what Serbia need to do in current geopolitical circumstances. Unfortunately there are so many, so called patriots in Serbia that are entering full irrational mode when Vucic and current government is mentioned. It is so sad that there is very strong 6th column, at its finest in Serbia, and it is according my view presenting most dangerous factor in country. While 5th column in Serbia is irrelevant, 6th column is real power that can be used by outside factor to destabilize country.
SF should keep out of such politically colored analysis.


Just one more, final. Serbia is not Russia. What 6-th column in Serbia simply refuse to acknowledge is that Serbian and Russian national interests in general history, especially recent – does not match. This does not make Serbs and Russians less ‘brothers’, or as we love to say – Срби и Руси браћа заувек. Our national interests did not match during 90s and it does not match now. And what I really respect Putin for, is the fact that he perfectly understands this and respect Serbian national interests in best possible way.


It only ever matched in the balcan wars and since then never again.
The russian pressure on serbia resulted in the serbs fighting both the central powers and the axis which both beforehand tried to reach a deal with serbia but russophile serb governments refused. Serbia was thrown in front of the enemies of russia multiple times and then serbia was left dying alone while russia either could not or did not want to help.

Russia is very pragmatic they will not behave towards croatia different then towards serbia no matter how many sanctions croatia supports and how much serbia tries to fight these sanctions.

Casper Jorgensen

Just a question compatriot: Are we from the same planet? Russians have invested close to none to croatia, a lot more around 2 billion in Serbia, and Billion and half to Bosnia.


I am not talking about investments and russian investments as well as chinas investments do not mean anything if the moment the us shows up to destroy it like in lybia or irak the investments and the countries are abandoned and the us can do whatever they want.

Serbia needs to survive just look at how much better it went for the nations who did not fight every empire. The bulgars and romanian where alied with the nazis then with the sowjets and now with nato. They allways switch sides to the strongest to prevent too much damage to be done on them.

Serbia allways fight any empire an allways looses hundreds or even thousands of lives.

Icarus Tanović

Have you lost your mind? In Bosnia Russia made 17.000 jobs. America none. ALL Bosnians, no matter of confessions are for Russia, specially muslims and ortodox. Fuck croatia! It is one invertebrate state is one that switches sides and got state in 1991, taking out Serbs from constitutional people! Making them a minority. Serbia had bloody king Chaslav back in the ages ago, them punks have always been (much like bulgarians or wallachss) someone elses vasals and servants had none of thaaaat! Nowadyas Romania all in all is consisiting of Hungarian land, that was devided in 1918. Crofuckia didn’t existed until 1918. Can’t you get that?
You are visible stressed, calm down.

Last edited 2 years ago by Icarus Tanović
Chris Gr

Serbia, Croatia and Wallachia for the win, you insane bacha bazi traitor! Even Bulgarians don’t suck so much Turkish dick as you do.


I wouldn’t push against Bulgarians too hard. People of Hum could and should cooperate as they all have similar traditions, languages and customs. As a matter of the fact, why do you think West is so involved (since medival times) into throwing a bone of contention among Slavs which comprise far bigger part of European population than Germans and Romans combined? Such an effort exist for at least a thousand years.


There were croat Kingdoms from 7 to 11 century.
Apart from that, every Nation has a right for independence, so also all ex yu States including serbia.
All ex yu states should never again allow extern powers to push them again in confrontations of wars, because they all are brothers an there are millions of mixed nationality familys in the whole Region.


Crofuckia existed long before Turkey did and approximately at the same time as Serbian dukedoms in so called Balkans. By the way, Balkan is a Turkish word, not Slavic. In old Slavic times, before invasion of Turks (which would never happened if there wasn’t Papal interventions against Slavs and Venetian grab of the lands of Slavs), it was called HUM (pronounced as hoom or whom). Crofuckia existed even as a part of Austria-Hungarian empire with higher or lesser sovereignity. Icarus, don’t fly too close to the dark sun of ignorance. Wax may melt and you might experience a devastating fall.


Russians offered far more investments to Croatia but Croatian government scrapped it under pressure from Washington and Berlin, blackmailing Croatia with its admission to EU and preferance status for the trade with EU. Biggest market for the Croatian products is Germany, Italy and Austria.


Russia was involved into pushing Serbia into WWI through the work of Russian military attache in Belgrade and its ambassador (both being associates of Kerensky). It wasn’t invoved into pushing Kingdom of the SHS into WWII, it was solely due to Serbian 5th column. Regarding same position of Russia towards Serbia and Croatia, it is absolutely true, no matter how loud anyone may shout Serbs and Russians are brothers or applied sanctions. All these sanctions are sort of a gunshot marriage as they are harming to those enforcing it. Russians are well aware how the will of the nations to enforce selfharming sanctions is fragile as they are bullied into them and if they succeed in perseverance and inflicting serious damage to western globalist imperial mafia agenda, most of these countries woulf become allies of Russia. This time it will turn into drang nach westen.


Its not in Serbias national interest to bow at the feet of the bastards who bombed their Country for 78 days.

Peppe il Sicario

I’d bet and say this “Serb” is an OpFor agent for the US-NATO scum. You can’t get more 5th Columnist and let me remind everyone that Vucic is a vile WEF card-carrying degenerate scum. Nothing more to add. Wagner and millions of patriotic Serbs will deal with this vagina-lipped piece of 💩 Vucic before long!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

I think it was OPTOR but you are right,Quisling filth working for Soros and the Reich to attack their own Country,then they compound their treachery by turning their political and military heroes over to a Nazi court in the Hague,some of them should have been shot years ago for treason.


I realy cant understand why Russian calls Serbs brothers !??!?
Serbs like Croatians have nice nazi support history, they show that and 1991/1999.
Don’t forget:

opet ja

Vrlo čudno razmišljanje… Completely wrong. Vuchich just pushed all Serbs into the hands and institutions of narco criminal gang that proclaimed themselves a government and state. More over his criminal activities in Serbia are also connected to criminal activities of other Balkan rulers like Djukanovich in Montenegro and Albanians from both Kosovo and Albania. He ordered the elimination of Kosovo Serb leader Oliver Ivanovich few years ago, just to form new Serbian party that would accept Kosovo independent institutions without any opposition. Don’t want to mention all his criminal activities and constitution violations.

Peter Jennings

Fragment, divide, and control, is what nato and the EU is trying to do in eastern europe. They want nato puppets in states not large enough to cause further problems. Especially if they are friends of Russia.

Serbia should tell the EU to go fuck themselves or each other. The EU is a dying concept, ruined by corrupt human behaviour and paranoid control freaks. Do yourself a favour Serbia, forget the EU. The only viable future lies in the east unless they allow the west to wreck it.


He cant say that, EU and world gangs know what he was 1990-2000.
Chetnik, Nazi, neonazi whatever, and he must sing how EU play !


>The EU is a dying concept<….bless you.

opet ja

I wrote here for many times already, president Vuchich is a traitor and Wall St puppet. He let Albanians have their own state with constitution, laws, government, courts, attorney, police, military, borders, documents and telephone call number. So he gave them everything one independent state should have.
UN membership is just a formal part of their full independence. I call Russian and other friendly embassies to help in overthrowing this criminal and traitor and put him for life in jail. Thank you in advance.


At some point, Serbia has to choose side. Or it is going to be pushed off the edge of one or both sides. Serbian government is illegal, since Kosovo was never part of voting for presidental election. I am from Serbia, but lately I feel that my only homeland is Russia, because they are patriots, they protect each other and respect and love each other, russians are truthful with honor and dignity. NATO in Serbia since fall of Yugoslavia made oppossite effect, serbs are no more patriot, serbs became enemies to each other.
Serbian president does not want serbs and country to make progress, he does not care about Kosovo, because over 80% of serbs are pro-russians this is only reason why he still sits on too many chairs, if less than 50% he would be 100% pro-NATO.

Raptar Driver

Only unity will save us.
Looks like we’re screwed?


What unity ? NATO broke will of serbs with help of serbian government since Yugoslavia was bombed and broken apart.
And Putin is not going to help us if serbian government does not request help. Russia offered help, but Vucic rejecting it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordana

@opet ja

UN is just a big freemasonic system. Nothing good coming from it. Rothschild, Schiff, Warburg, Rockefeller etc. are behind it. But make no mistake neighter Unipolar World Order (Old WO) nor the BRICs so-called “Multipolar”JWO-NWO is what mankind needs.

We need no One-World-Government Police-State. Not led by USA nor by Russia or China (what the bolshewic jews like to call “Multipolar” World Order, which just means communist-jewish World Order). Mankind instead needs free souveran nations with free people, nothing else.

We shall never accept any global dictatorship.

On one side we have the KGB Soviet communist gang, mafia, hook-nosed oligarchs, corporations, lobbies and secret societies and on the other, western side, we also have a sham democracy that is nothing more than a completely drifted, green-painted red, leftist-smeared you-will-own-nothing-and-you’ll-be-happy policy at EU as well as on national level that also houses corporations, lobbies and lodges, hook-nosed billionaires and philanthropists. The structures behind both sides serve only one purpose – to introduce the NWO. To achieve this, both sides must play this theater to make thing look to the public as if they are WORKING AGAINST each other. For this purpose, among others, the soldiers go to the battlefield, just as manipulated and brainwashed as the obedient sheep in the health industry. And everyone who calls out to you is also manipulated and brainwashed! All complicit in war and collapse! For the ruling rabble we are all useless eaters!

Putin even joined NWO Klaus Schwabs WEF in Schwabs Great Rest Fourth Industrial Revolution NWO Agenda, and declared openly his allegiance to Schwabs evil plans. (you can also see link directly to the WEF website as prove that indeed WEF is the source:

In Sept 2022 WEF’s russian version did a congress in Moscow,
with one of Schwabs female Young Global Leader cadets and Mr.
Putin. It was called Ecumene 2022. There they spoke about how
expand their NWO better and what more Putin can do to help
Schwab and Rothschild to get to world domination resp. JWO.

The word BRICS was developed by Goldman Sachs, in 2001.
GS is owned by Rothschild and Rockefeller. The word is from the GoldmanSachs highgrade employee J. O’Neill.(2001). Building Better Global Economic BRICs. Goldman Sachs Global Economic Paper No. 66. See:

They now deleted it from their website but they were the ones initiating BRICS already in 2001, when the boss-jews Rothschild & Co and his surpreme satanist buddy Rockefeller had chosen to shift away from USA and instead support the East now and bring all their stolen money there, and make Asia (especially China) become their new save heaven and satanic fortress.

Maybe you understand better now. The fairy tales about Putin, BRICS, Schwab and NATO are a joke! They work not against each other, but with each other, against all of us! This fight is necessary so that the west falls! They want no more rich West and poor East. No unipolar world order with the USA / NATO / dollar as clock giver. They aim for an povertry equality of all nation states, a multipolar world order – and the United Nations will act as the world government! Jews can easier hide behind multipolar system than behind unipolar one, same as it is easier to hide behind fake-democracy than behind open ditatorship. Their agenda has the goal to enforce an equalization of all governments under Rothschild-rule. In principle, they have already achieved this even without the UN, because the “unipolar world order” basically ran through the USA as the executive, but even the USA is only a host for these satanic parasites.

They don’t care about all peoples, ethnicities, religions, states, they just want their world government, official and unbureaucratic: announce the lockdown today, implement it worldwide tomorrow, fast and uncomplicated. This agenda is to be understood as system optimization for the ruling caste. The top of the pyramid is settling further and further down and the single individual in the lowest caste is losing more and more freedom and self-determination. We degenerate to a mass of uniform humans, pressed into a mentally ill communist world dictatorship which sneakily comes in the software version 1.0 called Agenda 2030. You will own nothing and you’ll be happy, nicely squeezed into a social point system and quickly removed from the way if you stand out as an unpleasant world citizen.

This is total enslavement! I am certainly not a gatekeeper or hope robber. The key against the Gleichschaltung is the self-determination and personal responsibility of each individual. No matter which system is imposed on us, no matter if NATO countries or BRICS, they always control both sides and if a counter-movement really threatens the system, it will be infiltrated and taken over. We get real hope only through the truth and this is never to be found in the outside or in a system with political puppets, corporations, lobbies and hook-nosed billionaires at the top.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Unfortunately, I have to concur. I have had the very same thoughts and posted such in comments since early in this SMO. I absolutely refuse to believe that those who have controlled and manipulated societies, nations, economies and fomented wars for the last several centuries (at the very least) are so stupid as to have ALL their efforts backfire. How did maverick Putin, who supposedly turned on those that put him in power, survive when countless leaders have been assassinated? As well, it is no surprise that revived Orthodox ‘sanctified’ Russia (the righteous underdog) is weathering sanctions, et al, rather well, nay, very well…while the ‘vile’ west (decadent and evil) self destructs. The evil falls and the righteous prevails? Excellent symbolism and social manipulation. The main idea here is to ensure that the populous desires this change and views it as an improved and fairer system. Russia and China were basically sequestered in the 20th century, while the west was consolidated and world control reached. Once this was accomplished, the cabal sucked it dry of wealth and resources. Hence the rise of China as the cheap labor powerhouse and Russia as the biggest untouched resources in the world. All this was easily seen in anti-commie Nixon’s trip to China to set the wheels in motion…as was Reagan’s massive economic and military enslavement of the west and the ‘resultant’ collapse of the USSR, giving rise to the RF…a soon to be military and economic powerhouse. Both served to hasten the demise of the old system and the rise of the NWO we never saw coming. In the end, everything we have seen over the last century was headed here. While this will be multi-polar, which was the setting before the USSR collapsed, it certainly does not mean that there will be no authoritarian issues, likely quite the opposite. Who in their right mind believes that the tech that abounds today will be administered in a benign way? The complete surveilling of the people will continue to grow and be even more invasive. Next will be digital money, easily controlled and monitored, as the final nail. This means that control will be actual and not merely inferred. As you state, any resistance will be neutralized through traditional infiltration and propaganda that has always worked very well. My only question is; is there far more to this than we know? Is this merely the natural progression of the plan, or is there a ‘quickening’, a rush on for this consolidation? Why are virtually all nations constructing underground cities? I doubt that they are for surviving a nuclear war, which I doubt we will ever see. Do the jackboots really want to live underground for possibly centuries in a radiated world? Not likely. There is more that we are not going to be told, until it can no longer be hidden.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

It is interesting to note that the same policies are employed against local populations with regards to minorities, that are employed in the drug trade on the street level, in exactly every single western country. These minorities are employed by exactly the same elements of the ruling class that insist the local populations exercise ‘tolerance’ and ‘inclusiveness’, regarding these minorities and the criminal enterprises that they are used to execute for their masters. It is also not insignificant to notice that the same pattern is being observed internationally, in cases such as this one, for instance. What do we we do? Well, what we do not do is allow this type of evil to hide behind ‘identity’, or ‘belonging’. We must face the truth of the ‘what’, no matter ‘who’ it happens to be consuming. Or when, or where.


Don’t feel too bad, the WEF UN and other people want to end US sovereignty and marry us all together like a giant Moonie wedding LOL. Globas, plobatizeners how do you like your bugs LOL


It is the deception that things are somehow otherwise that our enemy uses against us. It is that deception that allows these evil things to be, in the first place.


I would give very stupid suggestion because many would think that is so wrong. But if it takes to stop wars and warmongers I would vote yes : Serbia, Kosovo and Republika Srpska should exchange lands with Ukraine.
As a matter a fact, I already suggested this to Russian government and most ministries.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordana

Its time for Serbs to thow those quislings out.


Je to zapredanec ktorý zradil Srbsko!!! Mali by sa s ním čím skôr vysporiadať kým tento ch.Uj neuzná Kosovo. Lebo ako sa to javí tak robí všetko pre to. Začal sa dáko podlizovať prehnitému západu.

Raptar Driver

The Serbian people need to do a regime change and get the pro Western criminals out of power permanently.
This is Serbia’s only chance to be a sovereign country, otherwise Serbs will just be parts of other countries just like during Ottoman times and the Astro-Hungarian.

Chris Gr

Russia and Serbia have different interests. Look at, for example, Poland, Romania and Czechia all support Serbia but not Russia.



Thank you for your answer, I appreciate this very much. And yes, I agree with you.

You seem to be one of the few clever members here on this board, indeed. You make very good points in your comment, and this is how a discussion on a forum should be. You mentioned that more and more total surveillance is applied everywhere, and yes China is the system most advanced in that, so we should definitely not cheer their system, as it is taking away freedom from the people in a way and amount, we in the west can foresee, but do not experience to this amount so far. (But will, if we do not stop this dynamic)

But in this forum people just cheer Russia and China too, and if you don t do – they delete your comments, put you in the box, label you with names and demand you shall be killed. Isn t that a really backward, and subhuman behaviour ? What light does such a behaviour shed on russians and Russia in a whole? Please tell me.
See, with civilized people, it should be possible to have a productive discussion. Not necessary everyone has to agree to what the other says, one can and should argue and really deeply discuss things, positions, options etc. so to get to the point (at best) of mutual understanding, and therby will likely come across new points and chances to find dialog resp. ways to a peaceful road to solve problems.

But this forum is the best example for sabotaging of productive discussions. As it deletes and censors all the real controverse and interesting posts.
See, if someone talks to me, regardless if I like his opinion or not, I will not delete his post. Because that is censorship, and censorship shows that you have not the best arguments, or in even fear the truth, and therefore want to shut down your counterparts comments, so that nobody gets to see that he is indeed telling the truth. And here on SF we see exactly that. This russian website deletes ALL none pro-russian comments. It’s barbaric, it’s communist methods to the fullest.

And while doing so, they hypocritically still claim to fight for freedom, a better world, for the russian people, for truth blah blah.

When in fact just by their plain visible behaviour here in this forum one can clearly see that they are uncivilized, unreflecting and free-speech-hating, dictatorship jerks, not able to stand different opinions let alone freedom of speech. And that is really sad. Not you Zman, you’re indeed an exception from that.

Of course members here have no say in what the SF moderators delete in the end, but, and that is what I accuse all those “russian super-patriots” in this forum of, namely that they tolerate and accept such a behaviour. Because upright, respectable and civilized folks would stand up and say: “No ! we’re not the same shit as the zionists government of the EU, or the communist government of China or North Korea. Here you can speak freely, and shall talk the truth from your heart. As we are the ones on the side of the truth. So therefore we do not fear your words ! So bring it on, and show me what you have to say”.

But what is it here in this forum? The opposite !!! The mental dwarfs all yelling and cheering the censorship and deleting of comments of people who have other opinion. So this shows their true mindset, and moreover that they are dwarfs in their heads, unfit for civilization as well as for truthful life, let alone leadership positions. Just subordinate slaves, who are conditioned to follow orders and hail their criminal governments bosses. And to get to your final question. Yes, there is more, and I think also for the bosses in behind, they are weak. Their strenght comes from us, resp. (not you and me but) the hypnotized masses, who are conditioned to follow orders, never refuse and really belief in the lies their governments are telling them. The moment we break from this, their power is gone. Therefore, it the medias we need to take down. As they are the poison-syringes into the heads of the different people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
John Deer

Kosovo is a second PNA.

NATO terrorists

Bulshit Vucic is a NATO spy. He is handing Kosovo on a silver plater to his ancestors murderers…#RemoveVucic

Isser Harel

Identify the ring leaders who are destroying the Serbian country and vote them out of office. Publish their information and those they attend meetings with: sooner or later you will have to demand your Freedom since we know it is never voluntarily given by the oppressor.


I would like to know what sort of Serbs voted that scum into office in the first place?


Politicians from his political party and from few oppossition parties, probably cops, med.stuff, people at high working positions, judges, prosecutors, some military men. They all have good wages. And pensioners ( he was giving small ammounts of money to them monthly not sure did it last for a year ). He was giving 100€ to young adults before presidental election.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordana

Seems legit.
But, two guys were arrested on 15th of February 2023 during protest asking Vucic not to give Kosovo away. Journalist and leader of people’s patrole. More information at at yt channel. And no foreign media reported on this. Sputnjik did in Vucic’s favour.
Most people think that Vucic ordered their arrest. Journalist was arrested for saying, quote : Who signs, would be killed. ( he meant signing Kosovo’s independence but he never named person ). And other guy was arrested for having placards no threats were at placards. Both got 30 days in jail, for now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordana

I could no more edit previous reply, so I will try adding this :
Journalist ( he was organiser of protest, he runs journal ) and leader of people’s patrole ( this guy during Covid-19 organised protests against Masks, he won, since then no Covid restrictions we have ).

Erik Nielsen

Our equal partners can do whatever they wanna do with our supporters in Serbia, as we are also Europeans like you are. Russia is also Europe, we are the same.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erik Nielsen

Serbia is going through extreme treatment at the hands of the EU, at least they do have that excuse. Maybe Mr Bosnic could cut them a little slack, especially vis a vis Russia. Their vote on the Ukr thing is center point. You admit, they were forced to…yet they have not voted to sanction Russia. Last year, Russia lobbied UAE to not vote in the UN to condemn Russia on Ukr and they abstained. In a Quid Pro Quo, Russia voted to extend sanctions on Yemen for another year. So much for Iran’s ally, huh? The situation in Yemen is far worse than Ukr. The entire country is decimated and carved up, but they can’t have weapons to defend themselves? Why? For a phony resolution that means squat? What was that about appeasement?


Umjetno stvorena država krajem 19. stoljeća od strane zapada, da bi stvarala nemire na balkanu. Nešto u čemu su britanci vrhunski zanatlije! Genocidne izdajice turske krvi, Rusima je bolje da im ne vjeruju, jer će im zabit nož u leđa za svoga sultana


Serbia and Kosovo will soon join the EU or EEZ. The problem will be solved the same way it was solved in Northern Ireland… and again, Russia lost all the money invested in IRA as Irish people just prefer peace… Russia will loose all the money they have invested in Serbo – Kosovar conflict… peace!


Invested money in the IRA? Bollocks!! put the drugs down.

Chris Gr

Serbia was an ally of the so called West in many wars until the US came.


When the US Dollar collapses and as a result the EU implodes Serbia will not only return to a free an sovereign country status but will also regain her lost territory


Serbia should quit the EU and join the Russian federation


Sitting on 2 chairs never worked and work.

Putin made the same mistake, he tried to join the west while keeping his sovereignity, it didn’t work, then he tried to keep his ties with the west without joining them, it didn’t work, either.

He finally realized that you can never have a normal working relation with the west without a full capitulation.


We need to find way to end this endless wars. No other reason that for NATO exist, for same reason should not exist.


Why Damnjan Knezevic leader of People’s Patrol was arrested during protest on 15th of February 2023 in Belgrade, he did want to protect Kosovo from Vucic serbian president who as world knows is doing illegal negotiations with NATO and Albania over Kosovo. Placards were no threats for reason why Knezevic was arrested. Truth is he was arrested so serbian president could silence Wagner in Serbia and silently kick out Wagner from Serbia :

Silently, so serbs don’t pay attention over it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordana

Both, Damnjan and Dejan Petar Zlatanovic visited Wagner in Russia, maybe that was also one of reasons why they were arrested. Imagine when people’s young leader with no connection to politics and other guy journalist are representing threat to serbian president. Journalist Dejan was regulary reporting for years from protests reporting truth always, he is invalid, he is doing hunger protest in prison since arrested. Maybe president Vucic fears truth.
Damnjan and Dejan could be important figures, if Kosovo would be given away they would organise protests against it and serbian government. So, if this is one of reasons, they will stay longer time in prison and not only 30 days.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordana

Što ne objavite kako srbija snabdjeva ukrajinu sa naoružanjem i streljivom Rusiji iza leđa? Kao što rekoh turci su to, zabit će nož u leđa prvom prilikom, krv ne laže!


Treba Rusija da trazi dokaze od Srbije : ugovore o prodaji oruzja koje je Srbija sklapala sa drugim drzavama. Ne moze drugacije to da se vidi jer sve drugo je novinarska patka. Ili mora postojati konkretan dokaz, na primer ugovori o poslovanju sa drugim stranim firmama koje isto prodaju oruzje. Ili istraga svih koji rade pri toj srpskoj fabrici koja prodaje oruzje, njihove ugovore sa strancima ako ima takvih ugovora to potraziti.

Znam da je pre nekoliko godina bugarska novinarka Dilyana Gaytandzhieva objavila isto tako da je Srbija prodavala oruzje Ukrajini, pokazala je i dokumenta, da li su dokumenta legalna zakonski to ne znam. Ali znam da je ona vrhunski novinar, prva je ona objavila pre mnogo godina o NATO bioloskim laboratorijama u Ukrajini, ima sve kod nje na njenom veb portalu i po nekad ubaci i na njen jutjub kanal.

Znam da u Srbiji ima NATO fabrika da li za delove aviona koje prave, Nemacka kompanija je u pitanju, moja sugradjanka radi u toj fabrici, zaboravila sam naziv te fabrike. Neprijatno me je iznenadila kada mi je o tome govorila.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordana

Ne mogu azurirati prethodni komentar, verovatno ima limit u tome. Videh na internetu da je Jevgenij Prigozin iz Wagner-a odgovorio srpskoj vlasti da u Wagneru u ovoj 2023 godini nema srpskih dobrovoljaca pod ugovorom. Znaci da je napadnut od srpske vlasti preko novinara raznih. I rekao je da Wagner kao organizacija nije u Srbiji. A negde sam procitala da su otvorili kancelariju da li u Beogradu ili Nisu pod nazivom Orli ili mozda Orly, ali nigde preko interneta nema kontakt informacije sto znaci da je moguce da nemaju predstavnistvo u Srbiji.