Yury Yaskin, a senior official from the Roskosmos space agency, fled Russia in the midst of audits and inspections of the satellite and ballistic-missile research center that he headed.
According to reports in Russian media, Yaskin was sent abroad by Roskosmos for official business in April and did not return when audits started.
Yaskin, the director-general of Roskosmos’ Research Institute for Space Technology (NIIKP), tendered his resignation from the post after he had gone abroad. Yaskin had worked in the research institute since 1993 and became its director-general in 2012.
14 separate audits and investigations have been launched in the institute since the start of 2019.
At the same time, the Investigative Committee adressed the issue of large-scale embezzlement in Roskosmos. Most likely, Yaskin is just fleeing from justice. It’s possible that he’s doing this with assitance from Western special services.
The Research Institute for Space Technology is one of the key companies in the industry. In particular, it is responsible for creating ground-based instruments of navigation equipment, capable of determining the location of weapons facilities and military equipment. Yaskin had access to sensitive data regarding modern Russian military inventions. Therefore, the treason of Yaskin may damge Russian interests signficiantly.
The case of Yaskin once again demontrates that a notable part of the modern Russian elites, which sellf-describes itself as the “new aristocracy”, is disconnected from the Russian nation and the interests of the state.
This is capitalism
Hahaha. No wonder You are so much behind in most things.
if you can print money, you are able to buy as many traitors as you need.
To much guessing assumptions included.
history proved that many times, but in order to know that, you would have to read books, which you clearly dont.
You cant buy all and You also has to add threats from Your own. 2 of 3 crimes in the world is among family and vlose related.
And I have written a lot of books and the last many years internet as well.
You dont know what capitalisme is.
Is he a Jew?
Yaskin is a jewish surname…
Thanks. I’m not familiar with Jewish surnames in Russia. But, treason fits the profile so I had to ask.
Yaskin is NOT jewish surname.
They dont know anything about anything. They are on autopilot from before they are born.
They even know everything in Pravda is true :)
Congrats, Albert! You are Jew!
No – Pike was a Jew, but his real name wasn’t Pike:
‘Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to the Jewish family of Benjamin and Sarah Chase. It is unknown why Albert Pike’s father later change his name from Chase to Pike, maybe to hide his Jewish identity. He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army and was one of the major architects of the Civil War. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and implicated in the assassination of President Lincoln, only to be pardoned by fellow FREEMASON President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon President Johnson the 32nd Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple. Albert Pike acting in behalf of the de Rothschild family, founded the KKK.’
Well, write their any family name, common enough and you’ll find that every one you s Jew. I tried Bush. :)
The list of German Jewisch Surnames is quite long: http://www.avotaynu.com/books/MenkNames.htm
Busch is on it too. The surname Hitler is not on it, but still:
Hitler ‘had Jewish and African roots’, DNA tests show
After 19th century European tendencies to assimilate the Jews, many of them, after formal acceptance of Christianity, took new family names. Or Jewish woman started to marry non-Jewish. Well, the process resulted in many Jews with the European family names. I.e. famous modern Russian Jew anchor has pure Russian surname – Solovyev. Now surname says nothing.
I don’t want to try Adolf – that just gives me nasty mail. Marvin Antelman wrote something, which does correspond with from what area near Vienna, or Brno, Hitlers relatives came from. If he was conceived at a Frankist cermony on the 9th of Ave 1888 or 5648, then the grandson of Jakob Frank would have been most likely his biological father, since he was near by at the time. It would explain why it was called the 1000year long lasting reich, which correspondes with the millenaristic view of the Zionists. It would explain why he was called on ‘Heil Hitler’, which means ‘messiah Hitler’. What it doesn’t explain is the ideology of Frankism – what it really was. Was it really what Gershom Schollem wrote it was? There most certainly was no free love, and no orgies – rather eugenics and maybe a messiah breeding program. ‘The boys from Brazil’, but before Adolf, and not after – since the Baron himself might have been the targeted genepool for re-creation…
So, does it means you can 100% identify the Jew by his surname?
PS: in my opinion, those who are trying to attach Jews to the conspiracy, should really research the Templiers phenomena.
No – one can’t identify everything over a surname – only if it’s obvious.
Attaching Jews to the conspiracy. What is a Jew – is a Frankist or a Doenmeh a Jew? If one identifies him as a messianic Jew – well then there are plenty of Jewish voices which attach Jews to the conspiracy. There was Marvin Antelman, there was Berry Chamish – there was Gershom Scholem. and if you don’t go with a name, but with a gene marker then Hitler fit’s the picture. Who most certainly fits the picture was this guy here – the founder of the Nazi Croatian Ustashe Josip Frank: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Frank
What more proof do you want that there is a messianic Frankist/Lubavitch conspiracy?
Very limited accusations for the 11 sheep of Yours.
Western economics with China then must be treason as well.
The parts of Your computers are made in many countries, which by that has very good results.
The same goes for cars and a lot of other stuff.
And that a model for treason. More the opposite making good results for a lot of things as well as some few bad ones.
Exactly my thoughts as well.
My thoughs immediately.
Most likely he is not. Just another corrupted bureaucrat.
Yes, but my guess is that their combinate are innovative with other countries as ours are, but we are stealing from them.
When they catch him they will amputate some parts of his penis and blame him for being memeber of Assad.
Putins seemes to disconnect everything innovative, which fx says working together with the rest of the world. Thats exactly what makes western economies strong.
KGB is back in the USSR.
More than a Jew it seems to me a corrupt man, in the West they will make him spit out all the secrets he knows under torture and then pentothals. Just look at the Skripal case, this delinquent agreed to go to jail in Russia, he will end up dead, or crazy in the asylum.
the destruction of character and spirit
ps. remember the numerous ambassadors from Libya or syria…all changing “sides”…… for 1 Million Dollars a month life Long…….
the jew is a dirty Evil satanic beiing and Jesus was 100% correct when he said
“So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the MONEY CHANGERS and overturned their tables. 16To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a MARKETPLACE!”…
well they sure turned our whole planet into a Marketplace of Money changers……..
https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-05-15—%22roskosmos%22-confirmed-the-dismissal-of-the-director-general-of-the-institute-%22from-abroad%22-.SJI60BFhV.html …
Spot on !
I should have my ET/ED/non conventional contact hobby private security air force operational this summer for ET/ED/non conventional (bigfoots, possibly other criptids) ops. Both aircraft have the pay load to carry a smartphone and HDMI transmitter that can be connected to a ground station or a US military drone or gunship. For audio visual, thermal imaging, night vision, radiation detection, electromagnetic field strength, infrasound and other sensors.
The Walkera is a gps drone that can be programmed for search patterns. And is fitted with a 2 axis camera/sensor gimbal. I’m working on obtaining my drone pilot’s license and my Ham radio license to be able to legally use the aircraft’s more advanced capabilities.
I’m planning to buy 20mm Brenneke anti material rounds for my 12 gauge. These have 4 feet of dangerous game penetration capability. And should be able to take down even large bigfoots if necessary. That along with my .30-06 ap will also provide anti aircraft capability if I need it.
“Developed to police and military specifications, our Special Forces Maximum Barrier Penetration Magnum is the ultimate cartridge for demanding urban environments. It incorporates an extra-hard alloy for maximum penetration, as its name implies.
This means devastating power with the ability to penetrate windshields, wheel rims, tires and even engines. There is simply no more effective projectile for stopping modern day threats that often come in vehicles and protected by other barriers.”
– Special Forces Maximum Barrier Penetration Magnum –
I was right that these Jews are liars, cheaters, thieves and child butchers. Russia must keep eyes on them. Now they will flee from the Russia as awareness increases.
I see nothing jewish in him. You are gay ?
When I have said that I like LGBT rather this is Trump and Netanyahu that believe in LGBT. Still I see Trump and Netanyahu photos in Newyark kissing each other.
Much better then swords and RPGs :)
Class 4 laser.
Hope his thirty pieces of silver were worth it and he left without removing any intelligence.
You can be sure he delivered plenty of information before he was caught. But perhaps we are wrong, perhaps he was just a crook and had expensive habits. If I were him I wouldn’t show my face ever again. Traitors have a habit of not living long after their treachery.
If terrorist states like America and Israel have nuclear weapons and ICBMs then what’s wrong if a peaceful country like Iran to have nuclear weapons and ICBMs for their own safety. Idiots safety first.
Hard to see the relevancy.
A Jew commits TREASON against his host nation….
Its a bit like saying a bird takes flight… or a dog barks.
Many of the new Russian elite are said to have been educated in Western management schools. Not exactly the best background to support national interests.
There are too many traitors who succeed to live fine abroad. Where is the old laws of death penalty to betrayal of your country to foreign powers?
Anybody knows that what happened to the North Korean that ship that Trump’s hijeckers have taken away from North Korea?
https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-05-15—%22roskosmos%22-confirmed-the-dismissal-of-the-director-general-of-the-institute-%22from-abroad%22-.SJI60BFhV.html .
This shit it’s always the same, Russia produces new tech, then western rats stole that tech. Russia needs to create a system of security to avoid this kind of issues. It will be always the same, the U.S has infinite currency production, they use fiat currency… you can’t confront them in a natural way because it’s like playing a game against someone who CHEATS and give themselves an indiscriminate amount of money, it’s insane, you should look for ways to disrupt the propaganda that they push trough Hollywood, even better “NETFLIX” pure propaganda, it will subvert the minds of people with enough time, children’s minds. God damn it russia what a bunch of retards, in this site we are always saying don’t give anyone who is a fooking JEW a place of power, NEVER!… now this will have severus consequences… i don’t even kbow how are they going to proceed after this.
My sister was a communist. She had a book where russians invented almost anything in the world, but if that what true, You never has been in Russia or as a Russian outside it. .
So Yashkin is a jewish name. And he had managed to put himself in a key managerial position in a large company of strategic significance. And he was siphoning money away. Now where have I heard that before…?
Oh yes, the US military Industrial Complex. Oh yeah, The Federal Reserve. Oh yeah, the Mass Media Industrial Complex. ETC.!
So how come Russia is treating him as a criminal? He should be allowed to do what so many jewish aristocrats are doing in the US. It’s tradition! It can’t be changed. What’s wrong with you people? ;)
He is not Yashkin, but Yaskin. And both are not jewish surnames.
Well, some say it is. What’s the truth? And based on what?
They say it bout Yashkin. And, I think, it because of Yashka, the short from for Jacob in Russian. And name Jacob was very popular for russian jews. But if anyone would say that Jacob is pure jew name, just ask him or her what was the name of first Stalin’s son.
Jacob is a Jewish name, but also very much used among all Christians.
Most Russians are or were Christians.
Its a common name. Google gives me 548 mio. hits. We have many Jacobs here in Denmark as also as las name as Jakobsen = The son of Jacob.
We also spell Jacob with a k.
Of course a biblical name doesn’t make anyone a jew – but the point still stands, it is what happens in the US as a standard, but they never prosecute anyone. Only in Russia embezzlement is a crime, lol!
Pentagon has lost trillions in unaccounted for expenditures, but did anyone go to jail about it? No!
None reliable says so. Half of the world
are jews for them and jews run the whole muslim world as well.
Here is the google translated part of article from “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
Nice article thanks.
FSB will find him and sent him visit Trocky to the russian traitors hell.
FSB is like FBI, they are only for domestic affairs.
i am sure Russia has a security service that can get him even abroad. Or CIA will get him after certain time period and blame it on Putin. Anyway you look at it, this guy is in serious trouble. Most traitors dont realize that they can be executed by the force they worked for once their usefullness is gone. That way they can serve their masters one last time…..
The service called GUGSh (ex-GRU). The Main Directorate of the General Staff (Glavnoe Upravlenie General’nogo Shtaba)
He would have run to Israel or the USA, where Jewish criminals are welcomed and protected.
we shall see….
Hope so ! Axe him !
a few mountain Chechens could settle this in an afternoon
It’s a sign of times – everybody for themselves ..
It’s the sign that Putin’s speech, at the beginning of this year, started to materialize. He buildup the defense in last 10 years, now he proclaimed that it’s time to rebuild the Russia’s infrastructure. Just google for the high ranked Russian officials, arrested this spring.
I see none of that. The money for infrastructure is taken from Pension or what ?
For 5 min in google – arrests only in May, this year:
vice-CEO Sergey Volkodav (Dal’speczstroy)
head of the Sokol bureau – Alexandr Gomzin
FSB colonel Anatoliy Naumov
CEO “Energia-M” Yuriy Petrov
Money he got from the Defense, as Russia passed critical times.
Russia has excellent cash flow, lots of money from increased oil prices thanks to the US closing down oil exports from Venezuela Iran Libya etc.
The US might get to save its oil industry via the gun, but it also makes lots of money for Russia.
“I see none of that.”
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
No, its not.
Some times its also – NO MORE FOR ANYBODY ELSE – and You retire.
sometimes ..
Very manipulative article.
So where’s Toronto Tonto, no nasty comments about Russians, when the Russian is a Jew, I wonder why?
Plb. 9gm