Senior Russian Official: US, Turkey, Iran And Hezbollah Should Withdraw From Syria

Senior Russian Official: US, Turkey, Iran And Hezbollah Should Withdraw From Syria

Syrian Army Pounds Terrorists’ Convoy in Daraa

On May 18, the Russian president’s special envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev said during a press conference in the Russian city of Sochi that all “foreign forces” should withdraw from Syria after the defeat of ISIS, including Iran and Hezbollah.

“The talk is about all the foreign military units in Syria, including the Americans, the Turks, Hezbollah, and of course the Iranians,” Lavrentiev said answering a question about what “foreign force” should withdraw from Syria, according to the Russian news outlet Sputnik.

Lavrentiev noted that the withdrawal of “foreign forces” don’t include Russia, as it has two permanent bases in Syria. The Russian president’s special envoy said that once the situation in Syria is stable again the Russian military units will remain inside these two bases only.

“On the other hand, except for our two bases, there is nothing, and with the stability of the situation [in Syria], we will of course still have these two bases,” Lavrentiev said.

A day earlier, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin stressed during a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad that all “foreign forces” should withdraw from Syria after the recent achievements of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Despite Russia’s calls, local observers doubt that US, Turkey or Iran will withdraw from Syria anytime soon, as the three countries are using their presence in the war torn country as a bargaining chip each against other.

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Michał Hunicz

Hezbollah claimed that it would get out of Syria if the war will end. But this is simply some Zionist strike on Russia.


Iran and Hezbollah should be rewarded first


Israel should withdraw it’s soldiers from Syria! (occupied Golan)


This will happen in 2069


The Craptor speaks!
So it’s wrong.


O.K. you convinced me. Never will happen.


One step at a time, lets stop WW III first. As the petro dollar tanks the and Co.negotiating position will shrink. At some point the Israelis will be put on a bus, I’m thinking Arizona, the Sudanese got enough problems.

Dr. Pro Liv

Agree 100%
“one step at a time” !
First NATO must be removed from Syria and all Jihads killed.


where did you earn your doctor ? I guess you attended a uiniversity for antisemitic deplorables….

roger temple

‘Antisemitic deplorables’ is an oxymoron. Nobody can be considered deplorable who is anti-israel.

Cheryl Brandon

Semetics is a lnaguage group and not, an ethnic group! Sem,etic language speaker include Ethiopians in Africa as far as Iraqis ;Arabic is the largest semetic language; Anti semetic/ WMD’S/ the Bay of Tonkin Lie/ 6,000,000 people/ Russian feed Skripals @military nerve agent@/ 200,000 Kosovo people killed by Serbs but, nobody ever saw the bodies”/ War on teror was born in 2011; LIE; It was created by Bibi Satanyahu in 1979.


Is that you, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz?!


Sweet, good one. Was she the one who got Seth Rich killed? I will never forgive them for that.

How can you not admire a guy who has more than one red, white, and blue, star spangled outfits, and is not afraid to wear them. A real patriot he leaked the emails from the DNC.

He was a Tekky and had total access, what got him killed was he liked Bernie and did not think Hillary’s brand of democracy was patriotic. They blamed the Russians, said it was a hack, but it was a leak from Seth.

That is the fate of a real patriot in the democratic USA today. Nice kid, big heart, great smile, dead rotting in the ground, thanks to Killary.

Cheryl Brandon

510,000 is the answer; What could be the question ; the question is ;
How many Jews lived in Germany in 1933 according to the Jewish
Encyclopedia and World Almanac? Let that sink in , right???? Lying since
Biblical times/ Welcome to the Palestinian Holocaust happening since
1947 onwards.

Cheryl Brandon



Israeli migrants, US, UK, KSA are the big security threats to the all countries in the Middle East as well as to Russia and China. They have held Palestinians, Yemenis, Libyans, Syrians and Afghanis hostage and on daily bases butchering children and their parents there in these countries and stealing their assets.

Cheryl Brandon

Indeed; as well as in Russia but I think Russia threats them very differently to other ethnic groups who are Russians?


make us coward

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Tough talk by a child and women murderers hide behind little children the kill them for sport, your a waste of civilization. You will burn in the sea of fires as has been foretold “what ye shall sow ,so shall ye reap” day of atonement is coming, pogrom!


blah blah blah buthurt kido :D

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are a butthurt NAZI(National Zionist) go back to the Gestapo you traitor Khazar filth.


u mad bro did you enjoy our bombs last week?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Hoped you liked the fact you guys lost 4 launch sites and 2 F15 strike Jets and damaged outposts and some personnel, hope you weren’t to upset with it. You guys called in the settlers the day before Israeli losers attacked Syria , bet you didn’t like to be on the receiving end of 55 missiles,Lmao!!


lmao you are such a liar we destroyd the syrian bases to oblivion with 0 casaulties while killing hundred assadists hahahahaha fo cry

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well I find that funny you definitely are a beast masquerading as a Jew else you would have known 4 Syrians were killed and minor damage occured but outposts in the Golan were utterly destroyed and why they called up several thousand to the area. Tell your lies beast that’s all your good for.


your propaganda does not work on me we kolled 100s of assadist go cry moron

Karo Dndlian

israel = isis shut up vermin zionist!!


shut up yourself and read up on ISIS…..because you would realize very quickly that there is not link at all except for the “I”




You are a bunch of Kid Killers… and you enjoy it don’t you?


Gosh I hate getting kolled it really tickles.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What are attacking unarmed civilians again!!


why do you hate the jewish staye so mich if an armed mob was about to storm your countrys border weilding machetes and molotovs what would you do tell me do you want toballow tjem in so they can slaughter us in our homes tell me


fake pictures these are assad victims you liar


liar these are all fake we protect palestinian children from hamas


You are NOTHING… a Bunch of Fucking Cockroaches is what you are..Vomit..Excrement of the Devil… Burn IsraHell…


keep posting fake pictures here terrorist


our soldiers hold the hand of that kid thats called compassion are you blind hamas kills children daily.


You are a Dumb Fucktard…. I thought you ZioNazis were Smart…. but You are a Bunch o’ Dumbass Motherfuckers.. that’s what I have learned in here… The Devil is comin’ to get you BOY….


why are you so mad are you a palestinian refugee?


I HATE SUPREMACIST FASCIST MOTHERFUCKERS….Remember the Gulags Fucking Rat…Kill Fucking Psychopaths & make the World a little better is my Device


you little goym know your place in the world .


Hahahahahaha… I know my Fucking Place in this World… and where I’m Heading… you little Cocksucker… and I know where you Motherfuckers are Headin’ too bitch… Lucifer is waitin’ for you Cunts on the Other Side…. HaHaHaHaHa


you inferior refugee goyim


Soon your Refuge will be the Mediterranean little Cockroach and Europe is not very Eager to welcome you bitches Back!!!! Where you gonna run to?


i will expand to the euphrates while you will stay here and cry online


What I did was more then cry Online Fuckface…. hahahaha…you will see the effects somewhat later Bitch hahahaha Butterfly Effect…and your Yinon Plan is Fucked too…


you have been saying these for 70 years yet here we are expanding and getting stonger מְחַבֵּל




get a life bro really all you do is troll online israel is a reality you must accept so do something else with your life.


Hahaha and you asking me that? You People will be in Deep Shit! Both online & Offline…so worry about your own pathetic live and that of your relatives…and the Future of Your IsraHell because even Americans are starting to Doubt your Narratives bitch… Keep trying MK-Ultra shit and all that…Your Magic is Gone & the time has come to meet the Devil… those are Beautiful days

הַר הַבַּיִת

do you wish death for me and my family?


Nope I don’t… just start worrying about them instead of bothering Folks online… Big things are going to happen in IsraHell soon… so I bet you got different obligations then to waste your precious time on the internet…

הַר הַבַּיִת

you herass me online all i said was my opinion and you started anti semitic comemnts and curses for no reason.


Antisemitic? Palestinians are Semites.. I am with the Palestinians… so I am definitely not Anti- Semitic… you are just a ZioNazi Hasbara Mossad Troll… nothing people stole the Land of the Semites… so basically you are Anti Semitic & above all you People are Fascist Pigs…

הַר הַבַּיִת

can you stop cursing and behave like a normal human being?


No I can’t, not with you Hasbaras… I want to destroy Hasbaras for they are Bad for Freedom of speech…so that is what I will do… Hunting Hasbaras…you folks are very easy to spot… soon the world will be searchin’ for Hasbaras, because we spread the word…

הַר הַבַּיִת

you have to much anger inside you whats wrong with you were you bullied at school?


The History of My Brothers & Sisters in a Land now Called America… were exterminated in exact the same fashion as is Happening to the Palestinians… history Repeats itself…I got all the Answers I was looking for about the How & Why of the Extermination of my Relatives… and the Same Folks that did that Are Hiding in the U.S.A & IsraHell… The UK & Europe…. these Days are days of Vengeance Comin’….and the West deserves it more than anyone…so all I say is: Bring it On….

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

i am not israeli just a troll busted hahahahahhaha


You are a Hasbara…. All Trolls became Hasbaras in my vocabulaire….

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

i will call my master he already beat you one time dont push me

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

You can suck your Masters

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

lol dude he destroyed you do you want me to call him again ?

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

Merijn vs Baron Von MuleBanger let the games begin.


You can make the first move faggot

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

i am not the original Baron Von MuleBanger the original is a legend among mortals he already destroyed you once watch the comversation i posted dont make me call him again.


Call your Assbuddy Behrend Frankenstein Baron Von DonkeyFucker

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

why do you want him to kick your a$$ again are yoy machochist ?


Make your first move Assmuncher..

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

yo mama is so fat even Dora cant explore her


Make your first move Assmuncher

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

yo mama is so stupid she went to the dentist to get a bluetooth


Make your first move Assmuncher..

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe add me if you have the guts !!


I never had Suckerberg-CIA-Profiling-Book and never will… they already lost a Lot of Money HaHaHaHa and they will lose a couple of Billions more Fuckfacebook…

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe
Order Of The Ebon Hand

i go to this type of rituals every month what do you have to say?


I don’t give a fuck…. I bet you Sacrifice & Ritually abuse a lot of Babies…

Order Of The Ebon Hand

did you watch the video? tell me your opinion.


Do you guys Fuck & Sacrifice Kids? Tell me….

Order Of The Ebon Hand

tell me if you watched the video


I did…. now you have to tell me the Password…Do you Sacrifice & Abuse Kids?

Order Of The Ebon Hand

You did not answer my question

Order Of The Ebon Hand

what we do in our rituals is our business you have to join us to find out.


In a game first you make a move… then it is my turn… now answer my question before we continue… you think you control this game? It is give & take

Order Of The Ebon Hand

tell me the secret password and i will answer you.


You did not tell me the password… you are a loser… you didn’t answer shit to my questions Bitch Now give me the Goddamn Answer!!! In my House You would have been Dead as Fuck BITCH!!!

Order Of The Ebon Hand the password is in this video find it if you can.


Just gimme the answer: Do You Sacrifice & Abuse Kids?

Order Of The Ebon Hand

from 1 to 10 how mentally retarded are you?


A very Dangerous one….I would love to peel the skin of you… layer by layer…

Order Of The Ebon Hand

what would you do to me if i was in front of you hopeless and tied up?


You already got your answer

Order Of The Ebon Hand

no gimme details :)


You have to tell me first: Do you Folks Ritually Abuse & Sacrifice Kids

Order Of The Ebon Hand

why do you ask questions like that


Because you didn’t answer it yet

Order Of The Ebon Hand

only a sick person would ask something like that


Just give me the correct answer


“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. … These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”

– Are Cults Legal? –

The Talmud promotes crime against non Jews, including murder, that’s why Israel has over 100 resolutions against it, because you people are criminals living out your depraved cult teachings.

– 109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250 –

Click on the image to see some of what Jews are taught by their cult leaders:


אתה כועס מאוד


Nobody is impressed by your scofflaw crime state:


You lie like a Jew raised from birth by your evil cult to lie:

Cicada 3301

hamas supporter terrorist

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No hatred just some cold hard honest facts and realities and why do you hide behind lies and dissonance never seen any of that only Israeli media and bad media repeats those lies in face of over whelming evidence to the contrary. Well let’s see whom massacred who here let’s look at Nabka and the multiple massacres carried out by your heroes of Israel backed by British Bayonets or do you not like to here the truth and reality.


What’s that 1%, how many unarmed people have been shot 99%? Demonstrations of this size are routinely dispersed with a tiny fraction of the violence that you serial criminals have used. You blood sucking baby rapers have more resolutions against you at the UN and elsewhere by far than anyone else. By per capita it’s through the roof. You pedophile rape cultists and your Talmud rabbinical criminal organization are evil. It’s why you’re the most persecuted, expelled and genocided group of miscreants in history. Your evil cult belongs in the trash can of history. Judaism should be outlawed to create a Jew free world that will be much better for humanity.


Terra Cotta ! you are just an idiot with an opinion ….there is ample evidence that all the israeli missiles and bombs hit their targets…Syria or Russia are not able to shoot down anything….just forget it ….look at Israel ! it is a rich, powerfull and beautiful country, on par with any country in the West regarding its achievments. Israel is a superpower of military strength and science. Look at the decrepit countries around it…they are ants compared to Israel. Nobody in his right mind would ever voluntarily move to Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt…..and yes, for the time being to Russia


So the MSM repeats a story a thousand times is now deemed ample evidence, gotcha, keep smok’in that zombo.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do you think Israel is some all powerful in anything without the western financing, political and military backing Israel ceases to exist just ask the Jewish National Fund. They can tell you without the west the colony ends and all settlements cease to exist Canada alone provides a few hundred million for settlements couple that with UK, US ,Germany , France, etc then add to that military funding and foreign aid to Israel. Let’s see Canada pays Egypt to maintain the blockade along with the US, UK, France,Germany etc look up Operation Proteus will show you who runs the show in Jerusalem USSC and why the UN fails to respond to violations there. Why not ask about ASI and tell everyone how many lone soldiers they supply from the Western NATO countries, but hey El Al provides 50% off on tickets for families of lone soldiers. Tell me again after you tell how many 100’s of billions Israel receives from the West in total. You are pathetic like the Israel itself as cancer on this world and unsustainable liability.Can go on forever about what it receives keep touting your pathetic cries and lies, shitstains of humanity foisted on the world today by old Imperialist and colonialism governments.

Karo Dndlian

just think about 2006 . and tell me how was that war you lose ? oh ok now 2018 just wait next war to show you the real war . i will come and take your home you will be long gone hehehe. we are coming to you .if you think Jorden and Soudi will help you wrong ;)


no assadist SYRIAN !! the khazar!!


Here is your Damage Brave Boy… you peoples are in deep shit… believe me… I have changed my mind about you Evil Folks in a very short period… What will happen to this AngloZioNazi BeachHead Called IsraHell, when the Rest of the world has the same knowledge & Mindset as I do at the Moment? Ever thought about that? I bet you will not be laughing by then….


Your bombs, ha, pay your own way and someone might be impressed, except your money is mostly stolen or created out of thin air.


That’s why they themselves are Saving Gold & Diamonds…especially Diamonds are great… you can swallow them if you have to flee… and shit them out when you reached your safe Haven….


On behave of all the tax payers you’ve stolen from in the US, can we get our money back?


you can get my back how about that?


So that would be a ‘no’ I take it?
Realistically though, you really should to start thinking of ways to stop being such a burden on us. I know you hold us to be inferiors, but once US society becomes totally dichotomized down economic lines, resentment towards those who demand handouts will become overwhelming. The US will still have missiles of intercontinental range, and a few carriers might still function. Russia is unlikely to come galloping to your rescue, and the Europeans will have better things to do. Most of the things Israel threatens US politicians with now simply won’t work when the food riots start.

It’s best to look to the future.

Dr. Pro Liv

Very perceptive
“Europeans” will have to put their house in order because EU will fall apart if dollar collapses.
The stage is getting ready to teach Israel lesson…..
With nobody to defend Israel apart from Israelis…. Muslims will realize to have historic chance to get rid of Israel completely…


Governments are still trying to Save IsraHell… MSM is trying to Save IsraHell too… but indeed More & More Europeans & Americans are starting to see the Total Wickedness of IsraHell… they are Doomed… This Historic Chance of Revenge should be with the Right Timing… not to Fast… let it Simmer.. until More Sheeples know the Truth about ISIS, the Headchoppers, the False Flags, the Everlasting Orchestrated Wars, WWI, WWII, the Gulags, Wars in the Middle East…. basically Every Evil Shit that Ever was put on Our or Our Ancestors Plate…

Dr. Pro Liv

“Governments are still trying to Save IsraHell”

I was talking about the situation of “dollar collapse” and EU “collapse”
In that case NOBODY will think about Israeli problems any more….

Once US has deep economic crises they will get RIOTS on the streets if US gives away BILLIONS of $$$ as “military aid” to Israel like they do it every year!
People there are already starting to be fed up with that.
So situation is going from bad to worse for Israel !


I basically said the same hehe….that was what I meant with: the Timing should be right…:)

Dr. Pro Liv

Well my friend you are to eloquent for me…
I am probably too slow for your poetic style.
So I keep talking to make things more understandable for me….

I will make no clams on your ideas and authors rights on your text . :-)
I am but humble echo.


No…no…no… lemme be the humble echo…..

Dr. Pro Liv

of topic
who is that on the photo?


Pretty Nose Arapaho Female Warleader… Fought in the Battle of Little Bighorn…. a.k.a Custer’s Last Stand…

Dr. Pro Liv

I didn’t know that they had female war-leader’s?!
There is something wrong with my Hollywood Western movie education ….doesn’t match the “facts” I know about those times…


History is Written by the Conquerors & Victors….they seldom tell the we know..

Dr. Pro Liv

specially in Hollywood movies…..they tell the truth only when they make mistake :-)


nice bed time story


dream vermin zionist assasin!!uhuh tell aviv capital mondial the queer!!

Don't read butthurt replies

Parasite, you need a gas lesson again huh


The real sons of God will never be so violent and weaked. In no way you could be them. So calm down


Hey… hey…mister ההגנה keep it a bit Decent…We are pretty decent to you too….


So that is part of the Khazar phallic worship stuff, you circulate a communal cock? And now you want it back? Sorry not into that kinky shit, count me out. It becomes clear why the neo-liberals are so involved in sexual liberation. Doubt there is any operation to fix you.

Dr. Pro Liv

And interests?


lol you’re not even from israhell, troll.. you’re just a fat, retarded americunt kid with zillion accounts and no brain, a good little goy-slave trying to earn a few shekels by licking zionazi buttholes… pathetic little turd.


choke on your rage


That would be more appropriate than choking a kid when you have rage. How many pictures of dead Palestinians will it take before you psychos wake up to the reality that it’s not normal to exterminate a whole culture because you hate. After all the endless whining about your holocaust you of all peoples should know this.


Choke on your Matzas….


matzos bound with goyim babies’ blood.


The cowards are your filthy swamp rats of the Israeli-ᛋᛋ-Force who kill defenceless, innocent civilians for fun.


Previously known as ISIS

888mladen .

Why don’t you try to tell that to Mr Pussin. Is this an expected outcome after Stanyahu visit to Kremlin?


it was annexed…it is not part of Syria anymore.


Annexation is not a legal way of claiming territory.


There is no such thing as annexation, there is only theft. Your ZioNazi cesspool has been stealing land ever since its fraudulent creation, and deserves to be bombed into submission – just like its guru nation Nazi Germany was – for disobeying UN orders.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The annexation is neither legal or internationally recognized and Syria has not agreed to it so not legal under any law , if that were the case ,I hereby annex the US , Israel ,UK, France, Germany and Canada to my new country Meglomaniastan and ask those countries to file a claim against me in my courts but I will be seeking compensatory damages against there claim to be held in Moglomaniastan trust pls file at Meglomaniastan courthouse in the House courts of law, you will have 45 days to file affidavits and file a notice seeking quit claim against the annexation of above mentioned territories. If filings are not made on time, all territories in above mentioned and it’s assets and forfeitures and rights of claims will be held as if the Country of Meglomaniastan existed. MUUUWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!


Why not?

As soon as the Syrian government asks, all should leave. It’s something between the legal government and the parties which they invited, isn’t it?

We are there because Syrians asked us, not by invitation of the Russians.

PS. I hope they say something about the occupied Golan too.


Why do you hope? you are iranian, not syrian.

Jaime Galarza

I agree. Besides, Iran and Hezbollah have been investing not only treasure but also blood. I am sure if Israel and the west and their vassals and foot soldiers withdraw, Assad will see no need for foreign troops in his country anymore.


golan is israeli territory deal with it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You live on occupied land of Palestine as the Philistines lived there longer than you Euro trash ever did. Please stop making claims you are from the original Diaspora even Mauritanians have no connection but are converts.


none cares about your opinion we will stay here forever and none has the power to drive us out choke on your rage

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Hasbara toys let you out early for lunch!


you are an insecure kiddo who finds comfort on a website while the things on the ground are going excellent for my country and all you can do is rage online you are a sad person.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well you are the only one raaging do you need a safe space from another site after being out argued and proven wrong. Nothing in Israel is going it right heard there are more complicated issues with the “Iron Dumb” again. Everything is fine in my country , so Shalom or Marhaba!


this site has the most ridiculus and idiotic commentators i have ever seen you guys are a waste of time believe whatever you want to believe i will go back to my main website where i can find logical people.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

So sad too bad , but I am glad you are sad and mad ,hope we didn’t hurt your fweelings poor crybaby-killer!


do you want me to flood this site with 100s israelis i can litteraly make this website your nightmare dont push me

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That doesn’t bother me would like to beat them in arguments again you would be surprised how many used to be on this site. We love challenges here. Your choice to come here to be pet food for us.


nah you are not even worth it this site is too small and insignificant to bother with you i will go back to my 1.000 comment site you stay here with your small group hahahahaha

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Then why didn’t you leave or are you just here to make inane comments like they do their nod your head and collect your shackles or shekels whichever you prefer.

Baron Von MuleBanger wannabe

i am not israeli jist a huge troll jahahahhahahahahaha busted


Yeah Send in “the Global Elitist Hasbara Army”….We now what you Folks are doin’


Laters Hasbara ההגנה…. yeah I know those logical Fellas too… I get some posts from this dude every now & then…


come to liveuamap if you have the balls thats my main site come and talk there if you are so tough.


I don’t want to talk to folks like you….but you folks try to change the narratives… and to interfere in Freedom of Speech… Believe me if I say that I have been decent with you…


go to syria.liveuamap kiddo and talk there if you have strong arguements are you scared of a conversation?


Nope I know exactly were it will end… because I am already pretty tired of your bullshit….I can only say to you: I hope that IsraHell will Fall pretty soon…succes buddy…


there are pro assad supporters pro kurds and basically everyone there but their arguments are way stronger than yours thats why you are afraid to go there.


Afraid?…. Me…? Not really…your Mossad-Brothers know who I am, cause I got nothing to hide… You on the other hand are hiding behind a private account… So I ask you: who is the Coward in here?


then go and comment what are you waiting for actually there more pro assad than pro israelis there why dont you go join your brothers this site is more active than this one anyway


This one happens to be filled with very valuable information from a lot of different kinds of people & intelligent ones too…. Truth is often being told here…You know how I know this? Because we get Harassed on a daily basis by a lot of Folks like you…. they Earn $hekels with it….to bother the people that write something Truthful or Negative shit about IsraHell… right?


i am the only one who came here from there they dont even know this website you are full of excuses you are just to afraid to say your opinion there because your arguments are weak.


You haven’t come up with anything… how can I have an argument? You only come with dumbass shit…


my arguments are weak why dont you go there and see users with real arguments what are you so afraid of leaving your comfort zone?


It is not about a comfort zone… this is more about what I would do to folks like you, if you were right in front of me…..the World of today is filled with chickenshit snakes like you… You are cockroaches, and that is how I look at you folks….


like i said its just a website that talks about the syrian war too with more commentators that support different sides in the syrian civil war there are many poeple who think and post like you there but you are afraid to go there i wonder why


why are you still here afraid of real arguments?

ההגנה GO or you are a coward to face real arguments as i said there are pro assadists there and basically they support different sides in the war.


He’s me Brother….go Bother someone else…Go Back to your Excellent Country…I wish you Good Luck, because in me Visions I see things comin’ for you folks…I don’t think you’ll find them very excellent…. Me on the other hand consider this an Excellent Vision…


well your vision is doomed goyimi


You peoples are in our Sights…and Hasbara Folks like you will only Strengthen Unity among the Goyim on Forums Worldwide… that is my thanks for that…


They tried to make the whole World THEIR TERRITORY….. it did not Really work Mister Hasbara…Do you know what I think?… I think that IsraHell will be part of The Greater Middle East in the near Future… ain’t that funny?

888mladen .

Who is in charge? Did Assad ask IR to leave or RU? Do Syrians have any say in it? I doubt.

Dr. Pro Liv

Iranians talk to Assad like they would talk to their own brother.
They are much closer to Assad than Russia will ever be and that is not problem for Russians.
I guess Assad is “in charge” once he agrees about everything first with Iran and than with Russia!

I know who is not in “charge”. A NAZI’s from Australia like you are not not in “charge” !
Go talk to your Jewish brother “ההגנה” you 2 look so similar to each other..

Dr. Pro Liv

You are right but still this is legal problem above all.
Russians defend their presence with contracts for 2 bases signed by Assad.
They will ALSO move back to Russia their aircraft and equipment an personnel they do not need in Syrian bases any more. Keeping that there costs them lot of money so they will be happy to take it back.

Assad is in power and Syria needs peace. After all “Jihaidis for Jews” are dead it would be good to see US-NATO(Turkey) out of Syria
Kurds would not be able to declare independence….
And Syrian’s would be free and able to start rebuilding the nation.
After that Syria should call for UN nation forces to replace Israel on Golan
That would be victory for Iran also.
Other alternative is WW3


Yesterday I had a report in Persian, quoting from Arabic Almayadeen.

Here’s the Almayadeen article.

And 2 English translations:
Russian Call for Iran’s Withdrawal From Syria Denied

Basically the same report from Farsnews




And why didn’t the special envoy call on Israel to withdraw from Syria as well? Inquiring minds want to know ….


Yes. Good question. Me think foreign forces including Russians. Let Syrian settled their difference between themselves.

Free man

1. Russia had bases in Syria before the rebellion began.
2. The Iranians and Hezbollah no longer fight in Syria. They completed their role in Syria.
3. Russia is the choice of Assad. Syria is essentially a secular state like Russia. In the next stage, there is no place for Sunni or Shiite jihadist forces in Syria.
4. Only Russia is strong enough to ask the occupying countries to withdraw from Syrian soil.


Someone leave or not it’s should be for Syrian to decides.

Free man

as the brutal war in Syria should end as quickly as possible.
Only Russia can rebuild Syria without the objection of its neighbors.
Turkey opposes American support for the Kurds.
Israel, Turkey and Jordan object to the Iranian presence in Syria.
Assad opposes the presence of Turkey and the United States in Syria.


Yes but as how this Russian ambassador say it’s like they themselves can permit who’s staying and who’s leaving.

Dr. Pro Liv

Syrian’s and Assad have already decided for those 2 Russian bases and have signed contracts…. but you do not agree with them.
So respect your own comments and stop double talk.
First you tell Russians to go away from Syria now you pretend that Syrians should “choose”…


First i don’t say Russia should go away. I say within the context that foreign forces that including Russian.
Secondly i don’t say Syrian should “choose” i say they have the right to choose since the country is theirs. Be it FUKUS, Turkey, Russia, or Iran should the Syrian think they should leave then ideally they should.

Ideally There should be no foreign forces within Syria when they settled their differences including the Russian forces. It is Syrian internal political settlement and no foreign party should dictates which path they’ll take.

Dr. Pro Liv

There you repeating it again even with your “clarification”

Russia has signed contract with Syria for 2 military bases and they go nowhere from Syria.
If Syria had “right to choose” that’s what they did with that ” contract “.


Pick my comments apart. I don’t say what you’re claiming i repeated.
1. I never say Russia should leave
2. I never say Syria should choose.

As for the contract then yes that’s the current Syrian government decision. I’ll just say that Syria is not owned by Russia that Russia can’t order them around for their sole benefit. If the Syrian government allowed Iranian stay then they can stay.

Dr. Pro Liv

“Russia can’t order them around”
Where did you ever got informed that Russia has given any order to Assad or Iran ever?!
So why would they do that now?!
Assad is much closer with Iranians so if anybody is “ordering him around” it might much sooner arrive from Iran and not from Russia…
Russian bases are having LEGAL STATUS and as such are out of the deal
All other forces (including Russian) are susceptible to the TRADE OFF between NATO and pro Assad troops


Read the article carefully.

Dr. Pro Liv

I did
“should” is not an “order”… I didn’t see anything else….
Isn’t it better to have Syria free with Assad as pro Iranian leader than Syria like this with US-NATO Turkey and with no peace in site?!


You don’t. Read them carefully and of what this ‘Senior Russian Official’ implies.


Neither Hezbollah nor Iran forces are “jihadi”. Except in the proper sense of the word (a devout Muslim who tries to not commit sin). Same as Syrian Alawites.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Thank you friend for posting the truth.
I have meant to cover this fact already, I am glad you stated it clearly so people do not fall so easily for BBC and Israel twisting the true definitions.

Free man

The Islamic Revolution Guardsmen and the Party of God, are fighting a holy war in Syria (Jihad).
Although they have greatly helped Assad’s army, their goal is actually to export the Islamic Revolution of Iran. And this is bad for Syria’s existential interests.


And what evidence is there? Are they chopping heads of Sunnis and Alawites? Or you’re just parroting propaganda you heard from some Evil Empire source?


everywhere. read irgcs materials.


they are state form of jihad

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Hezbollah and Iranian Militias are their fighting all terrorists even Al Qaeda and it’s affiliates in Syria and will leave when uninvited forces have left including Israelis especially in the Golan heights of Syria. Really can’t ask the 80,000 Syrians in the SAA to leave can they, then send all Israelis back to Europe would settle some problems.


Actually according to Hezbollah, it is Assad who will decide when Iranian militias will leave.


Putin told the same. And Assad will send iranians and hezbollah back to their country.

Free man

Hezbollah and the Iranian Militias are not currently fighting anyone.
Slogans about the liberation of the Golan Heights are slogans aimed at keeping Syria in a state of perpetual war. It is in Iran’s interest not in the Syrian interest.

Dr. Pro Liv

Russia has 50 year agreement for those 2 bases signed with Assad.
So how come are they “foreign forces” if they were INVITED and if they do not interfere with Assad staying in power but actually helping him to resist Jihad invasion?!?
Once Assad tells them that he doesn’t need them any longer they will GLADLY return their aircraft and equipment (they do not need in their bases) back to Russia!.

What you deliberately ignore (being NATO propagandist?) is that Assad has asked Russia for help and Russia is PAYING their own military for all expenses.
So all that is FAVOR to Assad and Syria to obtain FREEDOM unlike NATO forces who are there to DESTROY Syria and kill Assad !


No civil war as, that wasn’t thinking, you farted again. It was an invasion led by NATO’s proxy force ISIS in 2011, they grew and grew until Syrian Invited Russia arrived on Sep 30, 2015. Then suddenly, ISIS shrank and shrank. Uninvited guests, don’t let the door hit you in the ass!

As go wipe


What civil war ? Did i say anything about civil war ? Foreign forces would include the Russian.
So his statement that ‘All’ foreign forces should leave is contradictory because Russia themselves were foreigners.


” Let Syrian settled their difference between themselves.” Implies civil war caused by the differences.

Russians were invited and have built 2 permanent bases with Syrian permission and legal documentation.

The US has like a thousand permanent bases on other peoples territories. I believe these two give Russia 3 total.


Yes there’s definite dissenters in Syria that’s quickly hijacked by armed terrorist and Russia did well destroying their international backers. More than that would be overreaching that Syrian would not welcome.


Don’t give too much time to fake news.
Any way Israeli migrants, US, UK, KSA are big security threats to the all countries in the Middle East as well as to Russia and China.

Bill Wilson

Why should he when the former Syrians inhabiting the annexed Golan Heights are no longer clamoring for it’s return to Syria? They were in 2010 when Assad and the Israeli government were holding negotiations over it’s eventual return then quieted down after the fighting started. Israel even notified Assad that they could set up refugee camps in the Heights for Syria’s religious minorities if the extreme Sunni groups got the upper hand around Damascus, forcing a mass evacuation. Fortunately that never was needed. Today those former Syrians rather remain part of Israel since it’s safe and has a robust economy.


So the Golan Heights should become permanent part of Israel?

Bill Wilson

It has been since 1981 tho can be returned. Jordan annexed the West Bank then returned it to Israel to get rid of it’s problems. Israel hasn’t had any problems with the various groups that inhabit the Heights other than declining to become Israeli citizens and grumbling about their limited ability for cross border family visits. Israel remained in the GH out of military and water concerns (15% of Israel’s fresh water comes from the GH). They started negotiations with Assad after determining his government wouldn’t be a military threat and wouldn’t divert fresh water away from Israel like his father did. It was the smart thing to do if they wanted to be good neighbors helping each other out economically. Then the civil war loused everything up for Assad and made Israel’s GH inhabitants leery of becoming reunited with a country with a shattered economy that’ll take a decade or more to return to it’s modest size before the fighting started.


What civil war, they were invaded by forces commissioned by their neighbors, including Israel.

Dr. Pro Liv

Gathered, organised, “commissioned”, supported in every possible way by NATO, rich Arab countries and “by their neighbors, including Israel”

A “Jihad for Jews” – proxy war by Israel & Western alliance against Syria,Iraq,Iran,Yemen and whole Arab world.
With only objective that Arabs exterminate Arabs as much as they can.
And that they also help in destruction of Iran.

Dr. Pro Liv

So many words to legitimize what can not be legitimized !
That (15% of Israel’s fresh water comes from the GH).does NOT belong to Israel !
What Syria is going to do with their water is up to Syria not Israel
Golan does NOT belong to Israel !

“Then the civil war loused everything up for Assad”
You are even talking like liar – that was NOT “civil war” but PROXY war
a “Jihad for Jews” organised by Israel-US-NATO and rich Arabs &Turkey to destroy Syria ! ISIS was their creation just like CIA has created Al Qaeda!

You are openly supporting Israeli-NATO narrative here!!

And what is that “made Israel’s GH inhabitants leery” BULLSHIT ?!?
Are you Jew?!!
Since when they are “ISRAEL’S Golan Heights inhabitants” ?!!
You are Jewish propagandist !!!


it already is whether you like it or not is irrelevant


That’s fine. If they’re that acclimated to Israel, let them stay in Israel. The land has to go back to Syria however.


And why Ask others to withdraw from Syria when cowardly Russia cannot protect Assad from Israeli-Nato aggression?


none has the power to make us leave from the golan

You can call me Al

hahahaha. Go shave your nose.


Signed: The Kid Killers


u mad bro?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Seems you are crybaby-killer!!


Nah, he’s plenty sane.


No Man…. ZioNazis & their IDF Kill Kids… you should know that…babies, Girls, Boys……

Real Anti-Racist Action

I see you have challenge God that He cannot make you all leave.
I will wait and see how God responds to you openly challenging Him and His authority.
After all, the Golan and all of creation belong solely to God.
And you claim you have striped Him of it, and no one can push you squatters off of God’s land. We will see…


wtf is wrong with you r4tard

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is why you lost sheep are beyond help, time for the slaughter to commence, live by the sword die by the sword.

888mladen .

For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.


stop taking drugs.

888mladen .

Talking to yourself is an early sign of mental illness.

888mladen .

Excellent New Year’s resolution. It’s still 2018. You can do it. It’s not too late.

Dr. Pro Liv

we will see about that….once Muslims unite you will swim in the sea….you can’t trick them forever to fight each other … numbers you represent NOTHING….once they all turn against you, you are finished !


empty threats israel will capture more land.

Dr. Pro Liv

You will be DESTROYED and rightfully so!

And don’t you even start to label me a NAZI or Muslim or Jew hater.
I speak my deep conviction here even ordinary common sense.
You are NOTHING comparing to 1.5 BILLION MUSLIMS and if only 1% of them turn against you …you all will be DEAD !
Your evil deeds will catch up on you soon I am sure of that.
You are becoming hated nation even among non Muslim countries.
You think it is your “total victory” arriving, but it is beginning of the end for Israel actually… Because that total Arab-Muslim humiliation will WAKE UP MUSLIMS and make them unite against you.


hahaahhahahahahahahah you are soo funny hahahhaha

Dr. Pro Liv

Yeah laugh…
You sound like young brat so I gather that will happen to you and your family because it will happen in near future.

Millavi MV

Are you sure? The Last time Israel invaded Lebanon, Hezbollah wiped the floor with IDF soldiers.

New Israel is Muslims

Why doesn’t jewrussia call for Israhell to withdraw from the Golan. Terrorists occupy the Golan, I thought jewrussia likes fighting terrorists… oh… jewrussia will only kill Muslims.


This will be your role.


I doubt, some thing not look right. Suppose Iran, Hezbollah which are the back bone of Syrian defence leave Syria then Israel will destroy whole Syria and US, UK will build military bases in Damascus. Thats they want. Russia have done this mistake before when they withdrew their fighter jets and military units from Syria. Does anybody remember then whats happened. The Israel, US and UK took many places in Syria by their covert operation.


All Muslims in the whole world is one nation. They are like organs of a one human body. If one organ is in trouble then the whole body is in trouble and trying to help it.

The Zionist Jews of America, Britain and Saudi attacking Muslims in Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan and the idiots of Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and other Islamic countries have closed their eyes in support of America, Britain and Saudis.


Correct…Only US and Turkey should get the hell out a bit earlier seen that nobody invited them in in the first place….


From 2006:

“Defense ministers from close allies Iran and Syria on Thursday signed an agreement for military cooperation against what they called the “common threats” presented by Israel and the United States. In a joint news conference, Iranian Defense Minister Mustafa Mohammad Najjar and visiting Syrian counterpart Hassan Turkmani said their talks had been aimed at consolidating their defense efforts and strengthening support for one another.

“Our cooperation is based on a strategic pact and unity against common threats. We can have a common front against Israel’s threats,” Turkmani told reporters after two intensive rounds of talks with Najjar.

“Our cooperation with the Iranians against Israeli threats is nothing secret and we regularly consult about this with our friends,” he said.”

– Iran and Syria sign pact against ‘common threats’ –

Seven Sevens

Has Russia sold out to Israel?

John Whitehot

zionists say this habitually.


I haven’t been able to confirm this news anywhere but if true then either 1. This is plan by Russia and Iran to start putting pressure on America and Turkey to leave and to counter Zionist propaganda or 2. Russia is attempting to gain complete and total control over Syria at the expense of Iran.

I sincerely hope it’s not the second case. Besides this is not Russia’s decision, Iran and Syria have a mutual defense treaty and Iran is there at the request of Assad not Russia. Besides Iran has very little forces in Syria. If Assad asks Iran to leave then Iran will leave.


If Assad asks Iran to leave then Iran will leave.

I have no doubt Russia has no intention of forcing Iran out. This is more of a “settlement” proposal – Syria would hold fair elections under a Constitution which protects, strictly, all religions and would not permit a party (e.g. Muslim Brotherhood) which would not swear to uphold this principle to run for office; all other countries would withdraw, but Russia could stay on its bases. Seems about right to me,

The only odd thing is Israel not being included in who has to withdraw. No doubt Syria would like to see Golan Heights returned home. Perhaps under an agreement to keep it demilitarized.


The statement also doesn’t make sense given that the war is far from over. Idlib and Southern Syria are still occupied to terrorists and large parts of Syria are under American/Turkish/Israeli occupation. Now’s not the time to draw things down.


He did say once ISIS (the “terrorists”) are defeated. Of course each side has militias and each state actor consider each other states’ actors militias to be terrorists (e.g., US uses Kurds, and Turkey considers them terrorists; US/Israel use ISIS, and even they consider them to be terrorists; Syria uses Hezbollah, and US/Israel/France/UK consider them to be terrorists); etc.

Syria is one big clusterfuck powder keg. I can’t recall any country having so may military forces, all more or less at odds with each other: Israel, US, UK, France, Lebanon (now that Hezbollah is in power), Iran, Turkey, Russia … plus tons of foreign fighters with different loyalties.

Dr. Pro Liv

It can’t be included because that is problem created BEFORE this war.
Israel comes on agenda IMMEDIATELY after Syria is free.
With no other NATO occupational forces (except Israel) on Syrian ground.
Than they can make demand to UN to replace all Israeli army with UN forces for start.
They can have Golan back step by step under an agreement to keep it as UN controlled zone.


I would guess it is the fomer. The Russians don’t want to be to Syria what the Americans are to Iraq. The Russians also know that having Iranians and Hezbollah on the ground has been essential in turning the tide in the war and the Russians certainly don’t have the infantry to spare to replace Iranian and Hezbollah on the ground in Syria.

Dr. Pro Liv

Does Iran want US-NATO,Turkey in Syria?!!
NO !
With no US there is NO independent Kurdistan also !!!!
And if they all leave wouldn’t that be in Iranian interest also after preserving Assad in power?!
Even without Iran, Syria would be FINALLY FREE and they would be able to start negotiations of return of Golan to Syria through U.N. !
They would be able to REBUILD SYRIA and start normal life after so many years of war!!!

All you people know is to bring labels on Russia and do not think enough about SYRIAN INTERESTS !
Accusing Russia of neocolonialist ambitions is BASED ON WHAT ?!!?
Name ONE Russian colony ever?!!
Don’t you have any decency not to persistently spread NATO-anti-Russian narrative all the time!

888mladen .

My friend RU Siloviki don’t want IR and Qatar gas to reach EU from Med shores. That’s why Ruskies are in SY. Americans have no objections since they have already started to export their shale gas to EU and they are not interesting in more competition. All the rest are smoke screens. In a war there are no friends of foes but only interest.

Dr. Pro Liv

Old news…you must update yourself…
There are huge quantities of gas discovered near Cyprus and Lebanon also Israel and Palestine.
Much easier for EU to get gas from there than from Qatar or Iran…
So Iranian or Qatar gas over Syria is not problem for Russia or anybody else.
Stop that gas bullshit about gas obsesed Russia..
Russia is diversifying incomes and not depending on gas exports any more.

888mladen .

Mate all due respect but it seems like you don’t understand how economy works. Qatar and IR fields have been already developed if you know what that means and are ready for delivery and there is no legal issues like with Leviatan fields.

Dr. Pro Liv

“Qatar and IR fields have been already developed’

i’ll waist no time with you if you don’t use your brain !
What “development” you talk about when they have NO PIPELINES and no peaceful territory to put those pipelines on?!?
For common sense is obvious that delivery of newly discovered gas from Cyprus or Lebanon is MUCH more viable solution than Iran or Qatar!
Cyprus is even EU country much closer than Qatar, which resolves ALL LEGAL PROBLEMS for imports of gas to EU !

So either you do NOT read my comments or you can’t understand simple sentence…?!

888mladen .

And let me ask you one question? When have you bought any technical product like a mob phone, a tablet or even washing machine made in RU? Do you remember?

Dr. Pro Liv

You are very outdated guy not reading news or reading Western MSM rubbish propaganda all the time?.
Russia has just recently by far outmatched US and whole West in military industry weapons like hyper-sonic missiles, have huge know-how in space industry; nano tech, medicine etc. and you want to present them to be backward country shaming them with gadgets?!
They produce trucks, cars, trains, choppers, airplanes, ships, subs, rockets etc… much much more than you kangaroo nation will ever produce.

“The mobile phone industry in Russia has expanded rapidly to become one of the largest in the world.”

I guess this is proof that hey can make “washing machine”


I didn’t accuse Russia of anything, I just stated all the possible reasons why Russia would make such a statement (Assuming the statement is true in the first place). I’m fully pro-Russia and anti-NATO, but that statement that supposedly a Russian official made could be classified as an anti-Iran anti-Hezbollah statement and an exact reflection of what Israel/US/NATO demand from Iran.

Dr. Pro Liv

And you never have impression that it can be only viable option for compromise in Syria?!?
Turkey,Israel,Jordan;US,NATO,Kurds,Saudis+stooges will NEVER accept total Iranian control of Syria.
So this war can last FOREVER.
But is that really in interest of Syrian people if every compromise is rejected and there is no end to this war?!?

I really do not care any longer I see that majority here voted for eternal war.
I just can’t agree with your logic.


You can’t compromise with Satan. Your problem is that you think Israel is a rational normal nation. Israel will not rest until they completely destroy, depopulate, and take over all of their neighbors. They want to establish a Satanic Jew World Order where they control every nation on earth and have complete domination over all of Goyim as instructed to them by their Satanic Torah and Talmud. You think if only you “compromised” with Satan then it could be pacified. Israel has been at endless war against every other nation in the region ever since their illegal and illegitimate occupation of Palestine in 1948. They want Iran gone from Syria so they can finish the job of destroying Syria not so they can live in peace with it.

Dr. Pro Liv

That is very, very dark vision of Jews….
You are calling them evil and Satanic…
Well I never saw them like that to be honest…
I know that they can be bad but this is far beyond…
So why you hate them so much?
Are you Arab or Muslim, have you lived with them?


Not “Jews”, I was talking about Israel.

Dr. Pro Liv

Why it “could be classified as an anti-Iran anti-Hezbollah”?
It is not only Iran and Hezbollah that are called to leave but everybody else!
Russian extra forces (they don’t need in bases) would leave also.

Iran will stay forever and they will get as much war as they ever wanted and not only in Syria…
And Syria will be destroyed by endless war and turned into the fails state like Afghanistan or Libya.
That is the BEST ending Israel could possibly want !

888mladen .

There are grounded and ungrounded hopes. Which one is yours?




I think that what Putin wants, understandably, is for the US to get out with a minimum of problems. So he’s asking nicely knowing that his request will probably be rejected. But he and the Russians are better people for asking, before they move ahead with alternative means to restore Syrian sovereignty east of the river.

What I’ve started advocating for, is preparations for clearing the IDF out of Shebaa Farms, the Golan, West Bank and east Jerusalem. And securing the Gaza border and sea coast, and putting no fly zones in place over Gaza, the West Bank, Shebaa Farms and Golan for hostile aircraft.

This will require cooperation with Israel’s neighbors and the Syrian government coalition. As well as minimal opposition from NATO. The Europeans and Turks are much more likely to go along with this than the US. The US has never directly involved itself in an Israeli conflict before, beyond providing supplies. What it would do in a UN resolution implementation action using resolutions that it helped pass remains to be seen.

There is also the question of disarming and disbanding the IDF, Mossad and Shin Bet in the event that they resort to a nuclear first strike to prevent being removed from occupied territories. Which would require entering Israel to carry it out.

This isn’t a simple operation. It would require a lot of work and cooperation to carry it out with a minimum of problems.


This is fake news. Who was the person that said that all foreign forces should leave Syria along with those that legitimately welcomed by Syrian government and combating US, UK and Israeli backed terrorists. Show their video as proof. This news is controversial. This is fake news, disinformation, non logical propaganda.


It sounds fake, I haven’t found any other site reporting this. Also doesn’t sound like something Russia would say unless it is part of a secret PR plan by Russia and Iran.


It just happened and won’t be covered by MSM, but here’s another source, which has more info so not copied form here:


If you follow the link in the article, and copy and paste this quote:

“Given the victories and successes of the Syrian army in the war on terror, in light of the onset of a more active period, and in light of the fact that a more active political process has begun, foreign armed forces will start leaving Syrian territory,” Putin told Assad”

It’s being widely reported by many sources.


That’s different from what this article is reporting. You’re referring to Putin’s general statement about “foreign” troops without naming any names. This article is referring to a Russian official specifically mentioning Iran and Hezbollah.


I noticed that also.


Yeah. Well. Chocolate is nice too.


Interestingly – why did he leave Israel out?

Alexis Goldwasser

Does that surprise you? Putin is beholden to israel.

Alexis Goldwasser

Putin, and by extension, russia, is all rhethoric. When push comes to shove, russia clams up, hoping the world forgets all its bluster.

Assad deserves better allies.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Putin always acts restrained it’s all part of being Russian if you had any true connection to Eastern Europe you would know this.

Dr. Pro Liv

“Assad deserves better allies”
Like you JEWS !?!

You silly Jewish twat your crappy Israel will receive what they deserve soon enough.
If I were Jew I would run away from Israel – you have no future there
Muslims will unite and destroy you at the end

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No truth there but Israel is beholding to Russia ,Bibi just smiles as he knows Putin won’t interfere as he knows those in the region are more than enough to deal with Israel.

Dr. Pro Liv

You are JEW troll twat!!
Goldwasser is typicaly Jewish !
Putin’s rockets shot down your F-16 recently now how is that for “friendship”


Well unless you’re referring to the Golan Heights, which have been occupied by Israel well before the civil war broke out in 2011, Israel doesn’t have any forces presently in control of any territory within Syria. They may have proxy jihadist groups that they are nurturing and providing weaponry to, but there is no official presence unlike Russia/US/Turkey/Iran/Hezbollah.


There is no “unless” about the Golan Heights.
They are Syrian territory.


“The talk is about all the foreign military units in Syria, including the Americans, the Turks, Hezbollah, and of course the Iranians,” Lavrentiev said answering a question about what “foreign force” should withdraw from Syria, according to the Russian news outlet Sputnik.” To me it is a simple factual statement.

The reason those forces are there, is passing, it is time to go. The only reason the threat has diminished, Russia, will stay. To me if the Syrians continue to beat ISIS, the presence of anyone else is in support of ISIS, not Syria. Of course some of the others are true allies, but the and Co. forces use them as their reason to stay, so they all should go. It’s so simple it’s genius, typically Russian.

Those who have killed SAA soldiers should go first! If it was an accident, leave immediately, as your forces are not competent.


That’s right, and once the Turks, Israelis, Americans, French, British and other Imperial Scum are gone, the Iranians can slowly return at the invitation of the Syrians. Brilliant.

Except: Russia hasn’t asked Israel to leave.

And Turkey is there for the Kurds, and to restore some of that land to Turkmen, not for the Iranians or Hezbollah.

And US is there to balkanize Syria, starting with the Kurds, and to make Syria a failed state, like Libya and … the West Bank, so Israel can continue its settlements in Golan Heights and expand all the way to the Euphrates, ethnically cleansing Syrians all the way on the West Bank model, which is their end game in all this.


You are missing the beauty of the Russian approach. They go by what and Co. say in their official pronouncements. The US is there to fight ISIS, now they are there to stop Iran and Hezbollah. Your approach means has to suddenly be honest and admit to conspiring to take over the world. I ain’t hold ‘in my breath for that!

The more they oppose logical suggestions the easier it is to condemn them for their unpublicized but obvious (per your visual) goals.
I do not understand how the UN can not condemn those responsible for the invasion and destruction of Syria. It is abundantly clear in not only the deeds but the stated goals of those involved what they want.

The fact that the arms the US supplied to ‘rebels’ made their way to terrorists on the US’s own lists is an open and closed case of criminality. At a minimum criminal negligence, at the most premeditated genocide on a massive scale with lots of co-conspirators.

So the Russians are offering them a face saving out, I say get on the bus.


print out this bullshit and clean your ass on toilet with it :DDD


Craptor always with the scatological references? You should talk to a specialists, there’s hope for you. Ok I exaggerate.


Anyone who wasn’t invited by Syria should withdraw. We know who they are.

Dr. Pro Liv

You are right.
But than it is trade off ….one must have something to offer to ask something back.
US and Israel claim that Iran and Hezbollah in Syria are major obstacle….but would they leave also if Iranians leave? If all NATO and Turkey leave and they start talking of withdrowall of Israel and replacment with UN forces on Golan that would be success for Syria.
Syria can fight Jihad terrorist alone now…They are strong enough.


I don’t think there should be a trade off. In theory, it should be simple: anyone who wasn’t invited by Syria shouldn’t be here. In practice, the Anglo-Americans have a long and proven history of inventing themselves, flipping the house upside down to have it their way. There parasites.

Dr. Pro Liv

“They’re parasites”‘

Well you are telling us now something we didn’t know. :-))
I always thought that they do “humanitarian” bombings of other nations to help that people for their own good. :-))

Actually 70% of the people on the West believe that US-NATO”humanitarian” bombings are helping those nations !


For those saying this is “fake news”, it has also been reported by AP (7:20 release), see e.g., and just re-affirms what Putin said yesterday after meeting Assad.

Again, pressure on Iran to leave is due to NutAndYahoo meeting Putin and giving him marching orders during the Victory Parade (which, incidentally, celebrates Russia’s victory over a leader much like NutAndYahoo, except not so evil). While attending the meeting, NutAndYahoo impressed Putin by bombing Syria, in a one-upmanship to Trump telling Xi he bombed Syria, but that was in US, not in Xi’s home.

Impressed by the bravado, Putin agreed to ask Iran to leave Syria and to allow Israel to occupy the Golan Heights, even though, unlike Israel (but like Russia), Iran and Hezbollah are invited. What if Iran stays in its military bases, Mr. Putin? Can they stay too?

At the end of the day Israel seems to be running the world. Oh, no, it’s a stereotype!


Iran is NOT in position to make conditions. NOT in position to build up bases. Iran has no permission from sy government or such thing. And never will get. What now, shia jihadist?

Icarus Tanović

Now, I’m gonna fuck you! Hahahahahahahaha

Dr. Pro Liv

you better be careful he might like it lot …. :-))

888mladen .

IR might give RU an Afghan experience. There are many in Dagestan who are waiting for an opportunity. Azeri will be only too happy to help. By alienating IR RU has been digging its grave. RU ruling elite are bunch of prostitutes.

Brad Isherwood

Moqtada al Sadr openly denounced Assad of Syria and Iraqi PMU militias.
Then went to party with Lunatic MBS of Saudi Arabia.
Sadr’s political block in Iraq won the election via seats .

Iran/IRGC presence in Syria markedly reduced.
Hezbollah has also reduced it’s military footprint ( more from losses in years combat with increase in numeric of Shia Militias which are Shia from Afghanistan to God knows where else…..sort of Shia Mercinary )

I can understand Hezbollah being cautious about retaliation with Israel
Iran is trickster. ….and now Putin has openly shown his desire to placate Netanyahu and
Globalist in cutting Iran back.
No one getting pipelines accross Syria is ultimately Putin’s best Casino chip


– America’s M1 Abrams Tank vs. Israel’s Merkava: Who Wins? –

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are both crewed by bad tank crews so figure that one out for yourself.

Dr. Pro Liv

Israel no doubt !!
Because they would make majority of American’s fight for Israel
the way they usually do!!


The US didn’t fight for the Jews in 48, 56, 67 or 73. The US supported the Egyptians in 56, and the Jew criminals sunk the USS Liberty in 67 and tried to shoot down a US SR-71 Blackbird in 73. It’s questionable if the US would militarily intervene, besides providing supplies. In clearing operations implementing UN resolutions that the US supported the passage of. Or if the Jews conducted a nuclear first strike trying to prevent clearing operations.

Dr. Pro Liv

“US supported the Egyptians in 56″
That’s exception to the rule !

” USS Liberty” specially speaks volumes for itself!
All the rest US would directly (Lebanon,Iraq 2 wars, Syria and now Iran about to start) or indirectly (through HUGE military support to Israel) giving immense help to Jewish state.

So I really don’t know what are you talking about


There’s a difference between providing supplies and getting involved in the fighting.

Providing supplies is unlikely to stop clearing operations. The US has provided all kinds of supplies in Syria. It didn’t work. Properly put together the Jews would be out manned and out gunned. Just like they were in 73 when they almost got overrun. Except now supplies aren’t going to turn the tide for them. And this time if they use nukes, they may get nuked in return.

Dr. Pro Liv

“There’s a difference between providing supplies and getting involved in the fighting.”

No there isn’t !
US is giving away HUGE SUMS of MONEY to Israel as an “AID” justified by NOTHING!
Military intervention or war is also “huge some of money ” in economic terms…
So all that money is INDIRECT help to Israel fight wars.
Jews were never “out gunned” when it comes to the quality of weapons because they ALWAYS had the BEST and the MOST EXPENSIVE equipment there is in US arsenal………. .

“And this time if they use nukes, they may get nuked in return.”

Nuked by whom?!! If any Arab country attacks Israel and they use nuke NOBODY will nuke them back !
But Egyp will not do it and apart from them there is no other Arab country capable to do that.
Saudi’s being Israel’s allay are out of combination…


I’m not going to try engaging in a rational debate about military issues with someone who is so detached from reality that they claim that there is no difference between providing supplies and getting directly involved in the fighting with military force.


How would a clearing operation for removing the IDF from various occupied territories unfold, assuming that it stayed conventional and the US stayed out of it?


Not sure there is a personal protection device that would save those involved from the toxicity of that much pissing and moaning.


Oh, yeah. No possible ulterior motive here. He’s saying no one BUT Russia should have any involvement in Syria. Although he’s technically within the letter of what Putin said he’s definitely not following the spirit of the policy. What might occur is a deal between ALL involved parties to reduce their garrisons in Syria.

Bill Wilson

Those with common sense have been waiting for Russia to tell Hezbollah and Iran to leave since they’ve been a problem with the general population before and after the fighting started. Their aid came with the condition that the Syrian government would allow them to proselytize the Sunnis and everyone else to increase the number of Shia’as. One would think So what? except those evangelists promised economic disaster instead of Heaven if they didn’t convert. They’ve been doing that in the areas under Syrian government control which has their residents thoroughly hacked off. Russia knows that everyone is tired of the fighting and willing to work something out as long they’re going to be forced nor pestered to change their religions.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran and Syria made no such deal and I’d like to know the source for your information. I’ve been paying close attention to Syria and haven’t heard even once that Iran is trying to convert anyone to their religion, in Syria or anywhere else. Fact check time.