Senior Israeli Officer Says Syrian Crews Completed Training On S-300 System, Vows To Destroy It

Senior Israeli Officer Says Syrian Crews Completed Training On S-300 System, Vows To Destroy It

S-300 missile system © Pavel Lisitsyn / Sputnik

Syrian crews have completed their training on the advanced Russian S-300 long-range air defense system, Tomer Bar, a senior officer in the Israeli Air Force (IAF), claimed in a recent interview with the Maariv newspaper.

“The training course for Syrian staff to deal with the system, which lasted several months, has ended … The situation may require the training of other crews,” Bar said in the interview, that was released on May 9.

Russian delivered several S-300 batteries to the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) in the wake of the downing of the Il-20 spy plane last year. Moscow held Tel Aviv responsible for the incident, arguing that Israeli warplanes used the Il-20 as a cover during the September 17 airstrikes on Syria’s Lattakia.

In the interview, Bar said that the IAF will destroy any air-defense system, including S-300, that would pose a threat to its freedom of activity or to any of its missions over Syria.

“It is not correct to stop at the issue of whether the S-300 system is managed by the Syrians, or under the control of the Russians. In all cases, we have to believe that the system is ready to repel our operations tomorrow morning,” the Israeli officer said.

Bar’s threat indicates that Israel is willing to target the Syrian S-300 systems, even if they were manned by Russian advisors, or located near Russian bases. Such move could lead to a serious crisis between Moscow and Tel Aviv.

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jade villaceran

All talk less action, still waiting to see how syrian can defend using this s300 system, hopefully russians wont intervene

You can call me Al

The problem here is the Zionists have repeated what they threatened originally to destroy the S-300.

As many know, I am anti-Zionist, but realistically the S-300 systems like any of the other air defence systems can be annihilated by a massive onslaught of missiles / bombs / gun fire…. if it happens – this will demotivate the SAA and knock the Russian’s credibility globally.

THEREFORE on the positive side, Russia, will have to protect and assist these assets, by non-stop 24 / 7 ( Sorry Yank talk =Yuk) air superiority and switching on their S-400 systems.

Well, that is my view anyway.


No it won’t happen , as Israel even US would not undertake such if it means losing one plane.

Xoli Xoli

If Russian pantsir air defences can down swam of drone what about S-300.With due respect Syrian forces should be on full alert and post intelligence on borders and Lebanon. Pre-emptive strike on Israel jets before leaving Lebanon skies.Will make Israel to be very causes.Remember Israel waged systematic and psychological war on Syria knowing Syria destroyed it’s long range chemical and conventional missiles.

Concrete Mike

you are correct in your assesement.

however, how many s300 do the syrians really have? maybe russia has a couple more to give them than we know.

Anything the IDF says is a lie!


I agree.

Toronto Tonto

Ha ha ha don’t unplug them , LOL


Canadian faget.


I think that the Russians have learned their lessons even from recent attacks with drones. S-300 must be protected by a net of other defenses as xoli xoli says below Ranstirs are essential. they can deal with as you state correctly ‘massive attacks’ meaning attacks with a mix of munitions that must be prioritized by sub systems so as not to deplete S-300 expensive missiles on some suicide drones. thats obvious the IDF plan. they have managed to destroy 2 pantsirs that way. a swarm of suicide drones that depleted their ammo and then they were standing ducks waiting for resupply while the second wave…..or the only survivor hit them. .

You can call me Al

I agree and think you are totally correct, enough is enough.

Saddam Hussein

Bring it on Zionists, Arabs are not afraid of you. We wont see peace in the region until we get rid of the Israeli cancer.


And also incinerate the Israeli cancer just to make sure it is totally inert:)

Xoli Xoli

Israel talk fear in Syrian forces which is total military propaganda.Syrian army should not give a Damn chance to Israel suprise attacks.S-300 Will forever deter and in reality destroy multiple fighters jets and bases of Israel.Israel lies are inline to break Iran forces moral.Israel is so deeply concerned about this particular S-300 systems presence that is why their are so interested on spy on it.Syrian forces should put all intelligence forces at the border on full alert.Plus Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. IF any jet is detected in Lebanon Skies then Air defences must be activated to down this jets.Before their as usual release missiles from Lebanon skies.


Why wait for planes over Lebanon, shoot them down even when in Israel

Xoli Xoli

Thanks boss that is true.


Arrogance of the supreme from a small country

Concrete Mike

Hey Israel, start by taking out all the s200 first, oh wait you had 8 years and you didnt acheive that.

now your talking about going after s300?

More bla bla from IDF scum.

AM Hants

Didn’t one of the S-200 take out one of Israel’s F35s?


It was an F15, I think

AM Hants

They also damaged a F35, new into service, which Israel tried to hide or blame on the local birds.


Yes there was an F-15, and there was a F-16 in 2017 and there was F-35. S-200 show it’s strength.


The Israeli’s said it was a bird strike. Pigeons and Sparrows in the Lebanon dislike the Israeli’s as well.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


AM Hants

The S-200, no doubt trying to impersonate a Syrian Sparrow lol.


Lebanese birds are tough cookies AM.
There are a few tough birds left in the UK as well :)

AM Hants

Your comment has made me giggle. Just the thought of the F35 being hit by those tough old birds, that so do wish to play the Ashkenazi games.

Concrete Mike

LOL. What does your horse say?




I asked him, and he had a shit and went to eat some more grass.

Concrete Mike

Thats whats nice about animals, they give you the shit but no bull, or as we say over here, straight pipe( meaning no catalityc converter). Made me laugh on a very tough day, Thanks!!


It was an F35, it might have just fallen down like the one near Japan.
They are built for profit, not for function or reliability.
It’s pretty common with US equipment, US Liberty ships used to break in half, Armalite rifles jammed every second or third round.


Indeed, and the UK only finished paying the US Lend Lease Debt, + interest naturally, for weapons delivered during WW2, in 2006.

Soon after that we had the 2008 recession that again put the UK into debt that the taxpayers are obliged to pay. :)

Ceasar Polar

Having a warplane with remote control ability is just crazy insane, im pretty sure China or Russia hacked into it and landed it safely somewhere. Along with Kirby radar jamming system that immobilized USS donald Coock you should be very affraid, Russia gear is the best in the world.

Toronto Tonto

Russian stuff is antiquated fukkin junk putin troll .

Ceasar Polar

S400’s, hypersonic missile, Sarmat nuclear warhead, Kirby electronic jammer, underwater drone, nuclear powered missles. You will experience the wrath of the Russians if you try to stick your nose too close.

Ceasar Polar



Yes it did. Oh no it was the birds. Yeah. How Benjamin tells it, that’s how it will roll. But S-200 executing the very precious F-35 damn that must be a very good stealthy jet.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

S-200 missile has a 217 kg warhead, so if the missile directly hit the F-35 it would have demolished it completely!
What really happened most likely, most realistically was that the S-200 missile was able to get a small radar lock on the F-35 just enough to guide the rocket within at least 100 meters of it. It detonated nearby sending lots of shrapnel to highly damage it. F-35 was damaged but not destroyed, still able to land.
Kike Aifroce said afterwards “F-35 irreparable, unable to fly again”
Sorry but bird strikes don’t do that to military jets, SAM missiles exploding within a 100 meter radius can do that though :)

AM Hants

Thanks for the informative reply.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

no problem :)

Monte George Jr

I heard that it was the “Fighting 31st” Lebanese Seagull Battalion that busted the F35?

AM Hants

Strong birds, the ‘Fighting 31st’ breed.


The S200’s or more correctly the Syrians didn’t seem to stop the Israelis in the past.?
Weapons are only as effective as the guy holding it. The Syrian military seems to be systemically incompetent.


Sure that’s why Israel hasn’t tried any strikes inside Syria since the shot down of that F-16 over a year ago and less since the arrival of the S-300. That’s why the shitty squatter state is relegated to terror bombing defenseless places like Gaza. Incompetence and cowardliness is better described to Israelis.


Syria has had effective AA for decades, and for decades the Israelis kept bombing.
Things have only changed since the Russians and Iranians showed up.
I’m not defending the Israelis, just stating the facts.


Wars have sometimes some good sides, for example, they kill the incompetence on an army.


Exactly, the army and air force are now top notch, but the air defense branch ?

Concrete Mike

Is Assad still alive? Has any of the senior govmnt officials been targeted by airstrikes?

S200 seems to be working then.

Israel uses stand off ammunition, they dont even dare come close to syria, they now resort to using civilian airplane as cover, or using coalition c5 as cover.

Syria is winning, mind you there is waste of men and material, thats what is irking you right?


This time, SF, I am going for the core, the clows are off, and to show you the ugly truth.
Makes one question everything, dont it.

Well, of course ISISrael will wack it, just ask the Russians, since they have cut of the systems every time an Jooho flaps their wings, the Putinistas are howling, do you idiots know anything, why do you think we stil debate this, when the truth is ugly, Russia isnt an friend of Syria, Russia is the worst enemy you can get, an scumbag whom pretends is an honest broker and is trustworthy regarding deals, when rethoric dont match the actions.
The second thing is, whom is doing what.
I am going to link to someone whom sees the same as I do, Putin is an traitore to us all, and unlike the pack of sniveling droolers over at Saker, I know Syria is been scammed, by the Russian “friends”, as predicted, unfortunatly, we where dead on, because initialy, the campagne was an uh…. sucses, what came right after, is not, and why some of us have said it for an long time, Syria isnt winning anything, its there, right there where ISISrael wants Syria to be, Balkanised to oblivion.

I do this solely because I know as we all do, Iran, is the one in the the Imperial banana republic is and will attack, and I also know Russia will again trow their uh….. alies down the drain in an hart beat, right Maria Zackofshitorowa, I wrote that some years ago, first I tought it was an rethorical slip, but now I know she have been an lying f…. all the time.
And by hopes and prayers goes to those that stil live in lalaland regarding Putin and Russia, like Iran, never ever trust the Russians, yhat ilution will kill you all, if they are going to have any leverage in the future, they have to show it now, not next year, but now, if the Russians this time cuts the cables to the missile systems, you know why, and why they dont bother to wack the Kurds(ISISrael) and the Turks(ISISrael) and ISISrael it self, when they have charte blanch to do whatever they want, and that CB is given and realized thru Russian treason.
You better get your f…. eyes open, and that fast.



Go see if outside is raining, enraged imbecile.


Wall of shitty text, bad spelling and garbage grammar, what a pathetic rant.

Astrid Watanabe

You are not the only one who says things like this. I keep remembering Ma_Laoshi who wrote:
“……while the glass is half full [the existence of the Syrian state was saved after all] Syria is in ruins, and dismembered. In fact, these days the Russian good cop seems to be taking turns with the American bad cop handing over bits of Syria to its enemies while looking disinterestedly as Israel adds its own handiwork to the general ruin……”
I don’t know, one way or another, i’m just watching. Time will tell.


I believe Israel is right to take out the S-300’s missiles one at a time using a fresh plane each time; especially since each plane is much more expensive than a single missile. To be sure of greater success than the Iron Dome system, I recommend they impact each missile with a the front end of each plane.


Dammit! Don’t teach them, they’re going to have a %100 success rate with your method.


I doubt that Russia will allow Syria to shot down an israeli A/C but if by any chance that happens, Syria should be ready to strike with a whole load of their most powerful and accurate missiles if Israel tries to retaliate.
Israel understands only strength.


no the squatters only understand lies and then more lies and go crying to the neo-nazis in washington dc and pull out the old old victim card. but fair fights is not soemthing they ever engage in.


all syria needs to do is to down one of the squatters jets and they, de squatters, will think hard and fast before they enter any foreign airspace again. so syria, aim for the next one you see. best of luck in that endeavour. it might be the first step towards a squatterfree palestine, something he wold is longing for.


No importa las normas internacionales ni soverania de otros paises? Lo Que importa es lo que diga Israel ?? Que tan arogante pais es Israel…

Pave Way IV

The IAF could barely outrun the SA-5 at the edge of its range and was never successful in destroying all those sites. It’s S-300 replacement pushes the IAF well outside the Lebanese coast standoff range. Moreso, it promises a Mach 6 48N6E or 9M96E2 up the ass of fleeing Israeli aircraft all the way back to their home bases. I look forward to Israeli attempts to ‘take out’ the Syrian S-300.


Israel blows up Pantsirs like crushing bugs and humiliated an S400 battery with ancient F16’s


White American shithead.

Daniel Miller

If you really are from the US then you really dont help the stereotype that we are shit at math.
How many strikes did it take for Israel to destroy 2 Panstir-S1’s?
It took them 2 whole years to do so and 1000’s of missiles/bombs to do so.
If anything it shows just how incapeble the IAF is at taking them out.
Since the only way for the IAF to take one out is to wait untill it runs out of ammo.


Those garbage Pantsirs can’t even shoot down drones lmfao

Benjamin NAZIyahu

murica! only muh murica has the best air defense system in tha wurld!
THAAD so advanced and invincible it allowed 2 LONG RANGE homemade palestinian rockets to strike tel aviv TWICE, and allowed 1 syrian army tochka to land in the Golan during 2018 UNINTERCEPTED yeaahahhawahhh

Jade Zee

sitting in your moms basement drinking beer and saving up to afford a gun from your cashiers salary…doesn’t make you a patriot son…now get dressed and head over to work..if you lose this job at wal marts there is nothing left you can do….

Ceasar Polar

Come at them please. How about Hypersonic missiles on your burgerland ? Maybe you will wake up from your self induced coma.


We have, we killed 60 SAA in Syria and called it an “accident”, heh.

200 Russians at Deir eizzor, and Israel killed 14 IRGC in T4 strikes plus many more in other strikes

The truth is they know their militaries would get clobbered and are too scared to respond, this is obvious

Ceasar Polar

Dude America is done. That is why they are pushing conflicts world wide. They know the end is coming near. China and Russia along with other actors will obliterate anything american, and guess what the world will join them. You can ask your zionist masters for help, they will watch you burn! Your zionists masters want the end of burgerland, and you still supporting your own end.

Toronto Tonto

You gunna show us more fukkin cartoons dikcheese .

Daniel Miller

Is that why it took 100’s of them to take out 1?
then 100’s more to take out a 2nd one?
I and keep in mind they ran out of ammo.
So the only way for you to take them out is if you throw evrything you have at them.


They were bombing Iranians lol and Syrian military

Pantsirs were just a side bonus :D

Daniel Miller

So thats why after so many “Iranain targets” bombed it took them more then a year and 100’s of strikes to do it again? And mind you it was out of ammo borth times.
So the only way to acheave this “bonus” is to wait for them to run out of ammo.
How many drones has the IAF lost to them? 100’s? 1000’s?
Ether way you look at it its not a very good argument in faivor of the IDF.


But those 2 Pantsirs were OFF, they were never ON, or on Automatic mode, just empty Pantsir sits somewhere and these hit it with TV guided bombs. The very Pantsir had no chance to defend itself or anyone when its been turned off.


That’s false and videographic evidence contradicts this claim.

Daniel Miller

Ofc it cant when its out of ammo. Tho the SAA beeing the arab IQ 83 inbreeds they are never seem to leave their last known location.

Ceasar Polar

Actually 1 pantsir only. The other was a video montage made by hollyzionnazis liars.


Hah, if your Zionists friends are satisfied with shooting down 2 empty and Turned off Pantsirs, I mean if that’s the Israhells power good luck buddy.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

go shove some more big macs down your throat you

Ceasar Polar

Proven fake video montage. The only pantsir destroyed was one that wasnt even activated or online. How about Indians shot down a F16 with an ancient museum plane MiG21 bison, yes be affraid. Plus the S400’s S300’s have all the signatures needed to effectively counter zionazis warmongers tries against the free world. China is coming up your ass too. North Korea is going to nuke the hell out of the US. Just rememeber this.


You blow you daddy’s little dick while 100 ni66as buttfucked you from behind, you little israeli whore.


It appears that Israel is attempting to start a second front in order to slow down the SAA advances in Idlib.

The IDF have done this in every SAA campaign where the US sponsored terrorists are being forced back.

John Hanson

Plenty of moves should have prompted a response from the Russians already…..


They probably will destroy them, not with planes, but with troops who will walk in while the Syrians are sleeping.


Then why haven’t they otherwise STFU.


Because they are guarded by Russians, who don’t sleep on watch.

Toronto Tonto

Russia sells old junk to these saps and all the can do now is protect themselves from the seller , fukin priceless.


Love seeing your shitty LAV’s being blown up by the Houthis, how is being third rate phony country working for ya, Canucks a pathetic version of of the already worthless Yanks.


Oh yeah what little products your gas station of country makes, pretty much sucks, shitty service and overpriced crap is Canada in nut shell.

Concrete Mike

go suck on christia freeland’s tit will ya nazi shit sandwich!


The trolls aim is to create distraction and vulgar replies on a site.
Simply do not feed the troll with what he wants. :)

Concrete Mike

oh he dont slander the flag, he cant even swing an axe the right way. Hes probably a make work project for a whit helmet puke.

I do admit I am very vulgar, working with miners for years will do that.

But the trolls come and go but WE are still here, thats what counts.


Tonto, go back to your mom’s basement and cry a bit more.
Surely you can read a map of NW Hama. :D

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Getting down to economics here…
Sure the IDF could probably destroy an S-300 system, but the cost of doing so could be far greater than the $100 million cost of the system.
Two IDF aircraft lost would be evens, anymore would mean the missile system has broke even.


Not really, Israel doesn’t pay for its weapons, they use extortion to get them for free.

Do the math, Israel has a population of 9 million, but has over 185 F16’s, at 15 million a piece.
That’s $2.75 billion or 25 grand for every man woman and child in Israel.
And of course that’s just the F16’s they have 85 F15’s at 30 mil a piece so another 20 grand per Israeli, F35’s choppers and that’s just the air force.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not exactly what I’m saying…
I’m suggesting, what I am is that a S-300 system would break even in financial cost after two kills of front-line jets. (i.e they’ve lost one jet and have to replace that jet)

Monte George Jr

Well said. Israel has nothing to lose trading planes for launchers. Only the USA loses here.

Real Anti-Racist Action

This is what must be done to teach Russia a lesson about ripping off allies with sub-par out of date tech against the most advanced tech.
S-400 or S-500 is badly needed in Syria, Lebanon, Iran.
S-300 will be so simple. This is the year, 2019 that those S-300’s will be taken out with ease.
Then everyone here can see that I was sticking up for Syria and Lebanon and Iran.
Russia makes great stuff! But they are not selling these great anti-air systems to Syria and Iran.
These systems are so outdated that Russia themselves will not entrust the defense of Russia with S-300, and no one is even attacking Russia and Russia fears leaving their lives to the S-300 for defense.


Your problem is you don’t know one weapon from another, to you a bigger number makes it better.
If Russia had a bow and arrow named the S800, you would be demanding that.

PS having your account private identifies you as Hasbara, and you guys lie for a living.

Tom Tom

In coming Ezekiel 38-39 war Russia, Iran and China will strike first.


unlikely- they are far too clever to be the side that starts the war – they will leave that honour to washington dc and the neo-nazis residing there. but the neo-nazi war criminals will more likely resort to a false flag exercise a la hitler’s Reichtag fire. rest assured.


How many stories of American atrocities in WWII have you heard?
The winner writes history.


I hope so, because who dares wins.

Tom Tom

Jesus wins.


The baby rapers have been threatening to take out the SADF systems for years before the S-300s were brought in. What happened instead is that 99% of the SADF systems were untouched. And the few that were lost were replaced with upgraded systems. And rather than shutting down the SADF. It was exponentially strengthened to expel both the IAF and NATO from Syrian airspace.

And if the IAF starts losing planes outside of Syria to the SADF. And is unable to degrade SADF capabilities. And they are instead further strengthened. NATO is unlikely engage SADF capabilities over SDF held areas in any type of significant escalation further demonstrating NATO inferiority.


just one thing to do and that is to obliterate the squatters from the map and allow the neo-nazi morons to resettle survivors somewhere on the north american continent. they deserve no mercy considering the crimes on humanity, other war crimes and ethnical cleansing program they, the squatters, have perpetrated over the last 100 plus years. no mercy at all.

Concrete Mike

the squatters are from europe, america is for the natives.

we dont want them here thanks.


but since the squatters’ american brethren have bought and paid for every lawmaker on the hill and since each and every state in moronistan (aka usa – home of dunny the dunce, fatso, bolton etc) is subject to a mandatory system where each state in the union is forced to pay its proportional share of what moronistan pays every year to the squatters it would seem fitting if each state would receive the same proportion of squatters as their payment towards israel is. it would mean, I suppose, that california and texas and new york etc would receive a larger number of squatters than say north dakota or alabama. fair – yes you bet. particularly since it’s moronistan that has allowed the squatters to become the murderous and thieving menace to the rest of the world that they are. so it’s jut sit back and enjoy.

but maybe you should start to question why your state is forced to pay a part of what the federal government is giving away to squatters every year and say no, no way!


The first Jew arrived in the Americas at Jamestown in 1621.
America has been ruled by Jews, mostly Dutch Jews for a long time, but they stayed well hidden until their position was unassailable.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

If an S-200 from the late 1950’s was able to get a small radar lock on a Kike Airforce F-35, and guide a missile to explode nearby it, irreparably damaging it with shrapnel…
imagine what much more advanced S-300 can do


The missile has got fuckall to do with it, it’s the radar guidance system that gets the missile to the right place at the right time.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

you have to remember the missile speed, maneuverability plays a huge role to. But yes more importantly is the radar guidance and its resistance to electronic warfare interference. Older legacy SAM systems like S-200/S-125/S-75 divna radars are very susceptible to 21st century standoff and offensive jamming.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

100% guarantee these zionist military commanders and lots of their soldiers have a dual-USA Israeli citizenship
1 summer they’re working with the IDF in Palestine terrorizing its people, committing ethnic cleansing and genociding Arabs
Next Summer they’re back in New York or Los Angeles at their golf clubs or bar mitzvahs

Jacob Wohl's Nose

story of every american jew ever
they all serve in IDF terrorizing palestinians then come back to murica to live

Benjamin NAZIyahu

There are 2 possible scenarios here:
1 – SAA received the 100% complete S-300PM2 package from Russia (including all the newer advanced early warning radars 64N6E Big Bird, better guidance systems like 30N6E2, and long range missiles like 48N6E/2)
or 2 – SAA received S-300PM2 launchers WITHOUT the upgraded radar components and long range missiles. That means they could’ve been given basic S-300P radars like 36D6 Tin shield or only 5N63S guidance radars which are from late 1970’s. And given short/medium range missiles only with <70km range
Let's hope it's number 1 – because otherwise, S-300PM2 WILL NOT be able to operate at its true potential without NEW UPGRADED RADARS and LONG RANGE MISSILES
there Kike Airforce will be somewhat unhindered if # 2 is true

Jacob Wohl's Nose

If what u said #1 is true, that means Syria’s S-300PM2 will be just as effective as the S-300P from early 1980’s… the exact same S-300 that Greece/Ukraine has and Israel has trained on many times!
The only way for S-300PM2 to work is with the new radar and long range rockets
otherwise ur right, kike airforce will not have challenges