Sectarian Clashes Moves Closer To Syria’s Damascus (Videos)

Sectarian Clashes Moves Closer To Syria’s Damascus (Videos)

Illustrative image. (The Syrian Arab News Agency)

Fierce clashes broke out over the night of March 25 and 26 in the town of Sahnaya, located some eight kilometers to the south of the Syrian capital of Damascus, between local fighters from the Druze religious minority and Sunni tribal fighters from the eastern governorate of Deir Ezzor.

Some Syrian media sources said that the clashes started when the local fighter assaulted a man from Deir Ezzor along with his sister, while others tied the clashes to the earlier murder of a man from Deir Ezzor in Sahnaya which was blamed on Druze armed groups.

Before the outbreak of the war in Syria, Sahanya was a Druzo-Christian town. Recently, however, and due to the fighting in the country, other religious groups, mainly Sunnis, moved to live in Sahnaya, especially from Deir Ezzor and other eastern governorates.

Fighters from both sides were reportedly killed or wounded during the clashes, which ended with the deployment of security personnel.

Footage posted to social networks after the clashes showed the tribal fighters and others allegedly from security forces, firing at houses and chanting sectarian slurs.

The clashes in Sahnaya came just weeks after a government crackdown on the coast claimed the lives of more than 1,600 civilians, mostly members from the Alawite religious minority. While the government said that its forces were chasing “remnants” of the Assad regime, the killings were largely motivated by sectarianism.

Unlike the Alawites, the Druze refused to hand over their weapons after the fall of the regime and maintained de-facto control over their heartland, the southeastern governorate of al-Suwayda, in addition to Sahnaya and the nearby city of Jaramana.

The forces of Syria’s Islamist-led interim government were confronted by Druze fighters while attempting to enter al-Suwayda on new year’s eve.

Earlier this month, a more serious escalation took place when government forces surrounded Jaramana and threatened to attack Druze fighters guarding the city. However, the situation was defused after Israel threatened to defend the city, citing the historic relation between its own Druze population and those in Syria.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders have since publicly warned the Syrian government not to harm the Druze.

Still, tensions between the government and Druze continue to grow. Very recently, Hikmat al-Hijri, the spiritual leader of Syrian Druze, categorically rejected the constitution decree announced by the government, which led to much incitement against the minority, including from figures and outlets close to the government.

Considering the recent events on the coast and tensions with Druze, it is safe to assume that the Syrian government has so far failed to build any meaningful relationship with the country’s minorities. While there is still time to move in direction, the government is yet to demonstrate that it is willing to move away from its hardened Islamist roots.


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Maria Jose

now you will see the difference between the sunni attack on the alawites and the sunni attack on the israeli-backed druze.
http s://ww w.glo balrese yrian- voic es-horr or/ 58 826 30

Maria Jose

we will see whether the druze will flee to israel or whether israel will capture damascus and install a druze (idf comandante) as president of syria.
htt ps:// w ww.glo balre sear ch. ca /ru ssian-air base-re scues- 8 000-syr ian s/5 882 147


there is nothing more nauseating than the genocide merchants of gaza larping as protectors of moslems.

Maria Jose

i hope that bibi will completely destroy nato’s plan and install a druze commander of his army as president of syria.
ht tps:/ /w ww. glob alresea rc h.c a/m ass-mur dering -cha os-syria /58 817 4 4


why bother replacing their existing puppet head chopper jewlani. appointing shlomo shekelburger as the new “president” of syria is a bit too blatant even for the zios.

Zyklon B bug spray

do you bleed through your nose every month ?


katz please take damascus and make a druze (idf commander) the president of syria.


the idf must invade damascus, seize the presidential palace, and appoint an idf general (a druze) as president of syria.

Ghost of Kiev

maybe if you say it like 5 more times it will happen?

the poof

the rat’s shift will more than likely finish before the fifth repetition. bagels and cheap coffee then.


προφανως αεριζεται συχνα και..ξεχναει !


maybe if he puts on his ruby slippers and bangs his heels together three times, it will all magically happen.


shlomo as i told ya, dont sniff glue and smoke crack at the same time, it cause heavy mental and jrsin damages ss we see on your coments.


but if erdogan wants to do to the druze what he did to the alawites, trump should cause another earthquake in anatolia.
ht tp s://geller repo rt. com /202 5/03/ a-desert- of-s keleton s-syria s-is la mic-reg imes- bru tal-ma ss-slau ght er-of-r eligi ous-m inoritie s -rages- as-w orld-ig nores. ht m l/

in any case, katz’s army must capture damascus.


keep on dreaming hasbara bastard.


so jolani is the real slave of zionist . he has nothing to do with syria minority . one side he attacked alawi and shia bcuz they fight israel. but refuse to take action against druze bcuz they are partner of isral. what a hypocrite.

The Crunge

to those alawites who handed over your weapons……wtf were you thinking?

we all make mistakes, but damn! that was dumb! maybe their brains were malnourished from food shortages after their farmland was taken over.

USA & Israel are #1!

the allies ass-kicked iran and russia out of syria!


The Crunge

if it were so easy to ass kick russia, why are they taking the ukraine?


μην του βαζεις δυσκολα.. θα πρεπει να σκεφτη !


nope, they achieved all that could be achieved and cut their losses. they walked away, they didn’t run. unlike the amerikunts in vietnam, lebanon, somalia, afghanistan.

USA #1 mentally ill

we prefer suck-tarian cuz we like lick tranny peniz


bunch of fucking donkey’s, shooting at each other just because now they have guns! will they ever learn? israel is on the verge of establishing the greater israel project and these monkey’s are busy shooting each other! pathetic loosers! you deserve this fate!


bunch of fucking donkey’s shooting at each other while israhell is establishing greater israel! will they ever learn? it doesn’t look that way! fucking degenerates! still busting each others balls over a 1400 year old issue about who should have been the first caliph! being a muslim myself, i am sick and tired of these donkey’s and their brainless behaviour!


they always prioritise their petty feuds and vendettas instead of uniting against external enemies. had they done so, iraq, libya, lebanon and syria would not have been destroyed. there would have been no gaza genocide. moslems, christians and jews would be living together in peace in palestine.


seria tão bom ver esses selvagem se matarem até o ultimo, inclusive suas crias e gerações satânicas futuras. o planeta ficaria melhor.

the narrative

best merc army israel can buy with murikan money in action .
