Secret Service Director Talks About Global Conflict, While NATO Wants Long-Range Strikes On Russia

Secret Service Director Talks About Global Conflict, While NATO Wants Long-Range Strikes On Russia

Outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Trump’s second assassination attempt on September 15 shows just how charged the political atmosphere in the United States is. It came just a bit over two months after he was nearly killed on July 13, when the US Secret Service (SS) virtually failed at its primary task. However, instead of making up for these “mistakes”, the SS couldn’t guarantee Trump’s safety (or perhaps it didn’t want to). Their “solution” was to limit his rallies to indoor venues.

It should be noted that this would’ve certainly been a major setback for the Trump campaign, as enormous outdoor rallies are one of his most powerful election assets. Worse yet, even this wouldn’t have guaranteed Trump’s safety, as the SS has proven to be spectacularly incompetent, or worse, somehow involved in the assassination attempt. Namely, the sheer number of safety snags during the nearly fateful Trump rally in Butler indicated that these weren’t exactly snags, but a series of preplanned events. Although it may seem like a “crazy conspiracy theory” now, there’s very serious and disturbing speculation that precisely this happened.

The testimony of the then-SS Director Kimberley Cheatle led to her resignation, but this hardly changed the calculus, as the corrupt federal institutions have proven their unrelenting hostility toward Trump. The mainstream propaganda machine is still in lockstep with them, presenting the assassination attempt as a “minor incident”, while numerous Democrats were openly lamenting that the bullet didn’t kill Trump. Similar reactions were also heard during the second attempt on Trump’s life.

However, instead of dealing with this, the new (acting) SS Director Ronald Rowe Jr. was busy making up excuses. Namely, during a West Palm Beach press briefing on September 16, Rowe described “the challenges of protecting Trump and lessons learned going forward”. Interestingly, this is a common US trope when it fails at something. Numerous security experts pointed out the SS’s glaring failures that allowed two assassination attempts in just two months. However, Rowe kept defending the disgraced agency, insisting it had put in place the “highest levels of protection”.

His comments indicate that the SS is possibly expecting more attacks on Trump. Rowe spoke about the need for a “paradigm shift” and even touched upon geopolitical affairs, mentioning that the US could find itself in a direct “kinetic conflict or some other issue”. The obvious question arises, why would the (acting) Director of SS talk about something that’s completely outside the scope of his powers and profession?

“But the long and short of it is this – coming out of Butler, I have ordered a paradigm shift. The Secret Service’s protective methodologies work, and they are sound, and we saw that yesterday. But the way we are positioned right now, in this dynamic threat environment, it has given me guidance to say – you know what? We need to look at what our protective methodology is. We need to get out of a reactive model and get to a readiness model. There could be another geopolitical event that could put the United States into a kinetic conflict or some other, uh, some other issue that may result in additional responsibilities and protectees of the [SS]. And so we are working, we are making information available to all of our partners, and I just wanna say that the commitment of Congress to the Secret Service throughout the years has been tremendous. And we will continue to work with them and Secretary Mayorcas, whose support in making sure we’re getting what we need has been phenomenal,” Rowe said.

Interestingly, Ryan Wesley Routh, who tried to kill Trump on September 15, wrote in a book published in February 2023 that he “looked forward to World War III” and “hoped he could burn down the Kremlin”. It’s quite peculiar that Routh and Rowe were concerned with global conflict while formally being on opposing sides. The former even worked on recruiting foreign fighters for the Neo-Nazi junta, once again demonstrating that its frontman Volodymyr Zelensky is certainly getting on Trump’s bad side.

However, the (acting) SS Director and the failed assassin aren’t the only ones pushing for WW3. Namely, the outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg openly supports the Kiev regime’s use of Western-made weapons to strike targets deeper within Russia. He downplayed the power of Moscow’s strategic arsenal, telling LBC radio that he “welcomed the discussion over long-range missiles”. In another interview with Foreign Policy Stoltenberg said he was in favor of NATO approving long-range strikes on Russia.

“So far, we haven’t seen any changes in [Russian] nuclear posture that require any changes from our side,” he said, while admitting that “there won’t be any winners in a nuclear war”.

Astonishingly enough, such schizophrenic statements show just how out of touch the political West is. When the interviewer pressed over the question of Moscow’s possible retaliation, Stoltenberg made another senseless statement.

“[There are] no risk-free options in the war”, he said, adding: “But I continue to believe that the biggest risk for us, for United Kingdom, for NATO, will be if President Putin wins in Ukraine.”

These statements come mere days after Russian President Vladimir Putin made it perfectly clear that the use of US/NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets to guide Western long-range weapons will effectively be considered a declaration of war and that the Kremlin will take “appropriate actions”. However, even more astonishingly, Stoltenberg rejected Putin’s assertion that the world’s most vile racketeering cartel will become a direct party to the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict in case it coordinates long-range strikes on Russia.

In a separate Foreign Policy interview, he even stated that “this is not correct when President Putin says that we will become party to the conflict”. Stoltenberg tried to make a parallel between hundreds of billions of NATO-sourced weapons supplied to the Neo-Nazi junta and the alleged Iran and North Korean arms deliveries to Russia, insisting that doesn’t mean they’re parties to the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. However, he failed to explain that these supposed weapons shipments don’t include ISR involvement.


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coon tether uk foreign secretary david lammy (code name: the king’s gorilla) would be beaten to death by the white supremacists of the following organizations: ss aidar, ss kraken, wolfsangel (aka azov), ua waffen ss, ss nachtigall (who are now in kursk killings civilians), leibstandarte adolf hitler, right sektor – all of them hate untermensch apes niggas like him, and all of them are leading the ukrainian government and military. all of them funded by the uk tax payers


on wednesday, the outgoing nato neocon, who should be thrown in prison for life as a threat to humanity, jens stoltenberg, is an outrageous and irresponsible head of nato, and his replacement will be more of the same. this disgusting necon suggested that allowing ukraine to use western long-range missiles to strike russian territory would not trigger an escalation from moscow.


correct he was educated at the oldest catholic school in europe so possibly on earth the most traditional anti orthodox catholic school possible he on one hand claims to not be religious, but on the other said “i only feel the presence of god in church”

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

gerome, you sound retarded. always posting the same drivel. there’s something wrong with you. you’re obviously a little retarded

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i hope moscow has lots of bomb shelters…heheheh


to store all the homeless ukrainians yes.


no they should be given homes in lake como region and switzerland.


99.8% of the supposed “us government” consists of bought and paid for globalist jew prostitutes. that also applies to probably 75 to 80% of state and local governments as well.

this pathetic bureaucrat clown rowe is a perfect example.

they only understand violence just like their jew masters.

Last edited 5 months ago by williebrennan

wrong the most powerful members of congress are, and have been for decades catholics they’re the richest and the most influential and longest serving often. about 25%
from memory. that’s the facts not nazi propaganda.
as george wrote in his personal private correspondences, “the greatest threat to american democracy will come from pope’s and prince’s” cardinals are princes of the church, and the pope is their monarch.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

actually i think the most wealthy and influential are only about 10% eg nancy pelosi as speaker who oversaw jan 6.


here watch learn
google the popes address to congress.
watch the speaker crying literally crying. count the catholics. deduction.


the real enemy of nato countries is globalism. the failing economic and political system by and for the super rich. nato countries are only fighting the progress of other countries euphemistically listing russia as the cause of their own failures as a diversion while fully implementing their new system


using dr who. as the front for their universal aspirations.


they’re all pawns. they do as they’re told by the monarch mind control
programmer imo. the idea is to overwhelm the
world with horrible bloody murders infanticide genocide destruction death so that the people give up and surrender to absolutism.
all initiated by the power, of the law .

R. Ambrose Raven

“kremlin will take “appropriate actions” but the zionist state, the u.s. and other imperial powers have plundered the world through the systematic use of pathological violence without “restraint to prevent escalation”. zionist jets are buzzing beirut to underline its humiliation of hezbollah, because wanting war more than hezbollah does give the zionists a key strategic advantage. hamas realised that.


no you’ve been deceived by their propaganda that’s why they employ propagandaz they rmteach if in universities using education as their mind control thatz why they want your kiddies in their schools and colleges

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

just realise that they want to prolong this war for as long as they can. for example the horrendous aukus deal catholic prime minister albanese, has signed australia, up for, costing aussie billions isn’t even going to complete delivery of the 8 nuclear submarine, until hopefully 2040.


here’s the secret hexagram of saturn truth seekers association you tube.
now obviously no kne ever was the physical embodiment of saturn the king if the gods or isis his eldest daughter so it’s all made up by someone else imo there’s no budha or mohammed or jesus equivalent in their story.


oh look as usual the evil internets deceitful and devious a hexagram a hexagram moslems pilgrimage to mecca to worship the black cube you know who made that video don’t you? but the facts about saturn and isis are the point the fact thecbatucan makes saturnalia appear to be christmas. whilst in your face it’s a sun dial centre with a phallus in a circle in your face.


islamic women wear black, men wear white ok so they are saturn’s daughters they say white is a masculine colour and black feminine. like day and night women are the night creatures.
in english literature or mythogy witches wear black. have a black cat all that blah blah blah etcetera etcetera.
hubble bubble toil and trouble and dance around the hexagram


“and in the end times the whole world shall be deceived” the bible. you see? satan covers all the bases he is the great deceiver of the whole world a divide and conquerer.


if i had to guess, i would say the narrator is south african professor of zoology, i think he is, walter seith. i think that’s the spelling. something like that.


they really do go on and on ad infinitum ad nauseum.
its about the 2 page in the bible ” and male and female he created them both” not male or female he created each.