Scholz Insists On Talking With Putin

Scholz Insists On Talking With Putin

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Germany’s despair over the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict continues to grow. Prime Minister Olaf Scholz wants to prevent the security crisis in Europe from spiraling out of control. He is doing everything possible to avoid negative consequences for Germany and himself if new red lines are crossed, but instead of following the correct path of peace with Russia, Scholz prefers a dangerous ambiguity – simultaneously calling for negotiations but still arming Ukraine.

In a recent speech, the German Chancellor stated that it is necessary to negotiate with Putin and try to advance diplomatic talks. He described as “absurd” the attitude of some countries in refusing to talk to Putin, especially with regard to European states, which he believes have an obligation to act more intensively in regional diplomacy.

“Everybody knows that it (not talking with Putin) would be absurd and a sign of unbelievable political weakness, if we in Germany and in Europe now waited for others to conduct these phone conversations, and we sort of commented on the news shown on TV,” he said.

Scholz’s narrative is that, by avoiding talking to Putin, Europeans are being excluded from the decision-making process of the conflict, resulting in a total American control of Western engagement. He allegedly has Germany’s and Europe’s best interests in mind when he advocates for direct negotiations with the Russian leader, claiming that this is the only way to prevent Europe from being isolated politically and diplomatically.

As well known, Scholz recently had a phone call with Putin, in which he reaffirmed his position of full support for Ukraine, but was willing to listen to the Russian president’s opinions. At the time, he was heavily criticized by European and Ukrainian authorities, but he responded to all criticism by stating that it is necessary to establish this type of dialogue to prevent Europe from being excluded from the diplomatic process. He also promised to call Putin more often, making it clear that his stance from now on will be to pay attention to Russian warnings and demands, without, however, changing Germany’s policy of assisting Kiev.

“The conversation was very detailed but contributed to a recognition that little has changed in the Russian president’s views of the war – and that’s not good news (…) It was important to tell him [Putin] that he cannot count on support [for Kiev] from Germany, Europe, and many others in the world waning (…) There are those in Germany who consider the lack of negotiations with Putin a good idea, but I am not one of them (…) Soon I will talk to the president of Russia again (…) In my view, it would not be a good idea if there were talks between the American and Russian presidents and the leader of an important European country was not also doing so,” he said at the time.

These moves by Scholz indicate that the German leader is truly desperate. He is seeing the security crisis between the West and Russia getting worse and is trying in every way to keep himself out of consequences. Scholz knows that the situation could spiral out of control at any moment and lead to an open conflict – possibly global and nuclear – and so he is trying to make Europeans aware of the importance of talking to the Russians, instead of blindly trusting in American management of the war.

Scholz does this not because he is “pro-peace”, but due to pure political pragmatism. The internal crisis in Germany has clearly shown him that supporting Ukraine is bad for Berlin. The dismantling of the coalition supporting the government has left the situation extremely unstable for Berlin, which is why Scholz now has a more reasonable stance on the conflict. Although he has not changed his military aid policy, Scholz refuses to authorize deep strikes and does not send long-range missiles, in addition to starting to talk to Putin.

However, Scholz’s efforts are useless. Regardless of what he says in his calls with Putin, Europe will remain isolated from the diplomatic process as long as the EU continues to adhere to the irrational US-imposed policy of hostility towards Russia. It is not enough to “listen to what Putin has to say” – Germany and Europe must stop cooperating with Ukrainian military actions and end their participation in the conflict once and for all. Otherwise, Moscow will continue to see the Europeans as co-participants in the war and the EU will be considered an open enemy in the event of a direct conflict.

Scholz has yet to take the final step to reverse the negative legacy of his government over three years of conflict with Russia. It remains to be seen whether he has enough courage and political strength to do so.

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might as well talk to putin.. that’s all he does.. on the other hand, possibly events will spin out of control in ukraine, georgia, and syria. the west is not demonstrating restraint, and the russians are not proactive, which leaves the initiative in the hands of the west. the west has crossed all of russia’s redlines and putin does nothing…!


yet somehow atacms and storm shadow/scalp missiles have not been launched at russia for some time. and ukraine is being reduced to a pulp. so the ‘putin does nothing’ mantra is the only thing those that want regime change in russia can spout, even if it is patently absurd.


say what you want. however, putin’s inaction has cost the loss of syria and his further inaction will cost him ukraine and maybe even russia.. he had better get serious about this war and fight it rather than tit-for- tat with kid gloves..!! he can’t negotiate with treasonous liars..!!

Last edited 3 months ago by Skip59

people like you should be exterminated. 1 million dead people is not enough for you. it’s ‘inaction’. please report to any battlefield near you to show us how you can be ‘serious’, otherwise people will think that you are a genocidal paid nato propagandist. and what happened to the nuclear attack on russia in december ?

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ

sorry you don’t accept truth..!


mac you and your dwarf are shabbos idiots.

Shlomo's little weenie

now, like a lot of people, you’re taking as gospel (that’s anti-shemantic ) the kosher excrement of this out of control psy-op on “syria”. it’s like the biggest hollywood blockbuster of all time ! ! ! 😮. and that’s what all this multi media doom and gloom frenzy may turn out to be – hollywood ! (also known as jewywood).

AM Hants

isn’t president putin the president of russia, not syria? is he not?


he is just spokes model, like an american president.

AM Hants

don’t know any us president who is able to hold 4 hour press conferences, with over 1500 international journalists, all questions asked, do you? or 3-4 hour direct line, telephone marathons with their people. do you?


didn’t mean to hurt your feelings..! just saying the truth..!


they are being saved up for a decapitating strike.

the very strike putin was worried about coming from nato on the doorstep is already being prepared

AM Hants

haha, nothing nato has left in the toybox worries president putin. not much left to use.

Hardi Har Har Krishnamurti

scholz insists on talking with putin and putin insists on scholz not wasting his time. hehehe

5 dancing israelis

make the dniepr the new russian border or russian youth will have to fight an other war in 2035. remember the minsk agreements….


not dnepr, but until poland. otherwise the land in between will be the new idlib.


they can’t even defend kursk, how are they going to the polish border.

oligarch russian army, very small and cheap.

Living on in Infamy

oh, you mean that agreement enshrined in unsc res 2202 by unanimous vote and then sabotaged by merkel and hollande in typical cowardly fashion?

why is merkel now opening her big mouth after so long a silence?
could this be her final mea culpa act of desperation before committing suicide? or is she still as cowardly as ever, writing her memoirs in hopes of attaining some sort of ritual cleansing?

sorry angela, the devil’s got you now and will never let your soul live in peace.

Last edited 3 months ago by Living on in Infamy

look unless you understand hoe they ran thevwitch hunts throughout europe for 450 years ,with complete community compliance, you won’t understand who you are talking about .you don’t understand how they use psychology to deceive, to twist to turn the law to serve them. scholz knows he’s a trapeeze artist .all the ones in the spotlight do .it’s a balancing act .


and unsurprisingly that which they always try to prevent happening the direct personal communication between actors is always frowned upon. trust us they say .


and of course scholz and putin know the line will be bugged .they know they will never be allowed privacy. all of them know that even the littlest brown nose sycophant working in.some obscure paddock somewhere surrounded by smerfs .


the primary object of scholz in talking to putin is to make certain that deliveries of energy from russia to i a germany will commence asap once a truce is achieved. german industry is close to collapsing and they need to restart it with cheap energy and other resources. he just want’s to be first in line.


he doesn’t want to buy energy from the privateering american based foreign operators at their prices to be gouged by effectively privatised tax collectors in.disguise

Hardi Har Har Krishnamurti

scholz the soup nazi says: “no more nicety nice for you if you let us sink into an industrial wasteland.”

putin says: “too late oloaf, we’ve already copied and improved on whatever you sent us and can make it for a fifth the price. auf wiedersehen my little weinerschitzel.”

AM Hants

they can always use ns2, as still functional.


it’s simple, european leaders, france, english or german, not one can be trusted! no honour, no integrity, and their word is worth nothing!

Hardi Har Har Krishnamurti

worth less than nothing, since anyone betting on it can lose their integrity, their shirt and even their underwear too, to stand naked before the world as a flat-footed fool.

Hardi Har Har Krishnamurti

scholz insists on talking with putin and putin insists on not wasting his time. hehehe

R. Ambrose Raven

not at all. pretence of rapport with your subject is quite an effective means of interrogation, here of frequent contact to condition them to soften then abandon their position. very successfully used by us in middle east.


so why hasn’t it been since the start of the smo ? you’re full of shit.


putin was willing to abandon his position two weeks into the war, that is what istanbul was all about.

Pox Ukraina

then the ukrainians used bucha as an excuse to withdraw, one of the most amateurish false flag operations in the history of warfare but still gud enuff fur the west to run with it, most likely because it was the west, prob. the brits, who helped plan it.

Trollhattan Sweden

so, all those monty python skits were actually a reality show? i always thought they were.

Living on in Infamy

nothing comedic about the brits’ role as satan’s helper.


which of course, is total buii sheet hypocritical nonsense.
this ci0wn wanted nothing to do with any conversations with putin or anyone else in the russian government up until about 4 months ago —- when ukraine’s collapse on the battlefield became to big to conceal any longer.


kiev’s putsch regime thought they’d get free rein to murder their way to victory in donbass.

there are consequences for such harsh deeds. enjoy them, my little bandoleros.


avete perso la siria azerbaijan, il centro asiatico,la libia adesso potete perdere anche l’ucraina, pensate al corridoio nord sud, india iran russia la rotta artica, inutile il medioriente tutte le guerre sono li, l’africa è grande ci sono altri posti, una raccomandazione tenete le super armi negli hangar così perdete,è penoso.


dream on, nato boy.

Germany falls

germany wants again cheap russian petrol, germany s economy falling

Last edited 3 months ago by Germany falls

scholz is ordering free hang gliding lessons in all the schools, just in case.


scholz visiting ukr and providing weapons and money to ukr to hurt russians and putting sanctions on russ and now expects talks. russia gotta be really foolish to continue like that.

Last edited 3 months ago by regretforthelosers
Toni Blinker

after oreshnik obliterated yuzmash my diapers filled w diarrea—-we feminized amerikunts now accept russian superiority—my taliban therapist tells me i need more obese dominatrix


hehe oreshnik is kaput, fantasy dreaming weapon. one man show weapon.


as a retired amerikunt transgender janitor i am expert at scrub toilet lick peniz mean bitter cuz gay mulatto ignore. me and nobody luv me

captain hohol

putin to scholz: “no fag politics in russia, ever”.

the neoliberal elites of the west are like that giant black tranny bitch who ran at a cop until the cop shot them, that’s a perfect analogy of their motives. to a neoliberal leftist elite you might as well kill them if because they will self destruct if they don’t get what they want.

Last edited 3 months ago by captain hohol