Click to see full-size image. (Screengrab/the Islamic Resistance in the Land of the Two Holy Mosques)
A Saudi armed group calling itself the Islamic Resistance in the Land of the Two Holy Mosques (IRLTHM) announced on October 25 that it had carried out its first ever attack against Israel in support of the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.
In a statement, the group said that it struck a “vital target” in “occupied Palestine” with a suicide drone, describing the attack as “an expression of the living will of the people of the Arabian Peninsula.”
“We affirm that our jihadi contribution with the righteous front in combating the Israeli aggression in these sensitive historical circumstances is a documentation of the identity of our noble and honorable resistance, and an affirmation of its struggle project that aspires to truth and justice, and belongs in its spirit, mind and sacrifices to the resilient and strong nation,” the group said.
“We declare that the resistance will continue its jihadi activity in support of our resilient people in Palestine and Lebanon, and we will not stop until the Zionist aggression on Gaza and Lebanon stops,” it added.
Video footage released by the group showed the launch of a suicide drone very similar in design to an Iranian type codenamed by the United States military and intelligence as KAS-04. The drone was launched from what appears to be a desert area.
Warning sirens and air defenses were activated multiple times in several parts of Israel on October 25. However, it is unclear if any of the incidents were related to the drone attack carried out by the IRLTHM.
The name of the IRLTHM, its terminology and the drone used in the attack on Israel all suggest that the group is linked to Iran or one of its allies.
Neither Saudi Arabia or Israel have commented yet on the group’s attack. In addition, there is still no evidence confirming that the attack was launched from Saudi territories.
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today, anyone who can build a drone from a hobby market and post a video about it on the internet can claim to represent a great group of the most amazing and intellectual people in the world. mainly brainwashed muslims have tendency to do so. gaza – reality check.
but keep coming back and crying for the zionist shits losing their lives
americans are brainwashed into believing israel has some right to kill those of other faiths for the sake of hitlers treatment of jews. this is the brainwashing a total zionist fabrication as there was no right given by the people of palestine. israel would not exist except for an illegal piece of paper called the rothschild’s balfour declaration
david lloyd-george never had the right to gift palestine to the jews. moreover, the insidious document specifies that the indigenous people shall be respected, their property and their homes, which the jews forgot about immediately. the dream of a greater israel is subsidized by the americans who would love to control the oil in the me. and iran is in the way and must be squashed.
stupid ass smack talk of a dickless shekels shill
brainwashed, or showing true colors. the arabs have wanted israel destroyed ever since it was israel back in 1948. this did not just start yesterday.
wonder if mbs is supporting this group tacitly. probably. particularly now that the jews have declared that the two state solution is dead and which is a requirement from saudi to normalize relation with the jews!
or iraqi’s or yemeni’s firing from ksa desert to make mbs jump one way or the other and get off the fence he’s perched on. might make for some interesting conversation with tel aviv. could even be revenge for that saudi media story that pissed off the arab world. anyway, mbs has some ‘splaining to do. ‘hello, nutty? say, i need to talk to you about that drone….’
house of saud can do better siding with russia and iran, for opec dominance, cut of the zionist empire of oil until it collapses…
the house of saud are reportedly a family of jews.
maybe true indeed. especially since disgusting israeli politicians openly showed new maps of “greater israel” (erez israel) which includes not only parts of iraq and turkish claimed northern syria but even included all of saudi arabia.
i have a used giant scale rq-170 radio controlled airplane model, powered by a 195mm electric ducted fan motore that i bought from the tower hobbies catalog long time ago. i can no longer fly it ever since i had a brain hemorrhage caused by an arteriovenous malformation.
i’m asking 50 cent.
i can mount an electric model plane motor to an arrow, with wings and a stick of tnt, guided with basic r/c and camera, tethered with fiber optics and take out pretty much any zionist cocksucker on his yatch from a comfortable distance…
good for you. hit monohulls, catamarans but spare the trimaran sailboats if you would be so kind.
that’s very good news. muslim people wake up and forget your governments. instead take things into your own hands and start supporting the honorable people of palestine with all you have, money, weapons, own military actions and the faith in allah and la illaha il allah ! now we are all waiting for the egypt people to stand up and give the jews a beating too.
passive actions could be almost as effective. ordinary people in the 1.5 billion moslem world (and the rest of the world) boycotting us and israeli brands and products. there are plenty of alternatives. hit them where it hurts. these people only care about money. make them pay for supporting genocide.
the more the merrier. why should hezbollah and hamas have all the fun.
yep more people the idf will have to kill as this drags on, and on, and on, and on…
idf cant beat saudi
saudi has many aircraft