Salman, the absolute Monarch of Saudi Arabia since 23 Januari 2015.
The United Nations has made Saudi Arabia‘s envoy the head of the influential U.N. Human Rights panel. The 5 person panel selects human rights experts for the United Nations for scores of roles where the U.N. has a mandate on Human Rights.
The watch-dog group U.N.-Watch uncovered the June appointment months later, on 17th September. UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer:”Saudi Arabia has arguably the worst record in the world when it comes to religious freedom and women’s rights“.
Saudi Arabia sentenced a blogger (Raif) to 1,000 lashes, for blogging about free speech. Saudi Arabia beheaded more people last year then ISIS. 175 people over the previous 12 months where executed. This spring Saudi Arabia increased the number of beheadings, and was offering jobs to 8 new executioners. Saudi Arabia has the death penalty for: murder, apostasy, blasphemy, idolatry, homosexuality, sedition, witchcraft and sorcery,
adultery, drug use/trafficking.
Article 29 section 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adds to a long list of basic rights: These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Saudi Arabia executes 5 Yemenis, displays bodiesTuesday, May 21, 2013
by Jos Boersema