S-400. FILE IMAGE: Dmitry Vinogradov/RIA Novosty
Saudi Arabia has agreed to buy Russian S-400 air defense missile system, the Saudi television station al-Arabiya reported on Thursday.
State-owned Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) added that the sides also signed a memorandum of understanding on the issue that would help Riyadh to develop its defense industries. The report came amid a visit by Saudi King Salman to Russia.
According to SAMI, the memorandum is signed in the context of contracts to procure the S-400, the Kornet-EM system, the TOS-1A, the AGS-30 and the Kalashnikov AK-103.
The procurement was “based on the assurance of the Russian party to transfer the technology and localize the manufacturing and sustainment of these armament systems in the Kingdom”. No additional info about timeframe or the number of each system was provided.
The S-400 is an advanced Russian long-range anti-aircraft missile system. It can carry 3 types of warheads designed to destroy various targets including ballistic and cruise missiles.
They should charge them more in order to make surplus to give them to Syria
Yeah, that’s fine! :-((
They should not sell the things to that scvmbags. One day “the Free CIA-rian Army”-SIC!- will shoot-down Russian Su-35 with that things.
IRAN waits 10 years for that OBSOLETE S-300 and THESE pYgs get S-400.
This is what I don’t like by PUTIN: this double-games.
And iit’s even worse : ISRAEL gets a few, to copy them and try to adjust their jamming on the Russian-S400. Not to mention THE USA that gets a few, too in exchange for ammo to the 100-200 Billions Trump-deal.
One consequence of this deal is that the US can hardly complain when Iran is granted the S400. The US will also be very pissed at losing sales for their missiles as well of course :)
That is exactly the point. Now the way is wide open to sell the S400 to Iran.
That KGB-a++hole shall sell the S-400 as S-300 to Iran and NOT give the Saudis the SAMs because that means that ISRAEL has a few and the USA , too after one week.
And they may adjust their JAMMING-sets in the planes to knock-out the S-400 radars, how they did with the S-300 (CYPRUS got a few… and the USA and ISRAEL immediately “dropped a look” ..)
your worry is understable and base on logical reason. no doubt, once saudi get s-400, both israel and usa can adjust their setting plane to avoid s-400 radars..
Sometimes it seems that Putin is going insane…
Since when need the USA a logical reason to complain and demonize a country that they will bomb ?
How was that with Powell at the UN about Saddam’s WMDs?
Or that with Hillary about Libya?
And now Bibiland about Iran’s A-bombs? (and the Kosher-mafiosi have more than 300 of them..)
The truth is that Putin eats sh*t and tries his “little KGB-spy games” how he used to “work” in DRESDEN-Germany in the ’90s, as he bought and sold German spies.
Putin is VERY BRITISH => no friends, no enemies, just INTERESTS…
Aleppo stop-and-go, was a SIGNAL that the guy swims in the twilight..
Don’t you see how THE CHINESE pulled-back from the Syrian waters ? (at the beginning they were there too).
You make a good point there Nick.
commie, your lies do not interest here anybody
It seems that the TRUTH upsets you Solomon. The prisoners in Gaza cannot leave without Israeli permission that is VERY hard to get and ALL the links to the concentration camp are fully controlled by Israel.
That is a PRISON Solomon. A prison without sufficient food, clean water, power, medical aid, proper schooling etc, where Palestinians are forced to live in squalor.
It is an Israeli Concentration Camp .
time to change for israel!!!
The Israelis are finding that much of the world does not love them :)
they are brainwashed by a regime, its hard to free think in irael, but there is a small group….
just like it is almost impossible not to hate israelis when you are born in gaza for instance
don’t get me wrong, to live in gaza is hell compared with living in israel
Indeed. Gaza is the largest concentration camp that the world that has ever existed and the Camp Guards are JEWS.
there is a diference between the nazi camps and gaza, but the situation is a disgrace and should stop
Gaza is in a warmer climate ?
What the fuck?
What’s your problem yank? Got you screwed again…
The Russians are making out like cheap prostitutes. Guess that’s how they honour their war dead by wahabism.
They should sell them broken and wait to see what happens to those filthy saudis.
Do you really think that ARABS will prove if the things work?
ISRAEL and the US Army will send “Arab specialists” to verify if the “stuff is proper”
They just need to add a “back door” to the system and then: KABOOM!
Dont worry, kill switsch inside!
That is a Strange move by Putin. I wonder what the Iranian think of that…
One explanation is that The kingdom payed a huge amount of money for that one..
PS: i wouldnt worry about copying the technology and finding counter measures..the S500 and s600 is already in production…
Yeah, but if you’re Iran, and your supposed ally is giving your enemy a superior system to yours, what does that say? They shouldn’t be giving them any system that endangers your aircraft, period. I hope Iran refuses to be forced into buying upgrades. They should just hire Russian scientists
Sometimes when your eyes are open you wish you can shut them again. Yemen, Syria etc doesn’t really mean shit to the Russians because they have their occupation deal signed. Now they are arming the wahabis too, just like other countries are doing and have done in Syria etc. Once upon a time, I used to think Putin and Lavrov were honourable men.
I think in other ways. You have to know that russia has the codes for this system. So, russia can say which target S-400 can destroy or not destroy. Russia or its alies can without problems fly against the S-400 system. Friendly fire is offline :D
According to this report the deal envisions the handing of the technology to Saudi Arabia meaning the codes as well. This is very dangerous not only for Syria and Iran but for Russia itself.
I dont think so, that would be very stupid ^^
Doesn’t Russia have a ccompltely different export S400, to the one the Russians have. They are fully aware the US and Israel want to strip them down, but, didn’t they try that with the S300 and were unable to reverse engineer the system? Russia will only give Saudi, what they are willing to share, bearing in mind the S500 is virtually up and running.
Can anybody see them giving Saudi the technology, to the actual Russian version?
I have heard two versions. Zio nato was able to crack cyprus greek s3000 and another version said they could not.who to believe?
Somewhere in the middle? If NATO were able to open it up and find it’s treasures, how come they are so phased and surprised by all it can do, many years later? NATO cannot even sail their ships, without crashing into merchant shipping, and that is with their own Aegis systems on board. So how would they interpret Russian technology?
I agree.i have laughed about ships crashing for some time.what a disgrace.
Must admit I am still laughing. Not helped by an article on Sputnik, and the US conclusion that they need to go back to working with pens and compasses.
Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils to Help Avoid Collisions at Sea… https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/27/us/politics/navy-orders-safety-operational-standards.html
Stealth ships, noted for being hard to see, with Aegis systems on board, out in the deep, deep sea, navigating shipping lanes, with their Automatic Identification Systems turned off. They then wonder why cargo ships and oil tankers have a problem seeing them?
Reminds me of the USS Zumwalt, that the Russians and Chinese have no problem seeing, but, the poor fishermen and merchant ships cannot see. Now what can go wrong, besides the fact she loves to breakdown?
Well the S400 , the Turkish government will without any doubt allow the US to “inspect the technology”. To include the Kornet EM , the TOS 1A , the AGS 30 , and even the Kalashnikov AK103 , as sales would be bad enough , but to include “transfer of technology and localize the manufacturing and sustainment of these armament systems in the Kingdom ” , looks like a complete surrender .
Fake News I hope .
If only the Russians would listen to you.
They are gonna lose a lot of wars without taking your advice!
Cmon Russia, you don’t want those yanks inspecting the S400 please..and the Kornets and even the Aks…
The Russian MoD and FSB have nixed the transfer of technology as these are critical areas. They can’t reverse engineer these they are for international use like the same as the US does for many countries with their exports.
Russia does not care..s 400 is now obsolete..putin as s500 coming out soon.
If S400 is obsolete, why didn’t Russia want to sell these to North-Korea, Syria, Iran, Yemen ? However, Russia is selling it to its friends enemies Turkey-Saudis !!
Do not try to justify the madness behavior of Putin….. Maybe Russia is under total controlled by jews. That can explain this behavior.
Fake news as it has been nixed on the transfer of technology same as Turkey also.
If this is true? Then I have to say that it’s very disappointing, to put it mildly.
WTF!? Next time we’ll see Trump asking Putin to sell them some S-400’s…
ahhaahahahahahhahahaah everybody gets one s-400 ! russia supply terrorist country no. 1 yes you read it right ..
I wonder why Serbs don’t get one?
because they are pussies ! weapons don’t help them .. they don’t have balls to fight with real army . they only attack you when you don’t have any weapons . later they run away with tractors in tears .. :)
you are wrong. in ww1 they stopped the whole austrian monarchy. in ww2 also were heroes. on the other hand, croats are coward animals.
you are both wrong, everywhere good and bad people
and there are also mentalities of nations
a nation can never have a mentality, the are fantasies created by people
scientists say
Why do you try to project onto others what the Bosnians and Croats are in actuality like weak kneed goat children, they can only kill old women and children and need NATO for doing their fighting. Go cry to NATO you fake little tough guy.
Serbs are heroes. I guess you are Croat.
Serbia, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Palestine, Nort Korea, Venezuela, Equador, Bolivia, Hungaria will not get S-400 because its not good for Israel.
Saudi Arabia is Trump. Nothing happen in Saudi military without Pentagon´s instructions.
I doubt they will get it …
diugt is the second name of lucifer, junger zweifelstein :)
Is Putin getting crazy, or is this not Putin but someone else posing as Putin as his ex wife has said? The only means of deterrence for Iran and Syria is their large number of SS missiles which are comparable to the outdated Scuds. The S400’s can easily track and shoot down Scuds. This means the selling of the S400’s to Saudi Arabia more than Turkey denies the deterrence to Syria and Iran making it much more likely that they would be attacked by both Turkey but most of all by Saudi Arabia who has clearly and officially made that intention to attack Iran clear in public. To add insult to injury, Russia will transfer the S400 technology to Saudi Arabia! No country or politician in his senses would ever give away his own country’s technology to third parties because this amounts to high treason against the Russian state. This is truly unreal. I cannot recognize Putin any more.
rusia was, is will be two-faced ianus
nothing personal, just a business:)
yup, business. this made also the commies :)
Hummm, there is not way to justify the madness, Please, we are not fool.
i think there is polical reason behind this:
1. russia wants to break the relationship
between usa and saudi. at least, Russia does not want to waste the opportunity to have more influence in saudi.
2. remember, this is purchase agreement s-400. not delivery. its mean, the purchase is now, but delivery realization in the next 2 or 3 years. meaning that this agreement could be used by Russia to pressure Saudi to stop support terrorists in syria. and the end result is the good of the people of Syria.
3. This is saudi, bro. they can have the best weapons in the world. but, the man who operates that determined. saudi army is bullshit. they can have the best weapon arsenal, but against the houthi who carries ak47, saudi still can not afford it.
Lots can happen between purchase and delivery.ask the turks who paid fir two ships in ww1 and britain did not deliver when ready just before war declared.
Whatever be the political reason….. this is not understandable from the image that initially we had of Putin. There is not justification for arming the enemy of our friends. Saudis will support terrorists whenever USA command it to do so, independently of any agreement with any other nation. I think, Putin starts loosing popularity right away after selling S400 to Turkey and Saudis….does this means that jews control Russia ?
Fcuck kuwait.they lied about iraqi massacres to get us involved in gulf war one!
maybe russia decide to use american thaad in the future. therefore is this sellout. :)))
Good jock
Yes! Haha! Russia, is about make a deal with SDF through bashar in Syria for an autonomy! ??
I love how everyone think Russia is a savage like them with no recognition for human rights and dignity.
Now they’re going to call Russia Zionist! ??
Why did they agree to transfer the technology?
The Russian MoD and FSB have nixed the idea of a transfer of technology.
Yes, it is impossible to understand this if one thinks about Russia as an exceptional country that likes to do the right things (as in Syria). This is the point: Russia does not want to sell S400 to Iran because Israel told him not to do that. However, Russia is willing to sell S400 to Saudis who are killing civil people in Yemen with USA, and they were collaborators with USA for the attack and demolition of the twin towers. WOW, what is going on in Russia ? Where do they have their minds ?
Russia will have kill switch and will never give codes.saud will not be able to hit syrian or iranian planes.
There is something wrong!!! Sell S-400 and for free the tecnology??
Russia finally bended over. It took some time, but it seems they now understand who is the master.
Step #1 in Every Country’s Independence Playbook! That’s why Turkey ordered it, too. The S-400 is the reason Syria won its war: USAF was confined to agreed-upon targets. Venezuela has lots of smaller-caliber Russian AAMs, but is yet to afford the Rolls Royce of anti-aircraft weapons..
What do you mean by agreed upon targets?
Approved by the Russian and Syrian military. There were only two breaches, as far as I know.
So you are saying that trump bombed syrian airport with syria and russia telling him he was allowed to do so. So that way trump looks tough and saves face ?
How do you know? Where did u hear?
The US warned the Russians ahead of Syria missile strikes – CNBC.com
Apr 6, 2017 – The US warned the Russians ahead of Syria missile strikes … Following the U.S. attack, the head of Russia’s upper house of Parliament’s …
Yep.I remember that.
yeah dont forget to sell to UAE,Jordan and then terorrist take over the country
Russia have also promised ISIS they can get S-400 if they pay with oil.
The Sauds intend to pay with a rubber cheque.
I … feel a disturbance in the Force.
Interesting: what does Iran think about it?:)
I understand Putin may be trying to steal SA from the US, but this is a little much!!!