Satellite Images Show Damage At Key Israeli Air Base After Iranian Missile Attack

Satellite Images Show Damage At Key Israeli Air Base After Iranian Missile Attack

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The Nevatim air base in southern Israel sustained serious damage as a result of the October 1 Iranian missile attack, satellite images released by the Planet Labs show.

The attack, codenamed “Operation True Promise 2,” was carried out in response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas Movement, in Tehran last July, and the recent assassinations of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian General Abbas Nilforoushan in the Lebanese capital of Beirut.

Around 200 ballistic missiles were launched from Iran during the attack, including a number of Fattah-1 hypersonic medium-range missiles.

Alongside Nevatim, the missiles targeted the headquarters of the Mossad spy agency, Hatzerim Air Base, key radar facilities and military camps near the Gaza Strip.

The satellite images released on October 3 show multiple impacts at Nevatim, including direct hits on a large hangar and other structures.

Nevatim is home to the Israeli Air Force’s most advanced aircraft, including C-130J military transport planes, Boeing 707 and KC-130H refueling planes, GV Shavit and G550 Eitam/Oron early warning and intelligence planes, F-35I fighter jets and even the Boeing 767-338ER Wing of Zion plane used by senior officials.

The Israeli military acknowledged on October 2 that some of its air bases were hit in the Iranian attack, but said that damage was deemed “ineffective.”

The missile impacts damaged office buildings and maintenance areas in the bases, according to a statement released by the military.

Israel has already vowed to respond to the Iranian attack. From its side, Iran warned that any strike by Israel will be met with an even stronger attack with reports of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei ordering retaliatory strikes on Israeli infrastructure.


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everything crime minister widdle whiny baby nitwityahu pos does makes it worse for parasite zionut terrorist israel. his own people should kill the bitch. we should nuke them.

Snow Den

now you can clearly see the “extent” of the damage caused by the explosion of about 50-100 kg of the missile tnt warhead. it destroys one plane in a direct hit, damages 2 or three others at the best, and that’s it. how many missiles out of these 300 actually bypassed the defenses and hit something valuable? 10 percent? so, at best, israel has lost about 30 to 100 pieces of military equipment worth mentioning. the rest will strike iran hard.


i’m sure iran has set out the cardboard decoys to lure in the israelis into range of the murmansk and s400 complexes…. all the ghosts of kiev, and there are over a million of em now, can’t help israel get its head out of its selfdestructive arse of delusional thinking, kinda like you.

4 SnowDen

now explain to me how iran will use “cardboard decoys” to cover its nuclear power plant, its oil/gas infrastructure, its ports and hubs, and its research laboratories. iran sits like a duck. now it is only a matter of time what israel will focus and what the outcome will be. it seems that they have decided to knock out iran completely, in which case the entire oil industry, all energy, all industrial production will be gone. and what will be left? some tents and stone age technologies.


if they manage to shut down the iranian oil industrie then the chinese will not be happy and perhaps start doing something about israel. the russians on the other hand got the shaheds for which they needed iran. the russians on the other hand will then have less competition in the oil market and can raise the prices to china again.


relying on china is an even more short-sighted strategy than relying on russia, look, all superpowers are maniacs seeking their own benefit. the problem with russia and china is that they pretend to be better than the u.s. and that they are the saviors of humanity. but they are not. they are the same scumbags. i don’t see the difference.

V for Victory

they do not export democracy, you @sshole tr0lling.

and not, iran has about 3,000 ballistic missiles. now it launched 200. in case of war, your counting about damage must be increased by 20x atleast. no israeli air force will be still on air then. maybe usa join the war but then iran could block hormuz strait and crash the world economy.

take your bet.

Edgar Zetar

if you are a sick person you will believe everyone else is, the crazy thinks everybody else is crazy except him. usa empire did wrong several times, they fault on everyone including in their own people. the propaganda after wwii was only to defeat the ussr, they pretend, after ussr collapse we watch the usa empire did not care about anything instead they only tried to grab more land, resources and slave more third world goverments.


η σιωνιστικη,κομουνιστικη σοβιετικη αυτοκρατορια κατερρευσε !!! τωρα καταρρεει και η αγγλο-σιωνιστικη καπιταλιστικη αυτοκρατορια !!! ενασ πολυπολικοσ κοσμοσ των εθνικων κρατων ερχεται.. η ανθρωποτητα θα αναπνευση και η ευρωπη μετα απο το 1945 θα ελευθερωθη !!!


think before speaking.. a little advice there for you, kamala.


russia and china are status quo powers, happy with what they’ve got. they want peace and stability for win-win trade with the rest of the world. unlike uncle sugar and his assorted jackals and poodles, they don’t set out to slaughter, starve and immiserate hundreds of millions of people across the planet like demented cartoon villains.

orthodox haters sicpufs

thet are not gayee and sickly like you low iq degenerate inflation loving gimp!

Huckelberry finn

the difference between you lot and iran, is that iran don´t run their mouths before they´ve got the job done. let´s see what you achieve first, then we can talk. you´re trying to gather a nice little coalition, cuz alone you can´t do jacksh1t, so that´s already settled. go it alone if you´re so tough.

Huckelberry finn

you already build yourselves up for failure by running your mouth, then achieving far less than you´ve announced. gaza was supposed to be a 2 weeks picnic, one year later, merkavas are still getting popped.


yeah that should be fine. i am sure iran will just sit back and accept that.


same my friend goes for israel; it’s known as escalation. iran has the ability to outpunch israel who can only coninue as long as the us and britain arm it, big problem being that stocks of weaponary have been drawn down with the conflict in ukraine. no arms from the us, israel is finished. look on the bright side, iran chose to not harm and target civilians which is more than can be said of israel who ethnic cleanses the region.


again, the moron does not use his brain, only his mouth. lets ask this question.. if israel can destroy iran’s nuke capabilities.. why have they not done it already ?

i will wait kamala..

Last edited 5 months ago by TuskTownship
Joseph Day

we know the sniveling pathetic jews are trying to get us boots on the ground. come die for us you us vassals


according to their general, us troops are “happy” to die for israel.


then you’d better buy a horse and cart and start building some sailing ships to get around.


σοασ υπενθυμιζουμε.. σε 2 εβδομαδεσ το ιραν δεν θα υπαρχη ???


funny how you just assume iran will be isolated when a war in the middle east breaks out. iran has more local friends than israël does. the jews mainly have support from the west, but i doubt they will take part or become an active party in a hot war in that region any time soon.

orthodox haters sicpufs

nice wet dream to bump up the price of oil for the gay world bank,but they are kepoot!
wrong or reicht either way there is no future in neo liberasim nor their woken yet weak lgbtq=fixed!

Saint Jimmy

the point is that iran can do this at will, anytime they choose. idiot.

John Wayne

its the other way arround. most rockets impacted. thats an technical reason. its technically hard or almost impossible to intercept rockets falling 90 degrees down to the ground. the rockets were not exactly 90 degrees straight falling so some of them were shot down. their is a lot of evidence that most of them impacted! also bigger explosions are on video. the military is focused on covering and spreading missinformation. and iran said that it did not use full force on purpose.

Huckelberry finn

you´re already changing your tune from yesterday, where you claimed no damage at all, now it´s 1 plane destroyed, maybe 2-3 damaged now that evidence is dripping out. you can really cleanup a lot in 2 days, wonder what the picture from iranian sats looked like on the day. anyway, it´s like jewish victim inflation, one day it´s 500 the next 800 and before you know it, it´s 6 million.


και.. 12, και 12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


how many planes does israel have in total? 609 including everything — fighters, bombers, recon, awacs, transport, helicopters, trainers, everything.

it sounds like a big number, but they knocked out 3 percent of it — the highest value pieces — in one strike.


how’s the weather @ langley?


it will take them weeks to make sure the remaining aircraft are airworthy and there is no shrapnel or other damage caused to the airframes. no so much for the transport but for the f35’s this is critical, so all in all a good night for iran that proved that the “iron dome” is a dream and the same goes for those useless patriots. bet that the military complex in the us is rubbing their hands at the destruction of this little lot.


apparenty u know nothing abut shockwaves…etc that whole base is scrap metal keep coping zionist baby killer


moron, iran will destroy israel and the us fools that are there too.


this is pure anti shmemitism! those f35 bombers were innocent civilian planes used exclusively for crop spraying, sky sign writing, and giving joyrides to old age pensioners! it’s an outrage! the un should do aomething about it!!


“αντι-σημιτισμοσ” ! “αντι-σημιτισμοσ” !! και οι “ναζι” ιρανοι τουσ χτυπησαν !!!!!!! οι κακοι “ναζι”…


about time – iran found that the iron dome is old and inept against iran’s hypersonic missiles and even missiles half as fast. iron dome, much talked about is now more the iron doooooom since the jews have relied too much on their dome and failed to upgrade their other stuff.

2 SnowDen

1 detail is missing. iran has no air defenses at all. iran is a sh*thole country where the president flies in a 70years old vietnam-era american helicopter and despite it is the best one they have, it is short of spare parts, so it crashed and killed the president. let me guess how the oil rigs will burn once hited by israel. they will burn like torches for months as nobody will be able to extinguish them.



you must be another one of those high iq jews,huh?



he’s a shekle wraith with an iq so low even girl math can’t calculate that low…

Huckelberry finn

he´s surely one of the mizrahis the ashkenazis parked in tents, called schwartze and spat on when they arrived.


actually, 2 details are missing, yeah… your crack pipe and the shekle-shoed horse you rode in on…

Edgar Zetar

hahaha your source: cnn hahaha the maariv newspaper hahahaha… iran has s400 deployed and a multi layer defense perimeter build in place.


kike, you will soon be able to se witness if iran has air defense or not. zionist pilots will drop from the sky like roasted chicken. you are well aware that hezbollah hit 8200 unit base where zionist meat scattered all around. you are also aware that iranian rocket attack was not with 15kilo tnt drones but 500-700kg rockets as we have all witnessed on israeli citizens videos. you have very good reason to be worried about your future.


i know you must lie to survive, at least that’s what you think so. sad true is that you are just a cannon fodder for the anglo-saxon elites and i warn you that anglos will fight iran to the last israeli. nukes won’t help you. their use will make entire world to start with pogroms of jews, you idiot!


no, no, the f35 is not a chicken, it’s a flying turkey!


it is a “shithole country” the size of western europe with weapons factories under mountains taller than the alps, and a reserve capacity of soldiers in the millions, with allies or proxies all over the middle east.

you couldn’t even take out hamas. the us couldn’t take out the houthies. how are you going to take out iran?


they’re going to dazzle them with a breathtaking display of tik tok dancing and rainbow coloured dildos.


in india they still make 1950s pattern austin ambassadors and enfield motor cycles. brand new old pattern vehicles. iran produces brand new old pattern helicopters. it’s like the volkswagen beetle, first produced in 1936 and still being made 50 years later.

Huckelberry finn

it´s more like the iron kippah to be fair…

Joseph Day

we’ll call it the rusty dome


ο “σιδερενιοσ θολοσ-iron dome”.. einai τρυπιοσ !!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by GIANKOS KONST.
orthodox haters sicpufs

they are not hypersonic dufus.iran does not have the ability other then fake news to give usa =the impression anyone can do what russia only can do? supersonic at best beware of the mi6 bread lies!


q: how can you tell when a jew is lying?

a: his lips are moving


America First

rumors of damage to 25 f35s. iran has cluster munitions that could seriously affect the zionist air force. the globalists will squeeze americans for even more money while also destroying freedom in america

2 SnowDen

now explain me how 25 damaged f35 can affect israel military force with thousands of operable aircrafts. not mentioning the fact that iran has not any reliable air defense so using f35 is not necessary. and of course, they will call americans so you can add some 140 more aircrafts from carriers plus 600-2000 missiles from cruisers. in case they actually start hitting u.s. military ships (very unlikely) the gloves go off and nuclear submarines will nuke iran, that’s for sure.

3 SnowDen

oh and one more tiny details. except of u.s. carriers they will use strategic bombers from their military bases in kuwait, bahrain and uae. technically, this is called shooting fish in a barrel


those bases are targets. plus the bahrain and kuwait government has already said they will refuse the use of their territory for anything less than self defense. plus those bases would be taken out in minutes of a war. read the recent reports from centcom and pentagon.

Huckelberry finn

stop embarrassing yourself, you know just nothing about combat, and clearly even less about air combat. btw, iran received s-400 from russia a few weeks after the haniyeh assassination. we´re not talking about the iron kippah here, schlomo.


ras tanura kerboom. riyadh kerboom. shlomo and talmudistan kerboom. we can all go back to using horses and carts and bicycles. just think how peaceful it will be. it works for the amish just fine.

SnowDen III

and one more tiny detail to add. except of u.s. carriers they will use strategic bombers from their military bases and fighter jets from kuwait, bahrain and uae. technically, this is called shooting fish in a barrel

V for Victory

are you perhaps a collective of gay zionist activists perhaps? :d


it’s a big barrel and just a few small shooters.

kuwait, bahrain and uae will not allow the use of their bases for this attack. you will have to do it from farther out — diego garcia or djibouti or somewhere like that. if you do it with heavy fighters you will have to refuel and hope the tankers won’t be hit


…. if you do it with strategic bombers they might as well be tankers because they can be hit just as easily. if you use missile ships they too can be hit, as the houthies have shown. you can’t land an army because the supply ships will be hit, and you can’t hold any territory without a land army.

America First

direct involvement before the election would be a political disaster for the globalists/democrats. an air war without ground invasion and occupation only sets the stage for future wars. nuking iran will start ww-3 and involve other nuclear powers.

5 SnowDen

when it is about zios, the u.s. elections are not so imprtant, right ?
israel attacked someone, then get pissed and vow retaliation when the attacked party defends itself and fights back – i agree with that part. the problem is that us is backing israel 100% despite some minor political setback. and as for as russia, they will only give a speech in un security council and let it be, as always. remember yugoslavia.

6 SnowDen

if iran leaders are not f*king knuckhead retards, they would learn a lesson from yugoslavia, libya and iraq and go about it like north korea. the only argument the united states understands is a nuclear test. but the iranians have sh*t and play big game. they probably rely on the russians, and that’s again a lesson from syria on how it turns out.


assad and his regime is still there, thanx to russians. everybody, russia, china and india know very well that if they allow destruction of iran, they are next targets. only solution of this precarious situation is total destruction of israel, us, and uk, no matter what. funny thing is that you have lit your own funeral pyre.


where do you think north korea got its nuclear technology from if not from russia? amazon?

America First

is israel defending itself by the genocide of 45000 women and children who are non combatants? is bombing all that oppose genocide self defense? is kidnapping a few zionists by hamas a justification for a wider rampage of murder and bombing of innocents in the whole region this is but a power grab for the whole mid-east with the globalists exploiting america in a propaganda fest.


wrong again. we are not in 1999, kike. there would be no yugoslavia replay. you are too dumb to understand the risks. just like yahoo. trust me, us is backing israel to the last israeli.


no, i’m sure it will work out just fine and dandy for shlomo and the neocons. after all they have such a consistent unbroken record of rip roaring success with all their previous wars. what could possibly go wrong?


thousands. a quick google will reveal 345 as the number and 43 helicopters. of which ~36 are operational f35s. also carriers are a liability if one gets hit. the americans are weary of this hence why they are keeping them enough away. additionally, if israel uses a nuke, iran and it’s proxies will retaliate withing chemical and biological weapons which they have in abundance.

Huckelberry finn

yup, and from those 345, they would want to use stealth jets to avoid detection. assuming they still have those 39 f35 intact (which from many reports, seems increasingly unlikely), a far cry from those mythical thousand aircrafts. then you need mid-flight refueling, aka sitting ducks in the sky. let´s not mention the airspace conundrum.

Huckelberry finn

thousands of aircrafts? jewish inflation again, chatgpt searched the web for me and came up with 656: 175 f16, 84 f15a/c, 39 f35, 25 f15i, 49 f16d rest choppers, training aircrafts and transport planes which won´t take part.
from warpowerisrael dot com


he just enjoyed how it sounds: a 1000 aircraft marching with the wagner tune. like in movies. but he forgets it’s not a movie anymore.


where these 1000 aircraft will land on their way back when there are no airbases anymore? carriers are excellent targets for iranians and they are well prepaired for striking us carriers. if nukes start raining israel is no more within 5 minutes. it’s a shitty sliver of the land. americans sent thousands of bombers against vietnamese and they still lost the war.


look up how many aiircraft they actually have.


6,000,000. minus the ones that got smoked in the missile attack.

Joseph Day

iran has s400 and a domestic air defence. and israel has not got thousands

orthodox haters sicpufs

exactly yet certainly dont have working hypersonic missile like that mi6 payed yemeni wank posted!

Colony Fort Al Tanf

my comment awaiting approval wtf..

Colony Fort Al Tanf

zionists and murican accomplices probably 💩💩💩 themselves when all those missiles appeared on radar.😂🤣😂


story of my trolling life… always in the waiting room… waiting for circumstances to give birth to sommat entertaining….


well well well. looky at that. looks like critical staff were also targeted, pilots and repair crews, after all, the planes are easier to replace than the teams that keep them running or the pilots. going straight after the guys loading baby killer bombs and guys pulling the trigger on civilian genocide, very noble of iran to target those criminals specifically.

Last edited 5 months ago by Kibosh


no one died, according to the israelis themselves.

do you think they may have lied – just like always?

John Wayne

there is absolutely no doubt: no one is fucking arround with iran in the middle east. they already destroyed mossad hq in iraq before but many people didn’t even pay attention to that.
strategically killing civilians is irrelvant in most cases its just to spread fear and for propaganda purposes.

Last edited 5 months ago by John Wayne

the persians withstood the us hired gun in iraq for eight years. the jewish supremacists have always feared them.

V for Victory

oh oh oh, then we will wait for rybar to re-change his assestements. not damaged enough however to stop air activities.

Joseph Day

you need to sink the carriers to stop the air activity


you can easily ai, photoshop these images to minimize damages. don’t trust israeli sources even if its public satelitte images. these companies have gag orders from the us government.


when the houthis hit the american carrier, the captain put out old videos of the ship sailing round undamaged from years ago.

J Doe

why does the jewish people name their stolen state after egyptian dieties?

J Doe

why does the jewish people name their stolen state after egyptian dieties? isis-ra-el?


oops those israeli’s and americans caught red handed telling porkies. now who is ever going to believe a word either says?

Emanuel Gomes Bueno -Brasil

impossível esconder a verdade com nuvens de photoshop. os f-35 foram literalmente incinerados.

Hawaii guy

yet another miss. only legit targets are government buildings, that’s the only targets i consider legit. and i say bomb governments globally until there’s only plebs left bartering fresh fruit for lumber on the streets😁


why russia and china not publish images from treir satelites ? uncensored by isr or their allyes.
