The first satellite imagery showed the destroyed bridge at the Kakhovskaya dam in the Kherson region. The bridge was destroyed immediately after the Russian military left the western bank of the Dnieper River.
Russian forces blew up the bridges across the river early in the morning on November 11. The explosion thundered on the Antonovsky bridge at 5 am local time and the bridge at the Kakhovskaya hydro power plant was blown up at about 3 am.
The Antonovsky and Daryevsky bridges destroyed:
Meanwhile, the artillery duels along the Dnieper River continue. Last night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine heavily shelled the retreating Russian units at the river crossings. As a result of the shelling, one of the locks of the Kakhovskaya dam was hit. Judging by the satellite imagery the dam was not significantly damaged.
But is really annoying to check the page filled by Kozlan/Joe, isn’t’
For now sorting on newest helps.
@V for Victory
I think it is an approriate answer to this website (which btw. hypocratically claims to want people here to freely discuss their opinion regarding the ongoing russia-ukraine conflict) that has started to censor and delete all none-pro-Putin comments, and therefore has become an disgusting anti-free-speech total propaganda mouthpiece of the desperate russian aggressor communist regime.
Censorship of free speech always shows that the censorists are desperate and afraid of the truth and do not want the truth to come out. Those who ban and forbid free speech are the enemy of god and slaves of the antichrist. It’s that simple !
So had SF not started to become fully tyrannical dictatorship, I guess lots of commentators you mentioned here wouldn t have to resort to such actions, like for example posting large blocks of protest notes here and fill whole sections of this website with that. Protesting injustice, opinion-censorship, and going against the banning of free speech is just an act of self-defence and the logical consequence of the criminal behaviour of SF. At least that is what I think about the current situation on this website here.
The Russian army sure learned how to blow up a bridge. Or was it an Azerbaijan truck passing by?
They can’t even manage to destroy the bridge properly when they use sappers, nothing but incompetence 24/7.
Indeed, I agree with what you state. And because of all of the clearly visible russian incompetence and all the blatant lies and propaganda they spread, I really can t understand russians or even europeans still believing in Pootin.
Of course the US government and the EU governments too are jewish or at least evil jewish possessed entities, ugly hook-nosed puppets, demons and satanists that need to be executed as quick as possible, but nevertheless that makes their eastern jewish-communist satanists collegues not become “the good ones”.Both sides are evil, and behind the scenes are working together to force NWO resp. JWO (Jewish World Order) on us (mankind resp. the people of the world).
It is not coincidence that it is called ‘the international jewry’ or ‘ world jewry’ as these evil dominion, their mafiatic arc-old satanist cult is operating from both sides and has long infiltrated nearly everything.
These world parasites are the real enemy of all of us, and as long as these truth isn t realized by the masses, world will continue to go straight down the drain big time.
Southfront needs a max length message rule
Provoke the Ukros into destroying the damn and drowning themselves.
What happened to the so called ‘Russian territory’ now? Ukraine has captured it without a fight. Now draw more redlines and issue more warnings. Only to be ignored by everyone.
No, Russia still taking land from Ukraine. Kherson is not taken by Ukraine’s force, not even the city yet.
Kherson came under Russia without any problem I don’t see why they wouldn’t go back. There is a dam that Ukraine attacking for a long time and if that dam destroys most of the city would be underwater. Now if Ukraine put anything in the Kherson area Russia can do the same LMFAO.
Remember Russia has Ukraine on a leash, Ukraine was forced to do something so they can beg for more money from the EU and US. For months now Ukraine try to attack Kherson which failed and they start attacking the dam which also failed now they have to put their troops and shit there and Russia can just fuk them. BTW, Russia has a better time taking important areas in DPR and LPR.
Does SF understand that it has completely discredited itself by allowing this crazy long texting?
It should be ignored for a week as a warning to see the effect. If no measures are taken than it should be abandoned and left to its inglorious end.
Let’s cut the crap , shall we ? This is another humiliating defeat ,a pants on fire retreat.If Russia’s excuse is to be believed , why weren’t these threats realized before going into Kherson ? Why waste resources and lives to take the city then abandon it ? Something is very wrong here , it’s obvious that Putin / the Russian military have run into problems. Be worried , I am .
destroy also high value financial center buildings in major Ukraine cities during wee hours,
destroy Ukraine economy