Satellite Imagery Confirmed Storm Shadow Missiles Missed Targets In Sevastopol, Crimea

Satellite Imagery Confirmed Storm Shadow Missiles Missed Targets In Sevastopol, Crimea

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A day after the massive attack on Crimea, on the evening of March 24, Ukrainian military sources published the satellite imagery in an attempt to assure the public that the  billions-worth strikes resulted in heavy damage to the Russian military; but the footage revealed that Kiev lied about the results of the attack. LINK, LINK

On the morning of March 25, the Armed Forces of Ukraine officially declared that two large landing ships Yamal and Azov of the Russian Black Sea Fleet were destroyed in Sevastopol.

Satellite Imagery Confirmed Storm Shadow Missiles Missed Targets In Sevastopol, Crimea

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Satellite Imagery Confirmed Storm Shadow Missiles Missed Targets In Sevastopol, Crimea

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Satellite Imagery Confirmed Storm Shadow Missiles Missed Targets In Sevastopol, Crimea

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Indeed, the satellite imagery of the Sevastopol Bay showed confirmed that two Storm Shadow missiles broke through Russian air defense forces; but they missed their targets. One of the missiles hit the pier next to the large landing ship. Another missile struck an empty dockage facility.

There were no casualties among the sailors during the strike on the ships in the harbor.

It is obvious that the Ukrainian military failed to destroy these ships despite the massive expensive attack.

Satellite Imagery Confirmed Storm Shadow Missiles Missed Targets In Sevastopol, Crimea

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Satellite Imagery Confirmed Storm Shadow Missiles Missed Targets In Sevastopol, Crimea

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Another target was a building located on Rudnev Street in Sevastopol. The building reportedly is an old military base which previously hosted Ukrainian communications support unit. A missile damaged the building but there were reportedly no casualties.

In general, several Storm Shadow missiles managed to break through Russian air defense, but the Ukrainian military and NATO were unlucky despite all the reconnaissance support from the NATO aircraft deployed near the Crimean peninsula during the attack. The effectiveness of the most massive missile attack on Crimea turned out to be very mediocre.


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jens holm

stfu britard lgbtpedo analist

jens holm

we expert analist/analyst in dempmark

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm

intelligent people always reject communism, because it is a jewish, anti-social, anti-family anti-culture anti-human, anti-christian satanic ideology which let to massacres of more than 200 mio humans since 1917. from trotzkis terror to stalin, to the red terror of pol pot and kim jong il and now putin’s war of aggression, bombardment and annexion of a foreign country.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

in 1941 german forces stopped the red terror deportation of ukrainian civilians into the ru death camps in siberia, smashed the satanic red army & saved mio of ukrainen men, women & children, see: ukrainians remember that very well – and they do not want to live under communist-russian rule anymore. as they know these backward barbarians !

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

superior russians humiliated nazis and generously donated semen to germ female to improve genetic code

AM Hants

communist russia????? the bolsheviks overthrew the russian empire in 1917, and when the georgian, bolshevik stalin came to power they launched the soviet union. it fell in 1991, and 15 independent nations emerged. russia, went back to it’s christian orthodox roots and many of the others embraced the bolshevik-nanzi led soviet european union. the commies moved to the eu and freed russia.


well said, amh.
still going strong, i see.


šibe ti?!


only moron saxon poko molo change gender to theresa and prefer ugly north amerikunt oligarchy


i’m the one who leaves the american bases in syria intact and i use tires to protect my s34 – s35, instead of making a concrete shelter

i see you

but you keep coming anyway. so you love trash. tomy boy


nah..jens is a little boy who likes to be anally trashed…..


don’t cry, nazi scum

jens holm

tomsuckanything change name

Branko Timarac

that’s what your momma said after gang banging a dozen ukrainians!!!


keep on paying for ukronazi drugged perverts, western trash, looks good on u…

Last edited 11 months ago by Dstroj
Massa John

bolster those ships up and make them unsinkable or you lose all of them to the fucking bottom

i see you

ships and tanks are overrated, we are now in the era of hyperssonics

Massa John

…which are launched from ships too!

i see you

yes, but not only


but the problem is those ships are sitting ducks.


anglo/mango clown show–incompetent

_Tom Sawyer_

made with nato standards!

_Tom Sawyer_

soon i will be tomette, the bearded lady without a wiener!
granted, i had to transplant some of my asshair to get a beard, but now that facial hair is nice and curly!

it tastes weird tho…

Last edited 11 months ago by _Tom Sawyer_

russia needs to start shooting down nato reconnaissance drones above the black sea.


and another 2 ruzzian ships are swimming with the fish 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


sorry guys, i am wrong once again.
must be the transitioning meds.

me = 💩🐖🔯🗽💩


“anybody that believes an amerikan official is stupid”. a sylvester us dept of state


great so russia does not need to fear nato missiles in all the countries around it since they dont hit their targets. and it is absolutely no reason to be concerned they might hit next time.

AM Hants

perhaps russia is in control of nato electronic systems and guide the missiles to areas that need demolishing? i wonder how much intelligence russia picks up from these attacks? especially those on the old boats that are past their sell-by date, but, keep ukraine happy?

Kibosh Warrior

yes, the ships that have been sunk, will be the solid justification to take all black sea access away from ukraine… odessa will be back in russian hands, it’s not negotiable for putin or the russian people at this point in time.


i am so gay, but if i call it transitioning, then it sounds better!



there’s a possibility there’s gps jammers in the area which caused them to miss, but then again that would somewhat surprise me since russia has up until this point never taken any measures to protect any of their equipment or people.

i mean they could, but that would require high command to not be completely useless, which they are.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny
Folio’s team

cope harder little bitch

AM Hants

yeah, the uss donald duck or was it cook, has experience of russian jammers. not just in 2014, in the black sea, when they got taken out by a russian whicker basket, dangling from a jet. but, also in the baltic sea, when they got too close to khaliningrad. same thing happened to the uss aircraft carrier, that also got too close to khaliningrad. remind me, how many civilans get taken out in a nato invasion, compared to a russian precision strike?


where those ships docked for repair or not in operation?
ukraine often target those kind of targets since they don’t relocate or have a crew defending the ship.
that indicates that ukraine/nato has rather poor satellite data so it’s a long time between information and targeting.
maybe it’s because of ew that blinds most satellites.

Edgar Zetar

war is imminent, intelligence services worldwide knew about the hyping of war cycles and predicted the three months from march to june 2024. well, we got the crocus city hall terrorism to move up the big world powers fight thread. diplomacy between the hegemon and world powers are collapsing so fast, the hegemon pawns wanted war, death and destruction to all who oposses them in the western lands. sum up the brainwashed agenda and you have almost 1 billion cannon fodder.

Edgar Zetar

world war 2 will be a little thing of the past when we compare against world war 3… they have predicted world war 3 before year 2030 with a 80% success rate, and ww3 before 2035 with a 100% success rate. you cannot stop the sword anymore.

Massa John

you und me are having it and it won’t take long for everyone to have it too. it’s happening right now!

Edgar Zetar

cannot stop the sword. too much world war 3 agenda since obumba potus of the hegemon, it seems the world after industrial age were all about mass production of everything including wars… before world war 1 the deep state of imperial european powers were looking for a war desperately and they get it, now it’s the same thing, deja vu all over again


make watching ants against flying drones
automatically alarming the sound of


made in angloshere—incompetent fish and chips losers—russia nullifies fishing treaty… now limey must beg for burger

Malcolm Z

russian ews has jammed missile similar when the attack of a corvette karakurt when 2 missile hit next to the ship


hm … tak, že tak. rusi by mali s tým niečo urobiť. tých útokov je príliš veľa a hlavne na civilné objekty a tým aj na civilné obyvateľstvo. tie špionážne prelety západných lietadiel a satelitov, by mali začať konečne blokovať. svetu mier!!!


only target amerikan hit is lgbt anuz


our patriot more incompetent–we only talented in lgbt perversions

USA #42 military, taliban #41

help master putin—our amerikunt cesspool ugly…emperor gates make me lgbt


western countries giving weapons to attack and kill russians is the most retarded thing ever happening in my lifetime. this can only go on for so long before there will be retaliation and even direct confrontation which could ultimately lead to a nuclear armageddon. either the people involved have a death wish or they think they can ride it out in their nuclear bunkers for the next 5000 years.


where are the massive responses? gayensly and bundanove still breathing on earth, they were promised a crushing response if western weapons were used against crimea; instead, they are worried about trump’s election and fake deals

What else is missing?

the english have been missing brain infrastructure for quite some time


it’s about to get very hot in moscow…
