Sanctions Against Russian Media Expose True Nature Of US “Freedom Of Speech”

Sanctions Against Russian Media Expose True Nature Of US “Freedom Of Speech”

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Washington’s introduction of new sanctions against Russian media has exposed the true nature of the current US administration, which does not respect the right to freedom of speech by trying to restrict the reportage of outlets that do not tow the official line. Nonetheless, the sanctions demonstrate that Russian media have been able to make a breakthrough in the methods of presenting information and have a vast influence on the world’s public opinion, which scares the United States and why the Biden administration is trying to prevent its dissemination by introducing unjustified sanctions.

On September 13, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused RT of engaging in “covert influence” and “weaponisation of disinformation” aimed at interfering in the affairs of other countries and “military procurement.” He added that the US was imposing sanctions on three entities and two people in connection with the allegations against RT. James Rubin, coordinator of the Center for Global Engagement at the US State Department, also announced plans to impose new sanctions on RT and described them as “the toughest possible.”

The US Treasury Department announced on September 13 that it had imposed sanctions on the Rossiya Segodnya media group, which includes Sputnik, and its general director, Dmitry Kiselyov. In response to the new US sanctions, editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and the RT TV channel Margarita Simonyan said that she had not lived her life in vain. In turn, the official spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, ridiculed the new US sanctions against the Russian media, especially the RT TV channel, saying that a new profession should appear in the US: “experts on sanctions against Russia.”

All statistics and public opinion polls confirm that Russian media are leading in terms of mass audience, views and influence on world public opinion, which is immensely worrying for the Biden administration. Journalists of the Russian outlets have made a breakthrough in content, quality, and personnel, opening up opportunities for diverse views, showing the world public opinion from a different perspective on current events and getting to the bottom of their origins.

The campaign against RT may also be linked to the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France, and from there, it can only be concluded that the West does not accept anything coming from outside because it exposes their propaganda. All these facts cause fear in the White House, so people are looking for pretexts and arguments to sow hatred against Russia and its media.

Washington has long been known for lying and undermining the humanitarian and democratic values ​​it claims to defend and views anyone outside its orbit of control as an enemy. Washington does not recognise the presence of powerful media outlets that oppose its views, and the Americans are particularly concerned about Russian media, which has a massive audience despite all efforts to interfere with its broadcasts.

The strategy of controlling press freedom is a common practice of the US war machine. As in other wars, information manipulation and censorship cannot prevent people around the world and the US from coming to the clear conclusion that US-sponsored wars are unjustifiable and demand the need for peace.

In fact, all these sanctions against Russian media actually demonstrate how words contradict actions since the West is evidently not interested in comprehensive coverage of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and is trying to monopolise the information agenda. They are trying to present a picture that reflects the US’s primary interests.

By restricting people’s access to another point of view, to another interpretation of the conflict, they are on the same level as countries where journalists are persecuted and where newspapers and magazines are closed. They contradict themselves, but this is part of the natural process in Washington.

By using the dollar as a strategic weapon, the US is trying, among other things, to interfere with the activities of media giants RT and Sputnik. At the same time, the Biden administration used a false pretext and never provided any documentary evidence for its accusations against the Russian outlets. Therefore, Washington is trying to put barriers on the work of the Russian press.

The American media complex cannot impose its so-called truth, meaning fewer people believe it. The US is getting used to lying. The war in Ukraine demonstrates not only NATO’s moral and ethical bankruptcy but also its inability to impose its fabrications on the world. The Biden administration opposes RT for criticising its neoconservative worldview, effectively meaning that Americans are losing the freedom of speech to criticise US foreign policy effectively.


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Professore Saviano

the west has done away with all
neoliberal economic norms that arose since ww2 and the cold war. weaponization of the petrodollar and the cynical and corrupt practices of sanctioning emerging economies is basically a devolution of international relations and a dangerous phase of late-stage capitalism (which is morphing into something els where china is more capitalist and westernized and the west is more authoritarian and communist.)

Professore Saviano

neoliberal economic norms were largely “free market” norms that depended largely on open markets. however, when emerging economies started to beat the g7, all of the sudden the norms were no longer deemed acceptable?

Professore Saviano

it is a strange world for the west, when they can’t shoot their way out of a bad economy anymore. western society is bankrupt — not only economically — but intellectually, morally, & spiritually.


there is no such thing as “western society”. there is a us empire that includes all of europe except belarus and russia, and all of the americas except venezuela and cuba, and all of asia except china, north korea and iran. africa is contested by the americans and chinese.

Professore Saviano

there is. there is a reason why there’s a g7. a band of “like minded” countries that are at the top of the “rules based” order. “a ruled based world” ruled made by us, for you. and sure at the top of the g7, the us is the hegemon. but the judeo-masonic order and its many governmental bodies is western dominated.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano
Professore Saviano

in international bodies like the g7 you only have one eastern nation: japan. and that ibecause its always been a regional imperialist & economic power thus instrumental in the geostrategic aim of sino containment. at the end of the day, the japanese are seeing as useful idiots enamored with blue eyes and blonde hair.


the issue is not an issue of “westernness”. it is solely a question of rule by imperialist structures that advance the interests of financiers, rooted in the us control of hydrocarbon flows and the capacity of the us to maintain this control.

Professore Saviano

here you are basically drawing a straw argument and arguing semantics. “westernness” as you put it and imperialism are indivisible. the real hegemon is not even american, it is globalist, and it is called judeo-masonic (alliance.) and its control is that of money itself and all of the “stable” commodities from rare earth metals to oil to food and now water itself. it is the ownership of all land and life on it.

edit: and of course ownership of information & narrative.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

“it is called judeo-masonic (alliance)”? by whom is “it” called that?


it’s only called that in his neo nazi fantasy land


you’re so ignorant crown lands from the forner british empire you nob the biggest empire the one the sun never aet on is still the biggest owner of lands and resources on the planet king charles technically owns england australia canada new zealand and south africa do wake up.


it isn’t an empire anymore, but more like an old british estate in tatters doing everything possible to cling to its airs of power and extravagance. continuously auctioned off, like the gold the west once had, because nobody can afford it or wants it. always doing everything possible to put the lipstick on the pig. it was always a cheap whore but now it’s old and gross in every single way.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

it is absolutely still an empire. the fact that it is in a phase of rapid decline does not in any way change the fact that an empire it remains.

Professore Saviano

actually, clyde, that is part of the issue here. the fact that america is still acting like it’s an empire when it’s no longer one…


your statement is absurd. the us has literally dismantled the economy of europe in the last three years in order to maintain its dominance. i can’t think of a more stark example of imperialism. thanks for derping.

Professore Saviano

i’m sorry that you live in a toxic long-distance relationship with your brain. the whole industrial base of the west has been in decline. the american economy itself is completely cannibalized by government overspending and corruption. the europeans are now scrambling to forge independent policies. the whole western enterprise, including the us and canada, are in decadence alongside europe…

Professore Saviano

america is an enterprise, a shell company & slave plantation for the judeo-masonic banking elite. the biggest, most important shell enterprise, sure. but an industrialist imperial tool. a means to an end.

Professore Saviano

and why you, clyde, exemplify the subversion of american consciousness by the commercialism and philistinism of a social, educational, medical, and media system controlled by the rockefellers and other western oligarchs.


haha nice try drop kick won’t float.


get it right noddy it’s a corporation registered in both delaware and puerto rico.. as such dipst8cj it’s governed by the rule if corporate law, of which the pope is the authority. wakey wakey bubs


the us economy is not cannibalized by government overspending. that’s just a ridiculous statement. the us economy is entirely financialized and subject to the control of a handful of enormous banks. there are no independent european policies. the eu is an instrument for us dominance, as is nato. no european states operate outside of this auspices except belarus.

Professore Saviano

you should take ownership of your “derping” comment, maybe look at the reasons why the roman empire fell:

1) economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor; 2) the rise of the eastern empire; 3) military overspending and over exertion, etc etc sound familiar?


the roman empire fell because, the people turned away from paganism and chose christianity the roman values were inconsistent. the people didn’t support it anymore.


actually the reserve banking system is utilised in ovee 95 countries and they’re, all controlled by the bank of international settlements in bern, the forner nazi bank, and it’s governed by the board of directors of the bank of england who send a messenger twice a year with instruction for the world’s bankers.

Edgar Zetar

guess you were hurt by your own thoughts professor saviano. one more time: are you jens holms in disguise?


he’s a narcissistic know it all who knows jack. he just makes crap up that sound like something from some old farts ramblings.


he is absurd he most likely didn’t even graduate high school. calls himself the poofessor as if he thinks he’s on gilligans island or something


it’s clinging, and maybe with just a little more makeup it can have some more fun.


it’s never acted as an empire, except in your imagination it’s never colonised anywhere if could have destroyed england and europe and conquered them all, you idiot it chose not too, because “america 8s our barracks” as asir winston churchill said. wake up noddy.


i contend that we can also say that the empire and its signature globalist ideology have already lost. the empire is imploding. the globalists are in a panicked retreat, trying to cover their rear ends with noise, threats, provocations, and bluster.

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

hey rt – news front – sputnik, entspannt euch, eine bessere werbung könnt ihr garnicht kriegen.

in deutschland steigen eure leserzahlen täglich, – und ich weiß, wovon ich spreche 😉 👍

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

hey rt – news front – sputnik, relax, you can’t get a better advertisement at all.

in germany, your readership numbers are increasing every day, – and i know what i’m talking about 😉 👍


well then the germans are slow. i know what rts about i knew about a decade ago the game they’re playing.


absolutely false. the whole issue with russia was either gaining control of russia in economic relations with europe, or eliminating such relations. they failed to take down the russian state, so they have determined to dismantle europe’s economy to prevent its integration with russia outside us control.

Professore Saviano

the hegemon is calculating for a world war to halt multipolarity. that is all. you have an obtuse view of things. it all hinged on isolating russia from europe, from india, and from china. all of which failed as of now. europe is still buying russian oil despite nord stream sabotages. and the us pushed russia and china closer together. india gave america dictates a big **** you from the start.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

are you sleeping? wake up there’s zero shortage of oil venezuela could supply the whole world . it’s a show.for the public to believe in like a movie. they put it on its not the truth “the first casualty of war is the truth” .

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

venezuela’s oil is low-grade garbage, like canada’s tar. there is a very important shortage of oil, and that is oil that is directly controlled by the us imperial corporate apparatus. but particularly there is a shortage of natural gas in europe that is controlled by that structure, hence the ukraine puppetry.


the amerikunts seem awfully desperate to get their grubby hands on that “low grade garbage.”


germany has been completely starved of cheap russian gas, upon which its industrial sector was heavily dependent. germany’s economy is being dismantled, and the us has won this round against europe, which remains a region of vassals.

BunkerDwellers mwvmlyec29hv/ this is 5 hours of content worth the watch for anyone who doubts people talking about freemasons ruling things. it is by altiyan childs, and frequently gets taken down. the nations and freemasons themselves are tools that the jew bankers use to siphon the wealth. the allegiance is to power and money, and they are trying to make their nwo w/o nations.


prince edward runs freemasonry now since the duke of kent retired.


altiyan childs. thanks for playing.


not really it’s about religion which shapes societies actually. the concepts exposed in the wales proposal something like back in the 60s. the idea s to destroy all orthodox and islam resistance to western romanism hence the middle east . and ukraine europe russia notice as usual the wars aren’t bombing south america or canada, or spain


not at all go and see general christopher cavoli commander of us army europe and africa, supreme allied commander europe. check him out and you’ll understand the news is propaganda, it’s just stuff in the public interest, the real stuffs top secret


it’s growing new nations are joining. it’s includes, brics india and south africe. so it’s covering all the bases


that’s a bit unfair on cheap whores, isn’t it? i quite like cheap whores. politicians are just expensive whores, but unlike cheap whores they don’t do anything for their money.


no, they sell their souls for cheap trinkets and chuck-e-cheese prizes. if they were smart whores they would charge a lot more. after their whoredom, nobody worth being around would want them. god will never allow them to have eternal life. they threw it all away for fancy cars when people fly around in ufos and have eternal life with good health. cars to impress idiots who don’t know anything, like trying to impress a baboon and feeling good about it.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

they weave webs.


rubbish today its called the commonwealth of nations and king charles is it head it’s over 2 billion people and more than 50 countries it’s not in tatters at all it’s the biggest united entity on earth.


there is nothing “communist” in the us empire. private financier-owned corporations control the economies in the us empire, not the state, and not any sort of collective representing the general population. china is is a totalitarian state with a capitalist economy. there is no “west”, just corporations. it is nothing but neoliberalism.

Professore Saviano

it is not classic communism it is neo communism. the state doesn’t own your property directly like in classic communism — but you have no representation and the vast majority of people — the middle class — is priced out of (real) life. it is neo slavery. and yes, all of these terms are a bit redundant: neo feudalism, neo communism, corporatocracy, oligarchy, plutocracy, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, etc etc. so dont get caught in semantics or bullshit. it’s halfwitted.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

your terms are not redundant, they’re meaningless. you don’t seem to have any definitions for the words you use, indicating that you don’t have the foggiest notion of what you’re talking about. apparently you believe that all these terms are synonymous, but with no understanding whatsover of what defines them. good job.

Professore Saviano

actually i didn’t say they were synonymous,
did i? i said they were “a bit redundant” as in if you were to put em all in a venn diagram, they’d overlap quite a bit. and they all apply to industrialized “neoliberal” countries in the west. you are very dense. most likely american, no?


items don’t overlap in a venn diagram. circles indicating traits common to the items within the circles overlap. in this case, the common trait seems to be that you don’t know what the words mean.

Professore Saviano

ok, you are retarded. i feel stupid for trying to have a discussion with a retard-o

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

so clearly, we can add “venn diagram” to the apparently significant number of terms you use without knowing what they mean. congratulations.


yes, he’s conceited arrogant and hypocritical and that’s his only good points. imo


yes he s full of it.


the mints make the money they loan it to the government the government’s loan it to the banks. everything bought with it us theirs, the mints until the loans repaid like the perth royal mint here makes australia’s, money.


that’s right it’s really run from the city of london which is a privately owned corporate city independent state like dc and the vatican all 3 independent city states

Edgar Zetar

where do you get this? professor? are you jens holms in disguise? what you preach is what is stated in alternative media. have you ever heard about layers? about the genesis of the word villain and the word nobility? western civilization is about to create human cattle at the lowers layers, expand the land and take resources and to expand the kingdom of heaven (a.k.a the empire). everything what happened since xviii century was pre-planned by whom? by the breeds of the exceptionals.


in a way yes they do think they’re exceptional and with the likes of poofessor savianus about why wouldn’t they?

Fractured Ukrainian Fairytales

hey, guess who’s in the lead of this crackdown on russian media? remember when james rubin and jamie shea were on cnn every hour on the hour in 1999, ‘reporting’ how 100,000 albanian kosovars were missing and presumed dead? all made up bullshit, as usual. (see unmik’s 2 yr kosovo investigation – conclusions)

it’s that same james rubin, wife of christiane amanpour. (your propaganda bad. our propaganda good, but our outright lies are best of all.)

Fractured Ukrainian Fairytales

chronically evil war-mongering mofo’s, the lot of them.


the notion that average people could ever put any stock in an american propaganda apparatus that evolved from hearst and pullitzer’s yellow journalism, is sadly hilarious. remember the maine!


we have to ban russian/ chinese/ iranian/ uncle tom cobley’s media to protect our freedumbs & democracy & our human rights rules based order. we have to jail assange for 500 years, & plot to kill him & snowden & shoot down any plane they’re in & send the secret police goon squad to kick in the doors of old lady bloggers at 6am, & put the frighteners on medhurst, ritter & any other wrongthink truth tellers, because those are our democracy human rights values


… and that’s just who we are. we have to have rigid censorship, blanket snooping and repressive laws because that’s what we have to do to protect our freedumbs. otherwise putin will murder us all in our beds, the iranians will behead all our babies, and the haitians will eat all our cats. there is no alternative. it’s as simple as that.


russia is hundreds of years old and has learned a lot over the centuries. if the west ever musters up the courage to speak honestly and openly with russia, maybe they could learn a couple things, but first the childishness needs to abate, the lying, the spying, the refusal to communicate. just because someone does not agree with you does not mean they are lying to you. too many adult children running things today, people need to grow up.

Edgar Zetar

where do you get this is about to learn something?

Jewish pimp

fucking shit! no waaaaaay! veterans have freedom to yelling no food, but who cares anyways? this is america.


this is seen as whining. create and promote own platform. sanction all western propaganda media.

Edgar Zetar

if you don’t control the logical plane (the mind world domain) you will have difficulties and possible revolts in the physical plane, the human cattle could revolt against the masters and nobody would want that to happen? in order to guarantee peace inside your domains you should eliminate every view that could disturb the dream of the cattle. check again the unicorn genesis of the ancient greeks? check again the “prometeus” paradox and the tale of the sphinx?

Last edited 6 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

check the crazy guy of alex jones, i like that crazy guy a little too crazy and speaks so many crazy things but in some of his insanity you could find a little spark of light, his channel infowars means information war, and everything before ww1 and after was informational war, welcome to the xxi century.


it’s the mission of the good shepherd stylised roles to be the philanthropic custodians of the useless sheep

Edgar Zetar

all this shepherd stuff is too christian to me, thank to the gods blessing and voice, i’m free of the psychological operations and mind control of the western human cattle.

Last edited 6 months ago by Edgar Zetar