Saied’s Putsch In Tunisia. Ennadha Vice-President Jailed.

Saied’s Putsch In Tunisia. Ennadha Vice-President Jailed.

Noureddine Bhiri has been on a hunger strike since his arrest, while also refusing to take his regular medication


Written by Piero Messina

Tunisian President Kais Saied had promised an all-out struggle in Ennadha, the political movement of the Muslim Brotherhood. After attempting to open a court case against Ennadha, on suspicion of terrorism, now the executive headed by the president – which since 25 July 2021 has controlled all levers of power in the land of jasmine – has now taken action. On the night of December 31, Interior Ministry officials in civilian clothes arrested Bhiri, vice president of Ennadha and former Minister of Justice in Tunisia from 2011 to 2012. Bhiri is accused of terrorism.

According to Ennadha, it would not be an arrest but a real kidnapping, carried out by security agents in civilian clothes. According to what emerged, during the kidnapping, Bhiri’s wife, lawyer Saida al Akrimi, was allegedly attacked while opposing her husband’s kidnapping. Ennadha “strongly denounces this dangerous precedent which marks the country’s entry into the tunnel of tyranny and the oppression of political opponents by the coup regime”.

President Kais Saied, accused by the moderate Islamic party Ennahda of having orchestrated a coup d’état with the freezing of parliament on 25 July, has promised to defend the rights and freedoms won in the 2011 Tunisian revolution.

Saied’s Putsch In Tunisia. Ennadha Vice-President Jailed.

The letter of protest that Ghannouchi sent to President Saied

Saied’s Putsch In Tunisia. Ennadha Vice-President Jailed.

The letter of protest that Ghannouchi sent to President Saied

Ennahda, which has the most seats in the suspended parliament, was banned before the revolution due to its ties to Islamic extremism, but has since become the most influential party and member of successive coalition governments. Due to the severe economic crisis and a political system paralyzed by inter-party power plays and corruption, support for Ennahda has declined and, although it came first in the 2019 parliamentary elections, it won far fewer votes than in previous years. After Saied’s speech in July, several senior politicians and company executives were arrested or subjected to prosecution, often for corruption offenses.

Saied’s Putsch In Tunisia. Ennadha Vice-President Jailed.


Tunisian Interior Minister Taoufik Charfeddine justified on Monday the arrest of Noureddine Bhiri, with “suspicions of terrorism”, assuring that Bhiri is hospitalized because he refuses food and medicine, and that he is “well treated”.

According to a delegation from the Authority for the Prevention of Torture (INPT, independent authority) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights who visited him, Noureddine Bhiri has been hospitalized since Sunday “under close surveillance in cardiology” because he is suffering from various chronic diseases, diabetes and hypertension.

Bhiri is one of the founders of Ennadha. The Tunisian politician had already been arrested in the mid-eighties during the period of the Bourghiba presidency.


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An Egyptian style coup, replacing the choice of the people by a fascist president. Democratic rights must be fought for, and it is a bloody struggle. The Tunisian people lost.

Tommy Lee

Considering how often they vote for religious extremists, electoral politics seem like a losing proposition in that part of the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Lee
Jaafar Aziz

Piero Messina is either a son of a bitch, supporter of terrorism either an idiot. Ennahdha, “moderate islamic party”. Pfff…He should have make his homework. He would have found that this party is a terrorist party. In the 1980’s, their members were behind the murder of a man (burnt ! ). And from 2011 to 2021 they’ve killed 2 political leaders, have send thousands of terrorists in Syria against the legitimate government and have loot the tunisian government. I am very disappointed by Southfront. A tunisian (ex-) faithful reader.

Chris Gr

We don’t know if it was Ennadha or Ansar al-Sharia.


Piero Messina et Cie qu’est-ce que vous racontez ? Nourreddine Bhiri et ses acolytes du parti Ennahdha des Frères musulmans en Tunisie sont responsables de l’assassinat d’opposants et de l’envoi de milliers de jeunes Tunisiens combattre l”Armée arabe en Syrie où leurs méfaits resteront dans les esprits et les annales. A votre place South Front, je retirerais cet article honteux bourré de falsifications de la vérité et d’insinuations malveillantes. Par ailleurs, je vous rappelle que quand il est question de terrorisme, on ne parle pas de putsh, mais de sécurité nationale !

Chris Gr

Pro-Turkish and pro-Iranian Ennahda should not be in government.


Pro-Iraniens ?


Nothing to do with Iran, you are obsessed with Iran almost as Iron_Zion. Actually you probably are Iron_Zion, no way there are two idiots of that magnitude here.

Chris Gr

Turkey and Iran lol the forces behind Muslim Brotherhood