UPDATED: Sabotage Attacks In Russian Regions Continue Amid Upcoming Ukrainian Offensive At Front

UPDATED: Sabotage Attacks In Russian Regions Continue Amid Upcoming Ukrainian Offensive At Front

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UPDATE: It turned out that the train was Belarusian. The locomotive belongs to the Gomel depot, and it was operated by a Belarusian team of a machinist and his assistant, who managed to avoid death by a lucky chance.

On the morning of May 1, a sabotage attack targeted the Russian border Bryansk region. An explosion thundered on the railway tracks. As a result of the attack, a cargo train was damaged and derailed.

The incident occurred at 10.17 am Moscow time in the Unech district on 136 km of the Bryansk-Unech railway tracks. A locomotive and seven train carriages with cargo derailed after an unidentified explosive device went off.

According to preliminary reports, there are no casualties as a result of the incident. Security services are deployed on the spot.

UPDATED: Sabotage Attacks In Russian Regions Continue Amid Upcoming Ukrainian Offensive At Front

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The train was reportedly carrying fuel and construction materials. Judging by the footage from the spot several carriages were heavily damaged but the fire did not affect the fuel tanks and there were no large explosions.

The investigation has yet to identify the perpetrators. Most likely, they were saboteurs acting on the orders of the Kiev regime.

On April 29, Ukrainian drones struck the Crimean peninsula. One of them got into a fuel tank in the city of Sevastopol. LINK The Kiev regime is trying to deplete Russian fuel reserves in order to prevent the Russian military from conducting military operations amid the upcoming Ukrainian offensive on the front line. However, so far their attacks in the Russian rear have not yet had a significant impact on the Russian military at the front.

UPDATED: Sabotage Attacks In Russian Regions Continue Amid Upcoming Ukrainian Offensive At Front

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Another senseless sabotage attack took place on the morning of May 1 in the Russian Leningrad region. A transmission tower was blown up near the village of Susansky in the Gatchina district. Another explosive device was discovered on another tower and timely defused by Russian specialists.

The power supply to the settlements was not disrupted. It was automatically switched to another substation. FSB officers and the Prosecutor’s Office are working at the scene.

It has not yet been confirmed whether Kiev is behind this attack. However, this would not be a surprise. The sabotage attack had no military goals but was aimed to terrorise the local population. Kiev is recruiting saboteurs to commit crimes on the Russian territory, risking their freedom, in an attempt to cause at least some damage and distract Russian security services. At the same time, the Ukrainian media and the MSM declare such saboteurs coordinated and paid by Kiev – the Russian guerrillas who are allegedly fighting against Putin for the “better Russia”.


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US is becoming a shithole

Ukie orcs are getting desperate.


RF si bude musieť poradiť s týmito problémami. Bude musieť dať pozor aby im takáto činnosť neprerástla cez hlavu. Určite podobné akcie zažívali aj počas Čečenskej krízy. Tiež sa potykali s terorizmom rôzneho rozsahu.


Are these ukrainian soldiers or rebells from the occupied territory in cherson and zaporoshie or even nato operatives/ mercs.


It was UK forces. They said ages ago they had a team sent out to harm Russia

Uncle Ho

Yes since they’re impotent to stop tyranny in their own countries. Useless cowards.

Uncle Ho

Time for armed civilian patrols to prevent sabotage in every city of the Russian Federation especially those near border countries. A literal civilian militia must be created to deter nazi aggression.

Kjetil Bjarnesen

Russia has lost its energy war against Europe. Coal and natural gas prices have gone very low and Europeans are fastly moving to renewables and new generation hydrogen. Meanwhile Russia has become dirty rusty old gas station. Backward economy, country living in past.

Uncle Ho

Yes,enjoy your 15 minute Prison Cities. Coward.
Got unaccounted for excess death rates much. Get your depopulation treatment. Bluetooth Low Energy.

Markus Kallio

Last winter Russia was forced to sell its oil 40% cheaper to China and India. It has become very dependent on these Asian giants after been kicked out from European markets. Good example how easily Europe could get out from Russian energy is Finland. It increased renewables 70% last year and will increase solar energy 900% during next 8 years and wind power 300%. Northern Europe has become very independent on Russia. Kreml is loosing very badly.


There is indeed radical change going on in global energy markets when countries are moving from fossile fuels to renewables. War in Ukraine will actually just fasten this process. Russia has weak position on this game.

Uncle Ho

Europe jabbed are now involuntarily sterile. There is no future generation. Period. Better wake up. Almost no live births. The fm got you all. No more future for your peoples.

Uncle Ho

Finland won’t need much energy with less than ten percent of its current population. Gill Bates and fraudci got your numbers. F M one and all. de population. You lost. better luck next lifetime.


The russiansmust bemorevigilent.suchaytacks must be prempted.railways are importantand rquire 24-7 surveilenceor they are leaviñg back door oopen for thenemywhere arethequick teactio. petznaz units should beworking ckreactionbehindnatolinesancreatinghellehe enemywhere arethequick reactionanti- terrorist units?comon russiaget your head in the game!

WT Baker

i am at the point, due to Kiev propaganda, that this upcoming Kiev “offensive” will be mostly disinformation along the same lines that were publicized during and after Russia’s strategic withdrawal from territories won earlier. Yes there could be some military moves for dramatic effect but that is not the intention. Any “offensive” by Kiev is already known to result in tragic, horrific failure, but since when did the Nazis give a damn about their people being sent to the front as cannon foder?


It’s not their people neither oligarchs nor galicians are drafted.
The oligarchs are abroad and the galicians are volontarys in the second line to shoot the ukrainian conscripts if they run away like the bolshevics did to all drafted sowjet soliders in ww2.

Small Hat Pedo from Israel

Oye vey, the Russian filth column zionists are behind this, they are the traitors who stab in the back and cry out in pain oye vey 💩🇮🇱💩

Last edited 1 year ago by Small Hat Pedo from Israel

General who order Russia troops pool out from the UA norther region made huge blunder. Now Russia has problem in Bryansk region
