S-300 System Delivery To Syria Already Started: Lavrov

S-300 System Delivery To Syria Already Started: Lavrov

FILE IMAGE: Sergei Bobylev/TASS

Russia has already started delivering the S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system to Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on September 28.

“The delivery has been started already. And as President Putin said, after that incident […] the measures which we will take will be devoted to ensure 100 percent safety and security of our men in Syria,” Lavrov said at a press conference following his speech at the UN General Assembly in New York on September 28.

By “incident”, the diplomat meant the recent shootdown of a Russian IL-20 plane off the Syrian coast. The plane was targeted by Syrian air defense fire. However, according to Russia, the incident was triggered by “hostile” Israeli actions.

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Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Im expecting an increase in israeli airactivity before the systems is operationel.

Zo Fu

You are expecting wrong. Israel is not afraid of S300 because Putin will never allow attack on israeli warplanes.

Poor Turk

Putin is smarter than you.

Zo Fu

I really doubt. He is maybe better liar.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Lying about what?

John Whitehot

here’s another iteration of the jewnazi troll.

Keep it Real

Putin will never allow the russian army to do so maybe! But he handed over the red Button to Assad!

Zo Fu

Well, Russian goal is not win the war in Syria. Their goal is protect their interests. For example prevent gas pipes from Qatar to Turkey. Keep Assad alive as pro Russian proxy good to be killed. Test new Russian weapons. Sell S300 and S400 to anybody who is willing to pay. Don’t piss off America and Jews too much. Don’t get killed too many own crew.
So shooting down Israeli jets by S300 is in contradiction to Putin’s goals in Syria.
It is absolutely nonsense.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Mr. Putin is protecting his interest yes, but those interest are not Another jewish/us puppet state, yet another place to put a military base projecting military dominance on an population that have a “democraticly” elected/selected government

Zo Fu

I don’t care. Putin is lying to Syrian people. Syrian ground forces suffered hevay loses, especially in Alleppo because of Putin’s “ceasfires” and “deals” with Western “partners”.
Now Syrian army was on winning strike but Idlib operation was halted, because Putin made a deal with Turkey, betraying Syria.
You remeber, it was Turkey who downed first Russian jet in Syria. But Putin doesn’t care. It is a “collateral damage”. As the Il20 was “accident”. Putin likes Erdogan more then Syrian people. Because Erdogan is buying S300 and every dollar earned by Russian military-industrial complex counts.
There is nothing like bad Jews and good Russians. End of the fairy tale.
All those folks are really bad, only somebody is a bit worse.


List of really bad folks:
1. Jews,
2. Russians,

Can you, please, include in this list USA, UK, Germany, France…
Simply, maybe your list is the first “real” list of the really bad folks!

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

And us and israel is not lying about the situation in syria, iraq and Afghanistan?
NATO shot down a russian aircraft yes, the west bought Oil from ISIS yes, US forces is shielding ISIS forces in south syria yes, the only legal outside participant by a civilised country in syria is Russia yes, Russia and Syria is the sole reasons why ISIS have lost in Syria yes , all those things is a fact.

Israel and us and Many western countrys is the reason that ISIS is still there in protected bubbles.

We can agree upon that no government i 100% perfect, but accept that your country possibly is feeding off and feeding ISIS and alike.

I know that my country, Denmark, is supporting the White helmets wich have supported al-nusra/al-sham And ISIS, but I do not support my government, i support my flag, there is a huge difference

Promitheas Apollonious

`but I do not support my government, i support my flag, there is a huge difference`

indeed it is. Motherland is everything.

John Whitehot

“There is nothing like bad Jews and good Russians”

But there is something like crazed psychopaths in the Israeli government and the entire world would gain a lot by them being cooled off, jews included.


I don’t think you can judge a leader or a country through their individual actions. Russia is facing a desperate foe that doesn’t stop at anything -it ‘s even so reckless that it is willing to risk a world war to prevent its demise. I sometimes feel frustrated at Russia’s reaction vis-a-vis the west’s crimninal action too. But what is Putin supposed to do? Future generations will probably be grateful at Russia’s self-restraint. I am not saying Putin is perfect nor is the Russian Federation. Surely they must have made mistakes. So what? Geopolitics at this level is like being lost in a labyrinth. Leaders are only humans, and I’m sure sometimes they themselves don’t know what to do. What is important in the end is both the ends and means they use. Then your choice will be clear.


A very well reasoned post, Jaime. We’d all do well to remember all people and all leaders are flawed humans. Putin is an unreplaceable leader, for now. If he were a hothead, we’d all be radioactive isotopes circling the newly climate changed, nuclear winterized Earth.


Gracias, unmitigatedaudacity.


Whatever, Russia is winning, and Israel has been defeated.
The Israelis are now reduced to attacking unarmed planes and children.
Actually Israelis have always attacked children.

Promitheas Apollonious

so now you think you the spoke person for putin. you know that reading your posts see a brainwashed person talking BS. You get paid to be stupid or just lack processing power?

Tommy Jensen

Zo Fu is talking about the Pussian army.

Keep it Real

wining is protecting their intrest! Putin just wants to achive that without a war against NATO!

Luke Hemmming

Sounds like a good sales pitch to me. If it gives Syria back to Syria in the end then that is a good thing and if it means that other countries buy Russian made military equipment then that is a good thing too. Russia was screwed over by the Khazarian mafia when that drunkard Yeltsin who was nothing more than a Israeli/US puppet, oversaw the Russian country. Squandering it’s wealth and resources until Putin came to power and put an end to that. Now Putin been the smart man he is, smarter than most in this comment forum including me, knows how to play the game. Why do you think the US is putting sanctions on Putin and Russia? To stifle the economy my dear boy. So what does Putin do? Well he sells his much more superior military equipment to anyone who wants to buy it. Syria is of course a perfect scenario to showcase the capabilities of his wares. What does that mean for Russia, well more sales equals more money into the Russian economy which means more money for the Russians to develop their economy and survive despite the western imposed sanctions. Putin is a smart business man. He gets my vote. Trump on the other hand…what an idiot.

John Whitehot

troll and bullshit.


Ah, you are Israeli , “Keep Assad alive as pro Russian proxy good to be killed”..
So you’ve heard the story that the Israeli strike near the Russian air base was actually an attempted assassination of Assad.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

All he needs to do is to have the syrians on the shift whenever they see israel taking off, there a many ways you can spin it like that

Hisham Saber

Syria and Russia both have plausible deniability they can claim once Israeli fighters begin being intercepted /targeted, and/or shot down. The Russians will simply say the Syrians did it, and what are you doing violating international law anyways ….’

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

So he Will never help syria and therefor turning his back on a very good ally, sending a signal to the world that he will not allow an ally to defend themselfes against Israel?
Then what is the point of being good friends with arab nations?


keep dreaming.


Expect a few Israeli planes to be shot down, the number sacrificed will depend Netanyahu.


pfffffffffffffffft …………………… STOP smoking the crack!!

Zo Fu

After 5 years delay caused by – – – – – –
– – – – Lavrov&Putin.

Luke Hemmming

and yes i know where you got your avatar from BTW…lol…https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34457224

Aen RaBeon

Haha . You have the stomach to entertain this To Fu.. I would simply ignore such a fart.


I dont get Russia though telling everyone they were shipping S300s – why not wait till they were set up & operational then announce it.

Zo Fu

Basicaly S300 are operational since Russian started in Kmeimim in 2015. And they were NEVER used against Israel. So it is higly unlikely they’ll start using it now after S300 “boost” in numbers.

Poor Turk

You sound like a zionist who would like to portray Putin as your obedient


You won’t want to find out. Much better not because it is officially would Syrian that operating them. If they see another ‘hostile’ action that threatened their operation they would be used in anger be it Israel or the US.

Promitheas Apollonious

the russians no will not use them causing a local total out war, when they not in position to win it with out causing global war. On the other hand and if you had a second cell operational, fat chance, then you would figured out that nothing stop the syrians defending their country against israel.

Tommy Jensen

With old Bukh´s and S-200, while Saudi, Turkey, India and even Greece can get what they want from Moscow???

Cant you admit something is complete wrong in this picture???

Why are Saudi, Turkey, India purchases only causing sanctions, while S-300/S-400 to Syria/Iran causing WWIII and other bs explanations???

Luke Hemmming

Deterrent my dear lad. Like having a alarm system visible in your home and signs saying “WARNING ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLED IN THIS HOUSE MONITORED 24 HOURS”. Now as a criminal which would you choose to break into? The house displaying the ‘alarm system active’ signs or the house next door with no alarm system? Please don’t say you would attempt to break into the house saying it has an alarm system cause that would prove your a very stupid criminal.


Why would they shut up? S-300 is already operational and Syria. If they now use the S-300, who can confirm that it is from the Russian unit, and not “newly delivered” to the Syrian army?
Practically, the delivery of the S-300 to Syria can be reduced to a mere transfer of “jurisdiction” over that system, and those who have initiated everything are aware of it.

John Mason

They were already on site plus the Russians have the S400 which would cover the installation of S300.



Zo Fu

Do you remember first Russian aircrew to be killed in Syria ? It was Su24M bomber in 2015, 2 crew bailed out just to be shot dead on parachutes by Turkmen militia backed by Edrogan. It was israeli jet started from Turkey airport who made the kill.
And do you remember how Israel downed Su24 over Golan Heights in Jul 2018 ? The very same scenario and false accusation of “airspace violation “.
So it hardly took 15 russians to be killed by Israel. At least 19. But probably much more including 39 killed in An 26 suspicious crash landing in Hmeimim in March 2018. Israeli fingerprints were everywhere.



Luke Hemmming

that’s because Putin is focusing on the main task at hand…ISIS. Israel is clearly trying to draw Russia into a war, which it would drag the US into. Brinkmanship here. Revenge is a dish best served cold they say. Yes Russian servicemen were killed in those attacks but like a true chess master Putin just bide his time and waited for the right opportunity to present itself, which he knew would, and now he moves his king into checkmate position.


Exactly Luke.
Gratuitous and hasty anger is any situation usually benefits ones opponents.

Tommy Jensen

The right opportunity never arrive. You must act in the moment, otherwise solutions drag out in 25 years like in Iraq.


Winning is winning, Syria won FUKUS/Israel/KSA lost, end of story.
You can say what you like, but in the end winning is all that matters in war.

John Whitehot

stop switching identities to upvote your own comments.


then how will he upvote himself?

Tommy Jensen

I always upvote my own comments because it takes an intelligent person to see I am right.



John Whitehot



Yes the Israelis are c#nts, but do you really want Russia to stoop to their standards?

Luke Hemmming

and your point is? Better late than never hey?

Tommy Jensen

Lavrov: “the S-300 will be devoted to ensure 100 percent safety and security of our men”, you see what I said?
These S-300 are pure for Russian defences. They will tell you they are also indirectly for Assad and Syria, but Assad will never get his finger on the green buttons.

The Israeli/American killing inside Syria of SAA, Iranians, Hezbollah and also Russian officers who are doing the dirty job against ISIS will continue, because Kremlin wants to be “equal partners” with West and Israel until next time Russia get a new missile in their butt.

Promitheas Apollonious

living in denial of fact and what is coming is not very intelligent. as for the ones you mentioning soon they be receiving a a bouquet of roses right on their door step.

al quaida

You are a troll.
Your intent is to sow discontent against the one nation that has prevented the downfall of Syria.
Fuck you.
You are the enemy.

Promitheas Apollonious

nope just a convenient idiot. But you are right in what he is trying to do.

Pathetic isn’t it?

al quaida

He is pathetic.

Tommy Jensen

Im not the enemy. Im just challenging dreamers and hopers. Try to admit it.

You were smiling all over your greasy face, thought Trump would save your arse, and then Trump turned up to be even worse than Obomba.
Then you turned to Putin and Russia smiling again, thinking Putin would save your dream and Syria 100% back to Assad.

Then you discovered I was right……….and got pessed because you were not brave enough to see your vaseline face in the mirror……………………….LOL.

Luke Hemmming

Tommy tommy tommy boy oh boy…the troll you are. Tsk tsk tsk At the end of the day Assad is winning here not ISIS, not Israel, not the USA, not HTS not anyone else. Syria is finally winning back its own lands, with Russia’s help of course. Whether or not the S300’s are for Russian defense or not is irrelevant. The maps speak for themselves, Syria, Assad and the SAA are clearly winning and at the end of the day that’s all that matters really isn’t it? :-)

Tommy Jensen

Its better than ISIS, clearly ;-).

Tudor Miron

C’mon Tommy, we know that you’re smarter than that.

Promitheas Apollonious

is he? With what he post and claims, I am beginning to have doubts. No intelligent person allow himself to go to the level of single cell repeatedly.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s funny that one mans honest opinion is wrongly perceived to be nothing but trolling, but I don’t think you’re a troll, just a lot smarter and better informed than the people calling you a troll.
We’ve heard the same story 4 times already, and not even once has Putin put his money where his mouth was. Red lines were crossed and Putin’s bluff called every time, but Putin’s done what he always done, nothing. I remember his threat to not only destroy the incoming missiles, but also destroy the launchers as well, –yeah sure maybe next time–.
The next time there’s a confrontation between the Israelis and the Syrians we’ll know for sure either way, and I’ll bet we won’t be waiting too long to find out. I’ll also bet you’re right about the response we get from Putin, I don’t see things changing the 5th time around.
A dog that barks but never bites is no deterrent to a determined thief, no matter how many sharp teeth the dog has or how loud it barks.
I hope for the sake of Syria we’re both wrong, and in this particular case I’d be much happier to be wrong than right, but like you, I don’t see anything changing the next time there’s a confrontation between Israel and Syria and it’s proxies.
A few people calling you a troll also wrongly believe Assad’s nearly won the war, territorial gains look really good on maps, but the political situation shows us a totally different picture, in reality it’s more like a stalemate than anything else. The abrupt cancellation of the Idlib offensive should have been a clear sign to all that this war is far from over, there’s still a lot more to come yet.
Assad really needs the Kurds to help win this war, until there’s a reconciliation between these 2 parties the political stalemate will continue. The US base at Al-Tanf is another major sticking point which has to be resolved before anything changes. Once these 2 problems are resolved Erdogan will be much easier to deal with, but the Kurdish dilemma has to be the first problem solved, once that’s done, the stack of cards the US [not Trump] and Israel have built in Syria, will all come crashing down around them. Limited self autonomy for the Kurds isn’t too high a price to pay to win the war in Syria, and I predict that’s exactly what will happen now, just like I’ll predict I’ll get a lot of angry responses to my post concerning the Kurds and self autonomy.
Time nearly always tells the truth, we never have too long to wait to find out who’s right and who’s wrong. Let’s see if Putin uses those S-400’s/S-300’s to blow Israeli missiles [that target only Hezbollah and Iranian targets] out of the sky, or attack the aircraft that fire them, I’m sure they won’t. The Russians might use them against the Israelis if they were to repeat the same thing they did when they hid behind the Russian plane, but only in that situation, and even then I’m not so sure they would.

John Whitehot

and one.

F-35B crashes in Beaufort, SC


Promitheas Apollonious

you think eventually they teach it to fly, with out crashing? When I see that plane, it remind me of a make believe fat eagle, with the wings of a sparrow.

John Whitehot

not much is known about the causes if the crash – but pilot error is highly unlikely, especially in a machine that promises to correct for errors and prevent crashes.

the pilot ejecting means he was aware that the plane could not be saved, while most pilot error accidents normally result in the death of the crew.

Promitheas Apollonious

fat airplane very small wings, very dangerous to fly it in slow speeds and low attitude. Always pestered with engine failures and electrical and electronic problems. In short is a disaster waiting to happen, every time it takes off.

John Whitehot

it’s also underpowered and has too high wing loads.

this means that it would fall out of the skies by itself after two hard turns in a maneuvered combat.

but hey, the US MIC decided that all modern air combat is in BVR.

they did decide the same thing in the 60ies, then went to Vietnam and MiG-17s and 19 started to shred F-4 Phantoms to ribbons at close ranges with their cannons.

with the AIM-7 Sparrow unable to hit even a small planet at BVR range , the AIM-9 Sidewinder was the only viable weapon for all the US fighters, until they put back M61 Vulcans on F-4s and then went on to even obtain some kill with them.


Pilot error is always the biggest cause of aircraft crashes. Because humans make mistakes and you only have to screw up once in order to crash. The law of averages is against you. Also don’t underestimate the human drive to bypass critical safety features if they feel they are more of a burden then a boon to day to day workings. Just look at your average office, how often do you see fire safety doors being held open by chairs or other creative means just because people of constantly opening them?


Probably a software glitch.
The current obsession with doing everything with software, as opposed to hardware cannot help but increase unreliability.

John Whitehot

software glitches don’t make planes go down.

most likely engine flame out and no way to restart it.
or something more exotic like a wing coming off by itself.

Promitheas Apollonious

If you know the short comings created by the very poor aerodynamics of the plane no need to speculate any farther.

John Whitehot

well, i must say that on this we can’t be much sure, unless we were top engineers with top CAD software.

certainly, the need to make it appear as “stealth” subtracts something from the aerodynamic point of view.

I must also say that, even with my amateurish eye, I can see that the plane lacks all those lift generating surfaces that were abundantly used in 4th gen fighters (I ‘m talking about the F-14, F-15, Su-27, Mig-29. For example the area between the engines, in the Tomcat and Flanker is able to generate lift) are not present at all – so one wonders where the plane is going to generate its lift (especially considering, as you say, the small wings).

I don’t remember if the engine is able to vector thrust, although with a single one it seems almost useless, and being underpowered even dangerous.

The general feeling i have is that the F-35 is made to be used in total air superiority in theaters like Afghanistan. Basically, another A-10C, only costing tens of times more.


Accidents always happen. Pilots have to be on the ball all the time, Murphy only needs a careless moment once. Eventually a slip up will happen even with the best planes.

Promitheas Apollonious

agreed shit happens but is no need to be caused to happen in the name of money and war industry business. As for the plane in question it is by far the worst plane ever build in the states and is not an accident when a pilot get killed by it but a premeditated murder of the ones who make him fly it.


Let me first state that I think the F-35 is an overpriced faulty piece of shit, a project to big to be allowed to fail. So they kept throwing money at it. I have all confidence that it will not turn out to be the success that they keep on telling us it will. Maybe after they throw even more money at it it might. That being said, even in the best of aircraft pilots can and will still make mistakes, because engineers can’t fix everything and human stupidity is the most creative force on this planet. Also that being said its too early still to pin error solely on the F-35 and its manufacturer. A statistical sample of one does not make for a reliable statistic to draw conclusions from. It could be many reasons, including the most common error, human error. For its users it is after all a new aircraft that they have to get used too. More need to crash in rapid succession for the cause to be assigned to the aircraft itself.

It may interest you to know that the F-104 in NATO service also gained a reputation as an unreliable aircraft that killed more aircraft then the average war. Probably 1 in 5 of every German or Dutch F-104’s crashed, earning it the names of widowmaker and the lawndart. Thing is though, most NATO aircraft had no experience with a complicated mach 2 aircraft, and their pilots went from simple subsonic clear weather aircraft to mach 2 all weather aircraft without gaining experience inbetween. They were also stupid enough to keep this complicated aircraft on the ground out in the open, in the wet/hot/everything in between conditions of Western Europe. Which goes a long way to explain why so many of them crashed in the 60’s.

Promitheas Apollonious

k i was talking from a technical point of view and air dynamics. And no money is not the problem with the F35. It is designed wrong and that is unfixable. What they lack is brains and workmanship.

Especially on the part where various parts of it are manufactured in different countries. Any way is been a lot of discussions about the F35 we posted on it and will not get involved in a debate repeating my self.

Shit is shit by any name you call it.


By offering other countries a piece of the manufacturing though they ensured that those countries would not ditch the program. ‘Oh no, think of the Dutch jobs that would be lost!’ was one of the biggest arguments by successive Dutch governments as to not quit the F-35 program.

Promitheas Apollonious

it is obvious why they did that, but that does not alter the fact that quality control in this case is out of the window and is impossible to trouble shot mistakes, let alone correct them and that was the point.

Think a pure breed to mate with 100 dogs and then give birth, what you get? An F35 in this case.


It’s what happens when you design via political committee.

Zo Fu

Good. At least West propaganda about “combat ready F-35b performed first mission in Afghanistan and it was a great succes” will have some unbiased counterpart.
IMHO F35 is overpriced , unmaintainable, overhyped and double inferior airplane, but NATO keeps buying it because of corruption and military-industrial complex aggresive lobbying.
It will take some 5-10 years before West learn that F35 is total failure and that they don’t have anything capable as a fighter, bomber and ground support. I don’t care. It is their problem.


It would be somewhat amusing if the F35 had crashed into the new UK carrier now involved with deck landing trials in the US.
I would of course hope that none of the ‘boys and girls’ in the crew were all in a safe place if that happened John :)

John Whitehot

“I would of course hope that none of the ‘boys and girls’ in the crew were all in a safe place if that happened John ”

sry, I’m unable to illwish to simple servicemen.


It was a typo on my part John. I first wrote ‘none in the crew would be hurt’ and then edited it to’ ‘boys and girls in a safe space ………’ without editing ‘none ‘ to ‘all’.

I am glad you pointed that out. It was careless of me.

John Whitehot

glad to have helped.


How to make America ‘Great’ again, … With us they say: “What we do ourselves, we do better
…” The Americans prove it time after time. Hahaha – LOL !!!

Spike Munch

not wanting to be considered a nay sayer, but what actual ‘live’ operations has the s300 taken part in? on paper it looks great, but it has never actually been tried in a ‘real’ combat situation…i know that its c2 vehicle is able to resite rapidly, but all of the testing they have carried out has been with non-aggressive aircraft…in the case of israel it’s very likely that should they decide to mount a sortie that there will be certain aircraft which will be operating anti-radar missiles…and once they have lit the fc/c2 vehicle & site they will send their ordnance in that direction…

these will be interesting times regardless, but i don’t think for a second that israel will not mount further air missions, especially if the targets are iranian

c2 = command & control
fc = fire control

Feudalism Victory

All true. The saa should get some extra balls and shoot at israeli planes over israeli air space see if it works as promised. Catch by surprise during training exercices maybe. Theyll never see it coming.


That’s why Russian AA is layered.
If you get passed the S300 the Pantsir is waiting.
If you get passed the Pantsir the Ranets E will fry the incoming missile.

But of course in war anything can happen, the question is how many Israeli planes get shot down per S300 destroyed.
China now makes the S300 under licence, so they could deploy thousands of the things if needed.
How many aircraft does Israel have?