Russia’s Mir Payment System Connected To Iran’s Shetab

Russia’s Mir Payment System Connected To Iran’s Shetab

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Today on November 11, in an official ceremony in Tehran with the presence of Iranian CBI Governor Mohammad Reza Farzin, and a group of bank CEOs, Russia’s Mir network was connected to Iran’s banking network (Shatab).

By connecting the two countries’ local payment systems, Iranian banking cards can be used at automated teller machines (ATMs) in Russia. Therefore, every person with an Iranian banking card can receive his funds in rubles from Russian ATMs.

Central Bank of Iran (CBI) further said that the second phase of the link-up process will allow Russian nationals to use Iranian ATMs and the third phase will make Iranian Shetab cards acceptable at point-of-sale (POS) terminals installed in Russian stores.

Iranian CBI Governor Mohammad Reza Farzin had earlier said that the deal to connect Russia’s Mir and Iran’s Shetab payment systems had been finalized during his talks with Russian officials on the sidelines of the Financial Congress of the Bank of Russia in St. Petersburg in July.

Iran and Russia, both subject to illegal Western sanctions, have over the past years deepened their relations in various fields, including economy and trade.

They are also in talks to launch a payment messaging service that could rival SWIFT, a dollar-based international system that has banned the two countries because of US pressure.


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as for as russian economy goes, russian currency is not worth anything. you just can’t have (hyper)inflation and benchmark rates @ 21 percent. nobody will accept such currency in international trade. i really doubt that russian wages and pensions were fully increased to counter inflation. what putin does is “stealing” money from citizens, destroying their savings. he can bully his citizens, but good like with international trading partners, they are not that stupid.

Last edited 4 months ago by Snowden
Boris Orlov

don’t worry, international partners, speak eu, are really that stupid. they have no clue on the economy, welfare state, education, energy or infrastructure, not to mention other cultures or diplomacy. just look at our representatives in brussels. children of age and behavior. a shiny example of eu idiots is the former finnish prime minister: qualification was being a rainbow kid, result is finland giving up neutrality and becoming a front state, while she is happily gone.


you use word “stupid” too much bro. ruble = rubble. russian currency lost more then 15 percent to usd this year already and the u.s. are talking about “severe” inflation on usd. but comparing to russia, it is nothing. and it is not end of the year. with russian central bank approach, the benchmark will increase to 30 percent in no time and then good luck. you can use toilet paper instead such currency lol. it is junk losing value just before the eyes.

Last edited 4 months ago by Snowden
Conan M

but russia has the resource, gold, silver, palladium that the u.$.a. “haymaker” doesn’t have. and when all is said and done guess who will be the one left standing?… trump’s victory was no accident… and the global manager(s) made a decision that russia will be a “bridge too far” for the nato restless that have lost everything in that 10 year investment worth $trillions… needless to say holding the phyz is the best alternative.

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… but if you had to hold a currency actually worth something without “a gun pointed in your face”… the rouble is the newest and most significant wealth generator on the block in terms of currencies that the $usd and euro will not be able to compete with for the next several decades -or perhaps to the end of the century if it doesn’t start a nuclear war first.

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

again. land of prosperity. iranians will drop ajatollahs soon. then, they will join dolar. russia can still trade with north korea, no?

Conan M

living in j**i$h dream land!…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

us national debt $36 trillion. $1 trillion debt interest. soon the us $ will be worth less than the zimbabwe $



remember that tweet.


the ruble is backed by gold – unlike the £, $, or euro toilet paper.

Pet Eaters

biden ran up a 5 trillion deficit while they were killing their own people with vaccines. the fed managed to keep rates at 5% while real inflation was more than 10% per anum but the trick is that the usa government buys it’s own bonds with borrowed money putting on a show for people. it is a house of cards that everyone wants to beleive in.


the ruble is doing just fine. the exchange rate against the dollar is irrelevant as russia doesn’t use it any more. russians can’t use and don’t want $. the exchange rate is managed and only a nominal or notional figure. it is significantly undervalued as a matter of policy – like the chinese yuan.


you are so full of western propaganda that you are drowning in it. russia’s gdp is growing at its own pace compared to the rest of the world. on the other hand, the eu and even germany are in trouble. a third of the companies have gone out of business and the government will fall.


any western finance minister would give their eye teeth for russian economic figures. the russian economy is booming. 4th largest economy in world, bigger than japan or germany.


whose next? north korea? land of prosperity, no?

Last edited 4 months ago by Антон

bye, bye, greenback monopoly money.
