Russia’s FSB Thwarts Plot To Smuggle Radioactive Caesium-137 To Ukraine (Video)

Russia’s FSB Thwarts Plot To Smuggle Radioactive Caesium-137 To Ukraine (Video)

ROSTOV-ON-DON REGION, RUSSIA – JULY 15, 2019: Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officers detain two members of a cell of the Islamic State terrorist organization (banned in Russia). Video screen grab/ Russian Federal Security Service/TASS.

On June 23, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) announced that it had detained five people who were trying to buy 1 kg of radioactive Cesium-137 for $3.5 million on behalf of a citizen of Ukraine.

In a statement, the security service said that the suspects planned to smuggle the radioactive substance aboard where it would be used to stage an incident with purported weapons of mass destruction aimed at discrediting Russia.

“The Russian Federation’s Federal Security Service, with the support of the Russian Interior Ministry, has detained five members of an organized crime group acting under the coordination of a citizen of Ukraine… The criminals, acting in the interests of a foreign customer, took steps to acquire 1kg of the caesium-137 isotope for $3.5 million to smuggle the radioactive substance from the Russian Federation to somewhere abroad for use to the detriment of Russian interests during the special military operation,” the statement reads, according to Sputnik.

A criminal case on the illegal handling and smuggling of radioactive substances has been opened. The suspects are in custody and are currently giving confessions, the FSB added.

Caesium-137 is used in gamma-defectoscopy, inspection and control complexes, measuring equipment, for radiation sterilization of food, medicines and drugs as well as in radiotherapy for treatment of malignant tumors.

The substance is one of the most important dose-forming radionuclides, products of uranium and plutonium fission. It can be used to make a “dirty bomb”.

A dirty bomb is not the same as an atomic bomb. It is a mix of explosives, such as dynamite, with radioactive powder or pellets. When the explosives are set off, the blast carries radioactive material into the surrounding area.

The plot to smuggle Russian Caesium-137 came just a few days after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainian spies had received information showing Russia was considering carrying out an attack at the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant involving a release of radiation.

Russia denied these accusations and said that Ukraine was planning to seize the nuclear plant and of shelling its facilities including those where nuclear fuel is stored. Moscow also accused Kiev of planning a dirty bomb attack on Russian territory.



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kill all ukranazis


this game is childishly easy


why russia is coming out whit the news? now the end destiny can no more be captured. stupid move.


yes, so stupid when a country is accusing you of planning a nuclear incident, you really don’t want anyone to know that you just caught the very people that are accusing you red handed in trying to do exactly what they said you were planning to do.


they propably know who is in charge…

Florian Geyer

i do hope that uk mi6 is part of the ‘cunning plan’ to blame russia.

tis nearing the time for all uk decision makers to be targetted wherever they are.


the u.s.a. and nato are always looking to plant cesium-137 or chemical weapons for their fake news media to gain support from naive people to wage their wars that enable them to rob their taxpayers and their victim..


if guilty these people should face the death penalty.


ukronazis and nato terrorists are so delusional and brainwashed that they actually think “russia is gonna bomb it’s own nuclear plant!” is a good propaganda attempt on their behalf! no traces of sanity left in the regimes of eu and usa.


well the same retards have been telling us they blew up their own pipeline blew up the dam and shelled their own people at a nuke plant they control.


remember that usa-nato control the occident news system, and normally usa (and uk) citizen use to belive whatever is transmitted by cnn, fox news, cbs, bbc, etc. do you remember “weapons of mass destruction” ?


an explosion in zaporizhzhia nuclear plant means the end of russia economy, and this is well known for usa-nato which will try very hard to cause a nuclear accident on this plant. russia must take over other side of dnier river in order to protect better this nuclear plant, and this is urgent !


ukraine will attack the plant just as they did with the dam. it will happen and russia will be blamed and it the beginning of ww3.


it would be catastrophically easy to destroy the znpp cooling water pond


lol, what a bullshit – just russian fake – cant see any sim cards… the sims ;-)

Peter Jennings

time and options are running out for the us and its nato poodles. nothing they try seems to work and now hundreds of thousands of ukrainian’s are dead along with thousands of russian’s. killed on the altar of nato. a sacrifice to hubris and greed and arrogance.


i hope these creeps are executed for crimes against humanity, crimes against the planet, attempted mass murder, and treason.

Charity Crouse

so…that was the czech connection in the last few days…

thank you for letting me know…

i believe the dispute is whether at the time he was “born” was it “ukraine” or “belarus.”

that would have made our “replay” in prague much different….

4:23 pm cst
june 23, 2023
charity colleen crouse
