FILE IMAGE: Sputnik/ Dmitry Vinogradov
Rusissan warplanes have killed 12 commanders of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and injured the group’s leader Abu Muhammad al-Julani, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Wednesday.
“On October 3, the Russian military intelligence found out the time and venue of the Jabhat al-Nusra leaders’ meeting led by the group’s leader, Abu Muhammad al-Julani. The Sukhoi Su-34 and Su-35 planes from Russia’s aircraft alert force in Syria were assigned to hit the target,” the ministry’s spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov said. “After the attack, Jabhat al-Nusra leader, Abu Mohammed al-Julani, sustained multiple heavy shrapnel wounds and, having lost his arm, according to several independent sources, is in critical condition. Along with numerous (about 50 people) body guards, twelve Jabhat al-Nusra field commanders, including al-Julani’s closest assistant, head of the group’s security service Ahmad al-Ghizai, have been killed.”
Konashenkov added that about a dozen of militants received wounds as a result of the airstrike.
Karma got them.
Excellent news! Let’s hope that this Green Daesh head r/t lingers in comatose enfeeblement while his subordinates rip out each other’s entrails! :D
Have they caught this badly injured terrorist or are they just assuming he is critically injured?
They need to take him to court and find out who his main supplier is for all his weapons.
The answer to your question has been clear for a very long time. Just kill them.
He is going to be heli-evacuated to Israel to get his arm fixed
We KNOW who the supplier was and IS. It is the USA and her coalition of ghouls.
It’s very ironic,
but Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, and China are saving the “Free World”
from the US/Zionist plain Madness !
The progress done the last 40 years by these Countries
is as good as the US/Zionist/Nato went awfully wrong !
it is high probability the casualties also included foreign intelligence supporting the leadership body , from US/UK/FR , From israel , from saudi & gulfies.
i think this is a form of revenge by the russian , without publicly trumpeting their revenge , but the relevant parties know they been whacked ..
it is high probability the casualties also included foreign intelligence
supporting the leadership body , from US/UK/FR , From israel , from
saudi & gulfies.
I really, really, really hope so.
Just the thought has made my day.
1000 ticks.
i remember when NATO bombed syrian soldiers and killed 80 of them , the russian launched cruise missiles from mediterran sea and hit some ‘enemy bases’ north east of latakia. That ‘base’ is jam packed with intel officer from Saudi/Qatari , Turkey , ISraeli and US/UK/FR , and intended to be a ‘message’ saying ‘we know where your people are’ from russia..
why this is not boasted all over the media , because there’s no point in letting the public know , but those involved know that there will be punishment for any slight to R+6 forces
Correct. RU frigate is again offshore Syria.
Was that when the evil hasbeen, Samantha Power was in the UN with the most absorb apology going. How the late Vitaly Churkin managed to be so diplomatic, is beyond me.
Samantha Power on US Airstrike on Syrian Regime Forces… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxTcPu8tmOs&t=43s
BREAKING:” Russia Walks Out Of UN Meeting Mad At USA”… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur64xVRp5L0
NATO Officials and Officers deserve to Die
on the most atrocious way for the uncountable Civilian
victims they have shamefully produced !
The special Court for Nazi in Nuremberg need to be reopen
to court the mass murders Zionists, none Death Penalties,
but “Life Time” in Guantanamo to be remembered for “Ever”
BRICS, SCO and Eurasian Union need to come up with their Nuremberg and make sure the US have no say in negotiations. You might see the right type on trial.
Eurasian Union with Middle-East is the logic
since ever, we were all built by the Mesopotamia
and the Silk Road. All European languages have an
Indo-European origins…
Even it’s in French, you should google for the
languages Genealogical Tree…
Yes if american radars were off at that moment. I have not illusions, but let’s hope you are right
For the moment,
Russian radar System is better than the US/NATO…
At the end of the day, we have no legal authority to be in Syria or any of our Forces. There was no declaration of war made in Parliament, no UN Authorisation and no invite to invade, by the Government of the Sovereign State of Syria.
If our Government has sent Forces to Syria, bearing in mind we were involved in the US coalition strike on the Syrian Forces, back in September 2016, then it is our Government who have blood on their hands. How many $billions have the UK handed over to the White Helmets and Syrian Moderates? Not sure what a moderate is to a full blown terrorist. Perhaps, they use a knife and fork, when eating chopped liver, from their captives?
There is no question that May has sent in boots on the ground without parliamentary approval.
They have been noted and seen numerous times with the islamic terrorist forces.
And the silence in Britain is deafening – not a howl from anyone from the Telegraph to the Guardian.
Tells you all you need to know about the pressitutes of the British Press and those who own it.
When the British air force did fly a few missions to wipe out ISIS I doubt if they actually bombed ISIS once.
If you looked at their targets it was all destroying valuable Syrian infrastructure – to stop the Syrian government retaking it.
May is as big a war criminal as Blair and Cameron.
Up to her neck in their war crimes – including crossing the floor of the House to vote through Blair’s illegal attack on Iraq when the Labour party rebelled to being a hard core supporter of Cameron’s destruction of Libya and implication in Gaddaffi’s brutal assassination.
It’s a Pity,
victims are only proxy of the Monsters Gang:
Nicolas Sarkosy, Hollande, Bernard Kouchner, Laurent Fabius,
Hillarkiller Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney,
John MacCain, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jacob Rothschild and al weren’t there
to be part of the collateral Damages… !
I do hope so:)
Russian Warplanes Wiped Out Command Of Syrian Al-Qaeda, Group’s Leader In Critical Condition
Didn’t wipe them quite clean enough.
Abu Muhammad al-Julani
Pity he was not cleaned right off the planet and into the hell he will go.
Temporary reprieve for 72 virgins mind you.
Demon virgins though they be.
Thanks Russia and your fighter pilots – job well done – for the entire non terrorist world.
I wonder how many are left? There have been some seriously good hits this past year, but, how many are still in situ?
Must be getting thin on the ground.
However the USA will be continuing to buy up islamics – train them in terrorism – finance them, arm them and send them into kill.
Printing the money to do it.
Bottomless pit really.
‘Imperialist’ bast ards. (sarc)
Will Abu Muhammad al-Julani end up being treated in an Israeli hospital along side ISIS fellow travellers ?
For purely humanitarian reasons of course :)
HTS wants the annihilation of Israel. ISIS says that there will be no Jew left in Jerusalem. Your conspiracy theories mean nothing to reality.
Why in that case is Israel flirting with HTS in the Golan region ?
Your Head in the Sand ignores reality.
The United States of America and her vassals have been supporting and enabling terrorism in the Middle East and beyond for decades.
Trumps clarion call of America First is in reality an Israel First policy and all too many in the US are too politically ignorant to understand that.
What are you smoking? Hashish brought by Hezbollah? lol Anyway, look at how HTS and ISIS are against Israel. The Golan Heights is a failure of the Syrian government. Your paranoia about Israel is astounding.
Israel has openly declared in recent months that ISIS and other wounded terrorists have been treated in Israeli hospitals. A Golani Regiment officer was apprehended by Iraqi forces whilst embedded with an ISIS gang in Iraq.
Your willfull ignorance of real events is astounding.
And those terrorists say that they want to destroy Israel. If there is a war against Israel then Assad and Wahhabies will unite against the “common Zionist enemy” just like Al-Qaeda leader praised Hezbollah.
Israel as a nation has always benefited by playing the worlds biggest Victim card.
It is a fact that Jews have been vilified as a cult for thousands of years and there are many reasons for that, some valid and some not.
I do not dislike a jew Pur Se but I do dislike what Israel as a nation is currently doing in Palestine and beyond.
Israel has the strongest Middle Eastern army and everyone else is playing the victim card. Assad has weak character and cannot rule so the ruling is done by some despotic army leaders. Palestinian terrorists are responsible for terrible crimes. And don’t mention to me the settlers. I hate extremists of any kind.
IF President Assad and indeed his British born wife as well had ‘weak characters’ they could have left Syria years ago to lives of comfortable exile elsewhere. Instead they chose to stay and combat the US/Israeli axis of aggression toward a Secular Syria that was a thorn in the side of the ‘Greater Israel Project.
Israeli terrorists have been involved in terrible crimes. Not least, the blowing up of the King David Hotel and the murder of many within it.
The ones that rule Syria are his top generals. Without Russia’s help they would be nothing. The blowing up of the King David hotel was done by extremists and I hate extremists.
Without the USA’s help ISIS, the FSA and AlNusra et al ‘would be nothing’.
Any regional power cannot hope to succeed against the US power without help from powers that CAN challenge the US empire of chaos and death.
The US could destroy much of Russia BUT Russia has the 100% capability of destroying much of the US mainland in response to any US aggression.
The US has never experienced such devastation ‘at home’ from a foreign power and in my opinion her people are psychologically ill equipped to cope with such an event.
US has only supported FSA and SDF, not Al-Nusra or ISIS. Get your facts straight. Russia will never attack US. Russia also is not Assad-fanatic but it supports Assad because it hates ISIS and Al-Nusra. Not to mention that Putin is pro-Israel and against Hezbollah (many Israelis have Russian ancestry).
There is ever increasing evidence that the US has in fact sent support to ISIS and Al Nusra and has been doing so for years. earlier this year we witnessed the spectacle of CIA aided Al Nusra fighting FSA units that were supported by US State Dept/Military and indeed the British special forces in the Idlib/Aleppo governorates.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
That is the type of reply that many children use . ” Prove it “.
And your lack of proof is good to resort to conspiracy theories, right?
If you care to read reports rather than look at pictures it is easy to see the trail of the US double dealing.
The CIA backed terrorists were Al Nusra that even the US considers ( on paper) to be a prescribed terror group.
Yeah but they were supported by the Obama’s administration, not by Trump’s.
It still shows that the US was playing both sides. As for president trump, he has been neutered by the Deep State with the help of Ivanka and her husband.
Trump is cunning but he is hardly an intellectual and he has made the US a laughingstock on the world stage. His speeches at the UN were embarrassing even for me and I am British :) He needs to get a new speech writer. It was amusing to see him struggle with words that are not in his lexicon . Obviously his dictionary for five year old’s is in need of updating.
I haven’t seen his speech. I believe Trump is an idiot but he has good intentions.
There is far more evidence of the US using terrorists for her geopolitical aims , largely because the US public would not support a war where dead Americans again fill Arlington cemetery, than there is for Russian hacking of your chaotic election in 2016.
Hopefully, I am not American.
Trust me, doing hasbara at SF is suicide, as SF readers are mostly have good understanding to the current reality on the ground and historical facts.
Most of them are trolls.
Israel none the kind neighbor they are. Once an immigrants now a tyrannical apartheid hawkish regime.
For decades ethnically cleansing the Palestinians stealing up lands with impunity.
That’s the cultural marxist narrative.
I don’t know. They’ve been so aggressive towards their neighboring country ever since it’s created. Why cultural Marxist narrative can’t be the truth ? Sure it’s about bias and politics but can you say yours isn’t biased ?
I’d say you are biased. Did you know ? Israel is in numerous violation of UN resolution including the one issued by UNSC.
Yes, I AM biased. Because I care for my life and the future of Europe, which is threatened by islamic fanatics.
Shout this into where your governments can hear.
-Stop airstrikes/ bombing mission in the middle east.
-Stop Army deployment in middle east.
-Stop selling weapons into middle east
-Stop supporting/antagonists of the middle east country.
– Stop supporting/financing/covering oil/gas corporation in the middle east.
-Stop importing violence from middle east.
These just first and foremost things to do toward peaceful settlement with undeclared ‘war’ your country imposed on them. Whenever a bomb dropped on them that took lives those who survived would seek revenge and it will falls first on something easier to reach. You, the ‘civilians’.
Terrorists and Muslims are guilty by association so are you by being a citizens of the country who committed/supported war crimes in middle east.
I assure you those who live in middle east would prefer nothing to do with you or your country just as much.
2/3 of their suffering is caused by fellow Muslims…
Sure and they are financed by ? Benefits to who ? Like i said your country importing weapons then importing violence from there into your doorstep. Did you like the crowd bombing/ramming/shooting ? I don’t.
Go ahead join the army if you think you ought to do something about it. Go ahead plunged face first to the violence you wished them.
My country? Greece has never supported jihadi rebels.
Nevermind then lol.
The sheeps living in a fences did not know that one day they will be herd to a slaughterhouse.
Next time make sure you’re in the right mob.
this is def truthful news as reported in rt too.
Question then is : Is RT truthful?
There are different opinions on that.
Yes, opinions from Zionist lovers such as you.
Nusra/HTS leadership recently opted to directly attack unit of 29 Russian MP’s on ground in Idlib – bad decision…
Russian intel is good and so is the targeting.
Well done.
If true, Syria is a small step closer to peace.
This is the beginning of the end of this proxy puppet army HTS
It couldn’t have happened to a bunch of nicer guys. My thoughts and prayers go out towards them. You will be missed.
Not one bit! :)
I hope their muricunt “advisors” were killed too.
Tend to disbelieve the casualty numbers of Ru MOD.
They have been lying quite a lot recently when it is about Syria.
Imo they are seriously embarassedd to the point of panic on Syria.
That a country like Russia resorts to lying and is getting caught several times in the open is indeed hilarious.
Remember the fake bridge over the Euphrates?
The 1500 IS a few days caught in the open and all killed by RuAF.
Remember 2.500 indiscriminate airstrikes on Idlib with massive reports targeting hospitals etc and no civillian casualties acc to Ru MOD?
All lies.
you parrot western media and nothing else.
“fake bridge”?
There are the pics on this site. And what I remember was the US colonel saying that “they won’t allow SAA to cross the river”.
“1500 Dead IS”
in 11 days is a pretty much valid number, you rooting for jihadists does not make it less valid
“massive reports”
From the usual jihadists that have been exposed putting bnombs into hospitals themselves to film it and blame Syria and Russia. The same jihadists that were filmed training children to appear as victims of chemical strikes.
Seriously, grow some balls and stop being the CNN of the comment section
The fake news was that Ru MOD reported the bridge over the river three days before it was there. At the time that SF reported the bridge being there acc to MOD it was just opened.
So the first report was fake news, a lie. That three days later it was correct, still makes the first report a lie.
As for the 1.500 dead, that was not a casualty report on IS losses in the fighting all over, it said it was aereal attacks on a convoy coming from Iraq that was completely wiped it by RuAF, they were not involved (as at that time) in the fighting. They were reinforcements.
All this in SF reports and now you deny this?
Selective reading. Selective memory.
I am alsost certain you had comments on that report and now you do not know the report?
It seems another troll exposed.
it wasn’t the Ru MOD, it was the foreign ministry spokeswoman and it was reported non-officially.
And for what you know the bridge was being built in the moment the declaration was made.
As for the 1500 dead, what you write is the first title that was written on SF. If you read the defense ministry release you’d know that it talked about a 11 days operation where strategic aviation and naval cruise missiles where used alongside the bombers in Syria.
“All this in SF reports”
So what?
Of course I had comments in that page: I wrote exactly what I wrote above about the 11 days operation, after checking with other sites.
Troll my ass.
I will not get into which department it was. Unimportant imo.
Still makes my point though and the report said there was a bridge (as in operation)
What is it with commenters here? I am not interested in your ass. There are other sites for that and I refer you to those if that is your inclination. You will not find me there so you can keep your ass to yourself and anybody else who wants to share it with you.
“I will not get into which department it was. Unimportant imo”
I will not get into that you ain’t a dutch but a zionist. Unimportant imo.
“Still makes my point though and the report said there was a bridge (as in operation)”
No, still makes your point moot and claiming “as in operation” is ridiculous to the point even on facebook you’d be lolled on.
As for the rest, If you’re trying to get me a ban for burying you in insults i won’t get there.
Would you like to see the bridge in operation despite efforts to interrupt its completion like releasing water from the dam under US control and bomb strikes from drones all documented?
dutch is just pulling your leg. He knows the bridge is their since he is their himself.
I know there is a bridge now. No denying at all.
There just wasn’t one when it was first reported from Russia. That was the lie. Not that there is one right now. Undisputedly.
There was a pontoon bridge, you are lying, undisputedly.
You’ve got no point, you are spreading lies, told you million times about the bridge, if you can’t comprehend the facts it’s your problem.
Lying again i see, pontoon bridges first landbridge later.
Well you would be about the only one thinking that on this site by the sounds of it. But seriously what possible military advantage could Russia gain from telling porkies? And in the end who cares if they are telling lies? These lies make for interesting reading and makes the cockles of my heart warm and fills me with admiration and appreciation for what Russia is doing for the Syrian people which is a helluva lot more than what the US has achieved in Syria, mind you the US was never officially invited into Syria anyway so the US is there illegally, regardless of what it says or thinks. Anyways congratulations to the Ruskies and it’s allies for a job well done.
Cheers and have a nice day! :-)
Ever heard of propaganda?
And if you are happy hearing lies, fake news and it fills you with adminiration for Russia, there are whole sites with russian folk tales, fairytales and phantasy stories. At least then you know its is all “make believe”.
On a newssite I prefer to get real and not fake news and if I want fairytales to make me feel good, I still have my children’s books.
Your choice of course.
Well if that’s the case that you like real news not fake news then why are you on this as you call it ‘fake news’ site then? Haven’t you got better things to do than troll on this site? Like maybe reading children’s books to your children? :-) That would be a lot more productive than trolling on here wouldn’t it? Kinda just a waste of time you been on here isn’t it? But I suppose that’s your choice isn’t it. :-)
It is the commentors here making fake news, ranting about jews, zionism, the US, namecalling anyone disagreeing with them.
Not SF perse though they are not totally impartial.
It amuses me to shine some light of their fake news, give a dissenting voice and a lot of them are ranting so beautifully. i give them a chance to “vent”, thereby preventing many heartattacks.
As for my children, soon there will be grandchildren and I get another chance to tell stories from a book. As working university trained engineers, my children are not interested anymore in fairytales.
And indeed, that is my choice.
And it is bad choice, if SF and mostly readers here make you feel hurt, i suggest you to visit and stay at DEBKA or JPOST, you will find alot of your kinds and will make you feel comport.
Lol, you are trying to push your lies again and again after you have been proven wrong several times IMHO.
He is just in German: VERLOGEN, a human who even BELIEVES his LIES.
Disregarding the veracity of Ru MOD given casualty numbers, this meeting of minds between HTS and IS was predicted by me months ago.
I was then berated as …..whatever by anal trollyboy Justin, posting my comment all over the internet as betraying (of whom?).
Seems I was right all along trollyboy.
the day you are right I ‘ll concur.
so far it’s never happened.
Opening your eyes and mind might help.
btw : still have not heard on Qaryatayn, have to look a bit more I think. A military disgrace.
Trollyboy Justin got so bad with his fake news and suggestive reports amounting to fake news that he even got reprimanded here by the moderator.
Have not seen him vey much since. Maybe he is now “commenting” on another fake troll name.
i don’t give a fuck about Justin or anybody else.
bring data or don’t waste my time talking about other people like a gossip-slut
And how would that be different from most of the commenters here. One just confessing here to prefer hearing lies because they make here feel good?
lol…. nobody can be wrong all the time… not even you John! :-)
The Palmyra – Deir Ezzor M20 road has been closed for a week now. This is, or was, the main supply route for the SAA’s Deir Ezzor operations.
“the section of M20 highway from as-Sukhnah and Deir Ezzor city remains
closed due to the fact that ISIS still controls a five kilometer length
of road between as-Sukhnah and Kattajb.”
Several people commenting on SouthFront brushed these attacks off as hit and run raids or mere nuisance attacks. It is clear it has been something much more substantial than that. The road will no doubt re-open. Five kilometres doesn’t represent much tactical depth for ISIS. This attack will fail and ISIS will be the weaker for it. Has it also prevented the SAA from winning the race to the Omar oil fields? Time will tell.
It is interesting to see how the reporting of this setback to the SAA has been so little reported on by SouthFront. I don’t think they like to dwell on bad news for the SAA.
“It is interesting to see how the reporting of this setback to the SAA has been so little reported on by SouthFront. I don’t think they like to dwell on bad news for the SAA.”
in a certain perspective it very much makes sense, but let’s not dwell on it
Makes sense not to dwell on SAA setbacks? It doesn’t make sense if you are attempting to honestly and openly discuss Syria and the war. It does make sense if you are just a propaganda arm of the Syrian or Russian governments.
Bad news about the SAA on SouthFront doesn’t demoralize the SAA or pro-Assad civilians in Syria. They are not the audience.
You are correct of course and those who point that out, like you and me and some others, get villyfied here for that.
SAA command and their Russian supervisors must be almost in panic, given the lies spread by them.
I keep getting back to Qaryatayn. Still not reported as retaken, held by, acc to SAA reports,16 hardly armed IS sleepers, some locals and or NDF defecting and holding off SAA attacks.
There is something wrong there, A city “reconciliated”/taken more then a year ago and the people rising? NDF turning? Must be a headache for SAA reflecting on where else this may happen.
The city is strategically not very important I think, but tactically it is, blocking one of the highways towards DeZ, which is another disadvantage for SAA.
What lies exactly ?
The hw to DeZ has been reported cleared several times this week, still not open.
SAA repelled all IS attacks, clearly not true.
Qaryatayn attack repelled, after a week now still not reported retaken
Bridge over the Euphrates three days BEFORE the bridge was there
1.500 IS killed by the RuAF as a whole convoy of IS out of Iraq was destroyed (now excused as saying this was a report on ALL losses of IS in their attacks, which is untrue too)
there are more I think but you get the drift.
The report was of an operation against 1500 ISIS that came out of Iraq area, it did not state they were all killed! The only place I read this was in the comments section. You assume to much, stop spreading your BS on this site dutchy.
Obviously there have been more than one attack, they might have cleared for a short period of time and it was retaken later, SF clearly stated on 29th that according to pro govmnt. forces the attack was reppeled, in later maps from 30th till now they clearly show that there is still fighting on highway and that it is contested, about the bridge, obviously they meant pontoon bridge, about the 1500, well SF posted in indeed that RFMOD said that they have destroyed 1500 in Deir Ezor that entered from Iraq, but if you follow the link https://www.facebook.com/mod.mil.rus/videos/1988082854767794/ the russian statement sounds differently,
Currently, Syrian army with the help of RuAf is rounding up the operation of surrounding and elimination of a large group (more than 1500) Isis fighters in Deir Ezor province that have entered from Iraq.
According to AMN news Qaryatayn is taken by Hundreds of sleeper agents and they are surrounded, i’m just curious, how do you think these things work a guy walking up with a camera and a mic to both sides to ask questions about the situation ? It’s war, there is chaos, people that are in the fight are not always 100% aware of situation, that’s why there are so many unclarities, just go look up how a hostage situation works, does police instantly knows how many hostages are being held how many terrorists there are, etc etc, also take a look at american/western reporting about Mosul, Rakka, there are always estimate numbers of Isis member and civilians in the area. It’s not as going to a story and bying a sack of oranges.
If you take a looks at the map, you can see that there are more road that lead to Deir Ezor which can be used to resupply the troops, also the can be resupplied by air.
I agree. This though is the main supply road because it is the best. I suspect the alternatives are in part unsurfaced roads. They are also further away from the SAA’s supply depots.
Losing your main supply road is not a minor inconvenience.
Here come our beloved zio troll Graeme :) You don’t even hide your joy when Daesh has bit of local/temporary success. Enjoy yourself more intensively, because it would not last.
Yesssssss he cant jerk off to goats no more or even guide his penis into the hole rofl
Nice Good Kills!
A general and a colonel in exchange for HTS leadership plus unknown number of their western controllers – even Trump wouldn’t be able to renegotiate a better deal. BTW how do you say OOPS in Russian…
Well, to be honest, I do not think that US has any problems in learning that a Russian general and two colonels got killed in exchange for part of the HTS and IS leadership.
You are right in that, is a good deal for US.
… Your selective dyslexia strikes again. I said “HTS leadership plus their western controllers”, and that particular social club is known to include CIA andor Mossad types. And by the look of things Russians aren’t nowhere near finished with settling this score. Oh yes my friend I guarantee there’s alot of hurt butts in Pentagon and Langley…
Oy! (Ой!) = Opps :) You are hurting dutchy feelings but that’s OK with me. That zio troll is desperate lately.
Oy, or Oppa, or Oppala, or Oy oy oy, or Ui ui ui, or Ui, there are a lot of differenzes, but oppa is more good like eureka or hoppa the greeks say the same words.
Why Russia didn’t actively aggressively seeking them out because the Syrian Army ask them to be left for them to sorts out either militarily or diplomatically. Some of their groups is exist in deescalation zone.
They just made it personal now.
Enjoy Hell, scumbags.
The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.
I want to comment on the posts that question honesty of reporting by Southfront. I used to read Al Jazeera for alternative viewpoints but over the years, sadly, Al Jazeera became indistinguishable from CNN. Southfront can go in two directions; increasingly faithful to what is truth (the harder path), or go the way of Al Jazeera and be another propaganda mouthpiece in a very crowded arena. I hope Southfront goes the harder but more rewarding path but I raise some red flags which I discuss briefly below.
Southfront does provide alternative views which is why I read Southfront articles and watch their videos. However, I do find a bias in favour of Syria and Russia in Southfront reporting. This is unfortunate and in my view, unnecessary. Speak the truth about setbacks as well as triumphs and you will be far more effective as a source for those seeking truth and differing perspectives.
Lastly, I wrote in to Southfront my concerns with the Saker interview. In particular, I disagreed with his assessment of the nature of the new US sanctions on Russia. Prior to my raising concerns about Saker’s analysis, Southfront was quite prompt in responding to me. However, since, only silence. The ability to admit mistakes will earn Southfront greater respect from the readership.
Do not go the way of Al Jazeera
I agree with you, the journalistic way has to be more Neutral, but there is not one member working his ass off for this Piece or Journalism and many people who want to hear the good news of winning aganst the enemy HTS ISIS ect. yes it is our all enemy if you want it to believe or not.
Just what were your concerns about the Saker interview? The comment section is for this purpose as well. I am familiar with this interview, maybe we could discuss this? Bias? Wars and rumors of wars is well known by those who are war corespondents on the ground. Please don’t confuse the fog of war as bias. I would suggest Sun Tzu for catching up on strategies of war and goverment as a primer, this may help.
Russia fouls up NATO operations yet again.
If Al-Julani is down this is a significant result.