An artillery position of Jaysh al-Izza located in the vicinity of the town of al-Lataminah in northern Hama was destroyed by Russian warplanes in the noon of May 24.
Syrian opposition activists acknowledged that the Russian airstrikes wiped out the position, killing many militants, including a commander known as Captain Muhanad Diob.
Diaob was a senior commander in Jaysh al-Izza’s Artillery and Rockets Regiment. The militant, who is originally from the town of Khan Shaykhun, defected from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in 2012.
The death of Diabo is major blow to Jaysh al-Izza that lost more than 17 of its best fighters and commanders in the battle of Kafr Nabudah.
The Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) are currently conducting extensive airstrikes on militants’ positions in Idlib and its surroundings. This aerial campaign indicates that the SAA could resume its ground operation in northwestern Hama soon.
is peace
is slavery
is strength
So welcome to the machine.
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
What did you dream? It’s alright we told you what to dream.
You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,
He always ate in the Steak Bar. He loved to drive in his Jaguar.
So welcome to the machine.
r u on stupid pills kid?
thats what i mean…99% dummies
You got some good advice from John [see above]. [That goes for me too.]
Love that song.
An some comments are stupid.
Dutchboy ! Any Kurdish news lately?
What brings you back to this part of town !
Did you get bored with the other sites? :)
He’s already missing Ugly Teresa. Such an emotional blow for him that he could not resist and got back to spreading BS.
is Wealth :)
Israel is our best friend in all the world.
Only if the adage ‘ Keep your enemies closer ‘ is the reality :)
you got the message all western morons have been brainwashed with to believe. Congrats.
Jaysh izza no more.
Keep up the good work. :)
so u seriously believe, wiping out 1 one uno piece of artillery of the enemy is good work????
are u just stupid or on drugs?????
Do me a favor and fuck off, klove. :)
Klove, you just got to this party, at the end, so relax a bit.
You should take into consideration a few things here,
1-An “artillery position” can have more than one artillery piece,
2-The “artillery position” probably had observation positions, a command bunker, MG positions and interconnected trenches, which probably are also destroyed.
3-If the killed commander is indeed a former SAA officer, he will have received a proper training at the artillery academy in Aleppo, which indeed makes him very hard to replace (if not impossible for the FSA); as already pointed out by @John.
4- Let’s all try to keep a decent tone in these discussions, please…
He is stupid and drug addict .He believes in Russian shit.If Erdogan terrorists are are harm and cornered. Russia will claim victory and withdraw just for Erdogan to regroup.
For sure you have hurt my feelings Xoli.
Therefor I challenge you to a duel. :)
My humble apology I withdraw my words. I am sorry.
Of course I was kidding about a potential duel. :D
Thanks my man for being strong thanks.
Nice NY tshirt lmao
Probably a Thanksgiving present from Obama…
woowwww great success…….wiping out 1 ONE UNO piece of artillery of the enemy…… bammm great work….this sure is going to Change the Outcome in favour of syria……..Maybe tomorrow they can wipe out 1 one piece of mortar, and the day after Maybe one 1 piece of armory……sarcasm out….
again as opointed out here over and over again……These stories are just public relation Stunts for the 99% dummies
I there anyone whom you support? Maybe an inuit in Greenland?
Jumping to conclusions too fast and too far could land you inadvertently among the dummies!
They never said “one piece of artillery”, but an artillery position.. but obviously you don’t know the difference because you are a dummy. Clueless dummy.
This is not US Hollywood Si-fi movie but the China and Russia joint scary real power.
Reminded me of a video from last year, concerning Chinese intelligence in Syria. Both nations working hard to help the people of Syria.
East Ghouta, Syria. Report of Chinese analysts examined by Russian leading Middle East expert…
Turkey will resupply more artillery to terrorists very soon, not problem.
Maybe but, the problem for the head choppers is that experienced commanders like him do not grow on trees. Probably very few of them are left and available for Nusra and Co. My take Gustavo. I wish a good weekend to you.
Of course but…….
Keep up your sense of humor!
Sky News wasn’t around to celebrate the missions success then?
nah their journalist was busy recovering from complaining about “assad forces” shooting at her although she was wearing a “muslim dress”. do not ask me what that means I do not know but whatever it is, it’s hillarious.
Lol, that report is hilarious. The whole “being shot at” was staged. And the infamous black American jihadists Bilal Abdul Kareem is still there giving tours of the jihadist areas only (and getting injured in the process – NOT, rofl!). Another total hokum report from Sky, complete with barrel bombs, CW, fleeing civilians, Russian aggression etc.
The civilians tried to escape but were pushed into a corner.
Assads brutal Hitler forces, supported by Russias barrel bombing with chemicals of civilian areas, arrived on the scene.
When the civilians begged “we only wanted burgers and freedom”, the brutal Assad regime forces killed them all without mercy while they were laughing, “Here is your freedom LMAOL”.
This is what truly happen in Idlib.
I don’t believe you. how dare you not mention the chemical attacks. didn’t you know the Skripals were seen in idlib ? don’t you know russians and syrians both tried to gas all the city ? 10k people are dead and you did not bother to name one of them.
this game is fun XD
Wipey-wipey. All nice and clean now.
This is the funniest thread so far :-) have a great weekend everyone .. however we want this war to play out!
They are trying so hard to get those chemical weapons, through the Syrian Army barriers, to carry out the next false flags they have got planned.
Seriously hope Syria and Russia send them back to sender.
Terrorists to Use Truck Bombs to Break Through Syrian Army Lines – Russian MoD…
“We’re Being Played”: Tucker Carlson Features Leaked Syria Chemical Attack Memo …
In that sputniknews link is a “related” link: “Putin, Erdogan Discuss Ceasefire Violations in Syria’s Idlib….” It says Erdogan has made a phone call to Putin to discuss ceasefire violations by militants etc, but Erdogan also “pointed out that the Syrian Regime’s ceasefire violations became highly concerning….. He accused the Syrian government of trying to undermine the Russian – Turkish cooperation in Idlib.”
The nerve of Erdogan to talk to Putin like that. And it also says a lot about what kind of “agreement” it is. This explains a lot of things.
Erdogan, cannot get it round his head that Syria is a sovereign nation, with a democratically elected President and Government. Not a Turkish city.
No doubt President Putin, had a seriously good reply.
I don’t see any evidence of a good reply. What I see is the cease fire. Hope to be wrong.
Yet no confirmation or proof of this claim. Meanwhile USAF uses 100% precision strikes and documents proof of their airstrikes.
Ruskie airforce still uses WW2 era bombs lol no wonder they’re so “accurate”
@disqus_iqcU28gqPi32456dffg34:disqus (braindead & blind troll): Yet no confirmation or proof of this claim.
What do you expect from inbreed bastard?
look at that faggot face..And he likes jihad scum..
they are all Goafuckers.
Can’t wait to see all the antisemitic tears on here when US Navy starts lobbing Tomahawk Missiles at butcher assad regime targets pretty soon :-)
Mad your butt buddies got bbq?
Fuck you jihadi cheerleader
well ladies, here’s paper mike being a wussy again
it’s ok, we all know Israel is the greatest military power in the region :-)
But they don’t work do they?
You know that Russia can make them crash at will. But throw another bucket of money into the ocean, I’m sure China will lend you the money?
lol just like Syria had a 100% interception rate against the salvos of tomahawk missiles in 2017 and 2018? give me a break lol
Yes, 200 missiles killed just a few people and destroyed a few empty buildings, the cost, millions, for the USA.
Can’t wait to see all them talmudic tears when THE RESISTANCE starts lobbing precision missiles at tel aviv, haifa and the dimona mere seconds after Iran is hit ;-)
yeah give Israel an excuse to use some tactical nukes against hezbollah :-) Great idea!
You wanna nuke the fighter that’s hugging ya like a koala bear but tighter? LOL! Go for it – knock yerself out! Let’s see you fire them jew ‘tactical nukes’ 3 inches away from your own mega nose.
ah nose jokes! like a good ole’ antisemite
It wasn’t a fucking joke, dimwit!
I think the cost to the US is down to $20,000,000 for each Syrian killed.
I would like to meet you face to face..
lol I bench your body-weight twerp
WooooW!! So scared now..Inbreed subhuman scum..Go and fuck a pig..
don’t believe me? how many plates can you bench, twerp
So can we meet??
Fuck face
lol 300? yeah I bet you can’t even lift 2 plates more than 100 lbs
I can arm curl your body weight with my forearm
no 300, just 3kg.. Like amount of tnt you should wrap around yourself at family dinner and activate it.
yeah yeah inbreed scum. Did you suck some jihady cock recently?
wow, you’ve got alot of manners. Nazi lover
make your family proud blow yourself at family dinner..little jew fagboy
bitch boy.. you have your acc. closed..Hahahahahahah!!
WhO are you scared off??
I heard ISIL is recruiting.. Why wait? join them now..
fucking faggot..
FYI Trump doesn’t like faggot’s..
Trump doesn’t like anti-Semites and twerps like you
you again wahhabi scum?? Are u hurt your orange man doesnt’ like your JLQBT crew.. Bad for you..
ANTI ZIONIST isnt anti SEMITES you fuckface,,
fuck you and your zionist orange servant..
Worshiping guy who don’t like your sexual group,..
It shows how smart you are..but again your baby of brother and sister.. what could we expect?
Israel is the number one enemy and fighter against islamic extremism in the world! FACTS
IZRATOILET ? Fuck you and all of those zionist scums..
Now I see you are fag jihad loving JEW boy..
great job supporting Sacha Baron Cohen’s antisemitism!
LOL..jews are good people, zionst scum like you are inbreeded fags..
where are u hoe??
I’m at the gym benching your body weight, voldemort
So scared now..
I got my spoon ready..
spoon? I can beat you in a thumb wrestle! My bicep muscle is as big as your head
Croatia beautiful country to visit.. And hospitals..Beautiful just beautiful your orange daddy would say,,
ok we’re done here. Go back to playing Voldemort’s deranged brother in the movie Harry Potter
a more beautiful country to visit is Israel
for fags.. Izrahell isnt a country ..And you are zionist fagboy..who love jihad goatfuckers
Ok, wow. Yeah I’m scared of polished coconut head with crazy glasses
you can meet me any time..nice hospitals we have here.
If you lucky you will meet your 72 virgin goats..
You support shia jihadists of Iran. Hypocrite
I’m so scared of Voldemort’s twin from Harry Potter
go and read a quran.. Practice sharia law..
HP isn’t for you zionist scums..You preach sharia
I read the Talmud, not the Quran
you are fckn zionist and subhuman scum.. I hope I will see the day that your fake country will be nuked..
whatever you say Voldemort
Croatian anti-Semite!
LOL.. JUST ANTI IZRAHELL and anti Jihad lovers like you fuck face..
Fuck you and your Zionst scums that you support..
If you ever visit Croatia mail me…
We have such a good hospital’s..
yeah okay whatever you say. I’m not a jihadilover. In fact Israel has done the most in the Middle East to fight and eliminate jihadi terrorists! This is a fact that many Israel haters ignore
your head looks like a polished coconut by the way
jihady lover, jewish fagboy and comedian..wooow..
and yes internet warrior..
Send me your telaviv adress fucker
maybe your dad or brother is there?? Or better when are your fuckface gonna join fight SAA.??
great job. glorify violence against freedom fighting rebels who fight against the barbaric brutal regime of butcher assad
Fuck you and all of jihad sub human scums.. Do you self a favor and blow your self at your family dinner. fucking scum.. It’s so much pleasure drinking coffee every morning and watch videos of your dead scummy pal’s.. fucking subhuman scum.. I would pay to have 3 min alone with you and a teaspoon…
lol a teaspoon? I can beat you in an arm-wrestling match with my pinky finger!
Another internet warrior..Or should I say jihad subhuman scum warrior…
Only match that you can have with me is stomping your inbreed head to the sidewalk..After that it’s tea spoon time fucker..
You look like a deformed James McAvoy slash Voldemort
WoooW this really hurt coming from fuck face–
And you are still faggot!! Jihady faggot plus goat fucker who support trump..
nice insults. Potato head with glasses :)
fuck face zionist fagboy..
truth hurts ha?
whatever you say man
That was 7 months ago, did the US do it already?
I don’t know whether to be optimistic or pessimistic about this story, the optimistic part of me says, yes it’s a start and could be just the beginning of something bigger, but then the pessimistic part of me kicks in and says, is this all you’re going to do Putin, more useless airstrikes that do nothing but stir up the rebels.
I think I’m feeling pessimistic today so I’ll say, Is that all you can do Putin, more useless airstrikes that only kill a handful of rebels, why don’t you use those jets to support a SAA offence to take back the area instead, that would be way more productive than just bombing the rebels alone.
I think these guys [rebel commanders] are a dime a dozen, they’re usually just strong men with a propensity to violence and not to much on the top shelf, no great loss to anyone, some other strongman will quickly take his place.
This is just a sideshow for Russia, wait until Nordstream2 comes on line, then you will finally see the Russian hand.
Remember the US is spending billions on its terrorists, and wars are won and lost with money, not bodies.
Putin’s managed to bribe the greedy Germans, Italians and others into ignoring the US and Israel’s concerns LOL, now Putin will be able to turn the tap on and off as he sees fit, and charge who he wants as much as he wants LOL. Sold their souls for a few gold coins LOL LOL LOL.
But don’t think for a second the Russians are going to use the pipes to just deliver heaps more gas, they won’t, there’ll be a little more gas to just meet current consumption demands but that will be all, the real purpose is to get more bang for your buck, production will stay relatively the same but because demand is continually going up due to inflation, so will the price, LOL.
This deal doesn’t make Russia that much more money as far as I can tell, but does allow for greater market manipulation and an escalation of prices, as well as huge political influence, but IS NOT REALLY OPENING UP THAT MUCH MORE OF A CONSUMPTION MARKET, it’s mostly just bypassing certain countries that already have access [reshuffling the chairs]. And another negative factor is this, Russia’s also forced to share the profited wealth with other entities/companies due to the negotiations [US demands], that’s not good but it’s still better than no NS2.
But not to worry, the Russians are making heaps from the Chinese and don’t need to lift production to make money now, that 100 bill contract with China is going to double eventually.
I’m sure I’ve told you this before, but just because I’m terribly disappointed with Putin’s treatment of Assad and his continued tolerance of the rebels in Idlib, it doesn’t mean I don’t admire him for many of the things he is doing.
I admire the fact that Putin who entered this war fighting to stave off a gas pipeline into the EU markets that he dominated, that would potentially at the time have meant a 30% loss of total Russian revenue, and that’s if Russia lost half of the market but worse still if they had to fight a trade war, but now he has the Saudi’s [who were his mortal enemies in the oil market], following his lead and doing the opposite of what the US and Israel want, lowering production and raising prices, and getting very rich in the process, LOL LOL LOL.
I do admire the man, but he’s making a big mistake with Assad, and anyone thinking of switching sides, might be thinking twice about doing so after they’ve seen the way Putin’s practically dumped Assad for Erdogan, dirty whore’s an expression that comes to mind.
But at least he’s making Russia great again, Russia hasn’t looked back since he got rid of that drunkard Yeltsin, it hasn’t done as well as the old Soviet Union did yet, but he’s still working on it. He’s just about assured China’s resource security through deals with Iran [and Venezuela I suspect], and gotten nearly all the major oil and gas producing nations to start raising prices, making them all very rich in the process, pure genius.
Well maybe not Venezuela yet or even Libya, though they’re slowly getting there too thanks to Putin’s help.
I gotta love him for what he does well, but I also gotta hate him for what he does badly.
“This deal doesn’t make Russia that much more money as far as I can tell,”
Russia will save $720 million a year in transit fees alone.
Then of course there is the $7 billion a year from gas sales.
Obviously your idea of not much money is different to mine.
Are you sure about the 720 mill saving in transit fees, I was under the impression that the receiving nations, mainly Germany, were reaping that saving through lower prices, and not the Russians making a saving through no longer having to pay transit fees, but I haven’t checked lately and the deal has been changed that many times I’m not sure on what they’ve finally decided on, you may be right.
Are you sure the 7 bill a year is on top of what they’re already selling, I was also under the impression the money they were making through this particular line is for the most part already being sold to the countries that will now just buy it through the new pipeline route, and at a cheaper price, not that the Russians are going to open up another 7 bill worth of trade through new markets, but again I haven’t checked for a long time and am not sure what the current situation is, but I doubt it’s going to get an extra 7 bill in revenue.
I didn’t even believe Germany would go for the proposal to be honest, I’m still a little shocked they have.
I won’t ask you to link relevant info because I’m going to have a look for myself and see what the current arrangement is and what the Russians are going to make out of it, if they’re making 7 bill on top of what they were making and saving 700 mill too it is good money, but I don’t think it’s quite as much as you say it is, the last time I checked the Russians had agreed to divide the delivery infrastructure between several EU companies to help break up the wealth distribution making the venture even less profitable, monetary wise at least.
I’ve had a quick check and I’m afraid I don’t agree with anything you asserted, I’ll stick to my analysis thanks, the 720 mill saving you refer to is just the saving from the Ukrainian transit fees, not the overall savings, and as I said all those savings are going to be passed on to the consumer in lower prices anyway. And the only real new revenue will be as I stated mainly from increased demand, and that’s only if there is increased demand, Global warming, climate change, renewable energy, nothing’s certain concerning demand, and as to new markets and extra revenue, you will have to link me that info, because as far as I can see, I was correct in saying there are no new market opportunities or revenues, they’re basically just switching the pipelines the consumers are buying their gas from, NOT GAINING NEW MARKET SHARE and selling more gas to new buyers, the only increase in revenue will come from increased demand, and that’s only if it happens at all.
In fact it may even mean a slight decrease in revenue for a while, due to lower prices for consumers and higher costs due to maintaining the undersea pipe, the profit for Putin isn’t monetary as I told you, he gets way more than just money from NS2.
But one thing I did find out I didn’t know, there’s been another possible delay, so thanks for getting me to check.
I think our expectations are simply not according to reality. That became clear to me after reading about Erdogan’s phone call to Putin. I found it in AM Hants link above, in a “related” link, “Putin, Erdogan Discuss Ceasefire Violations….” I don’t know how to send links properly, but what do you make of this: “Erdogan pointed out that the Syrian Regime’s ceasefire violations became highly concerning….. He accused the Syrian government of trying to undermine the Russian – Turkish cooperation in Idlib”. This is Erdogan, talking to Putin on the phone.
What amazes me is how the “Syrian Regime” handles this, considering how little wiggle room they actually have among the sharks circling there. I get glimpses of it reading their website sana.syr. Especially there is an article on 5/23: Syria’s Permanent Rep. to the UN, Dr. Bashar al Jaafari said: “Syria will continue fighting terrorism and protecting citizens from its danger…”
Try to find it and read. When you consider that not only terrorists live in Idlib, and we only think of smashing the terrorists – there are other things the Syrian government is doing in cooperation with the Russians. Maybe what they do is the best possible for now. Many Syrians who joined the opposition are returning now. They got to know the terrorists and may be glad to return.
Anyway, we cannot argue with Putin’s priorities, that’s a given.
I am thinking of Ma_Laoshi’s comment: “Syria is in ruins, and dismembered…….”
Hi Astrid, I didn’t read the speech but I think ‘Sana’ has a video of it on their news site, and btw it’s the official Syrian government news site and the best source for understanding the Syrians perspective on current events. But to be honest the Syrian government have only ever said the same thing in all the time the war has been happening, “all terrorists must be eliminated and all uninvited military personnel must leave”. they’ve been very consistent with that message, it’s never changed.
Erdogan’s phone call to Putin was a realistic assessment of the situation I’m afraid, the SAA do constantly violate the terms of the ceasefire agreement according to the latest Astana agreement protocols, and early on in the year they were constantly shelling the rebels without provocation. Just after christmas HTS went on a mission to try and keep as quiet as they could, I think it was nearly 2 full months that they didn’t attack the SAA at all, even though the SAA did attack them several times without provocation, so I’m afraid Erdogan was right.
But Assad and his government don’t like the arrangement Putin and Erdogan brokered so I think they’re doing everything they can to ruin it, they get nothing out of it and stand to lose out by the deal, so why should they abide by a deal that suits just Putin and Erdogan’s interests, I wouldn’t either, would you.
This offensive the SAA has been trying to kick off in Hama is something Putin doesn’t want us to understand properly, we’re told about the high risk of civilian casualties and possible humanitarian crisis [Erdogan’s narrative], but the truth is the bulk of the civilian population around the demilitarized zone have already left, most of them left around May last year, and most of the towns in the zone are just rubble now anyway, the SAA have already destroyed some towns down to the last house.
And if you’re thinking that sounds terrible don’t, just read more official Syrian government statements and read more Syrian news in general, even the anti Assad sites, then you’ll understand why I say it’s not bad at all, it’s actually good, [in a horrible sort of way].
In your comment to me you said this, “Many Syrians who joined the opposition are returning now”. That’s what’s been happening not just in the demilitarized zones, but all over the occupied territories of Idlib and Hama, and to a lesser extent Latakia and Aleppo too. The towns the SAA have just liberated and are still trying to liberate, are some of the towns that actually kicked the rebel forces out and wanted to reconcile with Assad last year, that’s why the SAA are here doing what they’re doing, but as you’ve noticed getting no real help from Putin.
I can argue with Putin’s priorities if you can’t, and so does Xi Jinping from China, he’s invested billions in Assad and Syria, and is still is helping Assad in ways the media very rarely seems to tell us about, I’ll bet he’s not too happy about Putin’s priorities. Hell I’d even bet Trump’s not too happy about things either, after all he has all those sanctions imposed on Turkey trying to weaken its economy, and here’s Putin’s doing everything he can to help strengthen it, Erdogan has to keep paying the rebels salaries after all.
I used to blame Erdogan’s manipulation of Putin for the fact the Astana agreement kept rescuing the rebels from a swift demise, but I realize now I was wrong, the buck stops with Putin now.
Cheers and sorry about the bible, though I did read in one of you posts you’re at least 74 y/o so you shouldn’t mind too much, people over 50 usually don’t mind having to read more than just one or two sentences, unlike the kiddies under 50 who hate it, especially if it’s not telling them what they want to hear.
About what I wrote about Erdogan’s phone call to Putin, I see that i did not make myself clear at all. I must refrain from making comments without stating clearly what I mean to say.
Right now I am dead tired, It is 1:30 AM – good night!
Since Putin declared he win the war on terrorists by rescuing all the turkish backed terrorists and israeli backed terrorists from harms way and send them to Idlip and many of them also moved to afrin, if you noticed the russians only participate in the air strikes only if they come under attack. Have you ever wonder why?
In effect, Putin gave Idlib away to Putin.
not only idlip also afrin and trying to also use turkey beside building his gas lines via turkey to create problems in Mediterranean between turkey and Greece and Cyprus in a last effort to control some how the gas and oil deposits found in Mediterranean. So in order to understand what is happening must have very good knowledge of what is happening in the Balkan area as well Mediterranean why and by whom and not just focus on a pixel of the whole picture which is the part of Syria putin wanted and help partly to help Assad keep so he can control it.
Also you must question his motives why to dismantle the SAA army of the veterans that win the war in syria his delays and refusal to allow syrians to use the S300 to defend themselves and his love affair as it is proven to be with exactly the ones who caused the ME problem.
Words are nice when you hear them and believe them and we have done believe them at the beginning of this adventure, but then the deeds of who ever you want to believe they maybe honest come to be in direct contraction with their deeds and is what we judging not the words and the claims but the deeds of the global players. putin have saved the turkish and israeli backed terrorist, make sure that syria will always be bleeding from idlip and afrin as well they lose their oil fields by not allowing them to free them and at the most critical moment pulled back and left the syrians alone . This is what I seen happening so I really dont give a shit what followers looking for a leader and a knight with shinning armor , think putin is. To me is same shit with a different name as the ones who claim he fight against them.
“…when the deeds of who ever you want to believe they maybe honest come to be in direct contradiction with their deeds…..”
It is the deeds that speak the truth.
I see I make a mistake there. What I wanted to say is.
“…when the deeds of who ever you want to believe they maybe honest come to be in direct contradiction with their words…..”
That’s too funny. In my mind I read it the way you wanted to say it, without noticing the mistake. I also repeated the same mistake without noticing till you pointed it out.
I’ll just leave it as it is. Thanks!
:-) that proves you are a man who take the message within a sentence and do not play with words my friend.
It is an old Buddhist principle: Listen to the meaning, not the words.
btw I am not a man but an old lady [with cats], 84 today.
well I wish you to reach 100 and happy birthday.
p.s. understand also I am talking of putin and not the russian people that I have very close relations with many of them and are my friends.
My family always had Russian friends. When they came to our house they sang their songs and played piano. And told stories.
We have russian family not just friends. Our relations with the russian main land dates back several centuries as much of the black sea was mainly populated by greeks. In my family we can trace our roots as far back as there is greek history.
Diaob’s dream of driving a taxi in Jew York never materialized, so sad.
So sad.
Russia cannot just walk around and kill American assets. This is against all International rules of order.
This guy only wanted freedom in New York and refused to vote for Hitler dictatorship. Therefore he was killed.
rest in pieces
There is not evidences at all of this, after Russia supporting Turkey at Idlib it is hard to believe something without evidences.