Russian Warplanes Rain Hell On Idlib & Hama Following Rocket Attack On Hmeimim Airbase (Videos)

Terrorists of the “Wa Harid al-Muminin” operations room launched a salvo of Grad rockets at the Russian Hmeimim airbase in southern Lattakia in the morning of April 26.

Local sources said that Russian air defense systems intercepted many of the rockets, while the rest landed in open areas away from the base. Initial reports indicate that the attack didn’t result in any military or civilian loses.

The rocket attack provoked a fierce response from the Russian Aerospace Force. Russian warplanes took off from Hmeimim few hours after the attack and struck terrorists’ positions in the towns of Kansafra and Almaouzrah in southern Idlib, as well as in the towns of al-Sheikh Idris and Tell Huwash in northern Hama.

The Wa Harid al-Muminin operations room was formed last October by al-Qaeda-affiliated Jamat Ansar al-Islam, Horas al-Din, Jabhat Ansar al-Islam and Ansar al-Tawhid. Since its establishment, the operations room has been working to sabotage the Russian-Turkish demilitarized zone agreement on Idlib.

A day earlier, Russian President’s Special Envoy to Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, who is currently attending a new round of the Astana Talks, warned that the Russian airstrikes on the remaining terrorists in Idlib will continue.

“The airstrikes on the governorate of Idlib are carried out solely for the purpose of eliminating terrorist groups, they are targeting extremists and terrorists who have been holed up there,” Lavrentiev said, according to RT.

Terrorist groups, such as the ones involved in the Wa Harid al-Muminin coalition or the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), are controlling 90% of Idlib. The Russian-Turkish agreement has failed to stop neutralize them, so far.

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Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

rookie airforce at it again! 1980’s US airforce is 10x more advanced lol
2 USS super-aircraftcarriers SOON arriving in Mediterranean carrying 150 F-18s and 20 F-35s
US firepower coming in the hundreds
hope you got hundreds of S-400 missiles ready cuz you’ll soon need them when 170+ US Navy planes start smashing some Syrian Army IRGC targets all across Syria


Transgendered U$ can’t defeat a few ragtag terrorist militia in Afghanistan for 17 years, you think they can face up the eternally brave Russian, unafraid to die? Watch the end of your ‘exceptional’ Wehrmacht:

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

ww2 was won because of the US/Britain, Russia did a small part in driving the Germans back… but they got lots of support from the US to do so


stfu kike.


Let the National-Zionists trumpet their true nature. This is the best approach to inoculate oneself against their hidden agenda.

You can call me Al

hmmm for me, that is a better way to do it; quick, concise, to the point, no grey areas leaving some sneaky backdoor response open by the hooked nose.

Bravo JHK, my comment of the day award on this article.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

seems you failed history class son of Shwartz
Russian Red Army single handedly eliminated 5 million Germans and captured 3 million of them, while US and its allies were left to fight the remaining 700,000 outnumbered and depleted of supplies and an airforce
Red Army completely destroyed Luftwaffe and did 85% of ALL the work against Nazi Germany in WW2 .The Russians saved your fellow Big Noses from complete extermination at the hands of Nazi SS, so be thankful you Rocket Nosed kike
Red Army could have simply allowed Waffen SS to finish off the remaining jews and there’d be no problem in the Middle East today, but they were merciful

Concrete Mike

Asking these people to be thankful is like telling your wife relax!

Does not compute!!!

AM Hants

LOL and coming from a female.


Lets not forget the proportion of civilian/military casualties caused by Brits & US vs. the Soviets. There is no doubt that the former excelled in combating unarmed citizens and exterminating non-combatants, as it had been done in their past history against the Native Americans.

You can call me Al

You are diluting the conversation. A stealth troll ?. Hope not.


The comment about civilian casualties was valid in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Syria, when you compare the “Western block” and it’s then competitors. Except NV and somewhat NK, both sides fough wars in these locations.

You can call me Al

Vietnam, zero.
Afghanistan, maybe a couple, but the UK troops had freedom of the local towns as we talked and worked with the people as opposed to the Yankers.
Syria, hmmm not sure.

You can say what you want against the US and I would probably agree, but do not post spurious claims against the Brits.

Concrete Mike

Russia did small part in driving germany back!!!

HAHAHA , you know nothing of history, filthy troll.

Inbred peice of shit.

Your momma was so ugly, you were in vitro fertilized because no dude would fuck her.

Your so.filthy and evil when you die, vultures wont even eat you they will bury you vile corpse.

Cheerleader gotta meet your quota?

I can troll too little bitch.


Without Russia’s sacrifices whole Europe would be speaking in German today and may be the US too!


What do you expect from a National-Zionist?

You can call me Al

hmmmm, not sure on that, but you get the benefit of the doubt.

PS I am a Brit, no chance they would have taken us.

Human kind is doomed

If you are writting this shit and really believeing it, than stop, you are displaying a great deal of ignorance! If you are just a mere troll, than carry on, troll!

Jens Holm

I kind of like him apart from the many airplanes, missiles and aircraft carriers and soldiers with too much data.


8 out of 11 German soldiers died on the Eastern front and Albert Speers said that without even the Normandy landing, the Reich would have run out of raw materials within 6 months.
However, I admit that if there is one area that the Soviets were tremendously dwarfed by Anglos, PR is the one. And you are the proof of the pudding, watching too many Hollywood movies and reading too little, in need of a brain transplant.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

he needs a new nose
new brain

AM Hants

Personal insults – really?
You argue with facts.
You argue with legality.
When that fails, you throw your dummy out the pram, soil your diaper and scream for nanny to come and help you, courtesy of personal insults. So last century darling.

You can call me Al

USA only joined in 1941, traitorous scum.

Prince Teutonic

Actually in 1942 because they needed more then a month to assamble force to strike back. And they never declared war on Germany just Japan…

Jens Holm

Thats right.

To many deny a lot or misguide it. Affilated to Japan is, that USSR did not fight Japan but were neutral to them until late 1945.

I think many forget USA helped by Chinese and Britts defeated Japan and many ressorces was needed to take the Japanese advance back.

Its also ignored as nothing, that USA sold USSR for 11 bilion equipemnt to Russia and gave much more, which was a gift – for own good in west of course.

Most russians say that was nothing, but in a period it was almost everything.

In 1938 USA only had 400.000 soldiers. Those were low equipped and hardly real soldiers. In the late 1938 they uograded to 1 million, and as You indicate – those first ones also was educated against the Japanese warfare,which were very different form the Nazi one as well as it not even had own local transportation and simple weapons.

AM Hants

They fully supported Adolf and his mates, till they declared war on Japan and Japan’s friend, then had to declare war on the US.

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938…
Who’s The Daddy?

How many did Allen Dulles and Operation Paperclip rescue from the Bolshevik and Nazi Elite, whose children are now in positions in power, either in the EU, globalist institutions or Washington DC?
How many in the Atlantic Council, find their DNA came through the ‘Operation Paperclip’ Exercise?

Jens Holm

I think many forget USA helped by Chinese and Britts defeated Japan and many ressorces was needed to take the Japanese advance back.

Its also ignored as nothing, that USA sold USSR for 11 bilion equipemnt to Russia and gave much more, which was a gift – for own good in west of course.

Most russians say that was nothing, but in a period it was almost everything.

In 1938 USA only had 400.000 soldiers. Those were low equipped and hardly real soldiers. In the late 1938 they upgraded to 1 million, and as You indicated by Prince – those first ones also was educated against the Japanese warfare,which were very different form the Nazi one as well as it not even had own local tranportation and simple weapons as well as it could not be moved by the sea.

USA had no fleet for any transportation apart from supply to their navy. And if they had, they didnt have weapons as well as food for it.

Hasbara Hunter

WWI & WWII were started by Great Britain & France in the First Place….& Won by Russia..the Real Winner of WWI were the New York Banksters/ Jewish Bolsheviks and the Take-Over of Russia…The Real Winner of WWII was Rothschild with the Establishment of Balfour Declaration Beachhead ISISraHell….the Americans only had to Chop up 17 Year Old Boys in France… The Russians had to Fight Real Battlehardened Soldiers

Jens Holm

Abd You still have a birning Rotchild cigar in Your behind.

Hasbara Hunter

Go suck Satanyahu boy….that is what you do best…

Jens Holm

Very difficult. I dont believe in that friend of Yours. Some women now and then is fine. They do me.

Here men and women are equal in that and not Choran 4.34.

Hasbara Hunter

Henry Ford Supported Hitler…just like Khazarian Banksters from New York

Jens Holm

Hitler didnt listen. If so Germany at that time could have produced much more much faster.

I am sure Henry didnt support the Barbarossa as it went on.

He would have secured raw materials first, saying that Hitler in stead should take Ukraine and the Caucasus oilfields making Ukrainians already non friendly to communist friendly.

He also would not have allowed killing so many in east. A minimum would be they should work on thin soupuntil they died. Another one would be German´burning so much in east. It very strange even if the Nazis won, because that was important raw material as well. He woud have see that a lot of building material as a minimum could have been used for temporary good roads.

AM Hants

LOL, Russia sacrificed 13 million, during WW11, with the Soviet Union (including Russia, sacrificing 26 million). Now remind me, what happened with regards the Battle of Stalingrad and who sent Hitler home to Germany?

When did the US enter the war and more importantly who did they back, until Pearl Harbour? Remember, Germany declared war on the US, owing to the US declaring war on Japan, who were friends with Adolf and his mates.

Things would have been so different,for both the UK as well as the US, if the Russians had allowed Hitler access to Moscow. Instead, he went home to Berlin, with his tail firmly lodged up his anus.

Jens Holm

Sovjet was in warmode since 1938.
1) in 1938 Stalin moved all the ones, which could fight in the modern Russian context
2)By that the Russian armies only could make line war, which Nazis by Clausewitch, later Molkte and others was trained experts to eliminate – eliminate.
2) Stalin took the command and all the upgraded Young Generals has seen what happened to their leaders and by that followed him morethen most follow any Choran.
3) Those generals were not allowed to see where the nazi soldiers were, but the Nazis could make airphotos as they
4) After as the only ones to have lost WW1 3 times, the lesson was to make a strong defenceline all the way from Murmansj´k to the black see. It was not as strong as the Maginot, but it was crawling with soldiers having big reserves behind them.

5)It was there but not even in its best, but it was left, bacuse Molotow got half of Poland only having some few leftover soldiers.
6) In stead all the troops at that line was placed at the new border in a new planned line. Less then 15% of that. Molotov line was made at the day Barbarossa began. 15%. 6a) And one thing more. The many big guns from the fortresses of the Stalin line was taken out of its cncrite defence -BUT NOT at the Lolotow line. They hardly shut a single shot.
7) By that about 85% of the big fronline armies were covered by houses in tree, tents, camouflage nets and trenches and foxholes made by digging only.
8) When the germans came, those Russian troops even has less communication to Stalin then they had at the Stalin line.They almost only had the normal phoneline system,which any enemy always knock out as number one.

8) So there we go. Many Russian troops actually didnt fight. They were given no orders, because Stalin not even know about anything.
In that is an important 8a) The russians troops were ordered to retreat and did, but it was total madness. They could have been figting some,where they were – In stead they ran out of fuel being low in that as well as many collased because the engines already had build in oprobblems and could not be repaired in field. By that the Russian infantery didnt feel safe and gave up in millions.

9) Russian lost millions of light weapons of any kind by that 10) Nazis got a lot of good canons and a lot of vehicles. Even múch was bad, it could be upograded and recycled – and did. 11) Almost all equipment from the late part of the war named as SS was Russian – riffles, machineguns, morters.

So go on counting victims.But many millions are the reason for Staling is removed.

Stalingrad was prestige only and never should have been attacked by dividing troops for Grosnij, Krasnodar, Maripoel whatever. By that Hitler helped Stalin and got none. Fine with me.

And let me remind You, that most of the troops came from figtings with Japan, but after that USA killed the Japanese and of course are still blamed for the 2 last salutes making the Japanese to Bonzai.

A lot of those 13 millions were homemade …

USA – as in WW1 – expected to be by themselves only. You blame them for not being armed to the teaths like Your red ones being able to bring troops as they wished crossing the Pacific and the Atalantic Ocean as they can now.

Somehow it makes me laugh too.

AM Hants

Stalin, the Georgian and remember, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire, back in 1917 and still trying to run things today, but, over in the EU, plus, Washington DC. They also created the Nazis. Exactly the same ideology, as can be found in Ukraine today. Where does the far left end and the far right begin?


You’re just a pathetic, dumb attention seeking troll with a single digit IQ.


I said stfu cuck.

Jens Holm

You are a cook, cruck or one Yourself knowing all about it.

If anybody dont know, what a cuck is, You as JHK, and it will look in the mirror right away telling You all details about it.

I have heard he start opening his mouth, so he hardly can see the rest of his face.

Hasbara Hunter

“The Nose” must be a Friend of yours right?

Olie H

His transgender husband probably – Jacob & Jen Wholm

Jens Holm

I am sure things could be worse then with him.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

exactly right! transgender Jens has moved into my right nostril after marrying Yakov Wohlstein

Jens Holm

If so Your IQ has improved at least 500%.

Jens Holm

Not at all. I hardly has any friends here bacuse I write my own book about things going on in the ME.

When people like You dont like my writings, I often take it as a good sign for, that I am right again.

Hasbara Hunter

You stole that line from me Asswipe….

Jens Holm

Thats how I often relate. If 2 very different people agree here, there must be some truth in it – Even if I agree.

Very familiar to Stalin and Hitler didnt like Hitler, but I didnt like Stalin as well as Churchill if it was 1939 or 1945.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

can you ever make a comment that makes sense or pertains to facts/logic? or are you just that retarded

Jens Holm

When I try to relate to most of Yours, Your avatar should be behind in stead of nose.

Ca You understand I am happy computers cant send smells yet.

Olie H

“I hardly has any friends here” – or anywhere…

“bacuse I write my own book about things” LOL your books are going to be so popular… as a toilet paper ?

Jacob Wohl's Nose

yes, Jens the Retarded Dutchman LIVES in my right nostril :)
plenty of room in there
but no free utilities

Concrete Mike

Cheerleader gonna cheerlead.

Look at the sortie rates.of russian planes in 2015.

I know you wont but we know the truth.

That your a filthy whore cheerleader.

Supporting terrorist might i add.

When the GWOT come knockking to your door, be very affraid!

You can call me Al

Sorry, but “GWOT” ?

Carne João Pasta

Global war on terrorism?

You can call me Al


Jens Holm

Its so typical for the whole region. You not even try any search Yourself. You dont have google, You dont have wikipedia or are in jail after using it, and those sources of course are lies too.

Jens Holm

If You know the truth, You hide it well.

Human kind is doomed

And you just admitted defeat in Afghanistan!

Zarko Ciric

Idiot brainwash too late too late its only shitty imperialistic propaganda.You will run from whole middle east.You are just dogs who bark day and night.Us zionistic goverment is threat to all humanity.Whats happen now you dont have problem only with occupation even with selling weapons

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Those carriers have an air wing of approximately 65 aircraft per ship.
So call it roughly 90 fourth generation strike jets. (four squadrons)
An S-400 system typically can track over 100 targets and engage over 80 targets simultaneously. (two missiles per target)
Those USN carriers are not going to win any wars against a country backed by either the PRC or Russia. (U.S. do not have competent trained aircrews, replacement aircraft or enough spare parts available)

You can call me Al

Fuck the S-400; shoot some missiles at the ship and sink the fucker of blitz it so it no longer functions.

John Whitehot

in a real war though, a USN carrier with its appendices would be targeted by a nuclear warhead, possibly on hypersonic mount.

Because, as much as yanks don’t wanna hear it, if you send carriers to bomb and invade other countries, those ones are going to react.

Remember Vietnam? how many more carriers would had been needed not to lose the war?

Still good enough to subjugate african nations though. Probably.

Jens Holm

Well,at least some of You forget, that those big ships are covereed fx by heavcy missile armed corvettes.

Its also very strange to me, that attacks like the ones, Youpropose, isnt do´ne many times already. How difficult can it be. They only have about 7 of them and You win WW3 as well.

John Whitehot

i don’t forget nothing.

A single hypersonic missile will get through all the AAW screens in a given carrier task force, by admission of the Pentagon, which claims it cannot counter hypersonic weapons with current technology.

Before hypersonics, carrier task forces would be countered by massed cruise missiles strikes starting from different mounts (Surface, subsurface, land and air) deployed at different locations.

The missiles employed by the various platforms would be varied, with varied flight carachteristics/speeds and targeting methods, which would ensure saturation of defensive systems.

What is forgotten is that, while massed cruise missile strikes are proven in real life, defense from them IS NOT, and the only time an AEGIS system was turned on it shot down a civilian airliner.

After all of the above, don’t forget that if the geopolitical situation includes western carriers targeting Russia or China, it goes by itself that nuclear weapons will be used in defence.

“Its also very strange to me, that attacks like the ones, Youpropose, isnt do´ne many times already. ”

Strange that it doesn’t occur to you that the african or middle eastern countries destroyed with carriers didn’t have any of the above defensive systems in place.


Yes, aircraft carriers are not war fighting machines, they are tools to bully weak and defenceless nations.

Hasbara Hunter

Ah there we have the Hasbararat again with useless Bullshit as Usual…in desperate need of some extra $hekels Boy? Send my regards to Hell Aviv….


You baffle me by your trumpeting of machismo in support of the very people who brought down your two towers, caused complete lockdown of Boston, shot up your fort from inside, slaughtered your dancings, sawed off and cooked your journalists, … The Japanese say that one does not make swords out of precious metals. Judging by your pic & comments, not only ain’t you built of the latter, oxidized iron particles likely fill the container on top of your neck.


He’s kike Jew, the same people who actually brought down the towers.

Jens Holm

So what do You get for it. Peace., prosperity with more ruins and graveyards then ever, Your wife get more men and they pay too or what.

Joe Kerr

Nah, that be your mommy… with your ejection an afterthought.

Hasbara Hunter

He’s a ZioNazi….Pretending to be American…happens a lot…

Jens Holm

I see no zionazi. Something is wrong in a small part of his brain, but of course I as a westerner often understand a westerner a little better.

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Danish ZioNazi….

Jens Holm

If so, I am very proud of it. Nice to hear from a forced and amputated muslim below.

Did You say yes-yes. You have no choise, they say. Well You can be jew if You can learn to cook with more pots and pans.

Many muslims already are haram to alcohol as well as heroin. Thats why so many muslims turn off the light in the night times. Westerns in the old days thought You had orgies, but found out Heroine was no Kurdish lady :)

Jens Holm

Well, You do see the result of those 2 towers. Actually I see many things filling the glasto the top before the spillover.

I also see USA made their part of it being reasons for it too.


what a funny little troll you are.
not very good though.
maybe you should try something a little less mentally demanding

John Whitehot

this troll pertains to the category “fake americans made to attract insults by other peoples, so to indignate real ones”.

You can bet your yearly wage that it’s either israeli or US in origin.


How is Afghanistan going little American?


Be cognizant that some parts of the USraeli administration wants the conflict to be ongoing in Afghanistan, create unrest in China’s Western province, have a base for future infiltration in Southern Russia and more importantly have an excuse to base troops on Iranian Eastern border. If a few oxidized jarhead get maimed in the process, the USraeli elite will not care. More organ donors…

Jens Holm

You forgot icecreeme 5 times a day :)

Jens Holm

Its a very good place, hardly a single russian :)


Yes but a lot of islamic jihadists you Americunts like so much and caused 9/11. ..


You’re by far the dumbest imbecile on this site, a pathetic loser troll with 100 fake accounts. US airforce are bunch of retarded tranny fags, juts like you. One nuke and they all dead. Plus 7000 more nukes to drop on your empty monkey head.

Jens Holm

So why isnt it done – cupid.


Because Russia doesn’t want the world to end unlike those psychopatic criminals in the Pentagon.

Jens Holm

I see none psychopatic criminals in Washington. But You in the most polite way should ask others to make that mind of missiles as Russia and USA has agreed about not to produce.

Thats the USA point. Even Israel could reach the moon last month.

John Whitehot

i hope they’ll sail in formation, so that no more than one hypersonic missile with a nuke is used to wipe them off the face of the planet in case they decide to do anything more than fuck around.


Why would you be proud of a nation that uses it’s military might to back terrorists? What’s the difference between the jihadists in Syria and the jihadists that did 9/11? The answer is: none.

Rhodium 10

USA and israel have launched around 400 cruise missile along these years..and Nothing happened!..minimal damage!( Pantsir and Buk work well)…one example USA launched 320 cruise missile vs Irak..and it was destroyed almost all country!…USA launched 120 cruise missile vs Libya..and all military assets were destroyed!….therefore USA need 4.000 tomahawk to destroy Syria and of course the entire US navy fleet deployede there!…so keep on Dreaming..


what kind of evil dog are you?people like you will suffer when god intervenes on this shit show called planet earth

Joe Kerr

All Hezbollah needed to send the Israeli navy home crying was one C-802 hitting the INS Hanit. China can do much better now.


Does that kind of talk make you hard?

David Parker

I used to believe that shit too. Then I found out the Mig-17 and Mig-21 could outfight the F-4 and F-8. Until Top Gun was started up again, the loss was 1-1 against poorly trained North Vietnamese pilots.
Piss the Russians off enough, and the entire carrier group will be on the bottom of the Mediterranean. A year ago Putin revealed hypersonic missiles with unlimited range – that means they can be launched from anywhere against a target anywhere in the world – and there is no defense against them. With enough provocation, the Russian MOD can target every aircraft carrier in the world and within two hours they are all on the bottom all over the world. The Su-35 is no joke either. For one thing, it works and the F-35 doesn’t. Israel is careful not to piss off the Russians again after they were read the riot act over intentionally murdering 15 Russian crewmen on that IL-20.
The problem is the Russians only have doomsday weapons, no toys. Meanwhile the US demon state keeps goading the Russians. They actually believe they can survive a nuclear war and to hell with “we the people”.


Time to liberate Idlib from the US, Saudi and Israeli-backed terrorists!


Thats like nailing Jesus(as) followers to the cross.

You can call me Al

DO what ?.


Playing tough against the little guy, and not lifting a finger against nato or zios.

Benjamin NAZIyahu

hell yes. Syrian defence minister just got serious about it. Russian airstrikes increasing. this summer will be lit

Jaffar al-Majmuni

This should be “hell”? Two little explosions, and those fuckers can even film it and happydrive with their little fake ambulance? Bomb the shit out of them 24/7!! until whole “Idlib” is just a crater. I wanna see daisy cutters, napalm, phosphor, clusterbomb the shit out of them, send them to their sheytan!


Sheik Osama Bin Laden(rh) is AlYamaniZaman, InShahAllah(swt).

David Parker

That would be just like what the USAF did to Raqqa and Mosul – 99% of the dead were civilians who happened to be living there when the CIA head choppers took over and have been unable to escape ever since. I’ll never forget the picture of a little arm stretched out from under a massive hunk of concrete with her doll clutched in her hand. The Syrian Arab Army is brave enough to take losses rather than kill their own people.
That is the result of your “kill them all and let God sort them out” bullshit. I would gladly kill every USAF pilot who would drop a 500# bomb on a city just because the infantry is too chickenshit to kill the demons who hide behind women and children.
Never forget – the demons are recruited, paid, armed, and supplied by the CIA at the direction of MOSSAD. Basically the Zionists spend our money and use our Department of “Defense” to attack Israel’s chosen enemies. Don’t forget that SOB Erdogan does everything to supply and protect the head-chopping Muslims: He is one of them.

Jens Holm

Oneliners like Yours only should have one line.

Hasbara Hunter

No-Liners like yours don’t need words….

Jens Holm

I forgot. You are from a country, where silence is golden or else You will be dead.

Hasbara Hunter

I say whatever I want dipshit…that is called freedom of speech..

Olie H

Your brain is dead, decomposing already.

Olie H

And here you are, trying ‘oneliner’… and failing miserably as usual.

Jens Holm

Maybee I meant eyeliner – iddijot.

Olie H

You meant “eyeliner – iddijot”. Wtf that means you brainless, drooling imbecile?

David Parker

I would say kiss mine, but you would enjoy it.


while i agree with most of what you say i do take issue with you saying the infantry is too chicken shit to kill the demons who hide behind women and children the aussie infantry and i presume the american soldiers as well were chomping at the bit to fight those isis dogs and were horrified to find out that they were in syria to help those monsters id like to also add that some pilots in the american coalition were deliberately missing targets to save the lives of innocents

Jaffar al-Majmuni

I agree with most of that, but there is one thing: its Idlib. It wasnt a nice place before the war, and it is a very strange place now. The people who didnt leave, almost support islamists.


NOT Hell at all, just few bombing and that is. What happens is that everything has been so quit here that few bombs look like the hell. I am afraid that Russia will continue stopping SAA offensive in Idlib because Russia wants to protect Turkey and its terrorists here (economical and commercial interests with Turkey first, Syria maybe later on).

Tudor Miron

It seems that “ambulance” is on a hurry heading opposite direction. I’ve heard that while white helmets are very good at movie making but get a littleshaky when things start happening for real.


When the bomb went off at the Boston marathon, the special forces from Craft International hoped into their black SUV’s and ran like rabbits.
Not a single one rendered assistance to the injured.
Why were special forces at the Boston Marathon?

David Parker

“… special forces from Craft International hoped (that word is “hopped”) … .”
Really! Who or what is “Craft International”?
What was the purpose of that bombing anyway? Shakeup Boston? Soften people to bend over for cops? Conditioning people to let cops knock down doors without a warrant?

David Parker

Don’t kill the civilians who are trapped there by the CIA army of head-chopping Muslims.

Cheryl Brandon

SUPPORT PEACE CANDIDATE MIKE GRAVEL 2020 ; Otherwise, the world faces a reign of terror by IMPERIALIST USA helped by Saudi.Israhell

Jens Holm

A very good picture telling very well, how You are allowed to see USA.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

because you see USA as the loving angelic peaceful country, right :)
tell that to the Koreans, Vietnamese, and Japanese they’d love to hear that from you
poor little dutchman, can’t get anything right these days

Jens Holm

I dont see USA like that at all.

We are partners in the Western world economy as well as in Nato. Its dominated by Europeans and even they sometimes are strange, we are too.

I already has told the world as here, what I have been thinking during time about things.


And Serbs

Jens Holm

Errrhh, serbs too. Dont forget them. They made WW1 after second and first Balkan war in 1913 and 1912.

People around them all asked and begged to be serbs and unite as 5 days against Mecca.

And the Bosniaks declared the war split up first Slovenia, and next they provoked war between Croats and Serbs by the never fascist named as Tudjman and Milisopiss.

And the all were provoled by Jewish zionists from America hiding in Garzde, sevrenicia and other already very infected area. Zionist even cut their curly hair as camouflage.

I million people in Kosovo never left, but got free Tourisme pass to Albania, where they belong as well as they all fired themselves as public implpoyed inclusive the jewish-Islamic University.

And of course Mossad started the war by provocations in Vukovar as well :(


“They made WW1 after second and first Balkan war in 1913 and 1912.”

You actually believe that, the brainwashing worked well on you