Russian Warplanes Hammer Militants Near Key U.S. Base In Syria

Russian Warplanes Hammer Militants Near Key U.S. Base In Syria

A Russian Su-24 strike aircraft in the sky over the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. Photo: Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novosti

Warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) had targeted hideouts used by militants in the governorates of Homs and Deir Ezzor in central and eastern Syria, according to the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria.

In two separate statements released on September 25 and 26, Captain 1st Rank Oleg Ignasyuk, deputy chief of the center, said that two separate waves of strikes hit four and eight hideouts in the two governorates.

“In the provinces of Homs and Deir Ezzor, the VKS delivered strikes on four hideouts, used by militants who left the al-Tanf zone,” the Russian official said in both statements.

Around 200 U.S. troops are usually deployed at a garrison in al-Tanf, along with hundreds of militants from a proxy group known as the Syrian Free Army. The U.S. maintains a 55-kilometer no-fly zone around al-Tanf. However, VKS warplanes fly over the garrison on a regular basis.

Attacks on government forces in Homs and Deir Ezzor increased in recent months. Most of the attacks were blamed on ISIS, which rarely claims responsibility.

The U.S. claims that it is present in al-Tanf to counter ISIS. However, the real purpose of the garrison is to block the strategic Damascus-Baghdad highway. The garrison is also reportedly being used as an outpost to collect intelligence, facilitate Israeli attacks against Syria and train militants.

Syrian and Russian officials accused U.S. forces in al-Tanf of training and arming militants, including members of ISIS, more than once in the past.

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Conan M

now we know where russia “stands”… or should i say “kneels” with respect to the tribe.
“lavrov reminded the world that russia is committed to ensuring i$rael’s security”…. mr. lavrov, tell mr. “pootie-poot” his money in the west (along with your’$” in western banks will remain safe) and “why” you will “never” leave the western run un/unsc den of inequity that is built on fiat trade with no intentions of sound money and free markets with actual price discovery “ever”!

Last edited 20 days ago by Conan M

russia is obsessed with adolf society, military marches and closet ghey activities, this madness should stop and russia becomes normal

Conan M

no actually those obsessions are not the problem at all. it has everything to do with idolatry and the worship of alchemy as a business making money out of nothing and keeping that business going under the guise of a globalist nwo. russia in fact is showing itself to be just like it’s western counterparts and is “okay” with the idea that a hundred thousand of it’s own dead (and counting) that will remain nameless in the history books…

Last edited 20 days ago by Conan M
Conan M

… is all part of just doing regular business which is why it is satisfied to accommodate the west because it’s money, wealth, power and influence is tied up in western institutions like a “gordian knot” at the expense of it’s peoples and the rest of the world…. looks like those “5 dancing devils in lower manattan” 23 years ago have not only more than 1 visa, but speak the same language when it comes to the master(s) that make them possible!…

Last edited 20 days ago by Conan M

just stfu with all that sh*t for a start you drongo china invented money. just go back to grade 3 and start again. the catholic knights templar, they who worship the temple of solomon, the catholic knights, created banking. they stole” money “from china they weren’t americans you numbskull. they were were roman catholics they created switzerland. theyve run banking. since.

Last edited 20 days ago by Anonymous

and marco polo wasn’t presbyterian, nor was christopher columbus.

Conan M

ahhh… ahhhh… a-j**!… excuse you!!…
i only wish the sneeze could kill the “vile weed”!!!

Last edited 20 days ago by Conan M

alchemy was in order to turn lead into gold. its chemistry.

Conan M

2. a seemingly magical power or process of transmuting. a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way

like a fiat monetary system!

Last edited 20 days ago by Conan M
Crocus Shooting Gallery

its you and me who are gay here, dont pretend little adolf :)

love you! heheheh

Shock and Awe

you would know all about closet ghey activities..


at least try to change your style with your names


knights kneel on one knee before their monarch mind controlled class war team leader.


nasi is hebrew for knight. socialism isn’t spelled zocialism.


“nothing is what it seems” qe2.


grow up you child they aren’t going to be shipping tons of gold around whenever they want to shop

orthodox haters sicpufs

fullovit copy and paste king,cope!


any news of the r.f. munition depots at tikhoretsk and toropets destroyed by ukr drones?

did the tikhoretsk attack destroy 2,000 or 30,000 tonnes of munitions, costing the r.f. fully 2-3 months’ worth of supplies?

“thirty thousand tonnes exploded – that is 750, 000 shells.. ..we will see the consequences in the coming weeks.” said estonian intel chief col. kiviselg.

but can al-jazeera be believed? can anyone?


does it even matter?
the russians have ramped up production of basically everything tenfold and more. one or ten depots hit wont alter the inevitable outcome much.

its only good for eurotard flathead nazi pr victories.


‘does it even matter?’ i thinks so.

if true the implication would that key munitions centres with expensive weaponry (and people, remember them?) can be destroyed by cheap and worryingly undetected drones. these were not stormshadow nor other expensive or complex missiles.

if the west’s primary aim is “to weaken r.f.” as blackrock admits, such attacks (albeit incrementally) do exactly that.


black rock is saturn saturn worship is the vatican. switzerland is their creation black rock manages the biggest weapons makers on the planet by vatican rule of corporate law black rocks ceo must maximise its customers profits any and every way possible. without getting caught doing anything illegal. they are not allowed to get caught that’s the law. in a nutshell.


look at these pathetic moderators with their “waiting for approval” denial of their alleged free speech utter b/s and then they just delete comments that aren’t consistent with soros agendas


fraud vitiates everything proof is concrete.

orthodox haters sicpufs

blackrock are lieing pufs who lied everytime,so where is the link with factual evidence well?

Joseph Day

whatever. it didn’t save ugledar. plenty of shells fell on it, so i dont think russia is concerned. im sure they have plenty


if r.f. isn’t ‘concerned’ about the potential loss of key munitions so cheaply it needs a new military leader.

it’s hypocritical to habitually cheer the capture, say, of another ‘small village in donetsk’ (which has been russian since 2022 btw) just to shrug off the loss of 750,000 shells as irrelevant.

wars are won by strategy, tactics and management. no football team was ever successful with a leaky defence

Professore Saviano

…. they’ll just produce more and also trade china, north korea, and iran for more. what is of importance is battlefield dominance and air superiority. and the fact that sanctions against the ru not only did not work — but completely backfired. the ru economy is doing better than most considering the global financial system is in recession possibly going to depression. no nation in any war is completely impervious to successful attacks. are you kidding?

Last edited 20 days ago by Professore Saviano

no country is impervious. even the best football teams concede goals. what they won’t do, however, is concede as many as others or concede ‘avoidably’ or ‘softly’.

munition centres being hit by cheap drones is ‘soft’. the kursk fiasco wholly ‘avoidable’.

sucess emboldens ukr, spins the yankee $$$ presses, prolongs the conflict and ultimately costs still more r.f. lives/resources (regardless of the strong r.f. economy).


the yankee dollar is a fraud its a petro dollar controlled by the oil producers which is the windsor family via bp and its subsidiaries, the dutch maxima through their royal shell company and the house of saud rockefellers are just one quarter.


and fraud vitiates everything. that’s basically natural law.

Ancient Roman

it wasn’t a ‘fiasco’ it was a trap…….


a fiendish trap, eh? no doubt, baited with key r.f infrastructure (trains, bridges, power plants etc), civilians to be held hostage/tortured, farms/homes to destroy?

if you believe r.f. is prepared to open borders and throw their people to the nzi scum as a ‘trap’ then either (a) i have a nice bridge to sell you or (b) the kr*mlin is komplicit and krumblin’.

orthodox haters sicpufs

are you gai,dumb or simply just both? you dont have the real resources dumass,
you may buy 3rd rate milta gear at best next to russia + chinas,get over it flog!

orthodox haters sicpufs

well bleckrock you worship kill twelve fold more ukranians than russians,
whats your point? your going down,enjoy your hell whole blackrock gimp!


why does putin visit the vatican? why did pelosi visit the vatican on her way to taiwan? why does every “american” president have to go and kiss the popes ring? why don’t they have a choice? just wake up you retarded half witted dead*hits

Huckelberry finn

remember those depots that burnt in romania and all over ukraine? you don’t seem so concerned about how many weapons were destroyed there, although nato can’t produce them on an equal footing with russia. which “team” is leaking more weapons and troops on a daily basis on the battlefield? why did trump tell zelenski war is over if he gets elected?

orthodox haters sicpufs

just a liein wank,wheres the truth?

Crocus Shooting Gallery

why wont they hammer my colon?
my pooper needs some attention. anyone?



ill do it. as a fellow gay dei hire and nafotard par excellance, i can even lick it clean after i fill you up!


russia needs becoming peaceful and happy! maybe multiculture would make russia a happy society with more fun. let’s open russia to the world, give a russian person a hug, and maybe russia unfreezes and becomes joyful again.


russia is already multicultural, but idiot flatheads like you with public education refuse to aknowledge that fact.

and russia will be happy once all you nazis in eurotardlands and that pissbritish island are gone.


everywheres multi cultural. except israel and to some extent africa.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

you can be happy in my pooper! you did good last night honey! heheheh


as long as the jewish scum is allowed to dominate the skies over lebanon and syria they will continue the genocide and the landgrabbing and operating concentration camp gaza. thus russia should provide a number of high-tech sam robots to down a few of the jews f35s and that would change the face of the battle about palestine! in fact it will force the jews to run for their miserable thieving lives!


in fact, russia should provide a number of late date jets and a handfull or two of fab bombs that could be aimed at tel aviv from the skies over syria and iraq. that would be a game changer! and lavrovs concerns about the jews must be moderated so that it more or less forces the jews to quit their genocide, their landgrabbing and their concentration camp gaza! not a small task but the russians can get it done!

V for Victory

until al tanf will be levelled by russians there will never be a ‘victory’ over isis… sad but true…

US Empire Of Misery

us is harboring terrorists inside the illegal military base in syria. and not only in syria probably in many other countries it occupies under the guise of nato as well.


všetko je to pekné, ale mohli by začať likvidovať tých teroristov, ktorí sa skrývajú tiež na základniach usa!!! lebo nech mi nik nevraví, že to tak nie je. mysleniu zdar a svetu mier!!!


u.s. & coalition forces that have invaded/pillaged iraq and syria have “illegally” been occupying/squatting on pieces of iraq and syria real estate for years and must be removed from these countries immediately.

orthodox haters sicpufs

cant get cia oils out from syria,lol!

Last edited 18 days ago by orthodox haters sicpufs