Russian Small Missile Ship Reportedly Destroyed By ATACMS Strikes In Sevastopol Last Night (Map Update)

Russian Small Missile Ship Reportedly Destroyed By ATACMS Strikes In Sevastopol Last Night (Map  Update)

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On the night of May 19, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted another massive attack on the Russian rear regions. LINK One of the targets for Ukrainian drones and NATO missiles again was the Crimean peninsula.

According to the local reports, the western coast of Crimea was first targeted by UAVs that were launched from several directions from the southern areas under the Ukrainian control. Russian air defense forces were active in the areas of the Cape Tarkhankut and the city of Yevpatoria.

The drone strikes were aimed to distract Russian air defense forces. Soon after they were intercepted, Ukrainian/NATO military launched another massive attack with the US-made ATACMS missiles. The main target of the attack was presumably the Sevastopol Bay that hosts some ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

According to unconfirmed local reports, in total, 12 ATACMS missiles targeted the Crimean peninsula. As officially claimed by the Russian Ministry of Defense, nine of them were destroyed by Russian air defense forces deployed in the area of Sevastopol. Three missiles reportedly hit one of the berths in the bay, where one of the ships was located.

Russian Small Missile Ship Reportedly Destroyed By ATACMS Strikes In Sevastopol Last Night (Map  Update)

Illustrative Image

Unconfirmed reports claimed that as a result of the attack, the Cyclone small missile ship sank in the sea port of Sevastopol. It was presumably hit by two ATACMS missiles. 6 servicemen of the Black Sea Fleet were reportedly killed, 11 others were wounded. These reports are yet to be confirmed by any footage from the spot or the satellite imagery.

The attack on Crimea and Russian rear regions was coordinated by the RQ-4B Global Hawk of the US Air reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force.


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Icarus Tanović

this must be avenged! they main target of this atrocities is now become west crimea. it us very visible that they want to continue offensive from kherson and in zhaporozhie directions.
next time global hawk should be turned into sushi tuna sandwich. enough is enough.

Massa John

it was a nice ship, so it will be replaced twice. case closed!

Cornish Gamehen

chew terrorist strategies. while a military target it’s hardly relevant given the shape of the war


shutup keyboard hero


unlike houthis, russia seems having no ball to attack natostan’s ren aircraft hoovering above black sea.


i dont think its about balls its all still about business interests thats why it took them a year or more to start attacking ukrainian infrastructure. some russian businessmen and friends of putin still thought they will have a way to salvage their investments.

Ma Laoshi

i have to say, i’ve also basically had it with russian warnings and whinings. any aircraft, manned or not, which is collecting actionable targeting data is waging war against the russian federation. if russia chooses to allow this, without any meaningful retaliation, then get ready to lose a good deal more ships.

Jewish Cockroaches

russia should leave ukraine without ports and no access to the black sea. take odessa now!

jens holm

you are just another far out example.

you still expect they and the rest of their supperds are sitting ducks and less clever then you.

thats also why ussr is no more. in military matters you also have no idea about taking odessa. russia has no tools for that fro, land, sea and land at all.

they can bombarde it and do. those are the facts not your know nothing level.


pft. of course there are tools. odessa is not want to be wiped to the ground, that is one real reason. urban warfare is an all-consuming total war, and that is what russia is now trying to avoid. more effective tactics are seen in the north. artillery, rockets, drones, uav’s, missiles… equipment and manpower are saved. taking odessa is the opposite. it would be strategically wise, but not tactically reasonable just now.

jens holm

thats right taking odessa is a terrain thing.

you go north or by the sea.


the primary target for the disunited states of avarice has always been crimea and as is known, the yankee doodle craps never forget and never forgive so here it is, target crimea and russia with whatever is avaiable and putin should never have secured crimea for russia’s interests. it’s a god given right that crimea belongs to the crapped out disunited states!


go join the fight then or stfu


your iq (intelligent quote) seems to be below par or at least close to zero! hold your breath for say 6 minutes and see how it works – will cheer the community here no end!

jens holm

not at all. the primariry change before peter the 205 cm and katarina hore was taking land from others.

that goes for not only for cossacs and tatars but also roumania, bulgaria, konstaninopel and of caucasus.

thats what the krim wars was. it also is erased the last tzar were promised istanbull as reward to the last russia tzar in writing but missed you selfcreated chaos where no needed reforms were made where communists took the russian people by force.


jens holm

usa was not there. they not even had own ships for trade there. maybee you should study roosters, hens and own rotten eggs and a calender🐤🐤🐤🐤🐤

its strictly forbiden to learn about it russia.

jens holm

it was given to ukraine by krustov and´was a trade object in % of ussr.

if any the ukras maybee would have the belgorod region. its old russian-ukrainers instead of russian imigrants and some tatars.

jenski holmchuk

inferior nato lose to superior russian—ukie deported me to denmark when i was denied entry to kiev academy of potato farmer–now i am senile service dog–0 id

Shoot down Global Hawks

how many more must be damaged until the russian mod starts shooting down all western drones over the black sea? shoot them all down. they are not there on missions of peace

V2 for Victory

btw they are also unmanned, so no victims to cry for. just send to the spy drone a friend called s-400.

jens holm

you confirm well why some 40 countries are active helpers aganst the russian blindfolded infects.

i send a extra grenade for them. russians makes free progaganda for the whole world. thanks for that. all taxpayers here are happy 🎈🎈🎈

Dick Von D'Astard

southfront building up the case for the destruction of rq-4b global hawk drones.

jens holm

not a all. sf is not late but too often also are too fast.

Massa John

it’s not the time to sink carriers or blow-up subs…not yet.

Massa John

it’s time to prepare the next referendum.

jens holm

we you well.

you only use for smoking. you could try opium from afghistan, which could calm you down.

we have seen no sign for that. vodka only only for your cars is an option too.

Paul Scesniak

am sorry to read this. you might consider more assertively keeping the nato targeting assets at bay. or could you jam their signals?

jens holm

i see it as both send anything they have and can. so its bay too,


russia is slowly being dismantled. when nato does enter the war, russia will only have nukes and no one to push the button.

get ready to be fagotized russia.

jens holm


Last edited 4 months ago by jens holm

is this going to occur on a time scale of several millennia? meanwhile, who’s left in the failed ukrainian cia project?

jens holm

kremlin made it. i still dont exist outside russia.

russia soon might donate to usa for it. they have woken up potemkin and munchausen for it.

hitler said no. no jews as leaders.


i think russian ships in harbor should always be on high alert with active defenses on.who knows, maybe the british had a team of sas with laser designators pointed at the ship for them to hit the ship so accurately when we know gps is being jammed.

jens holm

very much you are knowledge is jammed by putin. you live in isolated past.


putin is utterly scared of the us. that’s why he hasn’t done anything everytime they crossed every one of his red lines : western tanks, f-16, atacms 300 km range, nato boots on the ground, western weapons used to attack russia proper, etc. it’s just rhetoric. should have taken the global hawk’s out of the sky by now, but he’s chicken. so, he will let the us and ukraine destroy the russian black sea fleet. not a lot of boats left


some typical nafomosexual propaganda memes. putin, putin, putin! meanwhile, how’s the ukrainian puppet doing?

jens holm

you dont get it. thats no ukraine.

some 40 countries for very good reasons them and their right. most russome 141 countries in un has asked your kind to retreat for no more warfare.

but of your are supported by belarus, assad, north korea and even eritrea.

jens holm

2. im sure china and china are laughing too. most russians hardly know whats going on there.

### west by cia plunder the already ussr pundred and spoiled ukraine ###

havnt you done enough there from 1917. best reegards from general denikin.

Double-Edged Sword

i don’t think he is scared i believe he is just building a case so when the time comes and russia retaliates all these attacks will be used as the reason why russian had to act and destroy targets outside of ukraine.


and why report this without confirmation?!

jens holm

there are. but you only get the version version.

Mr. Guldar Tate Esquire

why do they keep docking ships in range of the stacks and just letting them sit there? just so they can be destroyed? if these aren’t decoys the top naval commander needs to be fired.


because they are clinically retarded. same reason they keep losing fighter jets on air bases without hangars. i can see no other reason at this point.

jens holm

yes. they has only has planned they always are the attckers.

jens holm

russia only have very few options for repair. yards are very expensive.

V2 for Victory

”the attack on crimea and russian rear regions was coordinated by the rq-4b global hawk of the us air reconnaissance aircraft of the us air force.”

so us is accountable for the death of atleast 6 russian citizens (only considering this attack).

what russians are waiting for to shoot down those damned global hawk?


aww poor dead 6 orks, but you commi fagg0ts where happy bombing the fuck outta syria, you dumb clown 🤡🤡🤡


the us and vassals have conducted 20 000 airstrikes in syria, but there’s no need for you to call them “commi fagg0ts”.

jens holm

you ignore internation water treaty there. it fx says everything from the black sea can pass nato in instanbull.

there are several of them. russia ships also can pass the danish straits. if its heavy strom there, they can go a big safe bay as well.

V2 for Victory

an act of war is not necessarly made inside your water, you danish tr0lling rotten brain :d and no, danish ships don’t go to danish straits to wage war against your puppy country :d :d

jens holm

you dont get it at all.

you just deny treaties decided by the whole world.

it seemes you not know where the danish straits are. so i try the mallaca strait at singapore. its same thing.

the black sea is not russia waters at all. potent hostile ships has limits in time only. by that russia(the ussr leftover ruin) has full acces in and out by istanbul for navy as well as im- and export.

jens holm

its not trolling or anyhing else refering to laws decided for and by the whole world. mixing in your puppies dont cancel those facts.

before that ships were taxed fx by kronborg. some say hamlet lived there. nice castle with many canons.


heerrrr derrr zug zug ork die


soon the fleet will be gone, and russia will continue to warn the us and eu, just warn !

jens holm

the russia marines now have svimming lessons.


putin!!! carpet bombing with fab 3000 only.

jens holm

you can mail them in a zip file.


still can’t understand why russia hasn’t taken out those spy drones — or at least fry their electronics with their electronic warfare capabilities like they did with the uss donald cook 10 years ago.

jens holm

thats right. you are are tricked by your own state about that too.


just destroy the rq-4b global hawk , in order to send a clear message to the nazis. dont be a pussy, the world is watching you

jens holm

i which country. no nazis decide in ukraine as well has here.

they and their reasons are elected away since ww2.

Peppe il Sicario

more bs zio propaganda parroted by the big nose small hat club at south front, a front for 🔯

jens holm

when you die you would not even be recycled.

Peppe il Sicario

to remind you, eating daily bags of syphilis dicks is bad for your mental health, not that you had much to begin with!!

Malcolm Z

where are the images that proves it?…last time i only saw fake photos of 2 supposedly s-400 destroyed showing an zil-135 of uragan rockets sytem as if it was a s-400 launcher or ex ukrainians mig 29 destroyed as if it were mig 31…

jens holm

thats might be right. but you can the picture much better if you compare with other sources.

the world here is not as russia elect between one bipolars person


you are bipolar and retarded

jens holm


we should have one ear, one eye, one arm, one leg and have only 2 fingers and toes as well.

added a bigger mouth we would have your world.

ofihenya jensova holmenko

jensi, o jensi, stop jerkng off on the internet watching gomo p*rn and come make my breakfast

jens holm

wai peoples gived tumbs down to my waif?

jens holm

0 id wrote that too.


time to destroy the nato junk in the nlack sea

Jewish Cockroaches

yeah i vote 100% for that unanimously

jens holm

the most part of the black sea is international waterand and instand bul too mrs and mr infant moron too.


instand bull who regularly bangs your wifey?!

jens holm

thats no comment.

well done if you has only has used your tail🙈

CIA agents BUSTED in Congo

jewish c.i.a agents busted in congo trying to spread american poison ie. coups. congratulations to the congolese for busting the tribesmen

Last edited 4 months ago by CIA agents BUSTED in Congo
jens holm

are you dead and they try to spread you out too. so funny.

Jewish Cockroaches

russia take odessa leave the nazis without ports cut them off completely from the black sea.

Gneaus stapo

russian fantasy plot, looking forward to watch it in cinema


schnauze du braune kacke

jens holm

another russia funny version.

russians try to us die laughing too 🧑‍🦽🦽👨‍🦽👩‍🦽🐤🦆


most of the posters here are not russian you idiot


when will the russians wake up to the fact these are nato attacks and send a reply? not just shoot the missiles down.

jens holm

they cant. i have missed that too.


well they can, what are nato going to do about it ?

jens holm

nato, eu and others does a lot.

we now again spend a little more in warfare.

putin is helping hand. so far he has joined sweden and finland too.