Russian Security Forces Detained Two Ukrainian Spies In Crimea

Russian Security Forces Detained Two Ukrainian Spies In Crimea


Two Russians that had been informing Ukrainian intelligence agencies of the Black Sea Fleet actions were detined in Simferopol, Crimea.

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation reports that it has detined Russian citizens Sukhonosova Anna Stanislavovna and Dolgopopov Dmitry Alexandrovitch. The latter was a member of the Russian military stationed in Crimea. During the questioning he admitted passing sensitive data to the Ukrainian Intelligence. Charged with treason, they are facing a 20 year prison sentence.

According to RIA, Crimean government considers the reason Ukraine engaged in espionage was because blocking and threatening Crimea proved inefficient.

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Melotte 22

Scumbags deserve bullet in the head.


Is ‘Alexandrovitch’ a jewish name ?

Tudor Miron

No, Hist last name is Dolgopopov and Alexandrovich means his father was Alexandr. It’s like Vlarmir Vladimirovich Putin :) Or Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov :)


Thanks for the answer .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Spasibo za tvoy otvet.

Brother Ma

And a good beating.not enough to kill or permanently maim but to make them cry out for their mothers and wish they had never been born.


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