Russian Sabotage Group Landed On Ukrainian Bank Of Dnieper And Destroyed 30 Ukrainian Servicemen

Russian Sabotage Group Landed On Ukrainian Bank Of Dnieper And Destroyed 30 Ukrainian Servicemen

Illustrative Image: Ukrainian servicemen on boat

On March 13, Russian forces carried out a successful raid on the western bank of the Dnieper river. As a result of the risky operation, Russian servicemen inflicted significant losses to the Ukrainian garrison in the Kherson region.

The attack took place on the night of March 12. Russian servicemen managed to destroy Ukrainian control point of UAV operations, an EW station, and a point of temporary deployment. As a result of the operation, up to 30 militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were eliminated.

The results of the operation were reported by the Russian governor of the Kherson region.

“Marines, paratroopers and volunteers disembarked from the boats near the Antonovsky Bridge. Due to the suddenness, the enemy did not have time to timely react,” the head of the region said.

After completing the combat mission, the Russian scouts retreated to the eastern bank of the Dnieper without irretrievable losses.


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nice work brothers, forward…

the booby hatch

but, but…….the ukrainians are winning!

the booby prize of modern warfare.

jens holm

budanov say fur everey brave uka solder killed, he kill ten civiliuns in russland.

he say he learn dat frum old war books germans leeve behind in 1940tees

Kev not Kiev

hell yeah, fluff up their nut sacks for this one. payback for their terror attack on the civilian family in their car last week. none can say those ukronazis didn’t have this payback comming. putin needs to award these boys personally, after he wins his next term in office.


“fluff up” ur moms ass layers champ. watch ur language, drunk wastoid.



i love a classic commando raid.

James Hodgkiss

makes me laugh how paratroopers arrive by boat. how about large drones?

Joseph Day

like hamas

Kev not Kiev

that’s what caught the ukronazis off guard too… they didn’t jump out of helicopters…

Georgeous George

why? too risky. a fab would have achieved the same.

Joseph Day

but good training excercise


this kind of operation keeps the enemy confused, they have to be alert and keep extra troops there just in case, not in this area only, but in all similar areas.

Kev not Kiev

a su34 can be detected by radar and the terrorists hit their deep bunkers and return to duty after bombardments, this method clearly paid off.


bravo, this is just the start. the tide has turned.


the tide turned in 2014 when the us overthrew ukraine’s democracy and turned it into a genocidal banderite fascist state and those in the donbass and crimea said ‘hell, no!!!’

then the us tried to turn it around and pretend they were ‘defending democracy’. who’re you trying to kid, america?

Last edited 1 year ago by Apocalypto
jens holm

my brain sabotage by electroshock and sniffing glue for 63 years

jens holm

i never wrote that

jens holm

i’m did wrote that. sorry my dementia is acting up. it’s contagious. i got it from joe after our skinny dipping midnight romp together in the pool and subsequent love making on the lawn chairs.

jens holm

i just pretended to be a 5 year old girl and joe was none the wiser🤭 👰🏼‍♂️👰🏼‍♂️👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨


you’ve been brainwashed by an infestation of hallucinogenic hopping toads into denmark that took over your government and media, so whatever you ‘wrote’ is only a direct result of severe intoxication from licking their hindsides.

Last edited 1 year ago by Apocalypto

whatever and anyway dont matter if you wrote or what you wrote, cause its always only braindead propaganda dogshit from a hasbara-nato troll.

Edgar Zetar

jens holm is an army unit of morons who are just playing games with sf readers. beware!


jens holm is a one-man army of morons all rolled into one dumb-arsed danish dimwit. lol

jens holm

i never wrote that but i can’t deny it.

jens holm

can not help it. dat glue smell like uncles crotch when he babysit me. many fondle memoreys

Edgar Zetar

nothing new, russia is crushing ukrainians and nato soldiers…. boring…. they are peaches to the meat grinder of the russian army

Massa John

russia is more than save. please don’t anyone take a repeat on this. the russian forces will take care of the scum thats done all of what we’ve been forced to face.

Kev not Kiev

you are correct. everytime russia takes out the foreign mercs, the bootjacks beating up truckers, yellow vests and farmers lose more man power from their corrupt ranks engaging in ‘un treason’ complicity.

jens holm

after gonad removal surgery mt senility worse but now i not pay for diapers cuz denmark rich and we all need diapers
