Russian Precision Strikes And Sudden Deaths Of NATO Officers

Russian Precision Strikes And Sudden Deaths Of NATO Officers

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On March 26, Russian military sources reported a successful missile strike on the Ukrainian military positions in the town of Chasov Yar located near Artyomovsk. According to the open sources, Russian Iskander ballistic missile destroyed an underground bunker, where Ukrainian command post was hidden.

Officers from NATO countries, in particular from the United States and Poland, were reportedly eliminated as a result of the strike at the command post. The foreigners were involved in coordination and command of the Ukrainian grouping in the strategically important direction.

NATO senior officers are largely involved in planning of Ukrainian defensive operations in the Donbas. Before the attack, there were reports that NATO ‘military advisers’ came to Chasov Yar amid the ongoing Russian advance in the Artyomovsk direction. On March 23, the Russian Ministry of Defense declared the full Russian control of the village of Krasnoe (Ivanovskoe) located near Chasov Yar.

Soon after the strike, Ukrainian ambulance aircraft were spotted heading to Poland.

Russian Precision Strikes And Sudden Deaths Of NATO Officers

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On the same day, on March 26, Polish sources reported the sudden death of the Polish Brigadier General Adam Marczak. The Operational Command of the Armed Forces of Poland soon confirmed the reports.

“The unexpected death of Mr. General occurred due to natural causes, in his spare time,” the military department reported.

The Polish officials indicated, “the relatives and friends of the deceased were notified of the incident and assured of full support.” Thus, the high-ranked officer did not die at home.

The ‘sudden death’ of the Polish Brigadier General provoked suspicions that he could be eliminated as a result of the Russian precision strike in the Ukrainian town of Chasov Yar, where Mr. Marczak could ‘pass his spare time’. It is possible that he was killed in any previous Russian precision strikes in the Ukrainian rear areas.

Mr. Marczak was chief of staff of the Allied Operation Althea command, the EU-led military missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Polish contingent involved in it numbered only up to 50 soldiers who perform training and consulting tasks. Brigadier General Marczak also was the head of the Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Directorate in the General Command until July 2021. He served in the 6th Airborne Brigade, and then in the headquarters of the Special Forces directorate. He also held command positions in military missions in Afghanistan.

Together with the death of Mr. Marczak, the Polish military published several more obituaries of servicemen from the special forces and the NBC defence troops.

Besides Marczak, Poland recognized the deaths of five more servicemen in March: on March 26, the death of a 30-year-old special forces soldier as a result of an avalanche during mountain exercises on the Polish-Slovak border, two sappers of the 5th Tarnovskogorsky Chemical regiment reportedly died as a result of the detonation in the Silesian Voivodeship on March 25, and two soldiers were reportedly ran over on March 5 at a training ground in the Drava-Pomeranian voivodeship.

NATO countries refuse to officially recognize the presence of their forces on the territory of Ukraine, despite numerous evidences. In order to hide the truth, the NATO military, including in the United States, Canada, and Italy, published reports of “sudden and natural deaths” of their officers, who, as it turned out later, “visited Ukraine.” Of course, it is difficult to reliably confirm the causes of the deaths of NATO generals, but certain patterns arouse reasonable suspicion.


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got the link for this site from someone from zeroedge, he way right, this site is literally garbage lol


u don’t like it so pls off and don’t come back,


i couldn’t have put it better.

Ivan Skavinsky Skavar

he will come back anyways, it’s like love-hate. jens comes back, tom comes back. even gestapo disappears for longer than the others, but once in a while he also comes back. that said “lucky ukrie” will also come back. stockholm syndrome

Massa John

behind every name you mentioned + your name + so much more names is the very same troll, who writes never to content and knows only 20 words in english, while 10 of then are not more then vulgarities.of the lowest order.

troll profiler

i dont think they are the same guy. their distinct mannerism is just too difficult to fake, specially the wording. for a long time and they have been trolling here for years, also a reason. besides, considering the time zones (they login in different times) it would be too challenging.

Last edited 10 months ago by troll profiler
Massa John

but i do, it’s not only syntax, the semantics are like watching eggs in a carton.

AM Hants

they need to for their target bonus.


gestapo stapo, lol

somebody could make a comic book series about that idiot.


“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud. amerikunts cannot think except by means of slogans—they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity of amerikunts has long been a topic of hilarity in europe. ” paul fussell


“amerikunts are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind primitive and peurile lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to any standardization”. julius evola

An American

i couldn’t agree more.

Ted W

some of us kunts are on your side.


we like moron amerikunt nazi at soutfront—you are my hillbilly hero…do you prefer snort glue or inhale fentanyl?

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“amerika requires a stupified population”. christopher lasch


it doesn’t say what you like


i seek transgender husband website


not sure- i follow this site from early syria war , and everything what they published and was bashed by jewish owned media turn out to be true after years.


lol, most what zerohedge posts is identical to what’s being said here so whoever told you this site is garbage is a troll just like you.


oh, did your bubble burst? you believed ukraine was winning?


it’s not garbage. it’s great fun that offers so many opportunities to make fun of western fbars.

if you want garbage, read cnn, bbc, dw and the rest, where they’re afraid to even have a comment section

my favorites are the sister tabloids ny post and daily mail zionist rags, where they cheer for israeli genocide but then invent all sorts of nonsense about putin. no need to guess who runs those rags.

Last edited 10 months ago by Apocalypto

jak ci się nie podoba, to… wypad stąd!


ha! you had to have someone else inform you of south front? you’re a doofus. go slither back under your rock.


go cry to your mommy …


bravo, tot inainte spre dunare


dúfajme, že tých náhlych úmrtí bude teraz v radoch (zto) nato iba pribúdať. rusom ide teraz karta a ak dá sám pán boh, tak im to ešte dlho vydrží. svetu mier!!!


if soldiers go to ukraine to mess with russia, then sooner or later russia will mess them up. foreigners must go/stay home if they value their lives.


polish nazis are only second class nazis, because they are to dumb to stay alive.

pol=🤡 😆😆😆


🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


if sawyer had gonads i would let him lick my mulatto clit for a burger


us=🤡 😆😆😆


psionist enslaved besterds are dying like the bend over, worthless, filthy, hypocrite, sewer cucarachas they are. yippee ki yay mother frackers. stop the flow of weapons to israel and end the gaza genocide now.


my hillbilly amerikunt clit desperate for mulatto attention


if u look at this polish general is an was an old man who should have played with his grandchildren instead of been at war


foreign pigs…

Donald Moore

natural death huh, must be sudden death syndrome, like in a missile attack!!


they dont tell us anything about it. the media here hides their losses from us. they keep showing us ridicioules false numbers with extravigated russian losses. tbh i think ru losses are 10-20 times less in real life then what the official statistics here claim.

Last edited 10 months ago by Worldpeace

i also think the ukranian losses are much higher then they ever admit and that they are runnkng out of men and the fact nato is now loosing their own leadership in ukraine is obvious of that. maybe we finally get closer to a situation were a peacedeal can be achieved.


the war mongers in our governments are already openly talking about drafing our people to go and fight for the azov nazis in ukraine im against this its not our war. i dont want more escalation i hope that we can free ourselves from these wef young global leaders and end this terrible conflict at the negotiation table instead of sending our young men to die.


a polack general dies on a peacekeeping mission – find the mistake.

Hell Aviv

how many pollacks does it take to screw a lightbulb? 50. 1 to hold the lightbulb, the other 49 to turn the house around

Peter Jennings

one could say that these nato robots did die of natural causes. they took the piss with a modern russian army and naturally they died. this is a fight which the usadmin and its nato poodles started and soon the russian admin will finish it.

Hell Aviv

nato getting fried in ukraine. bring it on

Hell Aviv

just remember boys, article 5 was always a bluff


goodnight vienna.


good riddance and good fertilizer

Ivan Skavinsky Skavar

natural cause = a good old iskander


they don’t need to admit nato officers on ukrainian soil are killing russians. i just hope russia doesn’t miss any!

tom sawyer

“it is not russianism that will destroy the earth it is amerikanism–not only have the english fallen prey to it but all of western europe has as it represents modernity in all its monstrosity”. martin heidegger

stupo in germland

i like fall prey to amerikan mulatto lgbt


i ony like lgbt website

stupo in germland

try saxontrangenderhookups@hillbillydotcum

AM Hants

1/2 slightly off topic, but same crowd. the cargo ship ‘dali’ (why does salvador dali and his picture of broken bridge come to mind?), is led by an ukrainian and hits the bridge of a major us port. the media, trying to make out it was caused by a cyber attack, trying to point suspicion at a nation grieving.

AM Hants

2/2 the same media that is talking about civilian airlines, flying around poland and khaliningrad, being hit by electrical jamming. remember, m h 1 7 happened the last day of a hato exercise that involved jamming civilian airlines. so is it a coincidence, they are trying to plant seeds in the mind of the public, with regards russia, cyber attacks just before the false flag goes down?

AM Hants

ps – will they try to take out a civilian flight over poland in the coming week? to go with the largest hato exercise, in the area?


more natostan “peace keepers” sent to banderastan hell where these war mongering demon$ belong. all of urupp thanks mother russia for yet again destroying the anglozionazi bea$t of fascism that has hatched once more in the bowels of the evil eussr. z until the serpent is no more!
